How do you put an animated canvas behind your elements? - javascript

var COLORS, Confetti, NUM_CONFETTI, PI_2, canvas, confetti, context, drawCircle, i, range, resizeWindow, xpos;
COLORS = [[85, 71, 106], [174, 61, 99], [219, 56, 83], [244, 92, 68], [248, 182, 70]];
PI_2 = 2 * Math.PI;
canvas = document.getElementById("world");
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
window.w = 0;
window.h = 0;
resizeWindow = function() {
window.w = canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
return window.h = canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeWindow, false);
window.onload = function() {
return setTimeout(resizeWindow, 0);
range = function(a, b) {
return (b - a) * Math.random() + a;
drawCircle = function(x, y, r, style) {
context.arc(x, y, r, 0, PI_2, false);
context.fillStyle = style;
return context.fill();
xpos = 0.5;
document.onmousemove = function(e) {
return xpos = e.pageX / w;
window.requestAnimationFrame = (function() {
return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) {
return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
Confetti = (function() {
function Confetti() { = COLORS[~~range(0, 5)];
this.rgb = "rgba(" +[0] + "," +[1] + "," +[2];
this.r = ~~range(2, 6);
this.r2 = 2 * this.r;
Confetti.prototype.replace = function() {
this.opacity = 0;
this.dop = 0.03 * range(1, 4);
this.x = range(-this.r2, w - this.r2);
this.y = range(-20, h - this.r2);
this.xmax = w - this.r;
this.ymax = h - this.r;
this.vx = range(0, 2) + 8 * xpos - 5;
return this.vy = 0.7 * this.r + range(-1, 1);
Confetti.prototype.draw = function() {
var _ref;
this.x += this.vx;
this.y += this.vy;
this.opacity += this.dop;
if (this.opacity > 1) {
this.opacity = 1;
this.dop *= -1;
if (this.opacity < 0 || this.y > this.ymax) {
if (!((0 < (_ref = this.x) && _ref < this.xmax))) {
this.x = (this.x + this.xmax) % this.xmax;
return drawCircle(~~this.x, ~~this.y, this.r, "" + this.rgb + "," + this.opacity + ")");
return Confetti;
confetti = (function() {
var _results;
_results = [];
for (i = 1; 1 <= NUM_CONFETTI ? i <= NUM_CONFETTI : i >= NUM_CONFETTI; 1 <= NUM_CONFETTI ? i++ : i--) {
_results.push(new Confetti);
return _results;
window.step = function() {
var c, _i, _len, _results;
context.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = confetti.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
c = confetti[_i];
return _results;
header {
color: gainsboro;
text-align: center;
font-size: 100px;
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
background: #111;
canvas {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Falling Confetti</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<canvas id="world"></canvas>
<script src="js/index.js"></script>
<header>Video Game Evolution</header>
<iframe src='//' width='100%' height='650' frameborder='0'></iframe>
It starts to display the header but the canvas gets in the way. I also have an embedded timeline that I want to be displayed over the canvas. Is it the js in the way? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Make your canvas absolute positioned, give it an appropriate size, and you should get what you want
canvas {
Note: get rid of z-index on the canvas css ... this puts it behind the body, and the body has a background, so hides the canvas


