How do reactive streams in JS work? - javascript

I'm novice in reactive streams and now trying to understand them. The idea looks pretty clear and simple, but on practice I can't understand what's really going on there.
For now I'm playing with most.js, trying to implement a simple dispatcher. The scan method seems to be exactly what I need for this.
My code:
var dispatch;
// expose method for pushing events to stream:
var events = require("most").create(add => dispatch = add);
// initialize stream, so callback in `create` above is actually called
events.observe(v => console.log("new event", v));
var scaner = events.scan(
(state, patch) => {
console.log("scaner", patch);
// update state here
return state;
{ foo: 0 }
scaner.observe(v => console.log("scaner state", v));
As I understand, the first observer should be called twice (once per event), and scaner callback and second observer – once each (because they were added after triggering first event).
On practice, however, console shows this:
new event 1
new event 2
scaner state { foo: 0 }
Scaner is never called, no matter how much events I push in stream.
But if I remove first dispatch call (before creating scaner), everything works just as I expected.
Why is this? I'm reading docs, reading articles, but so far didn't found anything even similar to this problem. Where am I wrong in my suggestions?

Most probably, you have studied examples like this from the API:
most.from(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
.scan(function(string, letter) {
return string + letter;
}, '')
They are suggesting a step-by-step execution like this:
Get an array ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] and feed its values into the stream.
The values fed are transformed by scan().
... and consumed by forEach().
But this is not entirely true. This is why your code doesn't work.
Here in the most.js source code, you see at line 1340 ff.:
exports.from = from;
function from(a) {
if(Array.isArray(a) || isArrayLike(a)) {
return fromArray(a);
So from() is forwarding to some fromArray(). Then, fromArray() (below in the code) is creating a new Stream:
function fromArray (a) {
return new Stream(new ArraySource(a));
If you follow through, you will come from Stream to sink.event(0, array[i]);, having 0 for timeout millis. There is no setTimeout in the code, but if you search the code further for .event = function, you will find a lot of additional code that uncovers more. Specially, around line 4692 there is the Scheduler with delay() and timestamps.
To sum it up: the array in the example above is fed into the stream asynchronously, after some time, even if the time seems to be 0 millis.
Which means you have to assume that somehow, the stream is first built, and then used. Even if the program code doesn't look that way. But hey, isn't it always the target to hide complexity :-) ?
Now you can check this with your own code. Here is a fiddle based on your snippet:
Look at your dispatch() calls in the fiddle. I have wrapped them with setTimeout():
setTimeout( function() { dispatch( 1 /* or 2 */); }, 0);
By doing so, I force them also to be asynchronous calls, like the array values in the example actually are.
In order to run the fiddle, you need to open the browser debugger (to see the console) and then press the run button above. The console output shows that your scanner is now called three times:
doc ready
(index):61 Most loaded: [object Object]
(index):82 scanner state Object {foo: 0}
(index):75 scanner! 1
(index):82 scanner state Object {foo: 0}
(index):75 scanner! 2
(index):82 scanner state Object {foo: 0}
First for drain(), then for each event.
You can also reach a valid result (but it's not the same behind scenes) if you use dispatch() synchronously, having them added at the end, after JavaScript was able to build the whole stream. Just uncomment the lines after // Alternative solution, run again and watch the result.

Well, my question appears to be not so general as it sounds. It's just a lib-specific one.
First – approach from topic is not valid for most.js. They argue to 'take a declarative, rather than imperative, approach'.
Second – I tried Kefir.js lib, and with it code from topic works perfect. Just works. Even more, the same approach which is not supported in most.js, is explicitly recommended for Kefir.js.
So, the problem is in a particular lib implementation, not in my head.


