How to stock the data obtained from JSON in variables? - javascript

Okay I am a newbie in web developing and it's been hours I am trying to figure out how to stock data into variables in order to use them in other functions.
Here is what I am trying to do :-
var Rows;
var Cols;
function initBoard(link) {
$div = $('#container');
for(var i = 0; i < Rows; i++) {....}
this is a long function to draw a Grid from the JSON file.So at the end I call
$(document).ready(function() {
And then it draws the thing.
The problem is that it seems that nothing gets stocked into my variable Rows..
Even when I try with alert(Rows), nothing happens.
I tried another version doing this :-
var dataR;
function test(link){
alert(dataR); // Gives me 13 as Well, DATA READED and stocked..
alert(dataR); // Gives me undefined..
function initBoard() { .... //
the function I call to draw the grid, but I want to use the global var
dataR inside..
.// functions I use
$(document).ready(function() {
Thank you forgiving me hints or showing help.

Make a global variable in javascript at the top of your code
var _dataToStock;
//your code here
_dataToStock=dataR;//Put this where you get desired value.
Now you can use _dataToStock variable to perform othe actions.
Be sure to check value of _dataToStock for null and undefined before use.

Good question. This is because, you are loading data via asynchronous ajax call and while the data is being loaded, your next line of code is executed, in which you are accessing variable, which has not been initialized yet, because ajax call is still in progress.
How to resolve: Either put your code block in the success callback or wrap your code block in a function and call this function in the success callback of your ajax call. This will results in, you will be able to access the intiaited variable.
Happy Coding :-)

Try This.
var globalVariable = [""];
$(function() {
function initBoard(link) {
var rlen = data.length;
for (var i = 0; i < rlen; i++)
function printData(){
for(i = 0;;i++){
if(String(globalVariable[i]) == 'undefined'){


addEventListener not working in Javascript but jQuery Click is working

I am using modular pattern of javascript and trying to do things in Javascript way rather than Jquery
myapp.module1 = (function($){
"use strict";
var _config = {
backgroundImages : document.getElementsByClassName('img_paste'),
for(var i = 0;i < _config.backgroundImages.length; i++){
var imageElement = _config.backgroundImages[i];
// $('.img_paste').click(function(){
// var img = this;
// console.log(this);
// console.log($(this));
// myapp.module2.addBackgroundImage(img);
// });
In the above code, the Jquery click function works but not the Javacript one.
When I tried to debug, I tried to console out the image in addBackgroundImage() function.
var addBackgroundImage = function(imageToBeAdded){
The function seems to be executing even before onclick. Why is that happening?
First, the images elements appear to be empty in the console, then after some some the image elements are displayed in console.
Take a look at this simple code example:
function describeTheParameter(p) {
console.log("describeTheParameter invoked. p is of type " + typeof(p));
function stringFunction() {
return "Hello World!";
This results in
describeTheParameter invoked. p is of type string
describeTheParameter invoked. p is of type function
In the first call, we are calling stringFunction, and then passing the result to describeTheParameter.
In the second call, we are actually passing the function to describeTheParameter.
When you call addEventListener you must follow the pattern of the second call: pass the function without invoking it:
In the following line of code, you are invoking addBackgroundImage, and then passing the result (which will be undefined) to addEventListener.
You need to pass a yet-to-be-called function into addEventListener.
The smallest step to make your code work is to employ a currying function:
function addImage(imageElement) {
return function() {
for(var i = 0;i < _config.backgroundImages.length; i++){
var imageElement = _config.backgroundImages[i];
imageElement.addEventListener('click', addImage(imageElement), false);
For much simpler code, make use of the this keyword. In this case, this will point to the element that's firing the event.
function imageClickHandler() {
var imageElement = this;
for(var i = 0;i < _config.backgroundImages.length; i++){
var imageElement = _config.backgroundImages[i];
imageElement.addEventListener('click', imageClickHandler, false);
The function seems to be executing even before onclick. Why is that happening?
Look at the statement you wrote:
You are calling the function and then passing its return value as the function argument.
You want something more along the lines of:
myapp.module2.addBackgroundImage.bind(myapp.module2, imageElement)
(or the function expression that you used in the commented out code)

How am I getting the scope wrong? Unable to access this function from jQuery ".on"

