I'm building an app using webpack and I'm trying to add some web workers, I'm using a built-in plugin to load them, but I followed the example here, the official repository, and I couldn't make it work.
My webpack.dev.js looks like this:
import webpack from 'webpack';
import assign from 'object-assign';
import webpackDevMiddleware from 'webpack-dev-middleware';
import webpackHotMiddleware from 'webpack-hot-middleware';
import prodCfg from './webpack.prod.config.js';
var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
var DEBUG = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? true : false;
var styles = 'css!less';
Object.assign = assign;
export default function (app) {
const config = Object.assign(prodCfg, {
devtool: 'cheap-module-inline-source-map',
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: 'babel',
query: {
plugins: [
'react-transform', {
transforms: [{
transform: 'react-transform-hmr',
imports: ['react'],
locals: ['module']
test: /\.css$/,
loader: DEBUG ? 'style!' + styles : ExtractTextPlugin.extract(styles)
test: /\.less$/,
loader: DEBUG ? 'style!' + styles : ExtractTextPlugin.extract(styles)
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin(),
new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(),
new ExtractTextPlugin("style.css", {allChunks: true })
worker: {
output: {
filename: "hash.worker.js",
chunkFilename: "[id].hash.worker.js"
const compiler = webpack(config);
app.use(webpackDevMiddleware(compiler, {noInfo: true, publicPath: config.output.publicPath}));
and when I try to load the file I try it like this:
var Worker = require("worker!worker.js");
It would never find the file, the only files exported by webpack are bundle.js and style.css, it looks like the worker loader is not loading anything at all, or maybe I just don't understand the logic behind the loader, anyway there isn't much documentation about this nor implemented examples. So I hope someone had implemented this successfully and can shed some light on my problem.
Any help would be very welcomed! Thank you very much in advance!
You need to put it in the loaders section -
in your webpack config, something like
const config = Object.assign(prodCfg, {
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.less$/,
loader: DEBUG ? 'style!' + styles : ExtractTextPlugin.extract(styles)
test: /worker\.js$/,
loader: 'worker'
then you should see it as a separate output of webpack.
Hope it helps
In the example you linked to, your line here:
var Worker = require("worker!worker.js");
Looks like this:
var Worker = require("worker!./worker");
Note that there is a ./ to indicate a relative path. Also, you do not need the .js when calling require on another file.
Do you have a file called worker.js relative to your shared code?
I'm trying to create JS widgets from my existing react app. So currently I have an app that looks something like this
- config
- components
- containers
- lib
- assets
- widgets
- widgetOne
- widgetTwo
- components
- widget.js
- index.js
- index.js
- index.html
So, I want directories in the widgets directories to be self contained apps that I can break out into a separate js file and a client can just add the js script into their page in a script tag.
I've come close but still facing a few issues. Also, I wanted to see if someone had experience doing this following a better pattern.
Right now I'm using webpack to do this splitting. I'm just defining /src/widgets/widgetOne/index.js as an entry point and perfectly creates a separate file.
Here is my webpack:
const appConstants = function() {
switch (process.env.NODE_ENV) {
case 'local':
const localConfig = require('./config/local');
return localConfig.config();
case 'development':
const devConfig = require('./config/development');
return devConfig.config();
case 'production':
const prodConfig = require('./config/production');
return prodConfig.config();
const HtmlWebPackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
const webpack = require('webpack');
const BundleAnalyzerPlugin = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer').BundleAnalyzerPlugin;
const htmlWebpackPlugin = new HtmlWebPackPlugin({
template: "./src/index.html",
filename: "./index.html",
hash: true
let webpackConfig = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: {
loader: "babel-loader"
test: /\.css$/,
exclude: [ /assets/, /node_modules/ ],
use: [
loader: "style-loader"
loader: "css-loader",
options: {
modules: true,
importLoaders: 1,
localIdentName: "[name]_[local]_[hash:base64]",
sourceMap: true,
minimize: true
test: /\.(pdf|jpg|png|gif|svg|ico)$/,
exclude: [/node_modules/],
use: [
loader: 'file-loader'
test: /\.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|svg)$/,
exclude: [/node_modules/],
use: {
loader: 'url-loader?limit100000'
entry: {
main: [ "#babel/polyfill", "./src/index.js"],
widgetOne: ["./src/widgets/widgetOne/index.js"]
output: {
publicPath: appConstants().BASENAME ? JSON.parse(appConstants().BASENAME) : '/'
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
chunks: 'all'
plugins: [
new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(/moment[/\\]locale$/, /en/),
new BundleAnalyzerPlugin({
analyzerMode: 'disabled',
generateStatsFile: true,
statsOptions: { source: false }
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env': appConstants()
new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(['NODE_ENV'])
devServer: {
historyApiFallback: true,
port: 9090
module.exports = webpackConfig;
The problem I have now is while I get the widgetOne.js:
1) I end up with a vendor~widgetOne.js file that I also need to include to make the widgetOne app to work.
