collapse / expand of panel-heading body - javascript

The given below code used to collapse/expand. I used this code, where there were multiple panel-headings to collapse/expand. And it worked fine, but I don't know how this is working. I have taken this code from internet.
It would be helpful if someone can explain , whats going on here or point me to somehere, where I can read about this.
second, can I use this same function without changing on a page, where ther is only one panel-heading div.Could you give an example, if yes.
function bindCollapseEvents(panels, numPanels) {
for (var i = 0 ; i < panels.length ; i++) {
var heading = $(panels[i]).children('.panel-heading');
var bodyCollapse = $(panels[i]).children('.panel-body');
if (heading.length != 0 && bodyCollapse.length != 0) {
// $(heading[0]).attr('data-toggle', 'collapse');
// Use this instead of the data-toggle attribute to let [more/less] be clicked without collapsing panel
if ($(heading[0]).attr('class') == 'panel-heading') {
$(heading[0]).attr('data-target', '#panelBodyCollapse');
$(heading[0]).attr('id', 'panelHeading');
$(heading[0]).css('cursor', 'pointer');
$(bodyCollapse[0]).attr('id', 'panelBodyCollapse');
return numPanels;
function toggleSingleCollapse(e) {
if (!$('a') && !$('input')) {
var glyphIcon = $(this).find('.glyphicon');
var className = $(glyphIcon[0]).attr('class');
if (className.indexOf('glyphicon-chevron-up') != -1) {
} else {
function showSingleCollapse(e) {
var heading = $(e).parent().children('.panel-heading');
var glyphIcon = $(heading[0]).find('.glyphicon');
function hideSingleCollapse(e) {
var heading = $(e).parent().children('.panel-heading');
var glyphIcon = $(heading[0]).find('.glyphicon');

Main thing in the above code is switch logic, which is used to hide/show the respective content.
The only thing switch logic is doing here to add/remove respective CSS class on the elements which control their visibility like accordion
Switch logic modules: showSingleCollapse(e) & hideSingleCollapse(e)
Beyond this there is logic for validation check like not to add same css class if it already has.
My Suggestion: There is better accordion logic out there in jQuery Accordion itself but you can refer this code to understand the real logic behind Accordion


