ADAL JS not attaching user token while invoking WebApi - javascript

I am using ADAL JS for authenticating the users against Azure AD. And as I am new to ADAL JS, I started reading with following articles, which I find very informative:
Introducing ADAL JS v1
ADAL JavaScript and AngularJS – Deep Dive
After reading the articles, I had the impression that ADAL JS intercepts the service calls and if the service url is registered as one of the endpoint in AuthenticationContext configuration, it attaches the JWT token as Authentication Bearer information.
However, I found the same is not happening in my case. And after some digging, it seemed to me that it is only possible, if adal-angular counter part is also used, which I am not using currently, simply because my web application is not based on Angular.
Please let me know if my understanding is correct or not. If I need to add the bearer information explicitly, the same can be done, but I am more concerned whether I am missing some out-of-the-box facility or not.
Additional Details: My present configuration looks like following:
private endpoints: any = {
"https://myhost/api": "here_goes_client_id"
private config: any;
private authContext: any = undefined;
this.config = {
tenant: "",
clientId: "client_id_of_app_in_tenant_ad",
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
cacheLocation: "sessionStorage",
endpoints: this.endpoints
this.authContext = new (window["AuthenticationContext"])(this.config);
Also on server-side (WebApi), Authentication configuration (Startup.Auth) is as follows:
public void ConfigureOAuth(IAppBuilder app, HttpConfiguration httpConfig)
new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Tenant = "",
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidAudience = "client_id_of_app_in_tenant_ad"
However, the Authorization is always null in request.Headers.
UPDATE: It seems that the same applies for auto-renewal of tokens as well; when used in conjunction with adal-angular, the renewal of token works seamlessly by calling AuthenticationContext.acquireToken(resource, callback) under the hood. Please correct me if I am wrong.

After reading the articles, I had the impression that ADAL JS intercepts the service calls and if the service url is registered as one of the endpoint in AuthenticationContext configuration, it attaches the JWT token as Authentication Bearer information.
This will work only if your application is angular based. As you mentioned, the logic for this lives in adal-angular.
If, however, you want to stick to pure JS, you will not get the automatic "get-access-token-and-attach-it-to-header" support. You can use acquireToken(resource, callback api to get a token for the endpoint. But you will have to do some work in the controller that is sending the request to the api.
This might give you some idea: This sample does not uses angular.

ADAL.JS is incompatible with v2.0 implicit flow. I could not get it working since I set my project up recently and don't think projects are backwards compatible.
This was very confusing and took me a long time to figure out that I was mixing up the versions, and can't use ADAL.JS with v2.0. Once I removed it, things went much smoother, just did a couple of XHR requests and a popup window, no magic actually required!
Here is code for v2:
function testNoADAL() {
var clientId = "..guid..";
var redirectUrl = "..your one.."
var authServer = "";
var responseType = "token";
var stateParam = Math.random() * new Date().getTime();
var authUrl = authServer +
"response_type=" + encodeURI(responseType) +
"&client_id=" + encodeURI(clientId) +
"&scope=" + encodeURI("") +
"&redirect_uri=" + encodeURI(redirectUrl) +
"&state=" + stateParam;
var popupWindow =, "Login", 'width=' + 300 + ', height=' + 600 + ', top=' + 10 + ', left=' + 10 + ',location=no,toolbar=yes');
if (popupWindow.focus) {
Note: redirectUrl will appear in popup window, needs to have code in it to pass location hash, such as this:
function processMicrosoftAuthResultUrl(hash) {
if (hash.indexOf("#") == 0) {
hash = hash.substr(1);
var obj = getUrlParameters(hash);
if (obj.error) {
if (obj.error == "invalid_resource") {
errorDialog("Your Office 365 needs to be configured to enable access to Outlook Mail.");
} else {
errorDialog("ADAL: " + obj.error_description);
} else {
if (obj.access_token) {
console.log("ADAL got access token!");
var token = obj.access_token;
var url = "";
type: "GET",
url: url,
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
}).done(function (data) {
console.log("got data!", data);
var message = "Your latest email is: " + data.value[0].Subject + " from " + data.value[0].From.EmailAddress.Name+ " on " + df_FmtDateTime(new Date(data.value[0].ReceivedDateTime));
}).fail(function () {
console.error('Error getting todo list data')
function getUrlParameters(url) {
// get querystring and turn it into an object
if (!url) return {};
if (url.indexOf("?") > -1) {
url = url.split("?")[1];
if (url.indexOf("#") > -1) {
url = url.split("#")[0];
if (!url) return {};
url = url.split('&')
var b = {};
for (var i = 0; i < url.length; ++i) {
var p = url[i].split('=', 2);
if (p.length == 1) {
b[p[0]] = "";
} else {
b[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
return b;


