Set jquery delay from html data - javascript

I'm trying to set individual duration times from a value in the html that the text is displayed before displaying the next. I thought maybe I could do something with setting a variable (howlong) for the jquery .delay, but it's only getting the value by the first "data-howlongtime" for the rest of them. JSFiddle. What am I doing wrong besides everything?
<div id="aboutid" data-howlongtime="10000">
<p class="abouts">Less delay</p>
<div id="aboutid" data-howlongtime="20000">
<p class="abouts">Long delay</p>
<style>.abouts {display: none;}</style>
var delayabout=1700;
var howlong = $('#aboutid').data('data-howlongtime');
(function() {
var abouts = $(".abouts");
var aboutIndex = -1;
function showNextabout() {
abouts.eq(aboutIndex % abouts.length)
.fadeOut(2000, showNextabout);
}, delayabout);

Try this, you are actually taking the howlongtime at the top, one time only, you need to check it for every iteration.
var delayabout = 1000;
(function() {
var abouts = $(".abouts");
var aboutIndex = -1;
function showNextabout() {
var $about = abouts.eq(aboutIndex % abouts.length),
howLong = $about.parents('div#aboutid').data('howlongtime');
.fadeOut(2000, showNextabout);
setTimeout(function() {
}, delayabout);


JavaScript Countdown with argument passing in

You are given an integer called start_num. Write a code that will countdown from start_num to 1, and when the countdown is finished, will print out "Liftoff!".
I am unsure how to do this and keep getting stuck.
This is the code I am provided with at the beginning of the problem:
function liftoff_countdown(start_num) {
// My code goes here!
And then they want me to pass in a value such as the 5:
And then this will be my output:
Look at this maybe help you to create your own code
make two file in a same folder (script.js and index.html)
<!doctype html>
<div id="container">
<div id="inputArea">
<h1 id="time">0</h1>
<script src="script.js"></script>
var valueRemaining;
var intervalHandle;
function resetPage() {
document.getElementById("inputArea").style.display = "block";
function tick() {
var valueDisplay = document.getElementById("time");
valueDisplay.innerHTML = valueRemaining;
if (valueRemaining === 0) {
valueDisplay.innerHTML = "Liftoff!";
function startCountdown() {
var count = document.getElementById("count").value;
if (isNaN(count)) {
alert("Please enter a number!");
valueRemaining = count;
intervalHandle = setInterval(tick, 1000);
document.getElementById("inputArea").style.display = "none";
// as soon as the page is loaded...
window.onload = function () {
var inputValue = document.createElement("input");
inputValue.setAttribute("id", "count");
inputValue.setAttribute("type", "text");
// create a button
var startButton = document.createElement("input");
startButton.setAttribute("type", "button");
startButton.setAttribute("value", "Start Countdown");
startButton.onclick = function () {
// add to the DOM, to the div called "inputArea"
in this example you have many things to understand how javascript works behind scenes.
How about this...
function liftoff_countdown()
var span=document.getElementById('num');
var i=document.getElementById('num').innerText;
if (i==0){
var count_down=setInterval(liftoff_countdown,1000);
<span id="num">5</span>
You can achieve this with a simple recursive function and the use of setTimeout to recursively call the function after a time lapse of 1 second.
function lift_off(seconds) {
if(seconds == 0) {
} else {
Here is a working JSFiddle
A lot of these answers seem to be focused on doing things with timers and recursion. I do not believe that is your intent. If your only goal is to print those values to the console, you could simply do the following (see the comments for an explanation).
The Answer
function liftoff_countdown(start_num) {
// Loops through all values between 0 and start_num
for(int i = 0; i < start_num; i++) {
// Prints the appropriate value by subtracting from start_num
console.log( start_num - i );
// Upon exiting the loop, prints "Liftoff!"
Additional Thoughts
You could just as easily loop backwards through the numbers instead of forward like so:
for(int i = start_num; i > 0; i--){
console.log( i );
I tend to lean towards iterating forwards just because it's more common, and it's often easy to confuse readers of your code if they gloss over the loop initialization.
Additionally, I am working with the assumption that when you say "print" you mean "console.log()". If this is untrue, you could of course use any other function in its place (e.g. alert( "Liftoff!" );).