Using checkboxes to update UI in realtime

I'm currently in the process of trying to develop a smarter UI for one of my clients. However the only code I can use to develop this 'feature', is pure JS. I have no access to the source HTML or CSS files the only access I have is the ability to inject JavaScript through an external .js file.
I'm not too familiar with JS, but I can work my way around a basic script or two.
What we're doing is allowing users to edit PDF Templates online using a software called Core Create. The UI accessed through the browser is quite cluttered and I would like to provide an option to hide and show UI elements <textareas>/<inputs> through the use of checkboxes.
Here is a very basic JS Fiddle that I have built with the
intention of hiding and displaying UI.
The page in question
Above is a screen grab of the page I am working with, on the left you can see the UI and its composition on the right within the 'Inspect Element' tool.
I have come to the conclusion that I need to iterate through the highlighted selection and link them accordingly with seven checkboxes. The result would then be a selection of checkboxes that would hide / display the correct UI element.
The Caveat
In realizing I cannot edit or introduce new HTML I noticed the lack of on-click attributes. So I'm a bit lost on how to invoke the JavaScript I will eventually build.
My Question
With my limited knowledge of JS I don't know how I would iterate though div elements editoraccvar - editoraccvar6 picking out the ones I need to manipulate.
Due to the lack of ID's / Names (I assume it would have to be done using Parent/Child rules somehow, as the classes are widley used by the rest of the UI. I would appreciate a small example demonstrating how I could achieve this, so I can learn from it.
I should clarify, I have already added the checkboxes to the page, I just need to build the JS link between the Checkbox and the UI element I'm attempting to target. You can find all attributes linking to these checkboxes included in the JS Fiddle.
EDIT // A Working Simplified Example;
Due to some confusion I have 'frankensteined' some code together to show the final result I am after. A working example of sorts. The actual result needs to target 7 Checkboxes and 7 Divisions. I'll list thier common properties below.
// This script is already in place and constructed by the system.
// Written inside script tags and located straight after 'editopt1'.
// $(document).ready(function() {
// $('#checkboxopt1').click(function() {
// if ($('#checkboxopt1').val() == 'true') {
// $('#opt1').val('false');
// $('#checkboxopt1').val('false');
// $('#checkboxopt1').prop('checked', false);
// $('#previewrefresh').trigger('click');
// } else {
// $('#opt1').val('true');
// $('#checkboxopt1').val('true');
// $('#checkboxopt1').prop('checked', true);
// $('#previewrefresh').trigger('click');
// };
// });
// });
function exFunction() {
// Check the function is called
console.log("200 : OK");
// grab all elements with the class, .field-summernote
var uiblocks = document.querySelectorAll('.field-summernote');
for (var i = 0; i < uiblocks.length; i++) {
var current = uiblocks[i];
if (current.className.indexOf('editoraccvar') < 0) //not found: -1
// check elements in the array
// control the elemets in the array.
if (document.getElementById('checkboxopt1').checked) {
uiblocks[0].style.display = 'block'; // display the element
} else {
uiblocks[0].style.display = 'none'; // hide the element
// Trigger the collection the check, and the control.
var x = document.getElementById("checkboxopt1");
x.addEventListener("click", function() {
.editoraccvar1 {
width: 300px;
background: #0ff;
padding: .5em;
.editoropt1 {
width: 300px;
background: #ff0;
padding: .5em;
textarea {
display: block;
width: 95%;
resize: none;
padding: .5em;
<!-- I'm trying to hide & show this entire division... -->
<div class="seq-box-form-field field-summernote editoraccvar1 ">
<label for="accvar1">Ground Floor Info</label>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<textarea id="richaccvar1" name="richaccvar1" class="summernote"></textarea>
<input type="hidden" name="accvar1" id="accvar1" value="" />
<!-- Using only what the system has supplied. -->
<div class="seq-box-form-field editoropt1 ">
<label for="opt1"><span style="padding-right: 10px; vertical-align: 1px;">Ground Floor </span>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxopt1" id="checkboxopt1" value="true" checked="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="opt1" id="opt1" value="true" />
Divisions <div class=""></div>
* editoraccvar,
Checkboxes <input id=""></input>
* checkboxopt,
As far as I can see, your problem boils down to link checkboxes (that seem to have been generated in some way) to "division" parts of your html that you want to hide. Plus, you have to inject javascript code in the page (so I guess the less code the better).
One approach could be as follows:
// Wrap the code in an anonymus function, to avoid clustering the global space.
(function (domElements) {
// This is the callback that will fire when a checkbox is clicked.
function clickCallback() {
// the context of this callback is the DOM element thus we can access its attributes through this.
// extract the checkNumber of the class of the element. This number is the link to the division that we want to hide/show.
var checkNumber = ((/ editoropt(\d*) /).exec(this.className))[1],
checkBox = document.getElementById('checkboxopt' + checkNumber),
