multiple iron-collapse not working, expands only first - javascript

I'm trying to create multiple iron-collapse elements with content inside. I want the iron-collapse to expand when user clicks on a button. The problem is that I can't get each element expanded individually. The script catches only first element and does not affect the others. I've tried many code samples but without success. Can someone help me? My code is below:
var expandContent = document.getElementById('mybutton');
expandContent.onclick = function(event) {
var moreInfo = document.getElementById('moreinfo');
var iconButton = Polymer.dom(event).localTarget;
iconButton.icon = moreInfo.opened ? 'hardware:keyboard-arrow-down'
: 'hardware:keyboard-arrow-up';
/*moreInfo.toggle();*/ /* This one works to, don't know which is better */
<paper-card style="width:100%;line-height:56px;font-size:16px;font-weight:400;">
<paper-icon-button class="mybutton" id="mybutton" icon="hardware:keyboard-arrow-up" style="float:right;margin:8px;" >
<iron-icon icon="communication:forum"></iron-icon>
<iron-collapse id="moreinfo" class="moreinfo" style="width:100%;">
<iron-icon icon="info"></iron-icon>
<paper-item-body two-line>
<div>Primary text</div>
<div secondary>Secondary text</div>
<paper-item>Second item</paper-item>
<paper-item>Third item</paper-item>
I want only one collapse to expand after it's corresponding button is being pressed. Is there way to change this code to achieve what I need, without complete rewrite, because only with this code iron-collapse works properly and changes its attribute expanded="yes/no", which I later use with cookies?

The problem is here:
var expandContent = document.getElementById('mybutton');
Why are you looking for "mybutton" on entire document? You don´t need to do that because Polymer´s encapsulate each component so you can use it in multiples situations.
As documentation say´s:
Polymer automatically builds a map of statically created instance nodes in its local DOM, to provide convenient access to frequently used nodes without the need to query for them manually. Any node specified in the element’s template with an id is stored on the this.$ hash by id.
So, you need to change document.getElementById('mybutton') to this.$.mybutton to refer the local dom button. On this way, should work.
Using your code and not doing it as it should in Polymer, maybe this will help you:
var idArray =["mybutton","mybutton2","mybutton3"];
var expandContent = document.getElementById(item);
expandContent.onclick = function(event) {
var moreInfo = document.getElementById('moreinfo');
var iconButton = Polymer.dom(event).localTarget;
iconButton.icon = moreInfo.opened ? 'hardware:keyboard-arrow-down'
: 'hardware:keyboard-arrow-up';
/*moreInfo.toggle();*/ /* This one works to, don't know which is better */

Ok, i found proper solution after reading some forums and js docs, i will write it down, maybe someone needs it too.
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName('mybutton'); // Getting all button with same class name
for(var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { // Adding count indexes to buttons starting from first is 0
elems[i].onclick = function(event){ //And here is function to do expand/collapse, it can be any other function too, main idea was to get work/trigger all items with same class
var expandContent = event.currentTarget.parentElement.querySelector('iron-collapse');
var iButton = Polymer.dom(event).localTarget;
iButton.icon = expandContent.opened ? 'hardware:keyboard-arrow-down' : 'hardware:keyboard-arrow-up';
console.log("Works ! Great !!!");


Get dynamically created names of dynamical links

I need to create a link for a set of documents. They are created dynamically, thus the names are also different, f.ex. Test, Test2, so one.
I need to show the link like "Document TestN", where links changed according to the current document. I can now create the links by a href="id" onklick=bla+bla+bla", but the name does not change. Instead of 'Dashboard' I need to get 'Dashboard of "ConcreteSite"', where I can get names by pageHeader:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var siteNameAsParam =;
var scrt_var = siteNameAsParam.split("siteName=")[1];
<p>You are here: Dashboard </p>
Based on your code I think this is what you're after but more detail on what you're trying to do would be great.
<p>You are here: Dashboard </p>
<p>You are here: Dashboard </p>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
var siteNameAsParam =;
var scrt_var = siteNameAsParam.split("siteName=")[1];
links[i].href = links[i].href + '?siteName=' + scrt_var;
links[i].innerText += ' fred';
}, false);
This does the following:
On page load gets all links on the page
loops through the links and grabs the query strings from the url
splits the query string on siteName
sets each link url to add the query string
updates the links text to append the query string (or undefined if it doesn't exist (see note below)
Note: your code implies you already have a query string in the url of siteName=SITENAMEHERE. Also, depending what you're trying to achieve, there are probably much better approaches. This I hope answers your current question but I think you should review how other achieve what you're after.
Here is a jsfiddle with a different working sample of what I think you might want. Hopefully it helps. there are comments in the fiddle. I think you want to try doing more when the link is created (set the event listener there, update the text as desired, etc.) instead of on the click event.

