Why is this Angular directive not compiling inside of Jasmine unit test? - javascript

Preconditions: I am using Karma to run Jasmine unit tests against my Angular.js app modules.
My app uses the following pattern to expose modules (services/directives/controllers):
'use strict';
export default (angular) => {
angular.module('simple', [])
.directive('simple', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: '<h1>COMPILED!</h1>'
The corresponding unit test for the above example looks like this:
import angular from 'angular';
import mocks from 'angular-mocks';
import simpleModule from './simple';
describe('simple', () => {
var $compile,
// Load the simple module, which contains the directive
beforeEach(() => {
let simpleComponent = new simpleModule(angular);
// module('simple') raises a TypeError here
// I have also tried angular.module('simple') which
// I am pretty sure is incorrect.
// Store references to $rootScope and $compile
// so they are available to all tests in this describe block
beforeEach(inject((_$compile_, _$rootScope_) => {
// The injector unwraps the underscores (_) from around the
// parameter names when matching
$compile = _$compile_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
it('Replaces the element with the appropriate content', () => {
// Compile a piece of HTML containing the directive
var element = angular.element("<simple>not compiled</simple>");
var compiledElement = $compile(element)($rootScope);
// fire all the watches, so the scope expressions evaluate
// Check that the compiled element contains the templated content
Problem: when running the above test with Karma in a web browser, the test fails and the element does not appear to be getting compiled.
What am I missing?

I can see in your code that you are missing the creation of the new $scope before do the $compile. You should do something like this:
it('Replaces the element with the appropriate content', () => {
// Compile a piece of HTML containing the directive
var scope = $rootScope.$new(); // create a new scope
var element = angular.element("<simple>not compiled</simple>");
var compiledElement = $compile(element)(scope);
// fire all the watches, so the scope expressions evaluate
// Check that the compiled element contains the templated content

I suspect you are not importing the directive correctly. Have you tried:
The alternate version you indicated you tried are not correct or are patterns I have not seen:
beforeEach(() => {
let simpleComponent = new simpleModule(angular);

The obvious is that you are using Javascript ES6 in your tests. Jasmine only understands ES5 as of now.
Try using this Jasmine ES6 Compiler, or write your tests in ES5.
Note: That your tests are not being compiled but they fail seems contradictory. They can only fail if karma attempts to run them. And they can only run if they are compiled. Are you sure about this?


Basic Karma Angular 1.5 Component Test

I am not sure if what I am doing is completely wrong, but when I switched from "directive" to "components" for defining a few of my HTML elements, I suddenly broke all of my Karma tests. here's what I have:
preprocessors: {
'module-a/module-a.view.html': ['ng-html2js'],
'module-z/module-z.view.html': ['ng-html2js']
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
moduleName: 'theTemplates'
"use strict";
controller: 'ModuleAController as moduleAVm',
templateUrl: 'module-a/module-a.view.html'
"use strict";
var element, $rootScope;
function($c,$rs) {
$rootScope = $rs;
element = $c('<module-a-component></module-a-component>')($rootScope);
$rootScope.$digest(); // ???
it('should have moduleAVm',function(){
expect(element.html()).not.toBe(''); // FAILS HERE
expect(element.html()).toContain('moduleVm'); // FAILS HERE TOO
The Error:
Expected '' not to be ''.
OK, after reading Angular's documentation more thoroughly, I came across this statement:
The easiest way to unit-test a component controller is by using the
$componentController that is included in ngMock. The advantage of this
method is that you do not have to create any DOM elements. The
following example shows how to do this for the heroDetail component
from above.
And it dawned on me, my describe('Controller',function(){...}); was what I really needed to change, and that I should just get rid of the 'Component' portion, formally known as 'Directive'
Here's my 'Controller' now:
'$componentController', // replaced $controller with $componentController
ctrl = $ctrl('queryResults',{ // Use component name, instead of controller name
Now, I still get to test my controller, while simultaneously testing the component. And I no longer have to create DOM elements using $compile, $rootScope, etc.