2) The widgetOne.js also gets added to my index.html file for my main app which I do not want.
Is there a way to configure webpack properly to make this work?
So, this is the solution I came up with that seems to work. I still don't know if this is the best approach but it' the only one I was able to get to work for me.
I decided to build the widgets as a different environment process and and modify the webpack configs based on that environment.
So the package.json I add this line under scritps:
"build-widgets": "cross-env NODE_ENV=plugins webpack --mode development",
And I added this section to the end of my webpack.config.js file:
// Override webpack configs when building plugins
if ( process.env.NODE_ENV === 'plugins') {
webpackConfig.entry = {
widgetOne: [ "#babel/polyfill", "./src/plugins/widgetOne/index.js"]
webpackConfig.output = {
publicPath: appConstants().DS_BASENAME ? JSON.parse(appConstants().DS_BASENAME) : '/',
path: __dirname + '/dist/widgets',
library: 'MyApp',
libraryTarget: 'umd',
umdNamedDefine: true
Alternatively, I could have just added a second webpack.config.js exclusively to deal with my widgets build. In my case I didn't feel the need for it just yet but it's something to be considered for sure, just for the sake of keeping configs separate.
I have an interactive landing page (single page - no react router). This landing page will need to be uploaded to a CMS where you just paste in the HTML - meaning I do not need <html> <head> <body> tags and the JavaScript file is uploaded separately. Currently I can just paste <div id="react-root"></div> into the CMS and upload my bundled JavaScript file and the page works.
However, the feedback is that this page now needs be be crawlable on all search engines. This means I need to basically render the initial HTML generated by react to paste into the CMS and have the page still all work as expected.
I am trying to make my build command output the rendered HTML to an index.html file where I can copy and paste the code into the CMS. (I have got my bundle.js file working fine).
const path = require('path');
const CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
entry: './src/index.js',
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
use: [
test: /\.(png|svg|jpg|gif)$/,
use: [
test: /\.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|otf)$/,
use: [
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
loader: "babel-loader"
plugins: [
new CleanWebpackPlugin(['dist'])
const webpack = require('webpack');
const merge = require('webpack-merge');
const UglifyJSPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
const common = require('./webpack.common.js');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = merge(common, {
plugins: [
new UglifyJSPlugin(),
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production')
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
inject: false,
template: require('./src/template.js'),
const React = require('react');
const ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');
const LandingPage = require('./App.js');
const html = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(LandingPage);
module.exports = function () {
return ReactDOM.hydrate(html, document.getElementById('lp-root'));
So I have used react-dom-server to renderToString. Is this the best way to do this? If so, this way isn't working as HtmlWebpackPlugin cannot process the ES6 syntax used in the landing pages (import and exports) - anyway around this?
The approach seems correct.
However, you might need babel transpiler to convert your code from ES6 syntax.
Try adding a new rule in the webpack config for the js/jsx files.
Something like this:
test: /js$/,
exclude: /(node_modules)/,
loader: "babel-loader",
query: { presets: ["react", "es2016", "es2015"], plugins: ["transform-class-properties"] },
It will transpile your code properly before using.
Hope it helps.
Please revert for any doubts.
I have a problem with jquery when i using it on webpack.