Canvas particle animation mobile touch event with elements positioned on top

I have this canvas particle animation that follows the mouse event correctly but it does not follow a touch event on mobile. I realized that it's because I have this animation beneath the rest of the content which is positioned on top. When there is something on top of the canvas that it's hitting, it does not trigger the touch event. I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to avoid this issue so that the animation will still follow the user underneath the page content.
var PI2 = Math.PI * 2;
var HALF_PI = Math.PI / 2;
var isTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window;
var isSafari = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/[\d\.]+.*Safari/);
function Canvas(options) {
options = _.clone(options || {});
this.options = _.defaults(options, this.options);
this.el = this.options.el;
this.ctx = this.el.getContext('2d');
this.dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
window.addEventListener('resize', this.updateDimensions.bind(this), false);
// touch
this.el.addEventListener('touchstart', this.touchMove.bind(this), false);
this.el.addEventListener('touchmove', this.touchMove.bind(this), false);
// this.el.addEventListener('touchend', this.resetTarget.bind(this), false);
} else {
// Mouse
window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMove.bind(this), false);
window.addEventListener('mouseout', this.resetTarget.bind(this), false);
Canvas.prototype.updateDimensions = function() {
this.width = this.el.width = _.result(this.options, 'width') * this.dpr;
this.height = this.el.height = _.result(this.options, 'height') * this.dpr; = _.result(this.options, 'width') + 'px'; = _.result(this.options, 'height') + 'px';
// Update the orb target
Canvas.prototype.mouseMove = function(event) { = new Vector(event.clientX * this.dpr, event.clientY* this.dpr);
// Reset to center when we mouse out
Canvas.prototype.resetTarget = function() { = new Vector(this.width / 2, this.height /2);
// Touch Eent
Canvas.prototype.touchMove = function(event) {
if(event.touches.length === 1) { event.preventDefault(); } = new Vector(event.touches[0].pageX * this.dpr, event.touches[0].pageY * this.dpr);
// Defaults
Canvas.prototype.options = {
count: 11,
speed: 0.001,
width: 400,
height: 400,
size: 5,
radius: 1,
background: '240, 240, 240, 0.6',
maxDistance: 100
Canvas.prototype.setupParticles = function() {
this.particles = [];
var index = -1;
var between = PI2 / this.options.count;
while(++index < this.options.count) {
var x;
var y;
var angle;
var max = Math.max(this.width, this.height);
angle = (index + 1) * between;
x = Math.cos(angle) * max;
x += this.width / 2;
y = Math.sin(angle) * max;
y += this.height / 2;
var particle = new Particle({
x: x,
y: y,
radius: this.options.radius,
size: this.options.size,
angle: angle,
color: this.options.color
Canvas.prototype.findClosest = function() {
var index = -1;
var pointsLength = this.particles.length;
while(++index < pointsLength) {
var closestIndex = -1;
this.particles[index].closest = [];
while(++closestIndex < pointsLength) {
var closest = this.particles[closestIndex];
var distance = this.particles[index].position.distanceTo(closest.position);
if(distance < this.options.maxDistance) {
var vector = new Vector(closest.position.x, closest.position.y);
vector.opacity = 1 - (distance / this.options.maxDistance);
vector.distance = distance;
Canvas.prototype.loop = function() {
// this.clear();
if(isTouch || isSafari) {
} else {
if(this.options.maxDistance > 0) {
window.requestAnimationFrame(_.bind(this.loop, this));
Canvas.prototype.clear = function() {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0 , this.width, this.height);
Canvas.prototype.ghost = function() {
this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
this.ctx.rect(0, 0 , this.width, this.height);
if(typeof this.options.background === 'string') {
this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(" + this.options.background + ")";
} else {
this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(" + this.options.background[0] + ")";
Canvas.prototype.ghostGradient = function() {
var gradient;
if(typeof this.options.background === 'string') {