Javascript Pic Slideshow Failing?

FOr some reason my code is not executing properly. i am trying to program a slideshow with javascript. Im using a for loop to pull and populate the src files from a created array and change the pic every 3 seconds. THe page loads and the first pic is present but when the interval occurs the first pic dissapears and nothing falls in its place. What am I doing wrong?
<img name="mainSlide" id="mainSlide" src="images/mainPagePhotos/facebook-20131027-180258.png" alt="">
var mainSlidePics = ("facebook-20131027-180258.png","IMG_9694116683469.jpg","IMG_28452769990897.jpg");
window.onload = setInterval("mainSlide();", 3000);
function mainSlide() {
for(i=0; i<mainSlidePics.length; i++ ) {
document.images.mainSlide.src = "images/mainPagePhotos/" + mainSlidePics[i];
Have you tried getting the Id first?
var mainSlide = document.getElementById("mainSlide");
mainSlide.src = "images/mainPagePhotos/" + mainSlidePics[i];
also a forloop is a loop that finishes its loops even in one call.
var i = 0;
window.onload = setInterval("mainSlide(i);", 3000);
mainSlide(int j){
mainSlide.src = "images/mainPagePhotos/" + mainSlidePics[i];
setInterval("mainSlide(j++);", 3000);
First you have to correctly declare the array.
Then you have to move the counter variable outside the function triggered by setInterval.
Then pass the reference of the function to setInterval.
<img name="mainSlide" id="mainSlide" src="images/mainPagePhotos/facebook-20131027-180258.png" alt="">
<script type="text/javascript">
var mainSlidePics = ["facebook-20131027-180258.png","IMG_9694116683469.jpg","IMG_28452769990897.jpg"];
var position = 0;
function changePic() {
position = (position+1) % mainSlidePics.length;
document.images.mainSlide.src = "images/mainPagePhotos/" + mainSlidePics[position];
window.onload = function() {
setInterval(changePic, 3000);

create simple rotation with pause

How can I cycle through a series of elements, adding a class, pausing then removing the class and moving on to the next element. I have tried setInterval and I have tried setTimeout, but cannot seem to get it to work.
My Javascript
var numpromos = $('.promoteBlock').length;
var promonum = 1;
while (numpromos > promonum){
setInterval(function() {
$('#promoteCont .promoteBlock').fadeOut().removeClass('active');
$('#promoteCont #promo'+promonum).addClass('active');
}, 3000);
<div id="promoteCont">
<div id="promo1" class="promoteBlock">Promotion No.1</div>
<div id="promo2" class="promoteBlock">Second Promo</div>
<div id="promo3" class="promoteBlock">Another one</div>
function playNext(){
var active = $('#promoteCont').find("");
if( active.length == 0 )
active = $(".promoteBlock:eq(0)");
var fout =;
if( fout.length == 0 )
fout = $(".promoteBlock:eq(0)");
Take things out of the while loop. You only need to set the interval once. Perform your state calculation (which item is selected) within the callback method itself. See below, which I believe is what your looking for.
// Global variables to maintain state... I'm sure I'll get some comments about these :p
var numpromos = $('.promoteBlock').length;
var promonum = 1;
setInterval(function() {
$('#promoteCont .promoteBlock').fadeOut().removeClass('active');
$('#promoteCont #promo'+promonum).addClass('active');
if(promonums > numpromos)
promonum = 1;
}, 3000);