My code:
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
const CompressionPlugin = require("compression-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
entry: {
vendor: [
// './src/main/webapp/js/vendor/fs.js',
app: './src/main/assets/js/desktop/app.js',
mobile: './src/main/assets/js/mobile/app.js',
touch: './src/main/assets/js/touch/app.js',
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
presets: ['#babel/preset-env']
test: require.resolve('jquery'),
loader: 'expose-loader?jQuery!expose-loader?$'
plugins: [
// new CleanWebpackPlugin(['src/main/webapp/assets']),
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'common' // Specify the common bundle's name.
new UglifyJsPlugin({
test: /\.js$/,
sourceMap: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: "jquery",
jQuery: "jquery"
output: {
filename: '[name].js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/main/webapp/js')
When above code compiles , console throws this error
vendor.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: webpackJsonp is not defined
at vendor.js:1
And when i try to use this
externals: {
jquery: 'jQuery'
It throws
vendor.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at Object.231 (vendor.js:1)
at o (common.js:1)
at Object.228 (vendor.js:1)
at o (common.js:1)
at window.webpackJsonp (common.js:1)
at vendor.js:1
And i using jquery in my core js file import $ from 'jquery'.
What did i do wrong ? any help ? Thank you.
So there are few themes in your webpack.config.js, some of which conflict. Just going to list them so I can better understand what I think you are trying to achieve.
Theme 1
You have an entry called vendor that is clearly referencing a minified jQuery library you have presumably downloaded and placed in the directory specified.
Theme 2
You also have an expose-loader that is essential exposing the jquery library from its node_modules probably listed in the dependencies of your package.json.
This makes the jquery in the node_modules available as $ and jQuery in the global scope of the page where your bundle is included.
Theme 3
You also have included the ProvidePlugin with configuration for jQuery.
The ProvidePlugin is supposed to inject dependencies into the scope of your module code, meaning you do not need to have import $ from 'jquery' instead $ and jQuery will already be available in all of your modules.
From what I have gathered I think you're trying to bundle jQuery from the static file at ./src/main/webapp/js/vendor/jquery-3.3.1.min.js in a vendor bundle.
You are then trying to expose the libraries in the vendor bundle to the global scope (jQuery).
Then also have your application code able to import jQuery from what is made available by the vendor bundle in the global scope.
So if that is what you are doing you need to do the following things.
Firstly, check in your package.json files dependencies for jquery. If its there you want to remove it, there's no need for it if you're going to use your jquery-3.3.1.min.js file instead to provide jQuery to your application.
Secondly, change your test of the expose-loader to trigger when it sees your jquery-3.3.1.min.js file in your entries, not resolve it from the jquery dependency from your node_modules.
This regex pattern should do the trick.
test: /jquery.+\.js$/,
use: [{
loader: 'expose-loader',
options: 'jQuery'
loader: 'expose-loader',
options: '$'
Thirdly, remove the ProvidePlugin if you're going to import the library explicitly with import $ from 'jquery' you do not need it.
Lastly, you need to tell webpack when it sees an import for jquery it can resolve this from window.jQuery in the global scope. You can do this with the externals configuration you already referenced.
externals: {
jquery: 'jQuery'
With all these changes you should end up with a webpack.config.js file that looks like this.
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
const CompressionPlugin = require("compression-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
entry: {
vendor: [
// './src/main/webapp/js/vendor/fs.js',
app: './src/main/assets/js/desktop/app.js',
mobile: './src/main/assets/js/mobile/app.js',
touch: './src/main/assets/js/touch/app.js',
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
presets: ['#babel/preset-env']
test: /jquery.+\.js$/,
use: [{
loader: 'expose-loader',
options: 'jQuery'
loader: 'expose-loader',
options: '$'
plugins: [
// new CleanWebpackPlugin(['src/main/webapp/assets']),
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'common' // Specify the common bundle's name.
new UglifyJsPlugin({
test: /\.js$/,
sourceMap: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"
output: {
filename: '[name].js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/main/webapp/js')
externals: {
jquery: 'jQuery'
I hope that does not just give you the answer but enough explanation as to where you were going wrong.
I'm new to aurelia and wanted to add a datepicker in my form, I saw this post from danyow, showing how to add datepicker using jquery. But would love to use a datepicker from bootstrap.
And so I saw this another post, haven't tried the second link because as I'm scanning the node_modules (if it matters, I use the spa templates found here), I saw a folder aurelia-bootstrap-datepicker and under the src folder, there's a aurelia-bootstrap-datepicker.js in which the content is pretty much the same with the second link.
Can I use that folder to have a datepicker? If yes, how? Or should I just follow the second link to create one myself?