this.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + this.options.background + ')';
} else {
var gradient = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, this.height);
var length = this.options.background.length;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++){
gradient.addColorStop((i+1) / length, 'rgba(' + this.options.background[i] + ')');
this.ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
this.ctx.globalOpacity = 0.1;
this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "darken";
this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0 , this.width, this.height);
// Draw
Canvas.prototype.draw = function() {
var index = -1;
var length = this.particles.length;
while(++index < length) {
var point = this.particles[index];
var color = point.color || this.options.color;
point.update(, index);
this.ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;
this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighten";
this.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + color + ')';
this.ctx.arc(point.position.x, point.position.y, point.size, 0, PI2, false);
if(this.options.maxDistance > 0) {
this.drawLines(point, color);
// Draw connecting lines
Canvas.prototype.drawLines = function (point, color) {
color = color || this.options.color;
var index = -1;
var length = point.closest.length;
this.ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;
this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "screen";
this.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
while(++index < length) {
this.ctx.lineWidth = (point.size * 2) * point.closest[index].opacity;
this.ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(250,250,250, ' + point.closest[index].opacity + ')';
this.ctx.moveTo(point.position.x, point.position.y);
this.ctx.lineTo(point.closest[index].x, point.closest[index].y);
function Particle(options) {
options = _.clone(options || {});
this.options = _.defaults(options, this.options);
this.position = this.shift = new Vector(this.options.x, this.options.y);
this.speed = this.options.speed || 0.01 + Math.random() * 0.04;
this.angle = this.options.angle || 0;
if(this.options.color) {
var color = this.options.color.split(',');
var colorIndex = -1;
while(++colorIndex < 3) {
color[colorIndex] = Math.round(parseInt(color[colorIndex], 10) + (Math.random()*100)-50);
// Clamp
color[colorIndex] = Math.min(color[colorIndex], 255);
color[colorIndex] = Math.max(color[colorIndex], 0);
this.color = color.join(', ');
// Size
this.options.size = this.options.size || 7;
this.size = 1 + Math.random() * this.options.size;
this.targetSize = this.options.targetSize || this.options.size;
this.orbit = this.options.radius * 0.5 + (this.options.radius * 0.5 * Math.random());
Particle.prototype.update = function(target, index) {
this.angle += this.speed;
this.shift.x += (target.x - this.shift.x) * this.speed;
this.shift.y += (target.y - this.shift.y) * this.speed;
this.position.x = this.shift.x + Math.cos(index + this.angle) * this.orbit;
this.position.y = this.shift.y + Math.sin(index + this.angle) * this.orbit;
if(!isSafari) {
this.size += (this.targetSize - this.size) * 0.03;
if(Math.round(this.size) === Math.round(this.targetSize)) {
this.targetSize = 1 + Math.random() * this.options.size;
function Vector(x, y) {
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
Vector.prototype.distanceTo = function(vector, abs) {
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x - vector.x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y - vector.y, 2));
return abs || false ? Math.abs(distance) : distance;
new Canvas({
el: document.getElementById('canvas'),
count: 25,
speed: 0.3,
radius: 6,
width: function() { return window.innerWidth; },
height: function() { return window.innerHeight; },
size: 15,
color: '30, 180, 1',
maxDistance: 100,
background: ['250,250,250,1', '215,216,215,0.8']
html, body {
min-height: 100%;
height: 100%;
#canvas {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: fixed;
z-index: 100;
.page-content {
position: relative;
z-index: 900;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
<div id="container">
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<div class="page-content">

