jQuery Multiple Callbacks "this" reference - javascript

I'm working on adding a few functionality changes to a jQuery component through event callback functions input through a configuration object.
I'd really like to separate each functionality change into it's own set of functions.
What I am wondering is how best to handle the "this" reference. Since there will be multiple functions I want to attach to each callback, I'm assuming I'll need an anonymous function for each option that calls the others. Would I simply pass "this" reference through as a parameter to my functions, or is there a better way to do this?
function somePluginAfterSelectFeatureOne(this, param ){
// do stuff
function somePluginAfterSelectFeatureTwo(this, param){
// do stuff
afterSelect: function(param){
somePluginAfterSelectFeatureOne(this, param);

Yes i would recommend "apply" or closures - i'm not sure what about performance.. i barely remember there was a reason why closuers work better than binding "this", but i don't believe there is a real big deal which one you want. And closures just doesn't always makes sense because it's pretty tight bound to the architecture/design of your app.
Well first of all - i would never pass "this" just as a parameter of your function, javascript knows much better ways to achieve this:
function somePluginAfterSelectFeatureOne(param ){
// do stuff
function somePluginAfterSelectFeatureTwo(param){
// do stuff
afterSelect: function(param){
First, remove "this" as param from your function params, it's just wrong ;)
And now the call "somePluginAfterSelectFeatureOne(param)" will fail because, what would be this? Well "this" will lead to the scope which was valid when you defined your function (hard to explain, try to debug that down ;))
Anyways - to control the "this" of your function, you simply rewrite the call:
somePluginAfterSelectFeatureOne.apply(this, [param]);
Now, i guess the "this" which is already available inside of your "afterSelect: function(param){ }" call would be the correct one, right? So, by using the native function "apply", you're able to pass a new "this" to the called function and, still you're able to pass all normal params -> this is just the second param of "apply". But be aware, when using apply -> all params must be passed as an Array (since the internal "arguments" param which is always available on every function call, is in fact an array internally)
Now, this is still the solution with direct bind's - closures are still a different game:
afterSelect: function(param){
var _self = this,
myFunction = function(param) {
As you can see - we simply store "this" as a local variable called "_self".. Now, if the function definition is in the same scope like above -> "_self" will be available on it, even without passing it (that's what we call a "closure" ;)).
But as you can also see - it doesn't always make sense... in your example, you would be forced to move the function definitions inside of your "afterSelect" function, which is totally not the goal here.
So, i would go with an "apply" pattern and passing the "this" nicely - kind of a "delegate" ;)
Oh and to make a complete roundup - it's also possible to override "this" directly on function definition level. Use "bind" for this:
function myFunction(param) {
I got also some all-time favorited threads regarding these two topics here:
What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?
How does the "this" keyword work?
How do JavaScript closures work?

this is not a valid parameter name. Change it to element and pass it to your custom functions.
I prefer not to use this unless it's within a prototype method (or the constructor).
function somePluginAfterSelectFeatureOne(element, param ){
// `element` is what you wanted `this` to be
afterSelect: function(param){
somePluginAfterSelectFeatureOne(this, param);
If you really want to use this, you could use Function.prototype.call
function somePluginAfterSelectFeatureOne(param ){
console.log(this); // The element that the event fired on
afterSelect: function(param){
somePluginAfterSelectFeatureOne.call(this, param);


Javascript: Create a sub-class within a class [duplicate]