How Can I Rewrite This More Efficiently

I have to believe that there's a better way to write the below code. Thanks in advance.
var hProtein = $('#protein-lbl');
var hCarb = $('#carb-lbl');
var hFat = $('#fat-lbl');
var hTotal = $('#totalCalories');
// Normal Calc vars
var nProtein = $('#protein-normal-lbl');
var nCarb = $('#carb-normal-lbl');
var nFat = $('#fat-normal-lbl');
var nTotal = $('#totalCalories-normal');
// Hide calculations until bodyweight is entered
Perhaps giving the HTML elements a class will work?
var $ele = $('.class-name');
The best solution is to have the default condition of the page specified in HTML/CSS, so it displays properly at first and you don't have to run a bunch of javascript just to set up the default condition.
So, if what you're trying to do is establish the default condition upon page load, change the display style of all these elements to style="display: none;" right in the HTML so they start out with the right state.
Or better yet, give them all a common class name and create a CSS style rule so they are all initially hidden. Doing this in the markup/CSS will prevent them showing and then hiding as your script runs - they will just start out with the right state.
.initialHidden {
display: none;
<div id="totalCalories-normal" class="initialHidden"></div>
add common class to element the hide it by this way
Put all elements in Single div wrap and hide it by that id
I would do this :
Why not wrap the labels in a fieldset and hide the fieldset

Javascript interchange with command button

I am trying to setup an interchange using two texts boxes with a command button in between.
The idea is you type a reference/code in the left hand text box, click the button and it generates an alternative reference/code in the right hand text box.
The point being the user can check alternate bearing references if they can't find what they are looking for with the one they have.
The code I use so far is:
<script type="text/javascript">
oldRef = new Array ("Z582","T608","A173");
newRef = new Array ("C850","S708","X449");
function convert()
document.getElementById("v2").value = "";
for (index=0 ; index < oldRef.length ; index++)
if ( document.getElementById("v1").value == oldRef[index] )
document.getElementById("v2").value = newRef[index];
V1 and V2 refer the the text box ID.
This works with the text boxes but I don't know how to incorporate the command button into this so that they need to click the button in the middle for it to generate.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Its pretty Easy stuff what you need to do is to use onclick of the button like this
document.getElementById('button').onclick = function () {
document.getElementById("v2").value = "";
for (var index=0 ; index < oldRef.length ; index++) {
if (document.getElementById("v1").value == oldRef[index])
document.getElementById("v2").value = newRef[index];
Here is a demo
I hope this is waht you want....
So essentially there are two things that you need to accomplish what you asked. You need to create a element within your HTML, in this case a button. You then need to catch the event that you want to catch from that element and then execute you convert function.
This is one example of accomplishing this:
So create an button within your HTML
<button id="btn_command">Command</button>
Then in Javascript you want to target that button and add an event listener to that button. In the example the below the variable var btnCommand is set to the html button by using the getElementById method to get that button with that id. Then we add and event listener to that element that when clicked it executes your convert function.
var btnCommand = document.getElementById ("btn_command") ;
btnCommand.addEventListener("click", convert, false) ;
If you want to use jQuery you would do something like this.
$('#btn_command').on('click', function() { convert(); });
Here is another quick and dirty way to just test you button with your function. It is not a best idea to mix your javascript inline with your html but just to test your button and if your convert function is doing that you think you could just say
<button onClick="convert()">Command</button>
Well there are few ways to accomplish what you asked. Happy Coding!

Changing name of all classes in html document with javascript

I have a List that shows Products. When I click on one, I need to change the class of the <li> so as to show that it is clicked. I got this working... But what I can't do is clear the other <li> that have been previously clicked so as to show it is not selected anymore.
This is part of my code, what am I doing wrong? btw, my logic here is to first refresh all classes to notselected, and then just update the list with my product id number. this can be seen on the second line of code.
I'm new to javascript, and did my research, and this is what I got.
function showdetails(ProductID) {
document.getElementsByName("ProductList").className = "notselected";
Are you trying to do this?
function showdetails(ProductID) {
I think you need to iterate across all elements returned in document.getElementsByName("ProductList") and change className to each element individually.
var productLists = document.getElementsByName('ProductList');
for (i = 0; i < productLists.length; i++) {
productLists[i].className = 'notselected'

Difficulty setting focus on newly created object in javascript

So, related to an earlier question, but forgive me for my naive javascript ways. Basically I now want to automatically bring a text input into focus when it is added to the DOM. Part of me thinks that I might be trying to add focus to the object before it exists, but I'm not quite sure how I would go about fixing it. Right now this is my relevant code:
var searchWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = "search-wrapper";
this.parentNode.replaceChild(searchWrapper, this);
But it's not quite working. Should I be setting focus as a callback on replaceChild, or is there some other way to do this?
Try the following:
Live Demo
var searchOrig = document.getElementById("search-wrapper");
var searchWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = "search-wrapper";
searchWrapper.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
searchOrig.parentElement.replaceChild(searchWrapper, searchOrig);