I would like to display a confetti when i click on the stop button. How do i display a confetti on the whole page when i click on stop button

I would like to display a confetti when i click on the stop button. How do i display a confetti on the whole page when i click on stop button.
The confetti should cover the whole page and must stop after some seconds
const title = ['233594600123', '233551209799', '233207082341', '233243947954', '233247524779', '233244016344', '233243269122', '233242571672', '233552232442', '233553301458', '233552321132', '233507755919', '233243415919', '233202252548', '233246190260', '233245353528', '233544109090', '233246395617', '233594070244', '233244017403', '233244608668', '233559264705', '233204444480', '233241257967', '233591233440'];
let winner; //Declare your global winner variable
let animate; //Declare your global animate variable
start(); //Start your animate interval
function start() {
let i = 0; //Why you're using var? i think you're using ES6. Use let
winner = title[13]; // get winner (index 13) on every start
animate = setInterval(function() { //Set your global interval
.innerHTML = title[i++];
if (i === title.length) i = 0; //Please use === instead of ==
}, 15);
function stop() {
clearInterval(animate); //Clear your global interval
.innerHTML = winner;
title.splice(13, 1); //Remove winning item by index from your title array
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<img src="car.jpg" alt="snow" style="width:100%">
<div class="column">
<img src="fans.jpg" alt="Forest" style="width:100%">
<div class="column">
<img src="carr.jpg" alt="Mountains" style="width:100%">
<h1>THE WINNER IS : </h1>
<h1><span id="fruit"></span></h1>
<div class="right"><button onclick="stop()" class="button">STOP</button></div>
<div class="left"><button onclick="start()" class="but">START</button></div>
Below are the codes for the confetti, i need to show this when the stop button is clicked.
- var i = 149
while i > -1
- i--
body {
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
.wrapper {
position: relative;
min-height: 100vh;
[class|="confetti"] {
position: absolute;
$colors: (#d13447, #ffbf00, #263672);
#for $i from 0 through 150 {
$w: random(8);
$l: random(100);
.confetti-#{$i} {
width: #{$w}px;
height: #{$w*0.4}px;
background-color: nth($colors, random(3));
top: -10%;
left: unquote($l+"%");
opacity: random() + 0.5;
transform: rotate(#{random()*360}deg);
animation: drop-#{$i} unquote(4+random()+"s") unquote(random()+"s") infinite;
#keyframes drop-#{$i} {
100% {
top: 110%;
left: unquote($l+random(15)+"%");
There are a lot of ways of displaying confetti on a whole page.
You could use this Codepen code see below.
You can play with the colors on line #6 of JS code.
Does that answer your question?
(function () {
var COLORS, Confetti, NUM_CONFETTI, PI_2, canvas, confetti, context, drawCircle, i, range, resizeWindow, xpos;
COLORS = [[85, 71, 106], [174, 61, 99], [219, 56, 83], [244, 92, 68], [248, 182, 70]];
PI_2 = 2 * Math.PI;
canvas = document.getElementById("world");
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
window.w = 0;
window.h = 0;
resizeWindow = function () {
window.w = canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
return window.h = canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeWindow, false);
window.onload = function () {
return setTimeout(resizeWindow, 0);
range = function (a, b) {
return (b - a) * Math.random() + a;
drawCircle = function (x, y, r, style) {
context.arc(x, y, r, 0, PI_2, false);
context.fillStyle = style;
return context.fill();
xpos = 0.5;
document.onmousemove = function (e) {
return xpos = e.pageX / w;
window.requestAnimationFrame = function () {
return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) {
return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
Confetti = class Confetti {
constructor() { = COLORS[~~range(0, 5)];
this.rgb = `rgba(${[0]},${[1]},${[2]}`;
this.r = ~~range(2, 6);
this.r2 = 2 * this.r;
replace() {
this.opacity = 0;
this.dop = 0.03 * range(1, 4);
this.x = range(-this.r2, w - this.r2);
this.y = range(-20, h - this.r2);
this.xmax = w - this.r;
this.ymax = h - this.r;
this.vx = range(0, 2) + 8 * xpos - 5;
return this.vy = 0.7 * this.r + range(-1, 1);
draw() {
var ref;
this.x += this.vx;
this.y += this.vy;
this.opacity += this.dop;
if (this.opacity > 1) {
this.opacity = 1;
this.dop *= -1;
if (this.opacity < 0 || this.y > this.ymax) {
if (!(0 < (ref = this.x) && ref < this.xmax)) {
this.x = (this.x + this.xmax) % this.xmax;
return drawCircle(~~this.x, ~~this.y, this.r, `${this.rgb},${this.opacity})`);
confetti = function () {
var j, ref, results;
results = [];
for (i = j = 1, ref = NUM_CONFETTI; 1 <= ref ? j <= ref : j >= ref; i = 1 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
results.push(new Confetti());
return results;
window.step = function () {
var c, j, len, results;
context.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
results = [];
for (j = 0, len = confetti.length; j < len; j++) {
c = confetti[j];
return results;
//# sourceURL=coffeescript
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
background: #111;
<canvas id="world"></canvas>