I thought I had a reasonable understanding of the this object in JavaScript. When dealing with objects, callbacks, and both events and handlers, I haven't had a problem with it since time immemorial. Now, however, all has changed.
I've fallen head over heels in love with JavaScript. Pure JS, that is, not jQuery, prototype.js, dojo... So naturally, I've taken to using closures. In some cases, though, this is catching me off guard here. Take this snippet for one:
function anyFunc(par)
function makeClosure(func)
return function(par)
return func(par);
var close = makeClosure(anyFunc);
var objWithClosure = {cls:makeClosure(anyFunc),prop:'foobar'};
var scndObj = {prop:'Foobar2'};
scndObj.cls = makeClosure;
scndObj.cls = scndObj.cls(anyFunc);
In all three cases, this logs as the window object. It's an easy fix, of course:
function makeClosure(func)
return function(par)
return func.call(this,par);
This fix works, I put it here to avoid people answering this, without explaining what I need to know: why is this behaving the way it does here?
ensures the caller is effectively the object that the closure belongs to. What I fail to understand is this:
Sure enough, this points to the window object in the first case, but in other cases, it shouldn't. I tried logging this in the makeClosure function just before returning, and it did log the object itself, not the window object. But when the actual closure is used, this is back to pointing to the window object. Why?
The only thing I can think of is that, by passing the anyFunc function as an argument, I'm actually passing window.anyFunc. So I tried this quick fix:
function makeClosure(func)
var theFunc = func;
return function(par)
With the expected results, this now points to the objects, but again: Why? I have a few idea's (theFunc is a reference to the function in the local scope [this > private: theFunc]?), but I'm sure there are people here with a lot more know-how when it comes to JS, so I was hoping to get some more explanation or links to articles worth reading from them...
Here's a fiddle, may be I left something out, but here this logs all sorts of things ;)
Edit/Update 2
The case that confuses me is here.
Final Edit
Ok, This is getting a rather messy post. So to clarify: What I was expecting was a behaviour similar to this:
function makeClosure()
function fromThisFunc()
return fromThisFunc;
var windowContext = makeClosure();
var objectContext = {cls:makeClosure()};
What caught me, was that the function anyFunc wasn't declared within the correct scope, and therefore, this pointed to the window object. I found this out by reading an ancient scroll I found somewhere on the web.
But something a little more complicated has happened because the function object now referred to by globalVar was created with a [[scope]] property referring to a scope chain containing the Activation/Variable object belonging to the execution context in which it was created (and the global object). Now the Activation/Variable object cannot be garbage collected either as the execution of the function object referred to by globalVar will need to add the whole scope chain from its [[scope]] property to the scope of the execution context created for each call to it.
So what I needed to do, was simplify rather then complicate things:
function fromThisFunc()
function makeClosure(funcRef)
//some code here
return funcRef;
That should work, right?
PS: I'll except Alnitak's answer, but special thanks goes to Felix Kling for all the patience and info.
As soon as you call:
return func(par);
You're creating a new scope (with its own this) and in this case because you haven't specified an object, this === window usually or undefined in strict mode. The called function does not inherit whatever this was in the calling scope.
Ways to set a value for this are:
myobj.func(par); // this === myobj
func.call(myobj, ...) // this === myobj
There are also:
arrow functions, where this is set to the same value as the outer execution context (also see MDN:Arrow functions )
The value of this depends only on whether you call the function as a method or as a function.
If you call it as a method, this will be the object that the method belongs to:
If you call it as a function, this will be the window object:
Note that even if you are in a method that belongs to an object, you still have to call other methods in the object using the method syntax, otherwise they will be called as functions:
If you put a method reference in a variable, you will detach it from the object, and it will be called as a function:
var f = obj.myFunction;
The call and apply methods are used to call a function as a method even if it's not a method in the object (or if it's a method in a different object):

Should I use the optional context parameter if I don't use `this` keyword in the callback?

when using the multitude of utility functions that can accept it. For example:
function foo () {
_.each ([0,1,2,3], function(val) {
// I don't use this in the body
}, this);
It seems like one way is more concise and the other is there in case you add code later.
It seems like one way is more concise
Then use that.
in case you add code later.
You ain't gonna need it. Not until later, at least.
The optional parameter adds the context, in other words what 'this' refers to within the callback.
You only need to add it if you want it that way. If you're using a library like backbone, it can come in very handy (eg. when the function is called from within a view object, and you want 'this' to refer to the view).

