PHP get input value without submit - javascript

Guys i have foreach loop where i list some prices. All price have own input radio button.
By default only one price from looping is checked. I want to get that value when page is lodaed.
I have one session where i store number of days. Based on these days I get the price of cars.
$numDays = $_SESSION['days']; // 5
$calculate_km = $numDays * 140; // 5*140km
So in page where i want to show total KM i use:
if(isset($_SESSION['days']) {
$numDays = $_SESSION['days'];
}else {
// Show default selected radio button value
Problem is bcs price list with radio is on the some page and there is no sumbiting
My loop:
<?php if($prices = getCarPricePeriod($car->ID, $od, $do)):?>
<?php $first = true; ?>
<?php foreach ($prices as $price): ?>
<td><input type="radio" name="price" value="<?= $price['value'];?>" <?= $first ? 'checked' : '' ?>> </td>
<td><input type="text" name="price_name" value=" <?= $price['name'];?>">€/per day</td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php $first = false; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Total KM : <span> <?= $numDays * 140 ;?> </span>
Only is posible to get that value if i submit that form. So i need js for this or any way to do this in php

I want to get that value when page is lodaed.
Use .ready() , selector $("tr input:checked") , .val()
$(document).ready(function() {
var val = $("tr input:checked").val()

If what you are asking is "how to send data from client-side to server-side", then the answer is AJAX.
Take a look at W3School's AJAX tutorial here:
for javascript, this should do it:

Without submit, you need JavaScript to do that, like this:
var p = document.getElementByName("price");


How to show input type text after submit if checkbox checked

I GOT 2 Questions
So, below is the code that will keep user's checkbox checked after user submitted the form, so that he know which one he had checked and dont need to fill again.
But the question is it did not show the array, i guess is the
echo ($_POST['ao']);
I tried use print_r,but it show out all the array, i just want to echo out the specific item that user checked.Currently it just echo "Array".
It did now display the input type text if user is checked after submit.But before submit, it works.
function ao1Function(){document.getElementById("ao1").value =
document.getElementById("ao1").disabled = false;
document.getElementById("ao1").style.display = "inline-block";}
function ao1Function2(){document.getElementById("ao1").value = document.getElementById("ao1").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("ao1").disabled = true;
<input type="checkbox" name="cbox[]" value="Basic Add To Cart,0" onclick="if(this.checked){ao1Function()}else{ao1Function2()}"
<?php if (isset($_POST['cbox']) && in_array("Basic Add To Cart,0",$_POST['cbox'])){echo 'checked';}?>>
Basic Add To Cart<div id="ao1" style='display:none;'>
<input type="text" id="ao" min="0" step="0.05" name="ao[]" onchange="force2decimals(this)" onkeypress='validate(event)' inputmode='numeric' placeholder="Amount (RM)"
value="<?php if(isset($_POST['ao'])) echo ($_POST['ao']);?>" <?php if(isset($_POST['cbox'])) echo "style='display:inline-block;'";?>></div>
1) Here's how to show only the selected check-boxes
var_dump(array_filter($_POST['ao'], function($v) {return $v == 'true';}));
2) The JavaScript part looks OK. You might need a little fix on the PHP side and it will work perfect.
<?php if(isset($_POST['cbox'])) echo "style='display:inline-block;'";?>
<?php if(isset($_POST['cbox'])) echo "style='display:inline-block;'"; else echo "style='display:none;'";?>

How to get class array index for getElemetByClass name in JavaScript

everyone. I'm still new using JavaScript, I need your help to fix my problem, I try to disable checkbox after submitted. Because my checkbox value is from DB and the data will show as long as the DB have it so I'm using class="select_DB[]" in my input tag. From my knowledge class is using array index so I want to disable the checkbox that I choose I have to get the array index of the class. So how I can get the array index of the checkbox ? Need you help
//this code for disable checkbox after submit need improve I don't know how to get array index of the class
function closeCB() {
document.getElementByClassName("select_DB").disabled = true;
include "db_connect.php";
$sql_select = $dt_bas->prepare("SELECT id_pegawai, nm_pegawai, tmp_lahir FROM pegawai");
while($row = $sql_select->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$id = $row["id_pegawai"]; // id
$nm = $row["nm_pegawai"]; // employe name
$tmp = $row["tmp_lahir"]; // birthday
<td><input type="checkbox" class="select_DB[]" class="select_DB[]" value=<?php echo"$id";?> <?=was_checked($id)?>/></td> <!-- This is the checkbox-->
<td><?php echo "$id";?></td>
<td><?php echo "$nm";?></td>
<td><?php echo "$tmp";?></td>
<?php } ?>

Submit form onchange checkbox and update mysql db

for ($i=0;$i<count($_POST['chkStatus']);$i++) {
$count = count($_POST['chkStatus']);
list($txtClientId, $txStatusValue) = explode('-', $_POST['chkStatus'][$i], 2);
$stmtChkStatus=$con->query("SELECT id,status FROM users WHERE id=$txtClientId");
$SRow = $stmtChkStatus->fetch();
if($SRow['status']!=$txStatusValue) {
if($txStatusValue==0) $stmtStatus=$con->query("UPDATE users SET status='0' WHERE id=$txtClientId");
else $stmtStatus=$con->query("UPDATE users SET status='1' WHERE id=$txtClientId");
<?php $stmtUsers=$con->query("SELECT id,status FROM users");
while($UsersRow = $stmtUsers->fetch()){
echo "<dt>$UsersRow[name]</dt>
<dd><input type='checkbox' name='chkStatus[]' value='$UsersRow[id]-$UsersRow[status]'";
if($CRow['status']==0) echo " checked";
echo " onchange='this.form.submit()'>
The issue with my code is that it only execute the checked checkboxes. I need a code that changes the status in SQL DB of the checkbox that i click(onchange).
Instead of looping through $_POST['chkStatus'] you could fetch all possible values with $con->query("SELECT id,status FROM users") and loop over those values. You can check then, if $_POST['chkStatus'] is set for the according value(s).
At a moment you send all checkbox values to the server. You may send only interested values. Quick and dirty solution:
split you checkboxes into individual forms and submit only form you need:
while($UsersRow = $stmtUsers->fetch()){
echo "<dt>$UsersRow[name]</dt>
<form .... > <!-- Here required attributes -->
<dd><input type='checkbox' name='chkStatus[]' value='$UsersRow[id]-$UsersRow[status]'";
if($CRow['status']==0) echo " checked";
echo " onchange='this.form.submit()'>
In inclick attribute take id or name of checkbox and add to request.