Karma + PhantomJS TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating scope.jackpot)

I am still very new to unit testing, and to be honest, there isn't anything that I could even think of testing, but I cannot build my app unless I have at least 1 test case, so I attempted to make the most simple test case I could, on the smallest block of code in the controller, and it doesn't seem to be working.
I believe it's an error in my test case, and not in my controller's code itself, because when I view my app in the browser with grunt serve the console shows no errors.
This is the error it gives me:
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Linux 0.0.0) Controller: MainCtrl should attach a list of jackpot to the scope FAILED
/home/elli0t/Documents/Yeoman Projects/monopoly/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:3746:53
forEach#[native code]
forEach#/home/elli0t/Documents/Yeoman Projects/monopoly/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:323:18
loadModules#/home/elli0t/Documents/Yeoman Projects/monopoly/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:3711:12
createInjector#/home/elli0t/Documents/Yeoman Projects/monopoly/app/bower_components/angular/angular.js:3651:22
workFn#/home/elli0t/Documents/Yeoman Projects/monopoly/app/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:2138:60
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'scope.jackpot') in /home/elli0t/Documents/Yeoman Projects/monopoly/test/spec/controllers/main.js (line 20)
/home/elli0t/Documents/Yeoman Projects/monopoly/test/spec/controllers/main.js:20:17
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Linux 0.0.0): Executed 1 of 1 (1 FAILED) ERROR (0.04 secs / 0.007 secs)
This is my test case:
it('should attach a list of jackpot to the scope', function () {
And this is the block of code I'm attempting to run the test on:
var countInJackpot = localStorageService.get('jackpot');
$scope.jackpot = countInJackpot || [
letter: '$',
prize: '$1,000,000 Cash',
numbers: ['$611A','$612B','$613C','$614D','$615E','$616F','$617G','$618F'],
count: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
letter: '?',
prize: '$500,000 Vacation Home',
numbers: ['?619A','?620B','?621C','?622D','?632E','?624F','?625G','?626H'],
count: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
For the time being, I really just want to write 1 simple test case, so it will let me build the app. I'm currently studying unit testing, but I still don't feel ready to write more complex test cases on my own. I will save that for later.
I have included the entire contents of the files in a gist for reference, if needed, and I can include the contents of the karma.conf.js if necessary.
My gist
Within your test case, scope should be $scope?
You probably haven't setup your testing environment to load in your controller.
Here is an example of mine on testing a controller... Angular makes the setup a little iffy to learn, But once you understand the flow. It's pretty great :)
I'm going to try and add as many comments to explain each piece as I can... but let me know if your need clarification. You might be using jasmine, but keep in mind, this is mocha, im using the angular mock library loaded in via the karma.conf.
describe('myController', function() {
var $scope,
// Runs before each test. Re-extantiating the controller we want to test.
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
// Get hold of a scope (i.e. the root scope)
$scope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
// The $controller service is used to create instances of controllers
var $controller = $injector.get('$controller');
createController = function() {
// Creates the controller instance of our controller.
// We are injecting $scope so we will have access to it
// after the controllers code runs
return $controller('myCtrl', {
'$scope': $scope
describe('#myFunction', function() {
it('jackpot should contain two objects', function() {
Hope that helped. Here's some of the resources I used to learn :) Good Luck!
I would expect you'd want to test both cases of the localStorageService having and not having data. To do so, create a spy for localStorageService (see Spies) and write your tests like this...
'use strict';
describe('Controller: MainCtrl', function () {
var scope, localStorageService, localData;
beforeEach(function() {
localData = {};
localStorageService = jasmine.createSpyObj('localStorageService', ['get', 'set']);
localStorageService.get.and.callFake(function(key) {
return localData[key];
inject(function($rootScope) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
it('assigns jackpots from local storage if present', inject(function($controller) {
localData.jackpot = 'whatever, does not matter';
$controller('MainCtrl', {
$scope: scope,
localStorageService: localStorageService
it('assigns jackpots from default array if none present in local storage', inject(function($controller) {
$controller('MainCtrl', {
$scope: scope,
localStorageService: localStorageService
// maybe include some other checks like