What's the advantage of using `var self = this` in knockout.js view models [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
var self = this?
(8 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I see in almost all examples of a knockout.js viewmodels the line var self = this and then all local variables are references as self.variableName. What is the advantage of this over using this.variableName?
Normally the main reason for using this approach is to make the current this available to subfunctions or closures. For example:
var myObject = {
param: 123,
method: function(){
alert( this.param );
method2: function(){
alert( this.param );
In the above calling myObject.method will give you the correct alert of 123. However calling myObject.method2 will give you undefined. This is because this inside the anonymous function used with setTimeout does not refer to myObject, depending on the JavaScript interpreter it will point to different things. However, if you have:
method2: function(){
var self = this;
alert( self.param );
This works because the current state of this — at the right point — is captured, and will always reference myObject for every function scope that it is available to.
The problem is not limited to the use of setTimeout. At any point where you have anonymous functions, subfunctions or closures this trick will come in handy. Sometimes people use self, or that or something a bit more descriptive depending on what the current reference represents.
rather than storing as a variable
There is an alternative to using self or any other variable to "remember" the state of this at any particular point, and that is to "bind" your anonymous or sub functions with a particular context. Many modern interpreters now support the Function.prototype.bind method, which can be used thusly:
var method = function(){
var methodWithWindow = method.bind(window);
var methodWithDocument = method.bind(document);
var methodWithObject = method.bind({random:"object"});
Calling each of the bound methods in turn would give you the following console output:
Object {random:"object"}
If you wish to support older browsers you can use a polyfill, or if you prefer a much simpler implementation, one that doesn't worry about binding arguments as well. The basics of what the bind code does is the following:
!Function.prototype.bind && (Function.prototype.bind = function(context){
var method = this;
return function(){
method.apply(context, arguments);
So, how would the initial example look using bind?
method2: function(){
console.log(this); // `this` will be the same as the `this` passed to bind.
As you can see above, once bound, the returned function (closure) retains that specified context; so it can be passed around where ever you want and still keep a this reference to the object you want. This is useful in the method2 example because we bundle the method up with our current context and pass it to setTimeout which will execute the bound method later (long after we have exited the current block execution).
The same does occur for when using self or any other variable. The variable would be captured within the function's scope chain, and would still be there for access when the function is eventually called again. The benefit of using bind however is that you can override the context easily if you so wish, you would have to code your own specific methods to do so to override a self variable.
WARNING: It is worth noting here that when you bind a function, a new function is returned. This can cause confusing situations if you mix bound functions with event listeners and then attempt to remove the listeners using the original function rather than the bound version.
Also, because binding returns a new function, if you bind a bound function you are in fact wrapping a function in a function, with another function. You should be aware of this because it affects performance and will prove trickier to manage in terms of avoiding memory leaks. My preferred approach to binding is to use closures with their own deconstruction methods (i.e. rely on self, but make sure you have methods to nullify it's content), but this does take more forward thinking and is not so relevant in smaller JS projects; or one off function bindings — especially if the bound method is never caught in any reference.
without self and bind?
It is also worth mentioning that sometimes you can achieve the same result without using bind at all, and instead use apply — which should be natively available in anything you may choose to use. The major difference being that nothing is wrapped up with the function, and calling apply actually executes the function there and then with a different context — the first argument passed to apply.
var externalMethod = function(){
console.log(this); // will output myObject when called below
var myObject = {
method2: function(){
What is this?
Just to elaborate this answer with further detail about this — before the recent comments get deleted. this will refer to one of four things, depending on how the function you are using it within was called:
The above will have a this of myObject, unless method has had a .bind(context) operation applied. In which case this will be whatever the last bound context was.
Will have a this of the global context (usually window in browser environments), unless unattachedFunction has had a .bind(context) operation applied. In which case this will be whatever the last bound context was.
Both will always have a this of otherObject, because calling in this way will override any binding.
new myObject()
Will have a this that refers to a new instance of myObject, this will override any binding.
Simple thought experiment
Taking all the above into account, what would this be inside referencedMethod?
var referencedMethod = myObject.method;
Correct! it will be the global context. This is why if you want to share methods with other objects or code — but still retain the original owner as context — you really need to either bind, or keep the function bundled with its owner object so you can call or apply.
Self is used to make sure the original this is maintained within the object.
This comes in handy when using event handlers and so on.
You can read more about this here
The first answer covers it basically, also it shows a good link. Check it out.
It is used for reference purposes. this under Javascript behaves different than in other languages. For more details look at MDN Docs on this