Clear input field value after javascript alert

I have a dynamic field that get value from database, and I want to check one of the field value if it was greater from the old value or not. If it does greater, i have to give an alert and reset field value back to ''
i want to do it without using document.GetElementById because the field was looped by foreach, I'm tryin to work with document.GetElementByName but got no where. here's my code
<?php foreach ($items->result_array() as $row){ ?>
<td><p><?php echo $row['nmbr']; ?> </p>
<p><?php echo $row['urai']; ?><p> </td>
<td><?php echo $row['jml']?> </td>
<td><div class="oldprice"><?php echo $row['oldprice']?></div></td>
<td><input id="pnwrn" class="pnwrn" type="text" name="pnwrn[]" value="" data-harga="<?php echo $row['jml']?>" data-jumlah="<?php echo $row['oldprice']?>"/></td>
<td><div class="output"></div></td>
<?php } ?>
and this is my javascript :
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.pnwrn').on('change', function () {
var twrn = $(this).val();
var price = parseInt($(this).data('harga'));
var jmlh = parseInt($(this).data('jumlah'));
if (twrn <= jmlh){
else {
alert("Price can not be greater from old price");
function clearInputs() {
document.getElementByName("pnwrn").value = "";
can someone help me?
You are not supposed to have multiple elements with the same id. Instead, try this:
<td><input id="pnwrn<?php echo $row['some_id_field_that_you_have']; ?>" class="pnwrn" type="text" name="pnwrn[<?php echo $row['some_id_field_that_you_have']; ?>]" value="" data-harga="<?php echo $row['jml']?>" data-jumlah="<?php echo $row['oldprice']?>"/></td>
You can also attach the matching ID on the <tr>, or to other elements, which makes it trivial to find the appropriate elements.
Unfortunately, with names like urai, harga, jumlah and pnwrn, it is extremely hard to pinpoint what exactly you're trying to do, thus just vague hints.
But - if you're trying to clear the very field you're checking, you already have it, so no lookup needs to be done. Just do clearInput(this).
Try this to loop through all the inputs and match on the class you want:
$("input").each(function (i) {
if ($(this).prop("class") === "pnwrn") {

Pass checkbox value to Edit (using href)

I'm trying to get the value of the selected checkbox to be transfered to the next page using href. I'm not in a position to use submit buttons.I want this to be done using JavaScript.
My checkbox is populated with value from a table row-docid. Here is my code for Checkbox in view.php:
... mysql_connect("$host", "$dbuser", "$password")or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");
$sql="SELECT * FROM $doctbl_name";
if(!$result ){ die('Could not get data: ' . mysql_error()); }
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)) { ?>
<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="chk_docid[]" id="<?php echo $row['docid'];?>"
value="<?php echo $row['docid'];?>"></td> ...
I have an EDIT Link as a menu in the top in view.php.
<a href="editdoc.php>Document</a>
My question : How do I pass the value of the checked checkbox when I click the edit link.
Note :I searched for a similar question, but could not find one. If I missed any similar question please provide me with the link.
Thanks in advance.
Note: changed the id of the checkbox from chk_docid to the dynamic row value ($row['docid']) as suggested by Jaak Kütt.
I found a solution!!!
Though I did it in a different way, I thank Jaak Kütt for all the support and helping me to think of a possible way..
This is what I did.. I named the form as showForm and moved to editdoc.php through the function itself.
My Check Box :
<form name="showForm">
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_docid[]" id="<?php echo $row['docid'];?>" value="<? php echo $row['docid'];?>">
My Link:
<a id="a_editdoc" onclick="getchkVal();" title="Edit Document">Document</a>
The corresponding script:
function getchkVal() {
var contents, vals = [], mydocid = document.forms['showForm']['chk_docid[]'];
for(var i=0,elm;elm = mydocid[i];i++) {
if(elm.checked) {
contents = vals.join(',');
In the editdoc.php :
make sure your inputs have different id-s..
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)) { ?>
...<input type="checkbox" name="chk_docid[]" class="chk_input"
id="chk_docid<?php echo $row['docid'];?>" value="<?php echo $row['docid'];?>">...
using jQuery:
var selection=$("input.chk_input:checked");
var href=$(this).attr('href')+'?'+selection.serialize();
return true;
<a onclick="submitWithChecked(this,'chk_input')" href="editdoc.php">Document</a>
function submitWithChecked(e,className){
// fetch all input elements, styled for older browsers
var elems=document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) {
// for each input look at only the ones with the class you are intrested in
if((elems[i].getAttribute('class') === className || elems[i].getAttribute('className') === className) && elems[i].checked){
// check if you need to add ? or & infront of a query part
e.href+=(!i && e.href.indexOf('?')<0)?'?':'&';
// append elements name and value to the query
return true;
in editdoc.php fetch the values with php using $_GET['name_of_input_element']