Angular directive unit testing setup and teardown

I am unit testing some Angular directives in Jasmine and running the tests with Karma in the PhantomJS headless browser.
I have a couple hundred specs. Since I've started testing the directives, I noticed that PhantomJS takes up a huge chunk of memory after running through the whole test suite a couple of times. I have a hunch that this is because the directives (and perhaps other garbage) isn't being freed up after they have been tested.
I do have some afterEach statements that remove the "compiled" directives after use, but it seems this is not enough, or I am not doing it correctly.
describe('leftNavigation', function() {
var nlElement = angular.element('<div left-navigation></div>');
beforeEach(inject(function($templateCache, _$compile_, _$rootScope_) {
template = $templateCache.get('full/path/to/leftNavigation.html');
$templateCache.put('full/path/to/leftNavigation.html', template);
$compile = _$compile_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
it('should contain the text BLAH', function() {
var element = $compile(nlElement)($rootScope);
// Teardown
afterEach(function() {
Am I tearing down the right variable (nlElement), or do I need to teardown element instead? Do I need afterEach statements for every beforeEach statement?
EDIT: The directive is defined as so:
'use strict';
// Grab ref to app module
var app = angular.module('app');
app.directive('leftNavigation', ['$log',
function ($log) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
replace: true,
templateUrl: 'path/to/template.html',
selection: '#'
]); //end of directive
EDIT 2: The directive's HTML template does include AngularJS expressions and ng-class attributes on multiple elements.

How to unit test an AngularJS service / factory

I'm already some time in the development using AngularJS, and what I do write works, but know I've come to a point where I would like to run unit tests on my AngularJS code.
I have created a very simple service that will inject a stylesheet onto the page,
see the example code below:
var OfficeSuiteStylesheetInjectorModule = angular.module('OfficeSuiteStylesheetInjectorModule', []);
OfficeSuiteStylesheetInjectorModule.factory('stylesheetInjectorService', ['$q', function($q) {
// Returns the service itself.
return {
inject: function(id, uri) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Embed the stylesheet into the page, but only when it's non-existing.
if (!angular.element('#' + id).length) {
var link = StylesheetFactory.Create(id, uri);
link.onload = deferred.resolve;
return deferred.promise;
It's not a big service, it's just dependend on $q for promises so that I can run additional logic when the stylesheet has been embedded in the page.
Now, I'm using Jasmine (I'm quite new to this) for testing my JavaScript code and I would like to test this module.
I have a skeleton:
// Tests for the angular 'StylesheetInjectorService'.
describe('StylesheetInjectorService', function() {
var stylesheetInjectorService = {};
// This code is executed before every test.
beforeEach(function() {
// Tells jamine that the module we're working on is the 'OfficeSuiteStylesheetInjectorModule'.
// Ensures that it injects a stylesheet element into the page.
it('Should inject a stylesheet element into the page.', function() {
// How to test here that the stylesheet is injected?
How can I inject te service in the page and ensures that the stylesheet is loaded?
Edit: Loading service now works:
// This code is executed before every test.
beforeEach(function() {
// Inject the required dependencies into the page.
inject(function($injector) {
stylesheetInjectorService = $injector.get('stylesheetInjectorService');
The same question is still open however. How to test if a stylesheet was embedded in the page?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Kind regards
To write a spec for the attachment of a stylesheet to angular.element('head') I would change the logic a bit to attach it to $document.head.
If you dont want to do that, I would recommend that you change your service into a directive seeing as how injecting a script element, is manipulating the DOM. That way you would kill two birds with one stone, as you would need to inject $compile to test your directive (which would enable you to $compile a custom head element to boot). But this is slightly "over the top" for now.
if (!angular.element('#' + id).length) {
var link = StylesheetFactory.Create(id, uri);
link.onload = deferred.resolve;
return deferred.promise;
* Sorry, this was previously $location which was just
* such a silly mistake.
var $timeout;
beforeEach(function () {
inject(function ($injector) {
$timeout = $injector.get('$timeout');
it('attaches the stylesheet to $document.head', function () {
styleSheetInjectorService.inject('someId', '/path/to/some/stylesheet');
$timeout.flush(); // flush promises
Something along those lines should get you up and running. Bare in mind that the spec I wrote uses the chai#expect style assertions, and the mocha test framework. Edit the syntax to fit Jasmine if you mean to copy-paste.
I had this doubt a while ago.
To inject your controllers and services into your tests you need to use a tool called Angular Mocks. Here's some official reference about it.
I sugest you use it together with the Karma enviroment.
Here's a great Getting Started tutorial:
This other one is for the Ionic Framework, but can still aplly to your case
Hope it can help.