API data over http in site served over https, script has "mixed content" error

I've written a JS script that consumes data from an http API (endpoint for the GET request: I intend to use it in a page hosted on github pages (which makes use of the https protocol).
Now that it is online I see in the console that this data can't be used in-browser because of the mixed active content error: Blocked loading mixed active content “”.
I can't apply this solution because I'm not making use of a server.js file (my content is served by github). I wanted to try this other solution but it requires opening the adapter page in another tab, which just isn't viable.
I'm trying this workaround but returns an error (Missing required request header. Must specify one of: origin,x-requested-with). If anyone know how to add headers to the loadJSON method please tell me, I can't find anything in its documentation. I'm not exactly at ease with the syntax of fetch, so when I try it:
var response = fetch("", {
headers: {
Origin: window.location.protocol + '//' +
if (response.ok) { // if HTTP-status is 200-299
// get the response body (the method explained below)
var json = response.json();
} else {
alert("HTTP-Error: " + response.status);
I get to add the "origin" header, only to find myself with a
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading
the remote resource at
(Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing)
Which as far as I understand can only be corrected server-side.
The github page of cors-anywhere encourages to implement their solution in your own script, by adding this snippet:
(function() {
var cors_api_host = '';
var cors_api_url = 'https://' + cors_api_host + '/';
var slice = [].slice;
var origin = window.location.protocol + '//' +;
var open =; = function() {
var args =;
var targetOrigin = /^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)/i.exec(args[1]);
if (targetOrigin && targetOrigin[0].toLowerCase() !== origin &&
targetOrigin[1] !== cors_api_host) {
args[1] = cors_api_url + args[1];
return open.apply(this, args);
but I wouldn't know how to implement it, I haven't succeeded integrating it in my code for now.
My code is a bit of a mess right now but I can show you this much:
// global functions for the Tracker sample
function getData() {
// var promise = fetch("");
loadJSON("", gotData, 'jsonp');
function gotData(data) {
// this will allow you to see the raw data live in your browser console
posX = (parseFloat(data.iss_position.latitude * latConst) + translateX)
posY = (parseFloat(data.iss_position.longitude * lonConst)* -1 + translateY)
fill(250, 50, 50, 90);
ellipse(posX, posY, 10, 10);
function draw() {
// case tracker
if (selectedSample === 1) {
translateX = boxSizeWidth / 2;
translateY = boxSizeHeight / 2;
latConst = boxSizeWidth / 360;
lonConst = boxSizeHeight / 180;
if (t === 0) {
I also tried finding an https API giving the same data (latitude and longitude of the ISS in real time) but I can't seem to find any for now, and finding a workaround would be interesting anyway.
You could use fetch like this:
fetch("", {
headers: { Origin: }
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
// gotData(res);
.catch(err => {

How to enable CORS in an Azure App Registration when used in an OAuth Authorization Flow with PKCE?