Where and how does libUV interact with code on node.js

I wondered a question: "where and how does libUV interact with code on node.js". Lately I was investigating streams, also I read source on github.
Well, let's take source of script called as destroy.js. This script is responding for the destruction of streams: stream.destroy(). After that operation:
in function destroy are set states for streams into values:
writable._stateWritable.destroyed = true
readable._stateReadable.destroyed = true
in function _destroy are set states for streams into values:
writable._stateWritable.closed = true
readable._stateReadable.closed = true
in funtion emitCloseNT:
sets value writable._stateWritable.closeEmmited = true
sets value readable._stateReadable.closeEmmited = true
emmits event close
That's all. Where and how does libUV interact with stream.destroy()? Even documentation of node about writable.destroy says:
This is a destructive and immediate way to destroy a stream
But what is it really? I see only the process of setting state for the streams and only it. So, where does libUV actually destroy stream?
I'm not a subject matter expert, but after debugging the following code, I got a rough idea of what happens behind the scenes:
var cnt = 0;
new stream.Readable({
read(size) {
if (++cnt > 10) this.destroy();
Upon this.destroy(), the readableState.destroyed is set to true here, and because of this the following this.push("11") returns false here. If readableState.destroyed had been false, it would instead have called addChunk, which would have ensured that reading goes on by emitting a readable event and calling maybeReadMore (see here).
If the readable stream was created by fs.createReadStream, then the _destroy method additionally calls a close method, which closes the file descriptor.

nodejs loop function calls output problm

I have a question I don't understand how this code works., indx) => {
const options = {
host: '',
path: '/path'
port: 80,
path: path,
method: 'GET',
send.getJSON(options, (code ,result) => {
For [1,2,3], the output I get is:
Why is the output not the following instead?
The issue is your .getJSON is asynchronous, running in synchronous code, this isn't bad, however it's handled slightly differently.
The design of Node.js uses an event-loop to provide asynchronicity on a single-threaded language like JavaScript.
So your callback won't actually be called until the .getJSON() has completed.
Have a look here, I've made you an example to demonstrate what I mean, I simply fill an array with values (all 1s for this example), and set a callback function up using setTimeout (this delays by 1s), notice however, the program will continue to run. (Event-loop)
At the bottom of the file, notice the test(), this calls the version you currently have (very similar), including the call to a longer-running job, like retrieving data from an API.
Comment out test() and uncomment working() and you'll see the different, you may want to use console.log(value + " " + oke) inside your .getJSON, producing the results you're looking for.
Also side-note, forEach would probably be a better method for iterating over an array, unless you're wanted a transformed array back (map).
I've attached some resources I think you may find helpful: (you're already on track but always worth having a read if you're not overly familiar).

SvelteJS vs ReactJS rendering difference (repaint / reflow)