What I tried:
use it as feature in my boot.ts file aurelia.use.standardConfiguration().feature(PLATFORM.moduleName('aurelia-bootstrap-datepicker'));
use it as a plugin
require it on my html file
Everything above, nothing is working for me.
Please advise. Thanks
import 'isomorphic-fetch';
import { Aurelia, PLATFORM } from 'aurelia-framework';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';
import 'bootstrap';
declare const IS_DEV_BUILD: boolean; // The value is supplied by Webpack during the build
export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot(PLATFORM.moduleName('app/components/app/app')));
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const { AureliaPlugin } = require('aurelia-webpack-plugin');
const bundleOutputDir = './wwwroot/dist';
module.exports = (env) => {
const isDevBuild = !(env && env.prod);
return [{
stats: { modules: false },
entry: { 'app': 'aurelia-bootstrapper' },
resolve: {
extensions: ['.ts', '.js'],
modules: ['ClientApp', 'node_modules'],
output: {
path: path.resolve(bundleOutputDir),
publicPath: '/dist/',
filename: '[name].js'
module: {
rules: [
{ test: /\.ts$/i, include: /ClientApp/, use: 'ts-loader?silent=true' },
{ test: /\.html$/i, use: 'html-loader' },
{ test: /\.css$/i, use: isDevBuild ? 'css-loader' : 'css-loader?minimize' },
{ test: /\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg)$/, use: 'url-loader?limit=25000' }
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({ IS_DEV_BUILD: JSON.stringify(isDevBuild) }),
new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({
context: __dirname,
manifest: require('./wwwroot/dist/vendor-manifest.json')
new AureliaPlugin({ aureliaApp: 'boot' })
].concat(isDevBuild ? [
new webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin({
filename: '[file].map', // Remove this line if you prefer inline source maps
moduleFilenameTemplate: path.relative(bundleOutputDir, '[resourcePath]') // Point sourcemap entries to the original file locations on disk
] : [
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin()
Is there a way to prevent in React.js, raw HTML display before the CSS stylesheets are completely loaded. I'm using Webpack, Semantic-UI (react version) and React.js.
Is there an equivalent of ng-cloak (angular) in React ?
Here's the content of my webpack config file :
const webpack = require('webpack')
const ManifestPlugin = require('webpack-manifest-plugin')
const path = require("path");
const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
const DEBUG = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
const plugins = [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env.NODE_ENV': `"${process.env.NODE_ENV}"`
const assetsDir = process.env.ASSETS_DIR
const assetMapFile = process.env.ASSETS_MAP_FILE
const outputFile = DEBUG ? '[name].js' : '[name].[chunkhash].js'
if (!DEBUG) {
plugins.push(new ManifestPlugin({
fileName: assetMapFile
plugins.push(new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({ minimize: true }))
const config = {
entry: {
bundle: ['babel-polyfill', './src/client/index.jsx']
module: {
noParse: [],
loaders: [
{ test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json' },
{ test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style!css' },
test: /\.jsx?$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
query: {
cacheDirectory: DEBUG
{ test: /\.png/, loader: "url-loader?limit=100000&minetype=image/png" },
{ test: /\.jpg/, loader: "file-loader" }
node: {
fs: "empty"
resolve: {
alias: {
"semantic-ui" : path.resolve( __dirname, "../semantic/dist/semantic.min.css")
extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx', ".css"]
output: {
filename: outputFile,
path: DEBUG ? '/' : assetsDir,
publicPath: '/assets/'
if (DEBUG) {
config.devtool = '#inline-source-map'
} else if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
config.devtool = 'source-map'
module.exports = config
I got this error when I try to load my css from my component :
Cannot find module '/semantic/dist/semantic.min.css'
and the module exists.
I tried the exact same configuration without Webpack and import from component worked.
This is not the correct setup for a production deploy.
By default, Webpack turns your CSS into Javascript code that injects CSS tags in the page. This allows for hot CSS reloading. It's only appropriate for the development environment, obviously. You should be using this default behavior in dev, and should not be using it in production.
In production, you need to build a separate CSS file and load it normally with a <style> tag in your production HTML code. To tell Webpack to pull that out into a file, use the ExtractTextPlugin, which your code requires but never uses.
You should maintain two Webpack config files, one for development which doesn't extract text (and doesn't minify/uglify, etc), and one for production, which correctly minifies, hashes names, extracts text, etc.