I have a pure Javascript app which attempts to get an access token from Azure using OAuth Authorization Flow with PKCE.
The app is not hosted in Azure. I only use Azure as an OAuth Authorization Server.
//Based on:
var config = {
client_id: "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8080/",
authorization_endpoint: "{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize",
token_endpoint: "{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/token",
requested_scopes: "openid api://{tenant-id}/user_impersonation"
// Generate a secure random string using the browser crypto functions
function generateRandomString() {
var array = new Uint32Array(28);
return Array.from(array, dec => ('0' + dec.toString(16)).substr(-2)).join('');
// Calculate the SHA256 hash of the input text.
// Returns a promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer
function sha256(plain) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const data = encoder.encode(plain);
return window.crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', data);
// Base64-urlencodes the input string
function base64urlencode(str) {
// Convert the ArrayBuffer to string using Uint8 array to convert to what btoa accepts.
// btoa accepts chars only within ascii 0-255 and base64 encodes them.
// Then convert the base64 encoded to base64url encoded
// (replace + with -, replace / with _, trim trailing =)
return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(str)))
.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=+$/, '');
// Return the base64-urlencoded sha256 hash for the PKCE challenge
async function pkceChallengeFromVerifier(v) {
const hashed = await sha256(v);
return base64urlencode(hashed);
// Parse a query string into an object
function parseQueryString(string) {
if (string == "") { return {}; }
var segments = string.split("&").map(s => s.split("="));
var queryString = {};
segments.forEach(s => queryString[s[0]] = s[1]);
return queryString;
// Make a POST request and parse the response as JSON
function sendPostRequest(url, params, success, error) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url, true);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
request.onload = function () {
var body = {};
try {
body = JSON.parse(request.response);
} catch (e) { }
if (request.status == 200) {
success(request, body);
} else {
error(request, body);
request.onerror = function () {
error(request, {});
var body = Object.keys(params).map(key => key + '=' + params[key]).join('&');
function component() {
const element = document.createElement('div');
const btn = document.createElement('button');
element.innerHTML = 'Hello'+ 'webpack';
return element;
(async function () {
const isAuthenticating = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('IsAuthenticating'));
console.log('init -> isAuthenticating', isAuthenticating);
if (!isAuthenticating) {
window.localStorage.setItem('IsAuthenticating', JSON.stringify(true));
// Create and store a random "state" value
var state = generateRandomString();
localStorage.setItem("pkce_state", state);
// Create and store a new PKCE code_verifier (the plaintext random secret)
var code_verifier = generateRandomString();
localStorage.setItem("pkce_code_verifier", code_verifier);
// Hash and base64-urlencode the secret to use as the challenge
var code_challenge = await pkceChallengeFromVerifier(code_verifier);
// Build the authorization URL
var url = config.authorization_endpoint
+ "?response_type=code"
+ "&client_id=" + encodeURIComponent(config.client_id)
+ "&state=" + encodeURIComponent(state)
+ "&scope=" + encodeURIComponent(config.requested_scopes)
+ "&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent(config.redirect_uri)
+ "&code_challenge=" + encodeURIComponent(code_challenge)
+ "&code_challenge_method=S256"
// Redirect to the authorization server
window.location = url;
} else {
// Handle the redirect back from the authorization server and
// get an access token from the token endpoint
var q = parseQueryString(;
console.log('queryString', q);
// Check if the server returned an error string
if (q.error) {
alert("Error returned from authorization server: " + q.error);
document.getElementById("error_details").innerText = q.error + "\n\n" + q.error_description;
document.getElementById("error").classList = "";
// If the server returned an authorization code, attempt to exchange it for an access token
if (q.code) {
// Verify state matches what we set at the beginning
if (localStorage.getItem("pkce_state") != q.state) {
alert("Invalid state");
} else {
// Exchange the authorization code for an access token
// !!!!!!! This POST fails because of CORS policy.
sendPostRequest(config.token_endpoint, {
grant_type: "authorization_code",
code: q.code,
client_id: config.client_id,
redirect_uri: config.redirect_uri,
code_verifier: localStorage.getItem("pkce_code_verifier")
}, function (request, body) {
// Initialize your application now that you have an access token.
// Here we just display it in the browser.
document.getElementById("access_token").innerText = body.access_token;
document.getElementById("start").classList = "hidden";
document.getElementById("token").classList = "";
// Replace the history entry to remove the auth code from the browser address bar
window.history.replaceState({}, null, "/");
}, function (request, error) {
// This could be an error response from the OAuth server, or an error because the
// request failed such as if the OAuth server doesn't allow CORS requests
document.getElementById("error_details").innerText = error.error + "\n\n" + error.error_description;
document.getElementById("error").classList = "";
// Clean these up since we don't need them anymore
In Azure I only have an App registration (not an app service).
Azure App Registration
The first step to get the authorization code works.
But the POST to get the access token fails. (picture from here)
OAuth Authorization Code Flow with PKCE
Access to XMLHttpRequest at
'{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/token' from
origin 'http://localhost:8080' has been blocked by CORS policy: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
Where in Azure do I configure the CORS policy for an App Registration?
Okay, after days of banging my head against the stupidity of Azure's implementation I stumbled upon a little hidden nugget of information here:
If you change the type of the redirectUri in the manifest from 'Web' to 'Spa' it gives me back an access token! We're in business!
It breaks the UI in Azure, but so be it.
You should define the internal url with your local host address.
When I first posted, the Azure AD token endpoint did not allow CORS requests from browsers to the token endpoint, but it does now. Some Azure AD peculiarities around scopes and token validation are explained in these posts and code in case useful:
Code Sample
Blog Post