why is it necessary to wrap function call in a function body

I often see something like the following in JavaScript:
$("#sendButton").click(function() {
Why is it necessary to wrap the call to sendForm() inside a function? I would think that doing it like this would be more readable and less typing.
What are the advantages/disadvantages to each approach? thanks!
There's typically two cases where you'd want to use the former over the latter:
If you need to do any post-processing to the arguments before calling your function.
If you're calling a method on an object, the scope (this reference) will be different if you use the second form
For example:
MyClass = function(){
this.baz = 1;
MyClass.prototype.handle = function(){
var o = new MyClass();
Console output:
Probably one too many answers by now, but the difference between the two is the value of this, namely the scope, entering sendForm. (Also different will be the arguments.) Let me explain.
According to the JavaScript specification, calling a function like this: sendForm(); invokes the function with no context object. This is a JavaScript given.
However, when you pass a function as an argument, like this: $(...).click(sendForm), you simply pass a reference to the function for later invocation. You are not invoking that function just yet, but simply passing it around just like an object reference. You only invoke functions if the () follows them (with the exception of call and apply, discussed later). In any case, if and when someone eventually calls this function, that someone can choose what scope to call the function with.
In our case, that someone is jQuery. When you pass your function into $(...).click(), jQuery will later invoke the function and set the scope (this) to the HTML element target of the click event. You can try it: $(...).click(function() { alert(this); });, will get you a string representing a HTML element.
So if you give jQuery a reference to an anonymous function that says sendForm(), jQuery will set the scope when calling that function, and that function will then call sendForm without scope. In essence, it will clear the this. Try it: $(...).click(function() { (function() { alert(this); })(); });. Here, we have an anonymous function calling an anonymous function. We need the parentheses around the inner anonymous function so that the () applies to the function.
If instead you give jQuery a reference to the named function sendForm, jQuery will invoke this function directly and give it the scope that it promises to always give.
So the answer to your question becomes more obvious now: if you need this to point to the element target of the click when you start work in sendForm, use .click(sendForm). Otherwise, both work just as well. You probably don't need this, so skip the anonymous function.
For those curious, scope can be forced by using the JavaScript standard apply or call (see this for differences between the two). Scope is also assigned when using the dot operator, like in: obj.func, which asks of JavaScript to call a function with this pointing to obj. (So in theory you could force obj to be the scope when calling a function by doing something like: obj.foo = (reference to function); obj.foo(); delete obj.foo; but this is a pretty ugly way of using apply.
Function apply, used by jQuery to call your click handler with scope, can also force arguments on the function call, and in fact jQuery does pass arguments to its click handlers. Therefore, there is another difference between the two cases: arguments, not only scope, get lost when you call sendForm from an anonymous function and pass no parameters.
Here you are defining an anonymous event handler that could call multiple functions inline. It's dirty and tough to debug, but people do it because they are lazy and they can.
It would also work like your second example (how I define event handlers):
Something you get by defining your event handlers inline is the ability to pass event data to multiple functions and you get this scoped to the event object:
$("#sendButton").click(function(event) {
// say #sendButton is an image or has some data attributes
var myButtonSrc = $(this).attr("src");
var myData = $(this).data("someData");
If all you are doing is calling sendForm, then there isn't much difference, in the end, between the two examples you included.
$("#sendButton").click(function(event) {
if(event.someProperty) { /* ... */ }
else { sendForm({data: event.target, important: 'yes'}); }
However, in the above case, we could handle arguments passed to the callback from click(), but if the sendForm function is already equipped to handle this, then there's no reason why you wouldn't place sendForm as the callback argument if that is truly all you are doing.
function sendForm(event) {
// Do something meaningful here.
Note that it is up to you where you handle the differing layers of logic in your program; you may have encapsulated certain generic functionality in a sendForm function then have a sendFormCallback which you pass to these sorts of function which handle the interim business of event/callback processing before calling sendForm itself.
If you are working in a callback-heavy environment, it would be wise to separate significant functionality from the callback triggers themselves to avoid callback hell and promote maintainability and readability in your source code.
It's just to lock scope. When you wrap that sendForm() in the anonymous function that closes over the current scope. In other words, the this will be kept with it. If you just pass sendForm then any calls to this will come from the calling scope.
This is a good question for learning about scope in javascript, and questioning conventions.
Nope, that second example is perfectly valid.
99.9% of jQuery examples use the first notation, that doesn't mean you need to forget basic JavaScript syntax.