Get compiled template for controller in unit test

I have the following controller:
, ['$scope','appRules',function ($scope,appRules) {
console.log("exucuting userIsInRole:",user,role);//never happens
return appRules.userIsInRole(user,role);
This is used for the following route:
angular.module('app', [,'ui.bootstrap','ngRoute'])
The template would have something that will check if user can see this page or not (even if someone hacks javascript it doesn't matter because when data is fetched or submitted the server checks as well).
<div data-ng-if="!isUserInRole(login.user,'Administrator')" class="red">
Please log in or log in as another user.
<div data-ng-if="isUserInRole(login.user,'Administrator')" class="green">
Page to edit users.
Now I would like to create a controller in my test and see when it renders if it renders correctly:
var controller,scope,element;
,$rootScope,$compile,appRules) {
controller = $controller('userList',{
//here I have the controller but how to get the html it generates
// when rendering the template?
element = $compile("<div ng-controller='userList'>"
+"<div data-ng-view=''></div></div>")(scope);
//here element isn't rendered at all, works on directives but how
// to do this with controllers?
console.log("element is:",element);
I would like to write a test like
it('Check page won\'t show if user is not set or is not Administrator.'
, function() {
.indexOf("Please log in or log in as another user."))
.toBe(0,'Show login message when login.user is not set.');
Not sure how to get element though.
I'm actually trying to test a template, because this is used by a controller I was thinking testing it with a controller but as Jon suggested it can just be loaded as template.
How to make it compile and manipulate scope and compile again I don't know. The following:
var el = angular.element(
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
This gives me the output of both Please log in or log in as another user. and Page to edit users. Looks like element is just the raw element not compiled one.
Trying something like this doesn't do much either:
, _$rootScope_,appSettings,$templateCache){
console.log("before each");
var el = angular.element($templateCache
var compile=_$compile_;
var $rootScope=_$rootScope_;
//I would think that compile would invoke the ng-if and appSettings.userIsInRole
// but no console log in that function is shown.
var element = compile($templateCache
console.log("element is:",element.html());//=undefined
Add your templates to the cache using ng-templates or ng-html2js so they are available when Karma runs. Then do this:
var scope = null;
beforeEach(inject(function($templateCache,_$compile_,_$rootScope_, _$controller_) {
//get the template from the cache
template = $templateCache.get('src/main/app/components/someController/widget-search.tpl.html');
$compile = _$compile_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$controller = _$controller_;
scope = $rootScope.new();
//compile it
element = $compile(template)(scope);
//then shove your compiled element into your controller instance
it( 'should be instantiated since it does not do much yet', function(){
ctrl = $controller('SomeController',
$scope: scope,
$element: element
// my controller should set a variable called hasInstance to true when it initializes. Here i'm testing that it does.
expect( ctrl.hasInstance).toBeTruthy();
For more info, see http://angular-tips.com/blog/2014/06/introduction-to-unit-test-directives/
If you are using Karma you could use the ng-html2js karma pre processor which basically runs through your templates and turns them into module which you can include in your test which populate the $templateCache so your template is available.