Moving an Object according to mouse coordinates

How do I get the following script to work? I wanted to be able to move the ship to the mouse coordinates. The space itself should move and the ship should stay in the centerview.
Would be great if you can modify the script as everybody writes his functions different.
Finally if the button is clicked I want the ship to move to that destination
I tried it when it worked and the ship never moved and I don't know if it has to do with the prototype.update function or not.
Is prototype.update or .render the same as if I would write this.update or this.render?
function domanDown(evt)
switch (evt)
case 38: /* Up arrow was pressed or button pressed*/
offsetY+=100 ;
case 40: /* Down arrow was pressed or button pressed*/
case 37: /* Left arrow was pressedor button pressed*/
case 39: /* Right arrow was pressed or button pressed*/
window.requestAnimationFrame = function() {
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(f) {
var Obj = function (x,y,sp,size){
this.size = size;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.color = sp;
this.selected = 0;
var Planet_Class = function (x,y,sp){
this.type = 'Planet_Class';
this.depot = 11;
this.xtype = new Obj(x,y,sp,10);
Planet_Class.prototype.update =function () {
Planet_Class.prototype.render =function () {;
ctx.fillStyle = this.xtype.color;
ctx.fillRect(this.xtype.x, this.xtype.y,this.xtype.size,this.xtype.size);
var Usership = function(x,y,sp){
this.depot = 10;
this.type = 'Usership';
this.xtype = new Obj(x,y,sp,10);
Usership.prototype.update =function (x,y) {
this.xtype.x = x || 20;
this.xtype.y = y || 20;
Usership.prototype.render =function () {;
ctx.fillStyle = this.xtype.color;
ctx.fillRect(this.xtype.x, this.xtype.y,this.xtype.size,this.xtype.size);
var World = function(){
this.objects = new Array();
this.count = function(type,sp){
var cnt = 0;
for(var k = 0;k<this.objects.length;k++)
return cnt;
renderWorld = function(){
var spliceArray = Array();
objcnt = w.objects.length;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
i = 0;
while(i < objcnt){
if(w.objects[i].depot < 1)
for(var k = 0;k<spliceArray.length;k++)
w.objects.splice(spliceArray[k],1); }
function r1(max,min){
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + 1);
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
width = 1024,
height = 768;
offsetX = (canvas.width/2)-300; /Startpoint x for the Ship
offsetY = (canvas.height/2)-300; /Startpoint y for the Ship
generateshipx = -offsetX + (canvas.width/2);
generateshipy = -offsetY + (canvas.height/2);
mX = generateshipx;
mY = generateshipy;
w = new World();
new Usership(generateshipx,generateshipy,'green');
new Planet_Class(r1(600,2),r1(600,2),'red');
canvas.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
mX = e.pageX- canvas.offsetLeft -offsetX) ;
mY = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop -offsetY) ;
<body style="background-color:black;">
<canvas style="z-index:1" width="1024" height="768" id="canvas"></canvas>
<input type="button" style="z-index:2; position:absolute; top:300; left:10" value="uo" onCLick="domanDown(38)()">
<input type="button" style="z-index:2; position:absolute; top:340; left:10" value="down" onCLick="domanDown(40)">
<input type="button" style="z-index:2; position:absolute; top:380; left:10" value="left" onCLick="domanDown(37)">
<input type="button" style="z-index:2; position:absolute; top:420; left:10" value="right" onCLick="domanDown(39)">
<input type="button" style="z-index:2; position:absolute; top:460; left:10" value="move" onCLick="moveObj()">
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
background-color: black;
canvas {
position: absolute;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
left: 0;
right: 0;
cursor: crosshair;
border: solid 1px white;
border-radius: 10px;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<script type="application/javascript">
var canvasWidth = 180;
var canvasHeight = 160;
var canvas = null;
var ctx = null;
var bounds = null;
var isRotating = false;
var isMoving = false;
var pan = {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0
var target = {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
dist: 0.0
var ship = {
x: (canvasWidth * 0.5)|0,
y: (canvasHeight * 0.5)|0,
width: 10.0,
height: 10.0,
rotation: 0.0,
deltaRotation: 0.0
var stars = [];
stars.length = 100;
window.onload = function() {
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
canvas.width = canvasWidth;
canvas.height = canvasHeight;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
bounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
for (var i = 0; i < stars.length; ++i) {
stars[i] = {
x: (Math.random() * 4 * canvasWidth - 2 * canvasWidth)|0,
y: (Math.random() * 4 * canvasHeight - 2 * canvasHeight)|0
window.onmousedown = function(e) {
isRotating = true;
isMoving = false;
target.x = pan.x + e.clientX - bounds.left;
target.y = pan.y + e.clientY -;
function loop() {
// Tick
// Rotate to face target
if (isRotating) {
// Vector creation
var tX = ship.x - target.x;
var tY = ship.y - target.y;
var tL = Math.sqrt(tX**2 + tY**2);
var fX = Math.sin(ship.rotation);
var fY = -Math.cos(ship.rotation);
var sX = Math.sin(ship.rotation + Math.PI * 0.5);
var sY = -Math.cos(ship.rotation + Math.PI * 0.5);
// Normalization
tX = tX / tL;
tY = tY / tL;
// Left or right?
var a = 1.0 - Math.abs(tX * fX + tY * fY);
ship.rotation += 0.075 * (sX * tX + sY * tY < 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
if (a < 0.01) {
target.dist = tL;
isRotating = false;
isMoving = true;
// Accelerate to target
if (isMoving) {
ship.x += Math.sin(ship.rotation) * 1.0;
ship.y -= Math.cos(ship.rotation) * 1.0;
if (--target.dist < 0.0) {
isMoving = false;
// Render
// Update pan coordinates
pan.x = ship.x - canvasWidth * 0.5;
pan.y = ship.y - canvasHeight * 0.5;
// Draw background
ctx.fillStyle = "#222222";
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
for (var i = 0; i < stars.length; ++i) {
stars[i].x - pan.x,
stars[i].y - pan.y,
// Draw ship
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.fillStyle = "darkred";
ctx.translate(canvasWidth * 0.5,canvasHeight * 0.5);
ctx.moveTo(-ship.width * 0.5,ship.height * 0.5);
ctx.lineTo(ship.width * 0.5,ship.height * 0.5);
ctx.lineTo(0.0,-ship.height * 0.5);
ctx.lineTo(-ship.width * 0.5,ship.height * 0.5);
ctx.translate(-canvasWidth * 0.5,-canvasHeight * 0.5);