Here's my naive understanding of how the DOM and browser works
Whenever something in the DOM ( the real dom ) changes the browser repaints or reflows that the DOM. So in simpler terms every time the DOM changes browser needs to recalculate the CSS, do a layout and repaint the web page. This is what takes time in real dom.
So React comes with this virtual DOM and what it actually does is it batches the changes and call applies them on real-dom in one go. Thus, minimizing the re-flow and re-paint.
Then what about Svelte. If it is manipulating the DOM directly how does it controls the repaint/reflow of the browser.
In addition to the (correct) answer above: Svelte "compiles" the code that you provide to it, so the final code can be executed without a library runtime (in contrast to React). And it creates rather readable code, so it is absolutely possible to understand the inner workings.
Note: This will be a bit longer answer - and still leave out many minute details about what is going on under the hood of Svelte. But I hope it helps to demystify some of the aspects what is going on under the hood. Also, this is how Svelte does things as of v3.16.x. Since this is internal, it might change. However, I still find it always rewarding to understand what is really going on.
So, here we go.
First and foremost: The Svelte tutorial has a useful feature to let you see the generated code (right next to the "Result" pane). It might look a bit intimidating at first, but you quickly get the hang of it.
Below code will be based on this example (but further simplified): Svelte tutorial - reactivity/assignments
Our example component definition (i.e. App.svelte) looks like this:
let count = 0;
function handleClick() {
count += 1;
<button on:click={handleClick}>{count}</button>
Based on this component definition, the Svelte compiler creates a function which will create a "fragment" which receives and interacts with a "context".
function create_fragment(ctx) {
let button;
let t;
let dispose;
return {
c() {
button = element("button");
t = text(/*count*/ ctx[0]);
dispose = listen(button, "click", /*handleClick*/ ctx[1]);
m(target, anchor) {
insert(target, button, anchor);
append(button, t);
p(ctx, [dirty]) {
if (dirty & /*count*/ 1) set_data(t, /*count*/ ctx[0]);
i: noop,
o: noop,
d(detaching) {
if (detaching) detach(button);
The fragment is responsible to interact with the DOM and will be passed around with the component instance. In a nutshell, the code inside
"c" will be run on create (creating the DOM elements in memory and also setting up the event handlers)
"m" will run on mount (attaching the elements to the DOM)
"p" will run on update, i.e. when something (including props) changes
"i" / "o" are related to intro/outro (i.e. transitions)
"d" will be run on destroy
Note: The functions like element or set_data are actually very approachable.
For example, the function element is just a wrapper around document.createElement:
function element(name) {
return document.createElement(name);
The context (ctx) will hold all instance variables as well as functions. It is nothing more than a simple array. Since Svelte "knows" what each index means at compile time, it can make hard references to the indices at other places.
This code essentially defines the instance context:
function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let count = 0;
function handleClick() {
$$invalidate(0, count += 1);
return [count, handleClick];
Both the instance method as well as the create_fragment will be called from another function call init. It's a bit more involved, so instead of copy and pasting it here, you can have a look at this link to the source.
The $$invalidate will make sure that the count variable is set as dirty and schedule an update. When the next update runs, it will look at all "dirty" components and update them. How this is happening is really more of an implementation detail. If interested, set a breakpoint in the flush function.
In fact, if you really want to go a bit deeper, I recommend to clone the template app, then create a simple component, have it compiled and then inspect "bundle.js". You can also debug the actual code if you either delete the source maps or deactivate them.
So, for example set the rollup.config.js like so:
output: {
sourcemap: false,
format: 'iife',
name: 'app',
file: 'public/build/bundle.js'
plugins: [
dev: false,
Note: As shown above, I recommend to also set dev mode to false since this will create more concise code.
One neat feature: Once our app is running, you can also access the app variable (it is assigned to the global window object since it is bundled as an immediately-invoked function expression).
So, you can open your console and simply say
which will produce something like this
fragment: {c: ƒ, m: ƒ, p: ƒ, i: ƒ, o: ƒ, …}
ctx: (2) [0, ƒ]
props: {count: 0}
update: ƒ noop()
not_equal: ƒ safe_not_equal(a, b)
bound: {}
on_mount: []
on_destroy: []
before_update: []
after_update: []
context: Map(0) {}
callbacks: {}
dirty: [-1]
__proto__: Object
$set: $$props => {…}
One cool feature is that you can the $set method yourself to update the instance. For example like so:
app.$set({count: 10})
There are also Svelte DevTools which try to make the internals of Svelte more approachable. Somehow, they seemed to affect the render performance of my apps when I personally tried them out, so I don't use them myself. But certainly something to watch.
Well, there you have it. I know this is still rather technical, but I hope it helped to get a better understanding on what compiled Svelte code is doing.
Both libraries minimize how many changes need to be made to the dom. The difference is the way that they figure out what that minimal set of changes is.
React's approach is to have a representation of the dom in memory (the virtual dom). When you set state, it runs the render process again to create another virtual dom. It compares the before and after, finds what changed, and then any changes get pushed to the real dom.
Svelte's approach is that when you set a variable, it sets a flag marking that variable as having changed. It knows which variables are dependent on other variables, so it then steps through any dependent variables and recalculates them, building up a list of what needs to change. Then these changes get pushed to the dom.