Morning all,
I'm using the following code to somewhat imitate setInterval with AJAX:
// Poll for ALERTs
(function pollForAlerts() {
var params = { "send": 1, "poll": 1 };
// Set up the correct patch for sending AJAX data
ALERTS = {};
ALERTS.Auth = { site: data_site, uuid: data_uuid };
ALERTS.API = function(app,data) {
var url = "//"+ app +"/?";
var data = $.extend({}, ALERTS.Auth, data);
return url + jQuery.param(data || "") + '&timestamp='+$.now();
// Run the AJAX request
$.getJSON( ALERTS.API( 'touchscreen', params ) , function (response) {
if( typeof response === "object" ) {
for( var i = 0; i < response.length; i++ )
} else { setTimeout( pollForAlerts, 3000 ); }
The function runs repeatedly until it finds a response.
I'd like to then set a jQuery ".on" to restart this loop if a certain element is clicked on:
// Respond to ALERT
$('#alerts').on('click', 'td.initials span', function(event) {
$(this).closest('tr').removeClass("active abs cri");
However, when I do that, I get the following error in Firebug:
ReferenceError: pollForAlerts is not defined
Line 14
I can't work out why pollForAlerts() can't be accessed. Is it because of the self-executing function, or is it just because it's being used within jQuery's on function?
I'm not JavaScript expert, especially when it comes to self-executing functions and closures, so please be gentle with me!
You wrote self invoking function, These functions are executing only once in lifetime. If you want to call a function multiple times then you can write it as normal function.

Javascript: uncaught typeerror undefined is not a function for object methods

I make a simple quiz game. Here is some relevan methods that i have inside one object.
But doesn't work. I always get an error within 'rightAnswerGot' function. Console drops
"uncaught typeerror undefined is not a function for object methods" for this.addVariantsHtml(this.updateCharacter());
BasicGame.Game.prototype = {
actionOnClick: function (button) {
var log;
if(button.value==this.char_bubble.text) {
} else {
// wrong;
rightAnswerGot: function (){
addVariantsHtml: function(id) {
this.answer = this.getAnswersVariants(id);
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
this.button[i].value = this.answer[i]['trans'];
this.button[i].char_id = this.answer[i]['id'];
updateCharacter: function() {
var i = this.getRandomCharacter();
console.log("updateCharacter: "+i + " " +this.chars[i]);
return i;
The aim is to froze the game for a second, when user choose the right answer, and than go to next question. Any ideas why does it happens?
Looks like a classic JavaScript scope issue to me. However as you've tagged this question as using Phaser, I would suggest you use a Phaser Timer event to avoid scope problems. Specifically:
replace it with:, this.rightAnswerGot, this);
Which will create a single 1 second timer that fires only once, calling your function at the end of it. You can use 1000 instead of Phaser.Timer.SECOND of course.
I would image that whats happening is that its trying to call the this.addVariantsHtml method, before its calling this.updateCharacter and getting the ID.
So your probably expecting that when it runs, for it to be something like:
But its actually trying to run
So just do this:
var id = this.updateCharacter();
Either that or you need to look into method chaining/piping, which is just complicated and doesnt need to be used for this situation, but is interesting :)
Ok I found something that made it work!!
Here is a solution:
actionOnClick: function (button) {
var log;
if(button.value==this.char_bubble.text) {
var context=this;
setTimeout(function() {
} else {
// wrong;