division = document.querySelectorAll('.editoraccvar' + checkNumber)[0];
// Hide/show division, update checkBox state.
toggleElements(division, checkBox, window.getComputedStyle(division).display === 'none');
function toggleElements(division, checkBox, isShown) {
// Toggle the division (show/hide) accordingly. = isShown ? 'block' : 'none';
// Due to the fact that the event listener is attached to the parent of the checkBox, we need to maintain consistency manually.
checkBox.checked = isShown;
// Remove from the array of DOMElements those that aren't checkboxes and add a click event listener to each of them.
.filter(function (el) {
return el.className.indexOf('editoropt') !== -1;
.forEach(function (el) {
el.addEventListener('click', clickCallback, false);
// Call the function passing the dom elements with class '.seq-box-form-field' as argument. Checkboxes are contained within them. Also, transform the nodelist
// into a proper array so that methods defined in Array.prototype can be used.
The code is commented and (I think) quite self-explanatory. However, if you have any doubt or want me to elaborate any point further, please, let me know.
Finally, here's the working fiddle.
Same function (more or less) but now it accepts an array of values that will correspond to the initial state of the checkboxes:
(function (domElements, cbState) {
function clickCallback() {
function toggleElements(className, initialShow) {
var checkNumber = ((/ editoropt(\d*) /).exec(className))[1],
checkBox = document.getElementById('checkboxopt' + checkNumber),
division = document.querySelectorAll('.editoraccvar' + checkNumber)[0],
isShown = initialShow === undefined ? window.getComputedStyle(division).display === 'none' : initialShow; = isShown ? 'block' : 'none';
checkBox.checked = isShown;
.filter(function (el) {
return el.className.indexOf('editoropt') !== -1;
.forEach(function (el, index) {
el.addEventListener('click', clickCallback, false);
toggleElements(el.className, cbState[index]);
// Initial state of the checkboxes goes in the second parameter. The index in the array correspond to the checkbox position in the page.
})([]'.seq-box-form-field')), [false, false]);
Here's the Fiddle to play with. Hope it helps.
The other half of your problem, not addressed in the other answer has to do with events. Generally, adding an "onclick" attribute to the actual HTML is considered bad practice. You can attach event handlers with Javascript.
var a = document.getElementById("checkboxopt1");
a.addEventListener("click", exFunction, false);
See the manual for more info about how to use this.
Looks like that you need the elements that have the class "field-summernote", but not the class "editorbdyvar".
You can use a query selector to get elements by class name using the default tools from Javascript:
var items = document.querySelectorAll('.field-summernote');
for(var i = 0; i<items.length; i++){
var current = items[i];
if( current.className.indexOf('editoraccvar') < 0) //not found: -1
//now you can manipulate the current element
well ... you should either learn javascript, DOM, HTML and CSS or hire an somebody that can do it.
in my opinion the latter would come cheaper.
if not,
here goes something to put in your script.js file.
the checkboxes must have the id="toggleTextareas" respectively id="toggleInputs".
(function isolateScope() {
function tryInit() {
setTimeout(tryInit, 100);
function createUI(){
var div=document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML='<input type="checkbox" id="toggleTextareas">toggle Textareas<br>'
+'<input type="checkbox" id="toggleInputs">toggle Inputs';
function init() {
var tta=document.getElementById("toggleTextareas");
var ti=document.getElementById("toggleInputs");
var textareaVisible=true;
var inputVisible=true;
function toggleTextareas() {
var elms=document.querySelectorAll("textarea");
if (textareaVisible) {
function toggleInputs() {
var elms=document.querySelectorAll("input");
if (inputVisible) {
function show(collection) {
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
function hide(collection) {
for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
let me know if it works,
You can traverse all your fields and generate a checkbox that will toggle it open/close for each of your fields. Also set the checkbox label as innerText of the corresponding field.
// Block to be run
generateCheckboxes = function() {
var button = document.getElementById("generateButton");
// grab all elements with the class, .field-summernote
var uiblocks = []'.field-summernote')).filter(function(x) {
return x.className.indexOf('editoraccvar') >= 0
if (!uiblocks.length) return;
var chcontainer = document.createElement('div'); = "inline-block";
document.body.insertBefore(chcontainer, document.body.children[0]);
uiblocks.forEach(function(x) {
var cdiv = document.createElement('div');
var clabel = document.createElement('label');
clabel.innerHTML = x.innerText.trim();
var cinput = document.createElement('input');
cinput.type = 'checkbox';
cinput.checked = true;
cinput.onchange = function(ev) {
var checked = this.checked; = checked ? "" : "none";
#container {
width: 150px;
input {
float: left;
label {
width: 120px;
display: block;
float: right;
text-align: left;
<button onclick="generateCheckboxes()" id="generateButton">Generate Checkboxes</button>
<div id="example" class="field-summernote editoraccvar">
<div id="example1" class="field-summernote editoraccvar1">
<div id="example2" class="field-summernote">