Switch content of DIV with another set DIVs with a timer

I have 3 divs in a html page, 2 divs should be hiddent always but theire content should be displayed in another div and this content should be changed every x seconds. Hows that possible using jquery/javascript?
<div id="contentA">
<!-- Some contents goes here, and it should be hidden -->
<div id="contentB">
<!-- Some contents goes here, and it should be hidden -->
<div id="displayArea">
<!-- switch between contentA and contentB on a timer say every 5 seconds -->
Do not use the .html() function to copy content from one place to another. HTML is a serialisation format designed to carry DOM structures from a server to a client. Once the page is in a DOM structure you should manipulate that DOM structure directly using DOM methods. Using .html() to serialise a DOM node and then recreate it somewhere else risks losing things like event handlers, other hidden data, etc.
On that basis, to copy the current contents of a div into another:
var $contents = $('#contentA').contents().clone(); // copy the source element's contents
$('#displayArea').empty().append($contents); // drop them into the destination
In full:
(function() {
var delay = 3000;
var state = 0;
(function next() {
state = 1 - state;
var src = state ? '#contentA' : '#contentB';
var $contents = $(src).contents().clone();
setTimeout(next, delay);
Try this :)
<div id='a' style='display: none;'>this is a</div>
<div id='b' style='display: none;'>this is b</div>
<div id='show'></div>
var count = 0;
var content = '';
var j = setInterval(function () {
content = $('#a').html();
content = $('#b').html();
}, 5000);
Try this:
var toggle = false;
setInterval(function() {
$("#displayArea").html(toggle ? $("#contentA").html() : $("#contentB").html());
toggle = !toggle;
}, 5000);
Working DEMO
I don't know if this is what you need but this script should work:
check = true;
if(check) {
check = false;
else {
check = true
}, 5000);
function doSlides() {
var msg = messages.shift();
var messages = [
Here's one way to do it using setInterval():
var divs = $('div[id^="content"]').hide(),
i = 0;
function cycle() {
i = ++i % divs.length; // increment i, and reset to 0 when it equals divs.length
setInterval(cycle, 2000); //Cycle every 2 seconds
Wrapping in a self executing function:
(function cycle() {
i = ++i % divs.length; // increment i, and reset to 0 when it equals divs.length
setTimeout(cycle, 2000);
Try following code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="//" ></script>
var divSelected = "A";
function switch1()
if (divSelected == "A")
divSelected = "B";
divSelected = "A";
var test = setInterval( "switch1()" , 5000);
<div id="contentA" style = "display:none;">
Contect A
<div id="contentB" style = "display:none;">
Content B
<div id="displayArea">
Use an interval to trigger a function every x seconds, then jQuery replaceWith to swap the divs. If you don't want to replace the actual node but just the contents, then .html() is probably the way to go.

How to show last 5 seconds when timing is running out?

Hi i am using Javascript set timeout to run a certain function.
How do i display the last 10 seconds of the timeout when it is nearing the end?
var a = setTimeout('someFunction()', 10000);
Is it able to display something using the value that it store into the variable?
I have created a small demo for you,
<div id="target" style="display:none">
var target,
allotedTimeForWork=100 /*you can change this*/
var handler = setTimeout(function(){
}, allotedTimeForWork);
function startTicker()
var counter=10;
var tickerHandler= window.setInterval(function(){
//cache target
target.innerHTML="you have "+counter +" seconds left";
target.innerHTML="time over";
It is not possible to directly get the remaining time of a Timeout.
You could either try to make multiple Timeouts for every second, or have another variable where you store when the Timeout was started.
I would use two timeouts.
The first with time minus 5 seconds, that calls a function with the second timeout (5 seconds) which would have the timer displayed.
Take a look here:
<span id="aaa">10</span>
setInterval(function() {
var elem = document.getElementById('aaa');
elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML - 1;
}, 1000);
set 2 timers one for the timeout and another for the warning
var warn_time = 5000;
var function_name = 'someFunction()';
var a = setTimeout('warnFunction(function_name, warn_time)', 10000 - warn_time);
function warnFunction(function_name, time) {
alert('only ' + time + ' seconds left'); //use a div or whatever to display
var b = setTimeout(function_name, time);