Javascript : Anonymous function, access to global variables

After hours of search, I Have a problem with my code Below.
In fact, I'm not very far from answer I think but I'm still blocked…
I have an anonymous function called inside a loop and I want to access and refresh global variables but I tried with window.myvariable, with another function and nothing happen…
this my code :
for (var i = 0; i < SHP_files.length; i++) {
shapefile = new Shapefile({
shp: "shp/polygon/"+SHP_files[i]+".shp",
dbf: "shp/polygon/"+SHP_files[i]+".dbf",
}, function(data) {
polygon_layer.addLayer(new L.GeoJSON(data.geojson,{onEachFeature: onEachFeature, style: polygonStyle}));
console.log(polygon_layer.getLayers()); // IS OK
console.log(polygon_layer.getLayers()); // IS EMPTY !!
So, How i could transform this anonymous function in order to have something that I can access from my code who's following that ?
Thanks a lot, and sorry for my english not very good…
This is your typical problem with asynchronous code execution. You example code does NOT execute from top to bottom. In particular, your anonymous function does NOT get executed until Shapefile is done with whatever it is doing. In the meantime, your JS gets executed in order. Therefore, the last line of your above code, will probably execute before the anonymous function ever will.
To fix this, you will need to trigger any code that depends on the Shapefile response from within its callback:
for (var i = 0; i < SHP_files.length; i++) {
shapefile = new Shapefile({
shp: "shp/polygon/"+SHP_files[i]+".shp",
dbf: "shp/polygon/"+SHP_files[i]+".dbf",
}, function(data) {
polygon_layer.addLayer(new L.GeoJSON(data.geojson,{onEachFeature: onEachFeature, style: polygonStyle}));
function executeMoreCode() {
console.log(polygon_layer.getLayers()); // IS OK
Try defining your variables, in this case polygon_layer, outside of the for loop or the function. See the following example:
var f;
for(var i=0; i<5;i++){
f = 10;
console.log(f); // Outputs 10
console.log(f); // Also outputs 10

Variable scope in Javascript Object

I'm discovering the concept of "objects" in JavaScript. I'm making an RSS Parser, and I have an error (commented).
function MyParser (feed_url) { // Construct
"use strict";
this.feedUrl = feed_url;
this.pubArray = [];
if (typeof (this.init_ok) == 'undefined') {
MyParser.prototype.parse = function () {
"use strict";
var thisObj = this;
$.get(this.feedUrl, function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (textStatus == 'success') {
var xml = jqXHR.responseXML,
//lastBuildDate = new Date($(xml).find('lastBuildDate').text());
items = $(xml).find('item');
items.each(function () {
var pubSingle = thisObj.makeObj($(this).find('pubDate').text(),
console.log(thisObj.pubArray); // OK
}, 'xml');
console.log(this.pubArray); // Empty
return (this.pubArray);
MyParser.prototype.makeObj = function (pubDate, pubLink, pubTitle, pubDesc, pubContent, pubComCount, pubComLink) {
"use strict";
var pubSingle = {};
pubSingle.pubDate = new Date(pubDate);
pubSingle.pubLink = pubLink;
pubSingle.pubTitle = pubTitle;
pubSingle.pubDesc = pubDesc;
pubSingle.pubContent = pubContent;
pubSingle.pubComCount = pubComCount;
pubSingle.pubComLink = pubComLink;
return (pubSingle);
this.init_ok = true;
If you look at the console.log(), you'll see that the line // OK is outputting my array correctly.
But later, when returning from $.get, my array is empty.
Does anybody have an idea why, and how to correct that please?
This is not a problem with variable-scope. The problem here is that you're working with asynchronous flow and you're not thinking correctly the flow.
Let me explain:
When you do your .get, you fire a parallel asynchronous process that will request information from the browser, but your main program's flow keeps going, so when you get to your "return" statement, your array has not been filled yet with the response from your get method.
You should use your array from inside the get callback and not outside of it, since you can't guarantee that the array will have the information you need.
Does it make any sense?
Let me know!
Further explanation
According to your comments, you're still doing something like this:
var results = MyParser(feed_url);
//code that uses results.pubArray
And you cannot do that. Even though you're setting your "pubArray" inside your .get callback, you're trying to use pubArray right after you called MyParser and that's before the .get callback is called.
What you have to do, is call your next step on your program's logic from within the .get callback... that's the only way you can be sure that the pubArray is filled with proper data.
I hope that makes it clearer.
This is because your line
console.log(this.pubArray); // Empty
is being called directly after you issue your Ajax request; it hasn't had time to fetch the data yet. The line
console.log(thisObj.pubArray); // OK
is being called inside the Ajax callback, by which time the data has been fetched.
Thank you all, and particulary #Deleteman .
Here is what I did:
$.get(this.feedUrl, 'xml').success(function () {
thisObj.handleAjax(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
}).error(function () {
Then, when i enter "HandleAjax", i'm back in my object context, so "this" refers to my object and the right properties. The only "problem" is that I have to set a listener (MyParserDone) to make sure the parsing is finished.

