Import module to namespace class - javascript

I need to import external library to namespace class
namespace GlobNS {
class A {}
import VSTS = require('ExtLib');
namespace GlobNS {
class B extends ExtLib.ISMTH{
prop1: string;
prop2: number;
declare module ExtLib {
interface ISMTH {
prop1: string;
prop2: number;
But compiler says: 'Property 'ISMTH' does not exist on type 'typeof 'ExtLib''
Also, why it does not works?
Typescript Playground

Seems you misplaced implements with extends keyword. Try to change your code to:
class B implements ExtLib.ISMTH {
prop1: string;
prop2: number;
It should work.


JavaScript - How to show interface suggestions for every typing

Hello I'm newbie at JavaScript and I wan to create a interface but the interface's variable's name is not gonna be a fix name. So the Interface have to return the suggestions for every name that I write.
Inside of my Interface file:
export interface ArchiveData {
id: string;
latest_reel_media: number;
seen?: any;
export interface Reels {
anyArchiveName: ArchiveData;
export interface ArchivedStoryDataResponse {
reels: Reels;
status: string;
The result with fixed name:
The result with another name; no suggestions:
Well, it's been a long time but I finally reached my goal 😅
export interface ArchiveData {
id: string;
latest_reel_media: number;
seen?: any;
export interface Reels {
[reel_id:string]: ArchiveData;// this line
export interface ArchivedStoryDataResponse {
reels: Reels;
status: string;

Sequelize / Typescript: Types of parameters 'values' and 'values' are incompatible

I'm trying to create a BaseModel from which all my models are inherited.
I'm also trying to create a separate method() function that can get any of my models as argument.
This is my example code:
import {
Model, Optional
} from 'sequelize'; // v6.3.5
interface DefaultAttributes {
id: number;
interface TestAttributes extends DefaultAttributes {
field: number;
class BaseModel<T extends DefaultAttributes> extends Model<T, Optional<T, 'id'>> {
static test() {
class MyModel extends BaseModel<TestAttributes> {
function method<T extends typeof BaseModel>(model: T) {
method(MyModel) // <<<<<< TypeScript ERROR
I've tried to do everything just as the documentation described.
I'm getting the following TypeScript error:
TS2345: Argument of type 'typeof MyModel' is not assignable to parameter of type 'typeof BaseModel'.   Types of parameters 'values' and 'values' are incompatible.     Type 'Optional<T, "id">' is not assignable to type 'Optional<TestAttributes, "id">'.       Property 'field' is missing in type 'Optional<T, "id">' but required in type 'Pick<TestAttributes, "field">'.
Can pls someone help me what did I do wrong, or how can I create a method that can receive any UniqueModel inherited from BaseModel?
Try this:
import {
Model, Optional
} from 'sequelize'; // v6.3.5
interface DefaultAttributes {
id: number;
interface TestAttributes extends DefaultAttributes {
field: number;
class BaseModel<T extends DefaultAttributes> extends Model<T, Optional<T, 'id'>> {
static test() {
class MyModel extends BaseModel<TestAttributes> {
function method<T extends BaseModel>(model: T) {

Typescript optional parameters overload

I have a class e.g.
class SomeClass {
someMethod(param1: string; param2?: string) { ... }
And another one that extends from fore
class AnotherClass extends SomeClass {
someMethod(param1: string) { ... }
Also I've got a third class that uses instance of one of these classes as generic e.g.
class ThirdClass<T extends SomeClass> {
instanceClass: T;
So I'm getting an error that someMethod in AnotherClass is not compatible with SomeClass, to solve the problem I should make an overload for someMethod in SomeClass :
someMethod(param1: string); // <-- overload
someMethod(param1: string; param2?: string) { ... }
Is there any other way to say TS that everything is ok?

How to call classes and function in type definition file?

I'm newbe in typescript and trying to use type definition file with typescript 2.2, (I'm using but can't get answer)I have the following type definition file
export as namespace mydefinition;
export namespace mynamespace {
interface Myinterface {
width: number;
height: number;
class MyClass {
constructor(attributes?: any);
addCell(cell: Cell): this;
I'm using the following line to import file and it success
import { mydefinition } from 'definitionfile';
How can I call the classes and function of this definition file?
Looks good to me. You are just missing the initialization of your myclass.
import { mydefinition } from './definitionfile';
export class classA implements mydefinition.Myinterface {
width: number;
height: number;
constructor() {
var test = new mydefinition.MyClass();

Cannot set property of Interface in TypeScript

I have create a simple interface
module Modules.Part
export interface IPart
PartId: number;
partNumber: string;
description: string;
then i have declare this interface in another interface
module Interfaces.Scopes {
export interface IPartScope extends ng.IScope {
part: Modules.Part.IPart;
vm: Controllers.PartCtrl;
i have use this interface in my class
module Controllers
export class PartCtrl
constructor(public scope:Interfaces.Scopes.IPartScope)
scope.part.PartId = 1;
scope.part.partNumber = "123part";
scope.part.description = "description";
when i am going to set property of IPart interface in my class it's give me following error
TypeError: Cannot set property 'PartId' of undefined
please let me know how to solve this
I'd say, you first need to initialize the part property of the PartCtrl.scope property (which you implicitly defining through the constructor):
constructor(public scope:Interfaces.Scopes.IPartScope)
scope.part = [initializer];
scope.part.PartId = 1;
scope.part.partNumber = "123part";
scope.part.description = "description";
Since the scope.part is of interface type IPart, you can't create an instance of it but rather have to resolve it somehow. For example:
export interface IActivator<T> {
new (): T;
export class PartCtrl<TPart extends IPart>
constructor(public scope:Interfaces.Scopes.IPartScope,
activator: IActivator<TPart>)
scope.part = new activator();
// ...
Now you can use the PartCtrl<TPart> in the following way:
export class ConcretePart implements IPart
public PartId: number;
public partNumber: string;
public description: string;
var ctrl = new PartCtrl(ConcretePart);
Hope this helps.
You can initialize the property "part" with an anonymous object.
scope.part =
PartId = 1;
partNumber = "123part";
description = "description";
Of course you can also define a class that implements IPart and instantiate it.