JavaScript closure and the this object

I thought I had a reasonable understanding of the this object in JavaScript. When dealing with objects, callbacks, and both events and handlers, I haven't had a problem with it since time immemorial. Now, however, all has changed.
I've fallen head over heels in love with JavaScript. Pure JS, that is, not jQuery, prototype.js, dojo... So naturally, I've taken to using closures. In some cases, though, this is catching me off guard here. Take this snippet for one:
function anyFunc(par)
function makeClosure(func)
return function(par)
return func(par);
var close = makeClosure(anyFunc);
var objWithClosure = {cls:makeClosure(anyFunc),prop:'foobar'};
var scndObj = {prop:'Foobar2'};
scndObj.cls = makeClosure;
scndObj.cls = scndObj.cls(anyFunc);
In all three cases, this logs as the window object. It's an easy fix, of course:
function makeClosure(func)
return function(par)
return func.call(this,par);
This fix works, I put it here to avoid people answering this, without explaining what I need to know: why is this behaving the way it does here?
ensures the caller is effectively the object that the closure belongs to. What I fail to understand is this:
Sure enough, this points to the window object in the first case, but in other cases, it shouldn't. I tried logging this in the makeClosure function just before returning, and it did log the object itself, not the window object. But when the actual closure is used, this is back to pointing to the window object. Why?
The only thing I can think of is that, by passing the anyFunc function as an argument, I'm actually passing window.anyFunc. So I tried this quick fix:
function makeClosure(func)
var theFunc = func;
return function(par)
With the expected results, this now points to the objects, but again: Why? I have a few idea's (theFunc is a reference to the function in the local scope [this > private: theFunc]?), but I'm sure there are people here with a lot more know-how when it comes to JS, so I was hoping to get some more explanation or links to articles worth reading from them...
Here's a fiddle, may be I left something out, but here this logs all sorts of things ;)
Edit/Update 2
The case that confuses me is here.
Final Edit
Ok, This is getting a rather messy post. So to clarify: What I was expecting was a behaviour similar to this:
function makeClosure()
function fromThisFunc()
return fromThisFunc;
var windowContext = makeClosure();
var objectContext = {cls:makeClosure()};
What caught me, was that the function anyFunc wasn't declared within the correct scope, and therefore, this pointed to the window object. I found this out by reading an ancient scroll I found somewhere on the web.
But something a little more complicated has happened because the function object now referred to by globalVar was created with a [[scope]] property referring to a scope chain containing the Activation/Variable object belonging to the execution context in which it was created (and the global object). Now the Activation/Variable object cannot be garbage collected either as the execution of the function object referred to by globalVar will need to add the whole scope chain from its [[scope]] property to the scope of the execution context created for each call to it.
So what I needed to do, was simplify rather then complicate things:
function fromThisFunc()
function makeClosure(funcRef)
//some code here
return funcRef;
That should work, right?
PS: I'll except Alnitak's answer, but special thanks goes to Felix Kling for all the patience and info.
As soon as you call:
return func(par);
You're creating a new scope (with its own this) and in this case because you haven't specified an object, this === window usually or undefined in strict mode. The called function does not inherit whatever this was in the calling scope.
Ways to set a value for this are:
myobj.func(par); // this === myobj
func.call(myobj, ...) // this === myobj
There are also:
arrow functions, where this is set to the same value as the outer execution context (also see MDN:Arrow functions )
The value of this depends only on whether you call the function as a method or as a function.
If you call it as a method, this will be the object that the method belongs to:
If you call it as a function, this will be the window object:
Note that even if you are in a method that belongs to an object, you still have to call other methods in the object using the method syntax, otherwise they will be called as functions:
If you put a method reference in a variable, you will detach it from the object, and it will be called as a function:
var f = obj.myFunction;
The call and apply methods are used to call a function as a method even if it's not a method in the object (or if it's a method in a different object):