array reference javascript angular

i'm trying to reference one item in an array, and i have no idea why this is not working,
these two lines of code are EXACTLY after eachother, but the output i get from the console is the following..
Output from the console
any ideas why this is not working? the commands are exactly after each other as I mentioned before and in the same function, the variable is global in my controller.
i can add more code if you think it can help, but i don't really understand how..
some more code:
$scope.Times = [];
$scope.getStatus = function(timer){
$'getStatus.php', {timer : timer})
$scope.response = response;
if ($scope.response.Running === "0"){
$scope.model = { ItemNumber : $scope.response.Part };
$scope.loadTiming = function(itemNumber) {
$'getPartTimings.php', {itemNumber : itemNumber})
$scope.selectedTiming = response;
var i = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.selectedTiming, function(value) {
if (value !== 0)
"Process" : $scope.procedures[i],
"Duration" : value*60
$postData = file_get_contents("php://input");
$request = json_decode($postData);
require "conf/config.php";
try {
} catch (Exception $exp) {
echo "<label style='font-weight:bold; color:red'>MySQL Server Connection Failed. </label>";
$query = 'SELECT *,
FROM live_Timers
WHERE Timer='.$request->timer;
$result = mysqli_query($con, $query);
$data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
echo JSON_ENCODE($data);
thanks for your help.
OK, so more code does help. It looks like you have asynchronous logic happening here. loadTiming is fired, which does a POST and then a splice on the Times array. One console.log could be firing before this POST and the other after. There's no easy way to tell.
One possible fix would be to only log these once the loadTiming async process runs. Return a promise from the loadTiming function and then in the then callback of the promise, log your array.
$scope.getStatus = function(timer){
$'getStatus.php', {timer : timer})
$scope.response = response;
if ($scope.response.Running === "0"){
$scope.model = { ItemNumber : $scope.response.Part };
$scope.loadTiming($scope.response.Part).then(function () {
$scope.loadTiming = function(itemNumber) {
return $'getPartTimings.php', {itemNumber : itemNumber})
$scope.selectedTiming = response;
var i = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.selectedTiming, function(value) {
if (value !== 0)
"Process" : $scope.procedures[i],
"Duration" : value*60
I think your issue is a $scope reference issue.
I would try this:
$scope.vm = {};
$scope.vm.Times = [];
Adding the "." is Angular best practice when attaching to $scope. This is best described here Understanding Scopes
I have experienced a similar situation a while ago, related with this issue.
Since then, I've encountered related issues a bunch of times (AngularJS, due to its cyclic nature seems prone to produce this behaviour).
In your case, using JSON.stringify($scope.Times) might "fix" this.
Usually this happens in this context:
An async call or a expensive DOM manipulation is made.
You make 2 (or more) calls to console.log in between.
The state of the DOM or object is changed
The output shows inconsistent (and strange) results
Take this example:
After digging a lot (and talking to Webkit developers) this is what I've found:
The second call to console.log is "resolved" first.
In your case, this has to do how Console handles objects and "expressions" in a different way:
An "expression" is resolved in the time of call, while with objects, a reference to said object is stored instead
Note that expression is used loosely here. You can observe this behaviour in this fiddle
More in depth analysis
Regarding display discrepancies, the behaviour posted above is not the only gotcha with Console. In fact, it is related in how Console works.
Console is an external tool
First you must realize that Console is an external tool and not part of the ECMAScript spec. Implementations differ between browsers and it shouldn't be used in production. It certainly won't work the same for every user.
Console is a non-standard external tool and is not on a standards track.
Console is dynamic
Console as a very dynamic tool. With console you can make assertions (test), time and profile your code, group log entries, remote connect to your server and debug Server Side Code. You can even change code itself, at runtime. So..
Console is not just a static log displayer... Its dynamic nature is one its most features
Console has a slight delay
Being an external dynamic tool, Console works as a watcher process attached to the javascript engine.
This is useful in debugging and among other things prevents Console to inadvertently block the execution of the script. A simple and crude way of thinking about this is picturing console.log as a kind of non-blocking async call. This means that:
With Console, there's a slight delay between 1)call, 2)processing and 3)output.
However, calling Console is not "instant" per se. In fact, by itself, can delay script execution. If you mix this with complex DOM manipulations and events, it can cause weird behaviours.
I've encountered an issue with Chrome, when using MutationObserver and console.log. This happened because the DOM Painting was delaying the update of the DOM object but the event triggered by that DOM change was fired nevertheless. This meant the event callback was executed and finished before the DOM Object was fully updated, resulting in an invalid reference to the DOM object.
Using console.log in the observer caused a brief delay in the callback execution, that, in most of the times, was enough to let the DOM Object update first. This proves that console.log delays code execution.
But even when an invalid reference error occurred, console.log ALWAYS showed a valid object. Since the object couldn't have been changed by code itself, this proves there is a delay delay between the call of console.log and the processing.
Console log order matches the code path
Console log entries order is unaffected by entries update status. In other words,
The order of the log entries reflect the order in which they are called, not their "freshness"
So, if an object is updated, it does not move to the end of the log. (makes sense to me)
Counterintuitive behaviour
This can lead to a number of possible counterintuitive behaviours because one might expect a console.log to be some kind of snapshot of the object, not a reference to it.
For instance, in your case, the object is changed between the the call to console.log and the end of the script.
At the time of calling, $scope.Times is empty, so $scope.Times[0] is undefined.
However, the $scope.Time object is updated posteriorly.
When the Console report is displayed, it shows an updated version of the object.
In your case, transforming the object in an "expression" can solve the "issue". For instance, you can use JSON.stringify($scope.Times).
It is debatable if the way console handles objects is a Bug or a Feature. Some propose that, when called with an object, console.log should clone that object making a kind of snapshot. Some argue that storing a reference to the object is preferable, since you can easily create a snapshot yourself if you wish to do so.