Why do my signed URLs get an error 403?

This is extremely strange. I did set my service account as having read permission of the storage objects.
What is going on ?
var file = bucket.file(childSnapshot.val().image);
var config = {
action: 'read',
expires: + 10000,
contentType: 'image/png'
file.getSignedUrl(config, function(err, url) {
if (err) {
if (imageArray.length == 9) {
res.render("home", {keyArray: keyArray, titleArray: titleArray, usernameArray: usernameArray, imageArray: imageArray});
$(".homeImage").each(function(i) {
var row = $(this)
row.attr('id', i);
if (i == 4) {
} else {
$("#"+i).css('background-image', "url('" + imageArray[i] + "')");
This is extremely strange since I thought signed URLs were supposed to authenticate my request as being sent by my service account.
The error message implies that your request doesn't have any authentication associated with it. For a Signed URL that would mean that the GoogleAccessId/Signature/Expires query parameters are not set.
I'd debug print the image array server side and client side to see where it is getting lost.
Edit: In this case it looks like & was being replaced with & somewhere.

Node.JS Express to HTML data transfer

I am creating a login application with node.js, I seem to have ran into a knowledge deficit in the area of transferring strings from the server to html.
I posted my current code at jsfiddle.
My application verifies the credentials to the mysql table then generates a basic token that contains the username password and the ip address of the user.
In the last block of code, where the client html posts to the server, I have two segments where you see send to basic user page and send to admin page.
I have attempted to research this subject, but i get nothing pertinent to the situation. can anyone guide me in the right direction on sending the user to the admin or user page while sending the token alongside of it?
As well, how can the express server send data to the client, for example
on the page, I want the database to hold pertinant information regarding the user, like address and phone number. How can this information be transmitted from the server to the client via html?'/', urlencodedParser, function (req, res) {
var date = new Date();
con.query("SELECT * from users WHERE username=" + con.escape(req.body.username) + " AND password=" + con.escape(req.body.password), function (err, rows, fields) {
if (err) {
} else {
var ip = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress;
if (rows == '' && rows == '') {
console.log('User Failed to login to the server with #'.red + con.escape(req.body.username) + ':' + con.escape(req.body.password));
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/admin/failure.html');
} else {
var isadmin = rows[0].admin;
var cryptomap = [req.body.username + ',' + req.body.password + ',' + ip];
var strcryptomap = cryptomap.toString(); // convert array to string
var token = encrypt(strcryptomap);
console.log(token + ' SENT'.red);
var backto = decrypt(token); //decr
var arr = backto.toString().split(","); // SPLITTING STRING TO SATISFY /VERIFY *************************************************
console.log(arr[0] + ' has valid token, encryption succsessful'.green);
con.query('UPDATE users SET crypto=' + con.escape(token) + 'WHERE username=' + con.escape(req.body.username), function (err, rows, fields) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('Updated Crypto for ' + req.body.username);
if (isadmin == 0) {
// send to basic user page
} else {
//send to admin user page
res.sendto('' + token);
To start, I'll answer the actual question you are asking.
The way I normally handle what you are trying to accomplish, is by using an ajax POST from the front end with the users credentials(https of course, never send credentials using http), have the server authenticate the user, create the token and respond to the ajax post with the token. From here, if the authentication was successful and the server responded with a token and whatever other information you wanted to get, you have a few options for storing it, I personally use cookies. After the token is stored, let the front end handle the redirect.
Having said all of that, I would definitely read up on authentication principles and the different ways your system can be attacked. I see a couple of red flags dealing with pretty basic authentication ideas/strategies.
Edit : Here is an example AJAX post to a login API endpoint that responds with a token and saves the username and token to cookies. Obviously your result data in the success function may be organized differently than mine but can be accessed in the same way. You can send whatever data you would like back in this result object and redirect accordingly
var loginData = {
username : $('#loginUsername').val(),
password : $('#loginPassword').val()
type : "POST",
url : [your-endpoint-url],
data : loginData ,
success : function(result) {
setCookie('appUN', result.username);
setCookie('appTok', result.token);
location.href = '/dashboard';
error : function(result) {
location.href = '/login/Error';
function setCookie(cname, cvalue) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + 10800000);
var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString();
var path = "path=/";
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires + ";" + path;
To actually send the data back to the client from the server, in your API endpoint, you would do all of your logic to check the users credentials and if their credentials were valid, you could create a token and return something like
username: username,
token: token
and this JSON object will be available in the success function as shown above.
If the users credentials were invalid, you could return something like
res.status(400).json({Message : "The username or password is incorrect"});
and because of the 400 status, it will be caught by the error function of your AJAX request

