editable picture and text in dashboard - javascript

I'm developing a dashboard that end-users can edit specific web page by uploading different picture and editing text in the page. The similar ideas is here.
I'd already done with web page design and I'm looking for suitable js library to make editable dashboard for end-users. Anyone has suggestions for that or if no current solution => how to implement these features? no idea about that ...
Very Thanks!

You can have a look on :
and use the one(s) that most suit you. In case you did not find the one that completely suits to your project then you can make additions (such as adding modal windows or css styling) to hte one(s) which is more preferable.
Hope this was helpfull.


How to achieve suggestions in input field

Hi I had come across a question how to achieve suggestions in the input field while typing for example (in browser url bar while we typing first 3 to 4 letters it give suggestion if the url is correct we go with it else with single delete key press remove the suggested content). This need to be done with input field. Is this scenario is possible? Thanks.
There's a big range of possibilities here.
If the contents of the list are static or easily generated via code, you can use a native HTML <datalist> element.
If you are wanting autocomplete in the form using the user's previously-provided data, you can just enable via the <input autocomplete> attribute
If you're wanting far more customization, it's going to have to be some JavaScript that does the dirty work for you. Stack Overflow is not a good forum for getting library suggestions, but you should survey what's available in your current development stack.
This is absolutely achievable, have a look at - typehead.js
It's a javascript project for doing exactly what you're asking, I believe it's compatible with boostrap too.
Autocomplete suggestions are a very common Web Component. If you are using jQuery, you might want to try this component published by Materialize. If you are using, say, Polymer, you might want to try paper-autocomplete. If you are using vanilla javascript, you could try typeahead, or something like this autocomplete library. Most other modern web frameworks will have some alternative. I wouldn't really recommend making one from scratch.

Simplify BigCommerce Checkout Page

I have a client that is using BigCommerce and would like to simplify the checkout page. He'd like all the fields on one page but doesn't like how there's accordions. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to default all the fields to open? I am familiar with JavaScript to an extent but couldn't do this from scratch.
There's another article: TRUE single checkout page on BigCommerce
but I'm not sure how to go about putting it in the site or creating a trigger. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I actually decided that instead of risking the potential complications with overriding their JavaScript, I just edited the physical html files from the theme.

How can I use Javascript to play media on clicking an object?

I apologize for the basic question but I am new to programming and I cannot find the answer to my question in the tutorials I have. I have developed a HTML/CSS page for a project due in two days. I would like users to click an object on the page to access a presentation (which will play full screen). At the end of the presentation the user should be returned to my HTML page.
Can this be done using Javascript with HTML? If so, how?
Will I need to convert the presentations into mp4s?
Thanks, Amit.
You can do 2 things,
1.- you can convert the pptx to a mp4 an playit in fullscreen or
2.- you can use a presentation js framework to help you with that (you will not use a fullscreen)
http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/13 here is the link to a presentation js framework =)
(this is the first one i click in google results but i guess you can get anothers, there are few of it)
I can not gess your code, but I think, what you are looking for is here:

Is there any JSP equivalent for text editor as we use in ASP.net

i am designing a website where user can enter text in a formatted way, i have worked in asp.net where i have used AJAX toolkit and used HTML text editor control. i require similar kind of feature but i don't know how to achieve this feature in jsp.
As you will be answering this question you will be doing some formatting below, i just want to implement the similar kind of feature.
I couldn't show my work as this problem is what i have to solve first. Please let me know how can i do this. !
but i am talking of the answer box of stack overflow or similar
If you want a free version then use TinyMCE. It is fast and uses jquery and setting it up is really easy and you can buy it to activate other features too.
But if you want to pay for it then you can use Cute Editor, from my experience you need to buy licence per domain.
javascript editor
jHtmlArea http://jhtmlarea.codeplex.com/
ckeditor http://ckeditor.com/
tinymce http://www.tinymce.com/

How to create a small widget with JavaScript

I really don't know how to describe it, but if you understood it and had experience on that field, may be you can help me with something 'Open Source' and 'Ready-made'.
I want to create something like a box 'or widget', where you can change its content by hitting some buttons on the top of the box. (Hey the box is on a web page and this should use Ajax and Javascript).
I have tried some ready scritps, but I found them limited and they drive me crazy, JS frameworks also don't seems to offer such solution.
Any body have any idea on that field?
Just because the box is on a Web page doesn't mean it should use AJAX, Omar. Have you thought about using a third-party solution like ClearSpring or WidgetBox? If you need to put your widget onto Myspace, you'll want one of these.
That said, I've taken a couple of JavaScript-only runs at this problem; see Twitterati and Put Your Digg In A Box for examples, and my Global Widget Summit presentation for explanations.
Have you tried Jquery?
Visit www.jquery.com
Some example can be found at
Also please check the In-place editing example at