Is there a way to log the JavaScript stack trace without putting breakpoints?

I would like to be able to perform manipulations on a given JS app, and then simply get a large log of all the functions that have been called. This is possible in Chrome, but only if one puts a breakpoint somewhere. My problem is when I am reverse-engineering a given website (only for self-teaching purposes, of course) it often takes me a whole lot of time to figure out where to even start from. Something like that will help me tremendously because I will no longer have to search within the code, rather, I will just do a user action, and grab the stack log afterwards.
I suppose that there should be a way to intercept (or wrap) every function call, so that it is dumped to the log before the function is called.
Try this article:
or this post:
and, probably, this: How can I get a Javascript stack trace when I throw an exception?
In Firebug, you can use the profiler to log every function called. Use console.profile() and console.profileEnd() to trigger it programatically.
However, this will not give you proper stack traces. (Are you sure that's what you want?)
To log methods of specific objects, you can overwrite them like so:
for (var key in obj) {
if (typeof obj[key] == 'function') {
var origFun = obj[key];
obj[key] = function () {
var result = origFun.apply(this, arguments);
console.log('call to method', key, 'with arguments', arguments,' - Result:', result);
// console.trace(); // for a trace with every call
return result;
Maybe aspect oriented programming (AOP) can provide an answer. I just found out about aspectJS which could help intercept and log function calls
You can use dynatrace. Dynatrace is a profiling tool for IE and FF. Dynatrace can monitor your application while it is running, and then serves you a timeline of all what happened. In the timeline, there is blocks representing the javascript activity. You can right-click on it (purepath), and then walk through the whole call stack. You can export that to excel or other If you want.
You can add markers in your code, those markers will appear on the timeline and in the purepath:
if(typeof(_dt_addMark)!="undefined") _dt_addMark('MyCustomTimerName');
alternatively, if you only want to find "a way to intercept (or wrap) every function call",
there is a low-tech solution, if you are using a real webbapp (single-load javascript app):
With bookmarklets, once you have loaded your page, you can execute some custom javascript. So what you can do there, is to override the functions methods that you want to observe with the same function containing logging (so just copy and paste the function, and add some console.log in there). This actually works even with native js functions.