invalid_request from getToken in Javascript from Node.js

I have the following code in a node.js server application
app.get('/AuthorizeGoogle.html',function(req,res) {
var auth = new googleapis.OAuth2Client(config.google_login.client_id, config.google_login.client_secret, config.google_login.redirect_uri);
var queryData = url.parse(req.url,true).query;
var code = encodeURIComponent(queryData.code);
console.log('Authorization Request recieved ');;
console.log('Retrieiving token');
auth.getToken(code,function(err,tokens) {
console.log('Retrievied token ');
console.log('**** ERROR ****');
console.log('Calling setCredentials');
res.send('Authorization recieved ' + queryData.code)
This is called when Google returns and the user has authorised access to their Google account.
I get a code. However when auth.getToken() I am getting invalid_request. I have done this successfully in C#, but I am now moving to more open source tools hence moving the project to Node.js
Thanks in advance
OK - I looked again at the page suggested and did some refactoring of my code and that worked. I think what may have been the problem was the Url used to get the token in the first place.
I was already initialising the oauth2Client
var OAuth2Client = googleapis.OAuth2Client;
var oauth2Client;
oauth2Client = new OAuth2Client(config.google_login.client_id, config.google_login.client_secret, config.google_login.redirect_uri);
The required Client Id, secret and redirect Url have been defined in a configuration file
So first all I changed the way I was generating that url. First off I set the Url to Login to Google to GoogleLogin.html which executes the following when the server receives a request for this page.
app.get('/GoogleLogin.html',function(req,res) {
var scopes = "";
// retrieve google scopes
scopes += config.google_login.scopes.baseFeeds + " "
scopes += config.google_login.scopes.calendar + " "
scopes += + " "
scopes += config.google_login.scopes.driveMetadata + " "
scopes += config.google_login.scopes.profile + " "
scopes += + " "
scopes += config.google_login.scopes.tasks
var url = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
access_type: 'offline',
scope: scopes
res.writeHead(302, {location: url});
This first building a string of the scopes then generating the Authorization Url before redirecting to the generated url
When Google redirects back to the site the following is executed
app.get('/AuthorizeGoogle.html',function(req,res) {
// var auth = new googleapis.OAuth2Client(config.google_login.client_id,config.google_login.client_secret, config.google_login.redirect_uri);
var queryData = url.parse(req.url,true).query;
var code = queryData.code;
console.log('Authorization Request recieved ');;
console.log('Retrieving token');
oauth2Client.getToken(code,function(err,tokens) {
console.log('Retrieved token ');
console.log('**** ERROR ****');
console.log('Calling setCredentials');
res.send('Authorization recieved ' + queryData.code)
And this is now returning the Token and Refresh token correctly. Since it is the same code the only thing I can was wrong was the original call to Google.
I think your best bet would be to research what is done in the following github example:

