How to close date picker window? - javascript

We have made a custom date box component with using Bootstrap. But we are unable to close the calendar date picker when we are on select the date then the calendar in not close.
Anyone here tell me how to resolve this issue. Actually we have not good command in JS.
Here is bootstrap-datetimepicker.js.
Intialization code:
init = function() {
var icon = false, i, dDate;
picker.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
if (!(picker.options.pickTime || picker.options.pickDate))
throw new Error('Must choose at least one picker'); = dpgId++;
moment.lang(picker.options.language); = moment();
picker.element = $(element);
picker.unset = false;
picker.isInput ='input');
picker.component = false;
if (picker.element.hasClass('input-group'))
picker.component = picker.element.find('.input-group-addon');
picker.format = picker.options.format;
if (!picker.format) {
if (picker.isInput)
picker.format ='format');
picker.format = picker.element.find('input').data('format');
if (!picker.format)
picker.format = (picker.options.pickDate ? 'L' : '');
picker.format += (picker.options.pickTime ? ' LT' : '');
if (picker.component)
icon = picker.component.find('span');
if (picker.options.pickTime) {
if (icon && icon.length) {
picker.timeIcon ='time-icon');
picker.upIcon ='up-icon');
picker.downIcon ='down-icon');
/* if (!picker.timeIcon)
picker.timeIcon = 'glyphicon glyphicon-time';*/
if (!picker.upIcon)
picker.upIcon = 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up';
if (!picker.downIcon)
picker.downIcon = 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down';
if (icon)
if (picker.options.pickDate) {
if (icon && icon.length)
picker.dateIcon ='date-icon');
if (!picker.dateIcon)
picker.dateIcon = 'glyphicon glyphicon-calendar';
if (icon) {
picker.widget = $(
getTemplate(picker.timeIcon, picker.upIcon,
picker.downIcon, picker.options.pickDate,
picker.options.pickTime, picker.options.collapse))
picker.minViewMode = picker.options.minViewMode
||'date-minviewmode') || 0;
if (typeof picker.minViewMode === 'string') {
switch (picker.minViewMode) {
case 'months':
picker.minViewMode = 1;
case 'years':
picker.minViewMode = 2;
picker.minViewMode = 0;
picker.viewMode = picker.options.viewMode
||'date-viewmode') || 0;
if (typeof picker.viewMode === 'string') {
switch (picker.viewMode) {
case 'months':
picker.viewMode = 1;
case 'years':
picker.viewMode = 2;
picker.viewMode = 0;
for (i in picker.options.disabledDates) {
dDate = picker.options.disabledDates[i];
dDate = moment(dDate);
// if this is not a valid date then set it to the startdate -1
// day so it's disabled.
if (!dDate.isValid)
dDate = moment(startDate).subtract(1, "day").format("L");
picker.options.disabledDates[i] = dDate.format("L");
picker.startViewMode = picker.viewMode;
if (picker.options.defaultDate !== "")

When you open the website and read it, it clearly says:
Hide the datepicker.
A screenshot for you, if you have missed it:
I don't understand how you even missed it, even though if you don't have a command over JavaScript.
If this wasn't the right issue, kindly create a snippet and then demonstrate the issue so that we can solve it.


Photoshop ScriptUI Slider Indicator

The script writes the slider indicator position value to the xml file. But it fails to read and set the xml value.
The alert box in the save/read xml functions lists the xml variables. I am expecting the slider indicator to match the numerical vlaue in the xml variable.
I have a feeling the issue is with the switch statements in the read/write xml functions. Are these lines correct?
Read function:
case 'slider': myXML[a] = o[a].value; break;
Write function:
case 'slider': o[a].value = myXML[a] != '' ? (myXML[a] == 'true' ? 1 : 0) : o[a].value; break;
Reference screenshots. The slider indicator is at 0 instead of 63.
var w = new Window("dialog","test",undefined,{closeButton: true});
var group1 = w.add("group");
mySlider = group1.add("slider");
mySlider.minvalue = 0;
mySlider.maxvalue = 100;
//mySlider.value = 0;
mySlider.preferredSize.length = 195;
mySlider.preferredSize.height = 15;
mySliderEtxt = group1.add("edittext",undefined,"0");
mySlider.onChanging = function(){
mySliderEtxt.text = mySlider.value;
mySliderEtxt.onChanging = function(){
mySlider.value = mySliderEtxt.text;
ok = group1.add("button", undefined, "Set", { name: "set" })
cancel = group1.add("button", undefined, "Close", { name: "close" })
settingsSlider1 = { sliderOne: mySlider, textItemOne: mySliderEtxt}
ok.onClick = function () {
saveToXML(settingsSlider1, 'Simple Sider')
cancel.onClick = function () {
w.onShow = function () {
readFromXML(settingsSlider1, 'Simple Sider')
function saveToXML(o, xmlName) {
var f = new File(Folder.desktop + '/' + xmlName + '.xml'),
myXML = new XML('<variables></variables>');
for (var a in o) {
switch (o[a].type) {
case 'edittext': myXML[a] = o[a].text; break;
case 'checkbox': myXML[a] = o[a].value; break;
case 'radiobutton': myXML[a] = o[a].value; break;
case 'dropdownlist': myXML[a] = o[a].selection ? o[a].selection.text : ''; break;
case 'slider': myXML[a] = o[a].value; break;
alert('Save XML \n'+myXML);
f.encoding = "UTF8"'w');
function readFromXML(o, xmlName) {
var f = new File(Folder.desktop + '/' + xmlName + '.xml');
f.encoding = "UTF8";'r');
var myXML = new XML(;
for (var a in o) {
switch (o[a].type) {
case 'edittext': o[a].text = myXML[a] != '' ? myXML[a] : o[a].text; break;
case 'checkbox': o[a].value = myXML[a] != '' ? (myXML[a] == 'true' ? 1 : 0) : o[a].value; break;
case 'radiobutton': o[a].value = myXML[a] != '' ? (myXML[a] == 'true' ? 1 : 0) : o[a].value; break;
case 'dropdownlist': o[a].selection = myXML[a] != '' ? o[a].find(myXML[a]) : 0; break;
case 'slider': o[a].value = myXML[a] != '' ? (myXML[a] == 'true' ? 1 : 0) : o[a].value; break;
alert('Read XML \n'+myXML);
f.encoding = "UTF8"'w');
You have to add one line:
w.onShow = function () {
readFromXML(settingsSlider1, 'Simple Sider');
mySlider.value = mySliderEtxt.text; // <-------------- HERE

How to debug injected javascript code in IE compatibility mode?

I need to inject some Javascript scripts to IE and then invoke some methods.
I tried the following simple C# code (the Javascript code is to build xpath from a known HTML element).
string xpath = #"
(function(win) {
""use strict"";
var doc = win.document;
if (doc._xpath_installed) return;
doc._xpath_installed = true;
doc.createXPath = function (node, optimized) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
return '/';
var steps = [];
var contextNode = node;
while (contextNode) {
var step = _xPathValue(contextNode, optimized);
if (!step) {
} // Error - bail out early.
if (step.optimized) {
contextNode = contextNode.parentNode;
var stepvalues = [];
steps.forEach(function (step) {
return (steps.length && steps[0].optimized ? '' : '/') + stepvalues.join('/');
var _xPathValue = function (node, optimized) {
var ownValue;
var ownIndex = _xPathIndex(node);
if (ownIndex === -1) {
return null;
} // Error.
switch (node.nodeType) {
if (optimized && node.getAttribute('id')) {
return _stepnew('//*[#id=""' + node.getAttribute('id') + '""]', true);
ownValue = node.localName;
ownValue = '#' + node.nodeName;
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
ownValue = 'text()';
ownValue = 'processing-instruction()';
ownValue = 'comment()';
ownValue = '';
ownValue = '';
if (ownIndex > 0) {
ownValue += '[' + ownIndex + ']';
return _stepnew(ownValue, node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE);
var _xPathIndex = function (node) {
// Returns -1 in case of error, 0 if no siblings matching the same expression,
// <XPath index among the same expression-matching sibling nodes> otherwise.
function areNodesSimilar(left, right) {
if (left === right) {
return true;
if (left.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && right.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return left.localName === right.localName;
if (left.nodeType === right.nodeType) {
return true;
// XPath treats CDATA as text nodes.
var leftType = left.nodeType === Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE ? Node.TEXT_NODE : left.nodeType;
var rightType = right.nodeType === Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE ? Node.TEXT_NODE : right.nodeType;
return leftType === rightType;
var siblings = node.parentNode ? node.parentNode.children : null;
if (!siblings) {
return 0;
} // Root node - no siblings.
var hasSameNamedElements;
for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; ++i) {
if (areNodesSimilar(node, siblings[i]) && siblings[i] !== node) {
hasSameNamedElements = true;
if (!hasSameNamedElements) {
return 0;
var ownIndex = 1; // XPath indices start with 1.
for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; ++i) {
if (areNodesSimilar(node, siblings[i])) {
if (siblings[i] === node) {
return ownIndex;
return -1;
var _stepnew = function(value, optimized) {
return {
value: value,
optimized: optimized || false
var _steptostring = function(step) {
return step[""value""];
And then I try to inject the xpath string and invoke a method,
// doc is the html document (type: mshtml.IHTMLDocument2)
// element is the html element (type: mshtml.IHTMLElement)
doc.parentWindow.execScript(xpath, "JScript");
object[] args = new object[2];
args[0] = element;
args[1] = 1;
object result = doc.GetType().InvokeMember("createXPath", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, doc, args);
It works fine in Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 10).
However, when I add the website to Compatibility View (settings-> compatibility view settings), the InvokeMember call throws exception "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020101", which means there are some script errors in the Javascript code.
My question is, is there a way to debug into this Javascript code in the above situation? Without debugging it is almost impossible to find the root cause only based on the information 0x80020101.
If you have script errors in your JS code, why don't you trace the client-side code's execution with console.log() or console.debug() so that you know what is happening in your application ?
If you just want to debug code in Edge IE mode, you can use IEChooser to open Internet Explorer DevTools, as follows:
In Windows, open the Run dialog box. For example, press the Windows logo key + R.
Enter %systemroot%\system32\f12\IEChooser.exe, and then click OK.
In IEChooser, select the entry for the IE mode tab.
For more details, you could also refer to this doc: Open DevTools on a tab in IE mode.

JavaScript Function.prototype.toSource() in Chrome not working

I have a problem with the script below. I'm getting toSource is not defined error in Chrome and found out that toSource() is Firefox specific. I tried JSON.stringify() instead, for which I got undefined error.
var main_tbls = d.querySelectorAll(".bz_buglist");
var first_tbl = main_tbls[0]; = "bugz_table";
var ext_script = d.createElement("script");
//ext_script.setAttribute("src", "");
ext_script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
ext_script.setAttribute("language", "javascript");
ext_script.appendChild(d.createTextNode("var TblId, SearchFlt, SlcArgs;TblId = new Array(), SlcArgs = new Array();var colValues = new Array();" +
setFilterGrid.toSource() +
AddGrid.toSource() ));
function setFilterGrid(id)
var tbl = grabEBI(id);
var ref_row, fObj;
if (tbl != null && tbl.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "table") {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var argtype = typeof arguments[i];
switch (argtype.toLowerCase()) {
case "number":
ref_row = arguments[i];
case "object":
fObj = arguments[i];
} //switch
} //for
} //if
ref_row == undefined ? ref_row = 2 : ref_row = (ref_row + 2);
var ncells = getCellsNb(id, ref_row);
tbl.tf_ncells = ncells;
if (tbl.tf_ref_row == undefined) tbl.tf_ref_row = ref_row;
tbl.tf_Obj = fObj;
if (!hasGrid(id)) AddGrid(id);
} //if tbl!=null
While your question is not clear, it appears that you are looking for the Function.prototype.toString() method. This will work in basically all browsers.
document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + setFilterGrid.toString() +'</pre>';
function setFilterGrid(id)
var tbl = grabEBI(id);
var ref_row, fObj;
if (tbl != null && tbl.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "table") {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var argtype = typeof arguments[i];
switch (argtype.toLowerCase()) {
case "number":
ref_row = arguments[i];
case "object":
fObj = arguments[i];
} //switch
} //for
} //if
ref_row == undefined ? ref_row = 2 : ref_row = (ref_row + 2);
var ncells = getCellsNb(id, ref_row);
tbl.tf_ncells = ncells;
if (tbl.tf_ref_row == undefined) tbl.tf_ref_row = ref_row;
tbl.tf_Obj = fObj;
if (!hasGrid(id)) AddGrid(id);
} //if tbl!=null
Function.prototype.toSource(), on the other hand, is only available in Firefox. Mozilla's documentation is quite clear that it is:
This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.

Need help converting from prototype to jQuery

I need help converting the below code. I have a software that uses prototype but it really really conflicts with jquery. I have used online auto scripts to translate code, did nothing, i tried to manually do it but i don't have enough knowledge, and i tried using $.noconflict but it had no effect, and no help. - Please if anyone can help with the code below:
var menuList = new Array();
var buttonList = new Array();
var scriptList = new Array();
/* Ajax post request */
function scriptDoLoadPost(scriptUrl, scriptForm, scriptPos, scriptArgs, noLoading) {
if(!scriptArgs){ var scriptArgs = ''; }
scriptArgs = $(scriptForm).serialize() + scriptArgs;
myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(scriptPos, scriptUrl, {
method : 'post',
parameters : scriptArgs,
evalScripts : true,
onLoading: function(request){ showLoadingIcon(scriptPos, noLoading); },
insertion : Insertion.Append
/* Ajax get request */
function scriptDoLoad(scriptUrl, scriptPos, scriptArgs, noLoading) {
myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(scriptPos, scriptUrl, {
method : 'get',
parameters : scriptArgs,
evalScripts : true,
onLoading : function(request){ showLoadingIcon(scriptPos, noLoading); },
insertion : Insertion.Append
function createCookie(name,value,days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
else var expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
function eraseCookie(name) {
/* site map request */
function sitemapDoLoadPost(scriptUrl, scriptForm, scriptPos, scriptArgs, noLoading) {
if(!scriptArgs){ var scriptArgs = ''; }
scriptArgs = $(scriptForm).serialize() + scriptArgs;
myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(scriptPos, scriptUrl, {
method : 'post',
parameters : scriptArgs,
evalScripts : true,
onLoading: function(request){ showLoadingIcon(scriptPos, noLoading); }
/* Onloading image icon function */
function showLoadingIcon(scriptPos,noLoading){
loading = 0;
contentDiv = "";
switch (scriptPos){
case "content":
contentDiv = '<div id="loading_content"></div>';
loading = 1;
case "subcontent":
contentDiv = '<div id="loading_subcontent"></div>';
loading = 1;
case "ContentFrame":
contentDiv = '<div id="loading_content_frame"></div>';
loading = 1;
case "subcontmed":
contentDiv = '<div id="loading_subcontmed"></div>';
loading = 1;
case "newsalert":
contentDiv = '<div id="loading_longthin"></div>';
loading = 1;
default :
contentDiv = '<div id="loading_rankarea"></div>';
loading = 1;
if((loading == 1) && (noLoading != 1)){
document.getElementById(scriptPos).innerHTML = contentDiv;
function confirmLoad(scriptUrl, scriptPos, scriptArgs) {
if (chkObject('wantproceed')) {
wantproceed = "Do you really want to proceed?";
var agree = confirm(wantproceed);
if (agree)
return scriptDoLoad(scriptUrl, scriptPos, scriptArgs);
return false;
function confirmSubmit(scriptUrl, scriptForm, scriptPos, scriptArgs) {
if(!scriptArgs){ var scriptArgs = ''; }
if (chkObject('wantproceed')) {
wantproceed = "Do you really want to proceed?";
var agree = confirm(wantproceed);
if (agree)
return scriptDoLoadPost(scriptUrl, scriptForm, scriptPos, scriptArgs);
return false;
function doAction(scriptUrl, scriptPos, scriptArgs, actionDiv) {
actVal = document.getElementById(actionDiv).value;
scriptArgs += "&sec=" + actVal;
switch (actVal) {
case "select":
case "checkstatus":
case "edit":
case "reports":
case "viewreports":
case "pagedetails":
scriptDoLoad(scriptUrl, scriptPos, scriptArgs);
/* check whether the system is demo or not */
if((actVal == 'delete') || (actVal == 'Activate') || (actVal == 'Inactivate') || (actVal == 'recheckreport')
|| (actVal == 'showrunproject') || (actVal == 'checkscore') || (actVal == 'deletepage') || (actVal == 'upgrade') || (actVal == 'reinstall') ){
confirmLoad(scriptUrl, scriptPos, scriptArgs);
function doLoad(argVal, scriptUrl, scriptPos, scriptArgs) {
actVal = document.getElementById(argVal).value;
scriptArgs += "&"+ argVal +"=" + actVal;
scriptDoLoad(scriptUrl, scriptPos, scriptArgs);
function doLoadUrl(argVal, scriptUrl) {
actVal = document.getElementById(argVal).value;
window.location = scriptUrl += "&"+ argVal +"=" + actVal;
/* func to show hide menu */
function showMenu(button, scriptPos){
for (var i=0; i<menuList.length; i++) {
if(menuList[i] == scriptPos){
var but = document.getElementById(button).src;
if(but.match("more") == "more"){
but = but.replace(/more/,"hide");
document.getElementById(scriptPos).style.display = '';
document.getElementById(button).src = but;
// load default script
if(typeof(scriptList[i]) != "undefined") {
scriptDoLoad(scriptList[i], 'content')
but = but.replace(/hide/,"more");
document.getElementById(scriptPos).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(button).src = but;
var butClose = document.getElementById(buttonList[i]).src;
if(butClose.match("hide") == "hide"){
butClose = butClose.replace(/hide/,"more");
document.getElementById(menuList[i]).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(buttonList[i]).src = butClose;
function updateArea(scriptPos, content) {
document.getElementById(scriptPos).innerHTML += content;
function chkObject(theVal) {
if (document.getElementById(theVal) != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function checkSubmitInfo(scriptUrl, scriptForm, scriptPos, catCol) {
value = document.getElementById('captcha').value;
if (value==null||value==""){
alert('Please enter the code shown');
return false;
var obj = document.getElementsByName(catCol).item(0);
value = obj.value;
if (value==null||value==""||value==0){
alert('Please select a category');
return false;
scriptDoLoadPost(scriptUrl, scriptForm, scriptPos);
function loadJsCssFile(filename, filetype){
if (filetype=="js"){ //if filename is a external JavaScript file
var fileref=document.createElement('script')
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
}else if (filetype=="css"){ //if filename is an external CSS file
var fileref=document.createElement("link")
fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet")
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css")
fileref.setAttribute("href", filename)
if (typeof fileref!="undefined")
function hideDiv(scriptPos){
document.getElementById(scriptPos).style.display = 'none';
function showDiv(scriptPos){
document.getElementById(scriptPos).style.display = '';
function crawlMetaData(url,scriptPos) {
weburl = document.getElementById('weburl').value;
alert('Website url is empty!');
url = url + "&url=" + escape(weburl);
scriptDoLoad(url, scriptPos);
function hideNewsBox(scriptPos, cookieVar, cookieVal) {
createCookie(cookieVar, cookieVal, 1);
function alertDemoMsg(){
alert('Some features are disabled in the demo system due to security threats. Please download and install seo panel to enjoy full features.');
function checkDirectoryFilter(checkId, scriptUrl, scriptPos){
var noFilter = 0;
noFilter = 1;
scriptUrl = scriptUrl + "&" + checkId + "=" + noFilter;
scriptDoLoad(scriptUrl, scriptPos);
function checkList(checkId) {
checkall = document.getElementById(checkId).checked;
for (i = 0; i < document.listform.elements.length; i++){
if(document.listform.elements[i].type=="checkbox") {
document.listform.elements[i].checked = checkall ? true : false;
function selectAllOptions(selectBoxId, selectAll) {
selectBox = document.getElementById(selectBoxId);
for (var i = 0; i < selectBox.options.length; i++) {
selectBox.options[i].selected = selectAll;
Here is a site comparing the commands from Prototype to the jQuery equivalents, you should find what you need for translation:

SSRS Report Manager javascript fails in non-IE browsers for Drop Down Menus

I've been debugging the ReportingServices.js file using Firefox and Firebug. I've found that the reason SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) Report Manager (web front end for Reports) doesn't work in Firefox (v7.0.1) is that it's using javascript .lastChild to find elements. Unfortunately, Firefox also picks up on whitespace as TextNode elements causing the element selection to not work as expected.
This works in IE and hopefully someone knows a solution to this. I edited the javascript to get round one bug but then hit another more complicated one so probably a mine field to try to fix manually. Hopefully there is some update or patch available.
This is running SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard edition on a Windows 2008 R2 Datacenter server.
Apologies if you feel this is not the forum for such a question. In that case, please suggest where else I should ask the question if it's not appropriate. It is kindof a javascript problem but likely with a software update solution.
After a few hours of fixing the browser compatibility bugs in the ReportingServices.js file I managed to get it to work on Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari as well as IE. Sorry that my answer below is in 2 parts; I posted the entire code of the updated ReportingServices.js for the solution.
After a few hours hacking around with the original ReportingServices.js file I managed to fix the javascript to work on Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari as well as IE.
Even though it's a bit big I've posted the whole edited ReportingServices.js below for others to use if needed. I've put "chris edit" comments showing the old lines above their edits so you can (if you care) follow what I've changed. I've also summarized these changes at the top of the code.
The SSRS report manager web interface is very useful and it would be a shame not to use it just because Microsoft didn't bother to test it on other browsers than IE. This is why I always prefer jQuery over plain javascript to avoid these kind of cross browser compatibility issues.
I had to post it in 2 parts. Hope this helps others!
Author: Chris Snowden
Modified Date: 21st October 2011
ReportingServices.js file for SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services
Updated to fix a bug whereby drop down context menus didn't work
for any other browser than IE.
1) I added functions to find firstChild and lastChild while skipping any
whitespace TextNode elements.
2) I updated the Clicked function to get at the table element value in a way
that works for firefox.
3) I updated the SplitContextMenuConfigString function to access the table
cells by first looping through each row and then the cells.
Drop downs now work on Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari as well as IE.
var checkBoxCount;
var checkBoxId;
var checkBoxHead;
// Context menu
var _divContextMenu; // The container for the context menu
var _selectedIdHiddenField; // The id of the item that opened th context menu
var _timeOutLimit = 3000; // How long the context menu stays for after the cursor in no longer over it
var _timeOutTimer; // The timout for the context menu
var _itemSelected = false;
var _mouseOverContext = false; // If the mouse is over the context menu
var _contextMenusIds; // The array of the diffrent context menus
var _fadeTimeouts; // The array of timouts used for the fade effect
var _onLink = false; // If the user is over a name link
var _selectedItemId;
var _tabFocusedItem = '';
var _mouseOverItem = '';
var _unselectedItemStyle;
var _currentContextMenuId; // ID of currently displayed context menu
var _currentMenuItemId = null; // ID of currently selected context menu item
// Search bar
var _searchTextBoxID;
var _defaultSearchValue; // The value that the box defaults to.
// start chris edit
// new functions to find firstChild and lastChild but skipping whitespace elements
function firstChildNoWS(element) {
var child = element.firstChild;
while (child != null && child.isElementContentWhitespace) {
child = child.nextSibling;
return child;
function lastChildNoWS(element) {
var child = element.lastChild;
while (child != null && child.isElementContentWhitespace) {
child = child.previousSibling;
return child;
// end chris edit
function ToggleItem(itemId) {
var item = document.getElementById(itemId);
if ( == 'none') = 'inline';
else = 'none';
function ToggleButtonImage(image1ID, image2ID) {
var image1 = document.getElementById(image1ID);
var image2 = document.getElementById(image2ID);
if ( == 'none') { = 'inline-block'; = 'none';
else { = 'none'; = 'inline-block';
function SetFocus(id) {
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj != null && !obj.disabled)
// Validates that an extension has been selected
function ValidateDropDownSelection(source, args) {
var obj = document.getElementById(source.controltovalidate);
if (obj.options[0].selected && !obj.disabled)
args.IsValid = false;
args.IsValid = true;
/// selectAll
/// selects all the checkBoxes with the given id
function selectAll() {
var i;
var id;
var checked = checkBoxHead.checked;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount; i++) {
id = checkBoxId + i;
document.getElementById(id).checked = checked;
/// onSglCheck
/// performs actions when a single checkBox is checked or unchecked
/// cb -> the checkBox generating the event
/// topId -> id of the "select all" checkBox
function onSglCheck() {
// uncheck the top checkBox
checkBoxHead.checked = false;
/// ToggleButton
/// Toggle a buttons enable state
function ToggleButton(id, disabled) {
if (document.getElementById(id) != null)
document.getElementById(id).disabled = disabled;
function ToggleValidator(id, enabled) {
document.getElementById(id).enabled = enabled;
function SetCbVars(cbid, count, cbh) {
checkBoxCount = count;
checkBoxId = cbid;
checkBoxHead = cbh;
/// Check to see if any check boxes should disable
/// a control
/// cbid -> id prefix of the checkBoxes
/// cbCount -> total checkBoxes to check
/// hidden -> input to look for
/// display -> control to disable
function CheckCheckBoxes(cbid, hidden, display) {
var i;
var id;
var disable;
disable = false;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount; i++) {
id = cbid + i;
if (document.getElementById(id).checked) {
id = hidden + id;
if (document.getElementById(id) != null) {
disable = true;
ToggleButton(display, disable);
function HiddenCheckClickHandler(hiddenID, promptID, promptStringID) {
var hiddenChk = document.getElementById(hiddenID);
var promptChk = document.getElementById(promptID);
// prompt should be in opposite state of hidden
promptChk.checked = !hiddenChk.checked;
function validateSaveRole(source, args) {
var i;
var id;
var c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount; i++) {
id = checkBoxId + i;
if (document.getElementById(id).checked) c++;
if (0 == c)
args.IsValid = false;
args.IsValid = true;
/// Pad an integer less then 10 with a leading zero
function PadIntWithZero(val) {
var s = val.toString();
if (val < 10 && val >= 0) {
if (s.length == 1)
s = "0" + s;
else if (s.length > 2)
s = s.substring(s.length - 2, s.length);
return s;
/// Pad the contents of an input with leading zeros if necesarry
function PadInputInteger(id) {
document.getElementById(id).value = PadIntWithZero(document.getElementById(id).value);
/// text of confirmation popup when a single item is selected for deletion
/// e.g. "Are you sure you want to delete this item"
var confirmSingle;
/// text of confirmation popup when multiple items are selected for deletion
/// e.g. "Are you sure you want to delete these items"
var confirmMultiple;
function SetDeleteTxt(single, multiple) {
confirmSingle = single;
confirmMultiple = multiple;
/// doCmDel: DoConfirmDelete
/// Given a number of checked items, confirm their deletion
/// return true if OK was clicked; false otherwise
function doCmDel(checkedCount) {
var confirmTxt = confirmSingle;
if (checkedCount == 0)
return false;
if (checkedCount > 1)
confirmTxt = confirmMultiple;
return confirm(confirmTxt);
/// on non-Netscape browsers, confirm deletion of 0 or more items
function confirmDelete() {
return doCmDel(getChkCount());
/// confirm deletion of policies
function confirmDeletePlcies(alertString) {
var count = getChkCount();
if (count >= checkBoxCount) {
return false;
return doCmDel(count);
/// counts whether 0, 1, or more than 1 checkboxes are checked
/// returns 0, 1, or 2
function getChkCount() {
var checkedCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount && checkedCount < 2; i++) {
if (document.getElementById(checkBoxId + i).checked) {
return checkedCount;
function ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBox(checkBoxId, toggleId, reverse) {
var chkb = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
if (chkb != null) {
if (chkb.checked == true)
ToggleButton(toggleId, reverse); // enable if reverse == false
ToggleButton(toggleId, !reverse); // disable if reverse == false
function ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBoxWithOverride(checkBoxId, toggleId, overrideToDisabled, reverse) {
if (overrideToDisabled == true)
ToggleButton(toggleId, true); // disable
ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBox(checkBoxId, toggleId, reverse);
function ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBoxes(checkBoxId, checkboxId2, toggleId) {
var chkb = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
if (chkb != null) {
if (chkb.checked == true)
ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBox(checkboxId2, toggleId, false);
ToggleButton(toggleId, true); // disable
function ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBoxesWithOverride(checkBoxId, checkboxId2, toggleId, overrideToDisabled) {
if (overrideToDisabled == true)
ToggleButton(toggleId, true); // disable
ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBoxes(checkBoxId, checkboxId2, toggleId);
function ToggleValidatorBasedOnCheckBoxWithOverride(checkBoxId, toggleId, overrideToDisabled, reverse) {
if (overrideToDisabled == true)
ToggleValidator(toggleId, false);
else {
var chkb = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
if (chkb != null) {
ToggleValidator(toggleId, chkb.checked != reverse);
function ToggleValidatorBasedOnCheckBoxesWithOverride(checkBoxId, checkBoxId2, toggleId, overrideToDisabled, reverse) {
if (overrideToDisabled == true)
ToggleValidator(toggleId, false);
else {
var chkb = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
if (chkb != null) {
if (chkb.checked == reverse)
ToggleValidator(toggleId, false);
ToggleValidatorBasedOnCheckBoxWithOverride(checkBoxId2, toggleId, overrideToDisabled, reverse);
function CheckButton(buttonID, shouldCheck) {
document.getElementById(buttonID).checked = shouldCheck;
function EnableMultiButtons(prefix) {
// If there are no multibuttons, there is no reason to iterate the
// list of checkboxes.
if (checkBoxCount == 0 || multiButtonList.length == 0)
var enableMultiButtons = false;
var multipleCheckboxesSelected = false;
// If the top level check box is checked, we know the state of all
// of the checkboxes
var headerCheckBox = document.getElementById(prefix + "ch");
if (headerCheckBox != null && headerCheckBox.checked) {
enableMultiButtons = true;
multipleCheckboxesSelected = checkBoxCount > 1;
else {
// Look at each checkbox. If any one of them is checked,
// enable the multi buttons.
var foundOneChecked = false;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount; i++) {
var checkBox = document.getElementById(prefix + 'cb' + i);
if (checkBox.checked) {
if (foundOneChecked) {
multipleCheckboxesSelected = true;
else {
enableMultiButtons = true;
foundOneChecked = true;
// Enable/disable each of the multi buttons
var j;
for (j = 0; j < multiButtonList.length; j++) {
var button = document.getElementById(multiButtonList[j]);
if (button.allowMultiSelect)
button.disabled = !enableMultiButtons;
button.disabled = !enableMultiButtons || multipleCheckboxesSelected;
//function ShadowCopyPassword(suffix)
function MarkPasswordFieldChanged(suffix) {
if (event.propertyName == "value") {
var pwdField = document.getElementById("ui_txtStoredPwd" + suffix);
//var shadowField = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPassword" + suffix);
var shadowChanged = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPasswordChanged" + suffix);
// Don't shadow copy during initialization
if (pwdField.IsInit) {
//shadowField.value = pwdField.value;
//pwdField.UserEnteredPassword = "true";
shadowChanged.value = "true";
// Update validator state (there is no validator on the data driven subscription page)
var validator = document.getElementById("ui_validatorPassword" + suffix)
if (validator != null)
function InitDataSourcePassword(suffix) {
var pwdField = document.getElementById("ui_txtStoredPwd" + suffix);
var shadowChanged = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPasswordChanged" + suffix);
// var shadowField = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPassword" + suffix);
var storedRadioButton = document.getElementById("ui_rdoStored" + suffix);
var pwdValidator = document.getElementById("ui_validatorPassword" + suffix);
pwdField.IsInit = false;
// Initialize the field to the shadow value (for when the user clicks back/forward)
// Or to a junk initial value.
if (pwdValidator != null && storedRadioButton.checked) {
/* if (shadowField.value.length > 0)
pwdField.value = shadowField.value;
pwdField.value = "********";
shadowChanged.value = "true"; // shadowChanged will be ignored if the page is submitted without storedRadioButton.checked
// Now that the initial value is set, track changes to the password field
pwdField.IsInit = true;
// There is no validator on the data driven subscription page (no stored radio button either)
if (pwdValidator != null)
function SetNeedPassword(suffix) {
// Set a flag indicating that we need the password
var pwdField = document.getElementById("ui_txtStoredPwd" + suffix);
pwdField.NeedPassword = "true";
// Make the validator visible
ValidatorValidate(document.getElementById("ui_validatorPassword" + suffix));
function UpdateValidator(src, validatorID) {
if (src.checked) {
var validator = document.getElementById(validatorID);
function ReEnterPasswordValidation(source, arguments) // source = validator
var validatorIdPrefix = "ui_validatorPassword"
var suffix =, - validatorIdPrefix.length);
var storedRadioButton = document.getElementById("ui_rdoStored" + suffix);
var pwdField = document.getElementById("ui_txtStoredPwd" + suffix);
var shadowChanged = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPasswordChanged" + suffix);
var customDataSourceRadioButton = document.getElementById("ui_rdoCustomDataSource" + suffix);
var isCustomSelected = true;
if (customDataSourceRadioButton != null)
isCustomSelected = customDataSourceRadioButton.checked;
if (!isCustomSelected || // If the custom (vs shared) data source radio button exists and is not selected, we don't need the pwd.
storedRadioButton.checked == false || // If the data source is not using stored credentials, we don't need the password
pwdField.UserEnteredPassword == "true" || // If the password has changed, we don't need to get it from the user
pwdField.NeedPassword != "true" || // If no credentials have changed, we don't need the password
shadowChanged.value == "true") // If the user has typed a password
arguments.IsValid = true;
arguments.IsValid = false;
function ValidateDataSourceSelected(source, arguments) {
var validatorIdPrefix = "ui_sharedDSSelectedValidator"
var suffix =, - validatorIdPrefix.length);
var sharedRadioButton = document.getElementById("ui_rdoSharedDataSource" + suffix);
var hiddenField = document.getElementById("ui_hiddenSharedDS" + suffix);
arguments.IsValid = (sharedRadioButton != null && !sharedRadioButton.checked) || hiddenField.value != "NotSelected";
// MultiValueParamClass
function MultiValueParamClass(thisID, visibleTextBoxID, floatingEditorID, floatingIFrameID, paramObject,
hasValidValues, allowBlank, doPostbackOnHide, postbackScript) {
this.m_thisID = thisID;
this.m_visibleTextBoxID = visibleTextBoxID;
this.m_floatingEditorID = floatingEditorID;
this.m_floatingIFrameID = floatingIFrameID;
this.m_paramObject = paramObject;
this.m_hasValidValues = hasValidValues;
this.m_allowBlank = allowBlank;
this.m_doPostbackOnHide = doPostbackOnHide;
this.m_postbackScript = postbackScript;
function ToggleVisibility() {
var floatingEditor = GetControl(this.m_floatingEditorID);
if ( != "inline")
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.ToggleVisibility = ToggleVisibility;
function Show() {
var floatingEditor = GetControl(this.m_floatingEditorID);
if ( == "inline")
// Set the correct size of the floating editor - no more than
// 150 pixels high and no less than the width of the text box
var visibleTextBox = GetControl(this.m_visibleTextBoxID);
if (this.m_hasValidValues) {
if (floatingEditor.offsetHeight > 150) = 150; = visibleTextBox.offsetWidth;
var newEditorPosition = this.GetNewFloatingEditorPosition(); = newEditorPosition.Left; = newEditorPosition.Top; = "inline";
var floatingIFrame = GetControl(this.m_floatingIFrameID); =; =; = floatingEditor.offsetWidth; = floatingEditor.offsetHeight; = "inline";
// If another multi value is open, close it first
if (this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultValue != this && this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultiValue != null)
this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultiValue = this;
if (floatingEditor.childNodes[0].focus) floatingEditor.childNodes[0].focus();
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.Show = Show;
function Hide() {
var floatingEditor = GetControl(this.m_floatingEditorID);
var floatingIFrame = GetControl(this.m_floatingIFrameID);
// Hide the editor = "none"; = "none";
if (this.m_doPostbackOnHide)
// Check that the reference is still us in case event ordering
// caused another multivalue to click open
if (this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultiValue == this)
this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultiValue = null;
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.Hide = Hide;
function GetNewFloatingEditorPosition() {
// Make the editor visible
var visibleTextBox = GetControl(this.m_visibleTextBoxID);
var textBoxPosition = GetObjectPosition(visibleTextBox);
return { Left: textBoxPosition.Left, Top: textBoxPosition.Top + visibleTextBox.offsetHeight };
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.GetNewFloatingEditorPosition = GetNewFloatingEditorPosition;
function UpdateSummaryString() {
var summaryString;
if (this.m_hasValidValues)
summaryString = GetValueStringFromValidValueList(this.m_floatingEditorID);
summaryString = GetValueStringFromTextEditor(this.m_floatingEditorID, false, this.m_allowBlank);
var visibleTextBox = GetControl(this.m_visibleTextBoxID);
visibleTextBox.value = summaryString;
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.UpdateSummaryString = UpdateSummaryString;
function StartPolling() {
setTimeout(this.m_thisID + ".PollingCallback();", 100);
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.StartPolling = StartPolling;
function PollingCallback() {
// If the editor isn't visible, no more events.
var floatingEditor = GetControl(this.m_floatingEditorID);
if ( != "inline")
// If the text box moved, something on the page resized, so close the editor
var expectedEditorPos = this.GetNewFloatingEditorPosition();
if ( != expectedEditorPos.Left + "px" || != expectedEditorPos.Top + "px") {
else {
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.PollingCallback = PollingCallback;
function GetObjectPosition(obj) {
var totalTop = 0;
var totalLeft = 0;
while (obj != document.body) {
// Add up the position
totalTop += obj.offsetTop;
totalLeft += obj.offsetLeft;
// Prepare for next iteration
obj = obj.offsetParent;
totalTop += obj.offsetTop;
totalLeft += obj.offsetLeft;
return { Left: totalLeft, Top: totalTop };
function GetValueStringFromTextEditor(floatingEditorID, asRaw, allowBlank) {
var span = GetControl(floatingEditorID);
var editor = span.childNodes[0];
var valueString = editor.value;
// Remove the blanks
if (!allowBlank) {
// Break down the text box string to the individual lines
var valueArray = valueString.split("\r\n");
var delimiter;
if (asRaw)
delimiter = "\r\n";
delimiter = ", ";
var finalValue = "";
for (var i = 0; i < valueArray.length; i++) {
// If the string is non-blank, add it
if (valueArray[i].length > 0) {
if (finalValue.length > 0)
finalValue += delimiter;
finalValue += valueArray[i];
return finalValue;
else {
if (asRaw)
return valueString;
return valueString.replace(/\r\n/g, ", ");
function GetValueStringFromValidValueList(editorID) {
var valueString = "";
// Get the table
var div = GetControl(editorID);
var table = div.childNodes[0];
if (table.nodeName != "TABLE") // Skip whitespace if needed
table = div.childNodes[1];
// If there is only one element, it is a real value, not the select all option
var startIndex = 0;
if (table.rows.length > 1)
startIndex = 1;
for (var i = startIndex; i < table.rows.length; i++)
// Get the first cell of the row
var firstCell = table.rows[i].cells[0];
var span = firstCell.childNodes[0];
var checkBox = span.childNodes[0];
var label = span.childNodes[1];
if (checkBox.checked) {
if (valueString.length > 0)
valueString += ", ";
// chris edit - valueString += label.firstChild.nodeValue;
valueString += firstChildNoWS(label).nodeValue;
return valueString;
function MultiValidValuesSelectAll(src, editorID)
// Get the table
var div = GetControl(editorID);
var table = div.childNodes[0];
if (table.nodeName != "TABLE")
table = div.childNodes[1];
for (var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++)
// Get the first cell of the row
var firstCell = table.rows[i].cells[0];
var span = firstCell.childNodes[0];
var checkBox = span.childNodes[0];
checkBox.checked = src.checked;
function ValidateMultiValidValue(editorID, errMsg)
var summaryString = GetValueStringFromValidValueList(editorID);
var isValid = summaryString.length > 0;
if (!isValid)
return isValid;
function ValidateMultiEditValue(editorID, errMsg) {
// Need to check for a value specified. This code only runs if not allow blank.
// GetValueStringFromTextEditor filters out blank strings. So if it was all blank,
// the final string will be length 0
var summaryString = GetValueStringFromTextEditor(editorID, true, false)
var isValid = false;
if (summaryString.length > 0)
isValid = true;
if (!isValid)
return isValid;
function GetControl(controlID) {
var control = document.getElementById(controlID);
if (control == null)
alert("Unable to locate control: " + controlID);
return control;
function ControlClicked(formID) {
var form = GetControl(formID);
if (form.ActiveMultiValue != null)
Part 2 of updated ReportingServices.js from my answer:
// --- Context Menu ---
// This function is called in the onload event of the body.
// It hooks the context menus up to the Javascript code.
// divContextMenuId, is the id of the div that contains the context menus
// selectedIdHiddenFieldId, is the id of the field used to post back the name of the item clicked
// contextMenusIds, is an array of the ids of the context menus
// searchTextBox ID, is the id of the search box
// defaultSearchValue. the value the search box has by default
function InitContextMenu(divContextMenuId, selectedIdHiddenFieldId, contextMenusIds, searchTextBoxID, defaultSearchValue ) {
ResetSearchBar( searchTextBoxID, defaultSearchValue );
_divContextMenu = document.getElementById(divContextMenuId);
_selectedIdHiddenField = document.getElementById(selectedIdHiddenFieldId);
_contextMenusIds = contextMenusIds;
_divContextMenu.onmouseover = function() { _mouseOverContext = true; };
_divContextMenu.onmouseout = function() {
if (_mouseOverContext == true) {
_mouseOverContext = false;
if (_timeOutTimer == null) {
_timeOutTimer = setTimeout(TimeOutAction, _timeOutLimit);
document.body.onmousedown = ContextMouseDown;
// This handler stops bubling when arrow keys Up or Down pressed to prevent scrolling window
function KeyDownHandler(e)
// Cancel window scrolling only when menu is opened
if(_currentContextMenuId == null)
return true;
e = window.event;
var key = e.keyCode;
if(key == 38 || key == 40)
return false;
return true;
function AddKeyDownListener()
document.addEventListener('keydown', KeyDownHandler, false);
document.onkeydown = KeyDownHandler;
// This function starts the context menu timeout process
function TimeOutAction() {
if (_mouseOverContext == false) {
_timeOutTimer = null;
// This function is called when a name tag is clicked, it displays the contextmenu for a given item.
function Clicked(event, contextMenuId) {
if (!_onLink) {
_itemSelected = true;
// **Cross browser compatibility code**
// Some browsers will not pass the event so we need to get it from the window instead.
if (event == null)
event = window.event;
var selectedElement = != null ? : event.srcElement;
var outerTableElement = GetOuterElementOfType(selectedElement, 'table');
var elementPosition = GetElementPosition(outerTableElement);
_selectedItemId =;
// chris edit - _selectedIdHiddenField.value = outerTableElement.value;
_selectedIdHiddenField.value = outerTableElement.attributes["value"].value;
outerTableElement.className = "msrs-SelectedItem";
var contextMenuHeight = _divContextMenu.offsetHeight;
var contextMenuWidth = _divContextMenu.offsetWidth;
var boxHeight = outerTableElement.offsetHeight;
var boxWidth = outerTableElement.offsetWidth;
var boxXcoordinate = elementPosition.left;
var boxYcooridnate =;
var pageWidth = 0, pageHeight = 0;
// **Cross browser compatibility code**
if (typeof (window.innerWidth) == 'number') {
pageWidth = window.innerWidth;
pageHeight = window.innerHeight;
} else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) {
//IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
pageWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
pageHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if (document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) {
//IE 4 compatible
pageWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
pageHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
// **Cross browser compatibility code**
var iebody = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat") ? document.documentElement : document.body
var pageXOffSet = document.all ? iebody.scrollLeft : pageXOffset
var pageYOffSet = document.all ? iebody.scrollTop : pageYOffset = SetContextMenuHorizonatalPosition(pageWidth, pageXOffSet, boxXcoordinate, contextMenuWidth, boxWidth) + 'px'; = SetContextMenuVerticalPosition(pageHeight, pageYOffSet, boxYcooridnate, contextMenuHeight, boxHeight) + 'px';
// chris edit - document.getElementById(_currentContextMenuId).firstChild.focus();
// ***********************************
// Context menu keyboard navigation
// ***********************************
// Opens context menu via keyboard. Context menu
// is opened by selecting an item and pressing
// Alt + Down.
function OpenMenuKeyPress(e, contextMenuId)
// Alt key was pressed
if (e.altKey)
var keyCode;
if (window.event)
keyCode = e.keyCode;
keyCode = e.which;
// Down key was pressed
if (keyCode == 40)
// Open context menu.
Clicked(event, contextMenuId);
// Highlight the first selectable item
// in the context menu.
// Performs keyboard navigation within
// opened context menu.
function NavigateMenuKeyPress(e)
var keyCode;
if (window.event)
keyCode = e.keyCode;
keyCode = e.which;
// Down key moves down to the next context menu item
if (keyCode == 40)
// Up key moves up to the previous context menu item
else if (keyCode == 38)
// Escape key closes context menu
else if (keyCode == 27)
// Close context menu
// Make sure focus is given to the catalog item
// in the folder view.
// Highlights context menu item.
// Parameter: highlightNext
// - If true, highlights menu item below current menu item.
// If current menu item is the last item, wraps around and
// highlights first menu item.
// - If false, highlights menu item above current menu item.
// If current menu item is the first item, wraps around and
// highlights last menu item.
function HighlightContextMenuItem(highlightNext)
var contextMenu = document.getElementById(_currentContextMenuId);
// chris edit - var table = contextMenu.lastChild;
var table = lastChildNoWS(contextMenu);
var currentMenuItemIndex = -1;
if (_currentMenuItemId != null)
currentMenuItemIndex = document.getElementById(_currentMenuItemId).parentNode.rowIndex;
var index = currentMenuItemIndex;
while (true)
if (highlightNext)
// If the index is out of range,
// reset it to the beginning
if (index < 0 || index >= table.cells.length)
index = 0;
// If the index is out of range,
// reset it to the end
if (index < 0 || index >= table.cells.length)
index = table.cells.length - 1;
// Each context menu item has an associated
// group ID. Make sure the table cell has a valid
// group ID, otherwise it is not a menu item (e.g.
// an underline separator).
if (table.cells[index].group >= 0)
FocusContextMenuItem(table.cells[index].id, 'msrs-MenuUIItemTableHover', 'msrs-MenuUIItemTableCell');
// If we reach the orignal index, that means we looped
// through all table cells and did not find a valid context
// menu item. In that case, stop searching.
if (index == currentMenuItemIndex)
// *** End keyboard navigation ***
// This function resets the context menus shape and size.
function ResetContextMenu() { = 'auto'; = 'auto'; = 'visible'; = 'visible'; = 'visible'; = 'block';
// This function sets the horizontal position of the context menu.
// It also sets is the context menu has vertical scroll bars.
function SetContextMenuHorizonatalPosition(pageWidth, pageXOffSet, boxXcoordinate, contextMenuWidth, boxWidth) {
var menuXCoordinate = boxXcoordinate + boxWidth - contextMenuWidth;
var spaceRightBox = (pageWidth + pageXOffSet) - menuXCoordinate;
var spaceLeftBox = menuXCoordinate - pageXOffSet;
var returnValue;
if ((contextMenuWidth < spaceRightBox) && (pageXOffSet < menuXCoordinate)) {
returnValue = menuXCoordinate;
else if ((contextMenuWidth < spaceRightBox)) {
returnValue = pageXOffSet;
else if (contextMenuWidth < spaceLeftBox) {
returnValue = menuXCoordinate - (contextMenuWidth - (pageWidth + pageXOffSet - menuXCoordinate));
else { = "scroll";
if (spaceLeftBox < spaceRightBox) { = spaceRightBox;
returnValue = pageXOffSet;
else { = spaceLeftBox;
returnValue = menuXCoordinate - (spaceLeftBox - (pageWidth + pageXOffSet - menuXCoordinate));
return returnValue;
// This function sets the vertical position of the context menu.
// It also sets is the context menu has horizontal scroll bars.
function SetContextMenuVerticalPosition(pageHeight, pageYOffSet, boxYcooridnate, contextMenuHeight, boxHeight) {
var spaceBelowBox = (pageHeight + pageYOffSet) - (boxYcooridnate + boxHeight);
var spaceAboveBox = boxYcooridnate - pageYOffSet;
var returnValue;
if (contextMenuHeight < spaceBelowBox) {
returnValue = (boxYcooridnate + boxHeight);
else if (contextMenuHeight < spaceAboveBox) {
returnValue = (boxYcooridnate - contextMenuHeight);
else if (spaceBelowBox > spaceAboveBox) { = spaceBelowBox; = "scroll";
returnValue = (boxYcooridnate + boxHeight);
else { = spaceAboveBox; = "scroll";
returnValue = (boxYcooridnate - spaceAboveBox);
return returnValue;
// This function displays a context menu given its id and then hides the others
function SelectContextMenuFromColletion(contextMenuConfigString) {
var contextMenuId = SplitContextMenuConfigString(contextMenuConfigString);
for (i = 0; i < _contextMenusIds.length; i++) {
var cm = document.getElementById(_contextMenusIds[i]);
if ( == contextMenuId) { = 'visible'; = 'block';
_currentContextMenuId = contextMenuId;
else { = 'hidden'; = 'none';
function SplitContextMenuConfigString(contextMenuConfigString) {
var contextMenuEnd = contextMenuConfigString.indexOf(":");
var contextMenuId = contextMenuConfigString;
var contextMenuHiddenItems;
if (contextMenuEnd != -1)
contextMenuId = contextMenuConfigString.substr(0, contextMenuEnd);
var cm = document.getElementById(contextMenuId);
// chris edit - var table = cm.firstChild;
var table = firstChildNoWS(cm);
var groupItemCount = []; // The items in each group
var groupUnderlineId = []; // The Id's of the underlines.
// Enable all menu items counting the number of groups,
// number of items in the groups and underlines for the groups as we go.
// start chris edit
/* for (i = 0; i < table.cells.length; i++)
table.cells[i].style.visibility = 'visible';
table.cells[i].style.display = 'block'
if ((groupItemCount.length - 1) < table.cells[i].group) {
else {
AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(table.cells[i], true)
if (table != null && table.rows != null)
for (r = 0; r < table.rows.length; r++) {
for (i = 0; i < table.rows[r].cells.length; i++)
table.rows[r].cells[i].style.visibility = 'visible';
table.rows[r].cells[i].style.display = 'block'
if ((groupItemCount.length - 1) < table.rows[r].cells[i].group) {
else {
AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(table.rows[r].cells[i], true)
// end chris edit
// If hidden items are listed, remove them from the context menu
if (contextMenuEnd != -1)
contextMenuHiddenItems = contextMenuConfigString.substr((contextMenuEnd + 1), (contextMenuConfigString.length - 1)).split("-");
var groupsToHide = groupItemCount;
// Hide the hidden items
for (i = 0; i < contextMenuHiddenItems.length; i++)
var item = document.getElementById(contextMenuHiddenItems[i]); = 'hidden'; = 'none'
var allHidden = true;
// Work back through the groups hiding the underlines as required.
for (i = (groupsToHide.length - 1); i > -1; i--) {
if (groupsToHide[i] == 0) {
AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(groupUnderlineId[i], false);
else if (allHidden && i == (groupsToHide.length - 1)) {
allHidden = false;
// If all the items have been hidden so far hide the last underline too.
else if (allHidden) {
allHidden = false;
AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(groupUnderlineId[i], false);
return contextMenuId;
function AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(underLineId, visibility) {
if (underLineId != null && underLineId != "") {
var underlineElement = document.getElementById(underLineId);
if (underlineElement != null) {
if (visibility) { = 'visible'; = 'block'
else { = 'hidden'; = 'none'
function ClearTimeouts() {
if (_fadeTimeouts != null) {
for (i = 0; i < _fadeTimeouts.length; i++) {
_fadeTimeouts = [];
// This function chnages an elements opacity given its id.
function FadeOutElement(id, opacStart, opacEnd, millisec) {
//speed for each frame
var speed = Math.round(millisec / 100);
var timer = 0;
for (i = opacStart; i >= opacEnd; i--) {
_fadeTimeouts.push(setTimeout("ChangeOpacityForElement(" + i + ",'" + id + "')", (timer * speed)));
// This function changes the opacity of an elemnent given it's id.
// Works across browsers for different browsers
function ChangeOpacityForElement(opacity, id) {
var object = document.getElementById(id).style;
if (opacity != 0) {
// **Cross browser compatibility code**
object.opacity = (opacity / 100);
object.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100);
object.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity / 100);
object.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")";
else {
object.display = 'none';
// This function is the click for the body of the document
function ContextMouseDown() {
if (_mouseOverContext) {
else {
// This function fades out the context menu and then unselects the associated name control
function UnSelectedMenuItem() {
if (_itemSelected) {
FadeOutElement(, 100, 0, 300);
// Hides context menu without fading effect
function HideMenu()
if (_itemSelected)
function UnselectCurrentMenuItem()
_itemSelected = false;
_currentContextMenuId = null;
SwapStyle(_currentMenuItemId, 'msrs-MenuUIItemTableCell');
_currentMenuItemId = null;
ChangeReportItemStyle(_selectedItemId, "msrs-UnSelectedItem");
// This function walks back up the DOM tree until it finds the first occurrence
// of a given element. It then returns this element
function GetOuterElementOfType(element, type) {
while (element.tagName.toLowerCase() != type) {
element = element.parentNode;
return element;
// This function gets the corrdinates of the top left corner of a given element
function GetElementPosition(element) {
element = GetOuterElementOfType(element, 'table');
var left, top;
left = top = 0;
if (element.offsetParent) {
do {
left += element.offsetLeft;
top += element.offsetTop;
} while (element = element.offsetParent);
return { left: left, top: top };
function FocusContextMenuItem(menuItemId, focusStyle, blurStyle)
SwapStyle(_currentMenuItemId, blurStyle);
SwapStyle(menuItemId, focusStyle);
// chrid edit - document.getElementById(menuItemId).firstChild.focus();
_currentMenuItemId = menuItemId;
// This function swaps the style using the id of a given element
function SwapStyle(id, style) {
if (document.getElementById) {
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(id);
if (selectedElement != null)
selectedElement.className = style;
// This function changes the style using the id of a given element
// and should only be called for catalog items in the tile or details view
function ChangeReportItemStyle(id, style)
if (!_itemSelected)
if (document.getElementById)
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(id);
selectedElement.className = style;
// Change the style on the end cell by drilling into the table.
if (selectedElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "table")
// chris edit - var tbody = selectedElement.lastChild;
var tbody = lastChildNoWS(selectedElement);
if (tbody != null)
// chris edit - var tr = tbody.lastChild;
var tr = lastChildNoWS(tbody);
if (tr != null)
// chris edit - tr.lastChild.className = style + 'End';
trLastChild = lastChildNoWS(tr);
if (trLastChild != null)
trLastChild.className = style + 'End';
function ChangeReportItemStyleOnFocus(id, currentStyle, unselectedStyle)
_unselectedItemStyle = unselectedStyle;
_tabFocusedItem = id;
// We should unselect selected by mouse over item if there is one
if(_mouseOverItem != '')
ChangeReportItemStyle(_mouseOverItem, _unselectedItemStyle);
_mouseOverItem = '';
ChangeReportItemStyle(id, currentStyle);
function ChangeReportItemStyleOnBlur(id, style)
ChangeReportItemStyle(id, style);
_tabFocusedItem = '';
function ChangeReportItemStyleOnMouseOver(id, currentStyle, unselectedStyle)
_unselectedItemStyle = unselectedStyle;
_mouseOverItem = id;
// We should unselect tabbed item if there is one
if(_tabFocusedItem != '')
ChangeReportItemStyle(_tabFocusedItem, _unselectedItemStyle);
_tabFocusedItem = '';
ChangeReportItemStyle(id, currentStyle);
function ChangeReportItemStyleOnMouseOut(id, style)
ChangeReportItemStyle(id, style);
_mouseOverItem = '';
// This function is used to set the style of the search bar on the onclick event.
function SearchBarClicked(id, defaultText, style) {
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(id);
if (selectedElement.value == defaultText) {
selectedElement.value = "";
selectedElement.className = style;
// This function is used to set the style of the search bar on the onblur event.
function SearchBarBlured(id, defaultText, style) {
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(id);
if (selectedElement.value == "") {
selectedElement.value = defaultText;
selectedElement.className = style;
function ResetSearchBar(searchTextBoxID,defaultSearchValue) {
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(searchTextBoxID);
if (selectedElement != null) {
if (selectedElement.value == defaultSearchValue) {
selectedElement.className = 'msrs-searchDefaultFont';
else {
selectedElement.className = 'msrs-searchBarNoBorder';
function OnLink()
_onLink = true;
function OffLink()
_onLink = false;
function ShouldDelete(confirmMessage) {
if (_selectedIdHiddenField.value != null || _selectedIdHiddenField.value != "") {
var message = confirmMessage.replace("{0}", _selectedIdHiddenField.value);
var result = confirm(message);
if (result == true) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
function UpdateValidationButtonState(promptCredsRdoBtnId, typesDropDownId, forbiddenTypesConfigString, validateButtonId)
var dropdown = document.getElementById(typesDropDownId);
if(dropdown == null)
var selectedValue = dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value;
var forbiddenTypes = forbiddenTypesConfigString.split(":");
var chosenForbiddenType = false;
for (i = 0; i < forbiddenTypes.length; i++)
if(forbiddenTypes[i] == selectedValue)
chosenForbiddenType = true;
var isDisabled = chosenForbiddenType || IsRadioButtonChecked(promptCredsRdoBtnId);
ChangeDisabledButtonState(validateButtonId, isDisabled);
function ChangeDisabledButtonState(buttonId, isDisabled)
var button = document.getElementById(buttonId);
if(button != null)
button.disabled = isDisabled;
function IsRadioButtonChecked(radioButtonId)
var rbtn = document.getElementById(radioButtonId);
if(rbtn != null && rbtn.checked)
return true;
return false;