Applying .click event only to links in a certain div-container

The code already creates a navigation based on a JSON-file. The url are accessible by writing data.chapter[].subchapter[].url, the according title through data.chapter[].subchapter[].title
In case you are interested in that part or want the complete code, I uploaded it there:
The goal now is to create a right sidebar which shows the links to the next and previous files in the structure. My approach is below.
What confuses me, is that back() is called until subchap is zero, when a link in #left is being clicked on. It should only be called when the previous-link is being clicked on. What do I have to change in order to achieve that?
Thanks a lot already!
var chap; //position in the array of the currently open chapter
var subchap; //position in the array of the currently open subchapter
function update_right() {
var path = data.chapter[chap].subchapter;
//Previous Page
if(subchap > 0) {
$("#prev").html("<b>Previous:</b><a href='"+path[subchap-1].url+"'>"+path[subchap-1].title+"</a><br/>");
$("#prev > a").click(back());
} else { //subchap == 0
function back() {
$(document).ready(function() // DOM needs to exist in order to be able to add stuff in there
...Navigation being built up...
//------ onClick Navigation
$('#left > ul > li > a').click(
chap = $(this).attr("data-chap");
subchap = $(this).attr("data-subchap");

Get numerical value from parent with id like 'post-1' and use it in jQuery function

I'm trying to figure out the following.
I have following jQuery code:
var as = "";
var bPlay = 0; {
as = audiojs.createAll();
$(".audiojs .play-pause").click(function() {
var e = $(this).parents(".audiojs").index(".audiojs");
$.each(as, function(t, n) {
if (t != e && as[t].playing) {
bPlay = !bPlay;
if (bPlay == 1) {
$(".bar").each(function(i) {
} else {
In a nutshell it preforms list of things when someone clicks particular .audiojs instance on a page. 1) checks if there is any other instance playing, if there is pauses it. And if it is playing applies fluctuate function to elements on a page that have class="bar". This is the issue! I don't want to apply it to all .bar's on a page, but only to a specific group that is associated with particular .audiojs instance (the one that is being clicked and is playing).
I thought of the following solution. Each .audiojs instance is inside a div tag that has id like "post-1", "post-2" etc.. where numerical value is post id from database. I can add this numerical id to bar, so it would be like bar-1, bar-2 etc... However after this I'm having issues.
For javascript to work I need to retrieve numerical value from "post-[id]" associated with audiojs instance that is being clicked and than store it somehow, so I can use it like this afterwards
bPlay = !bPlay;
if (bPlay == 1) {
$(".bar-[value retrieved from post-...]").each(function(i) {
} else {
$(".bar-[value retrieved from post...]").stop();
Could someone explain to me how it can be achieved?
Honestly, the easiest way would be to stick it in a custom data-* attribute on the <div id="post-X"> element, like so:
<div id="post-1" data-bar="bar-1">...</div>
Then, you said your .audiojs element is inside that <div>, so just go from this inside the event handler to that <div> element (using .closest()) and get the value of it:
var barId = $(this).closest('[id^="post-"]').attr('data-bar');
Then when you need to use it:
$("." + barId).each(function(i) {
Instead of embedding the value in a class or ID, use a data-* attribute:
<div class="audiojs" data-fluctuate-target="bar-1">
<button type="button" class="play-pause">
<!-- ... -->
<div class="bar-1">
<!-- ... -->
In your click event handler, use the following to fluctuate or stop the correct elements:
var fluctuateClass = $(this).closest('.audiojs').attr('data-fluctuate-target');
$('.' + fluctuateClass).each(function () {
if (bPlay == 1) {
} else {

Checking if Element hasClass then prepend and Element

What I am trying to achieve here is when a user clicks an element it becomes hidden, once this happens I want to prepend inside the containing element another Element to make all these items visible again.
var checkIfleft = $('#left .module'),checkIfright = $('#right .module');
if(checkIfleft.hasClass('hidden')) {
$('#left').prepend('<span class="resetLeft">Reset Left</span>');
} else if(checkIfright.hasClass('hidden')) {
right.prepend('<span class="resetRight">Reset Right</span>');
I tried multiple ways, and honestly I believe .length ==1 would be my best bet, because I only want one element to be prepended. I believe the above JS I have will prepend a new element each time a new item is hidden if it worked.
Other Try:
var checkIfleft = $('#left .module').hasClass('hidden'),
checkIfright = $('#right .module').hasClass('hidden');
if(checkIfleft.length== 1) {
$('#left').prepend('<span class="resetLeft">Reset Left</span>');
} else if(checkIfright.length== 1) {
right.prepend('<span class="resetRight">Reset Right</span>');
else if(checkIfleft.length==0){
} else if (checkIfright.length==0){
Basically if one element inside the container is hidden I want a reset button to appear, if not remove that reset button...
hasClass() only works on the first item in the collection so it isn't doing what you want. It won't tell you if any item has that class.
You can do something like this instead where you count how many hidden items there are and if there are 1 or more and there isn't already a reset button, then you add the reset button. If there are no hidden items and there is a reset button, you remove it:
function checkResetButtons() {
var resetLeft = $('#left .resetLeft').length === 0;
var resetRight = $('#left .resetRight').length === 0;
var leftHidden = $('#left .module .hidden').length !== 0;
var rightHidden = $('#right .module .hidden').length !== 0;
if (leftHidden && !resetLeft) {
// make sure a button is added if needed and not already present
$('#left').prepend('<span class="resetLeft">Reset Left</span>');
} else if (!leftHidden) {
// make sure button is removed if no hidden items
// if no button exists, this just does nothing
$('#left .resetLeft').remove();
if (rightHidden && !resetRight) {
$('#right').prepend('<span class="resetRight">Reset Right</span>');
} else if (!rightHidden) {
$('#right .resetRight').remove();
// event handlers for the reset buttons
// uses delegated event handling so it will work even though the reset buttons
// are deleted and recreated
$("#left").on("click", ".resetLeft", function() {
$("#left .hidden").removeClass("hidden");
$("#left .resetLeft").remove();
$("#right").on("click", ".resetRight", function() {
$("#right .hidden").removeClass("hidden");
$("#right .resetRight").remove();
FYI, if we could change the HTML to use more common classes, the separate code for left and right could be combined into one piece of common code.
Add the reset button when hiding the .module, if it's not already there :
$('#left .module').on('click', function() {
var parent = $(this).closest('#left');
if ( ! parent.find('.resetLeft') ) {
var res = $('<span />', {'class': 'resetLeft', text : 'Reset Left'});
parent.append(res);'click', function() {
repeat for right side !
I've recently experimented with using CSS to do some of this stuff and I feel that it works quite well if you're not trying to animate it. Here is a jsfiddle where I can hide a module and show the reset button in one go by adding/removing a 'hideLeft' or 'hideRight' class to the common parent of the two modules.
It works by hiding both reset button divs at first. Then it uses .hideLeft #left { display:none;} and .hideLeft #right .resetLeft { display: block; } to hide the left module and display the reset button when .hideLeft has been added to whichever element both elements descend from. I was inspired by modernizr a while back and thought it was a neat alternative way to do things. Let me know what you think, if you find it helpful, and if you have any questions :)

Simplify my menu animation code

I've got a bunch of 'project' divs that I want to expand when they're clicked on. If there's already a project open, I want to hide it before I slide out the new one. I also want to stop clicks on an already open project from closing and then opening it again.
Here's an example of what I mean (warning - wrote the code in the browser):
$('.projects').click(function() {
var clicked_project = $(this);
if (':visible')) {
var visible_projects = $('.projects:visible');
if (visible_projects.size() > 0) {
visible_projects.height(10).slideUp(function() {
} else {
Really, my big issue is with the second part - it sucks that I have to use that if/else - I should just be able to make the callback run instantly if there aren't any visible_projects.
I would think this would be a pretty common task, and I'm sure there's a simplification I'm missing. Any suggestions appreciated!
$('.projects').click(function() {
var siblings = $(this).siblings('.projects:visible');
$(this).delay(siblings.length ? 400 : 0).slideToggle();
Used a delay rather than a callback because the callback is called once per matched item. This would lead to multiple toggles if multiple items were visible.
Like this?
.click(function () {
var a = $(this);
if (":visible")) return a.height(10)
.slideUp(), void 0;
var b = $(".projects:visible");
b.size() > 0 ? b.height(10)
.slideUp(function () {
}) : a.slideDown()