Resizing a <canvas> Element

I have the following canvas. I'm trying to make it smaller using the width and height attributes, but it doesn't work. This is my code:
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
<canvas id="canvas" width="200" height="50"></canvas>
//set the variables
var a = document.getElementById('canvas'),
c = a.getContext('2d'),
w = a.width = window.innerWidth,
h = a.height = window.innerHeight,
area = w * h,
particleNum = 300,
var particles = [];
//create the particles
function Particle(i) { = i;
this.hue = rand(50, 0, 1); = false;
} = function() {
this.x = w / 2;
this.y = h / 2;
this.r = rand(7, 2, 1);
this.vx = Math.random() * 10 - 5;
this.vy = Math.random() * 10 - 5;
this.gravity = .01;
this.opacity = Math.random() + .5; = true;
c.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
c.fillStyle = "hsla(" + this.hue + ",100%,50%,1)";
Particle.prototype.draw = function() { = true;
this.x += this.vx;
this.y += this.vy;
this.vy += this.gravity;
this.hue -= 0.5;
this.r = Math.abs(this.r - .05);
c.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
c.fillStyle = "hsla(" + this.hue + ",100%,50%,1)";
// reset particle
if(this.r <= .05) { = false;
function drawScene() {
c.fillStyle = "black";
for(var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) {
if(particles[i].active === true) {
} else {
ANIMATION = requestAnimationFrame(drawScene);
function initCanvas() {
var s = getComputedStyle(a);
if(particles.length) {
particles = [];
w = a.width = window.innerWidth;
h = a.height = window.innerHeight;
for(var i = 0; i < particleNum; i++) {
particles.push(new Particle(i));
(function() {
addEventListener('resize', initCanvas, false);
//helper functions
function rand(max, min, _int) {
var max = (max === 0 || max)?max:1,
min = min || 0,
gen = min + (max - min) * Math.random();
return (_int) ? Math.round(gen) : gen;
Pay more attention here:
var a = document.getElementById('canvas'),
c = a.getContext('2d'),
w = a.width = window.innerWidth,
h = a.height = window.innerHeight,
area = w * h,
As you can see, w is the width of the window and h is the height of the window. Try to edit w and h variable with custom values and tell me if it worked ;)
Simply replace h and w with this in your script tag: = '500px'; //random value, insert custom here = '500px';

Is it possible to set a canvas as foreground?

I have a simple html page like this:
<link rel="icon" type="image/" href="images/icon.png" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<body bgcolor="ffffff"><br>
<img src="images/1.png" style="position:relative; left:4%; width:85%"></img>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="7; home.html" />
that displays an image and after 7 seconds redirects to the home page. I found a cool confetti code online that uses canvas and I would like to add it to this page in the foreground, but always being able to see the image or text I could add to the page in the future, but I can't find a way to do so. the confetti code is this:
(function() {
var COLORS, Confetti, NUM_CONFETTI, PI_2, canvas, confetti, context, drawCircle, i, range, resizeWindow, xpos;
COLORS = [[85, 71, 106], [174, 61, 99], [219, 56, 83], [244, 92, 68], [248, 182, 70]];
PI_2 = 2 * Math.PI;
canvas = document.getElementById("world");
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
window.w = 0;
window.h = 0;
resizeWindow = function() {
window.w = canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
return window.h = canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeWindow, false);
window.onload = function() {
return setTimeout(resizeWindow, 0);
range = function(a, b) {
return (b - a) * Math.random() + a;
drawCircle = function(x, y, r, style) {
context.arc(x, y, r, 0, PI_2, false);
context.fillStyle = style;
return context.fill();
xpos = 0.5;
document.onmousemove = function(e) {
return xpos = e.pageX / w;
window.requestAnimationFrame = (function() {
return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) {
return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
Confetti = (function() {
function Confetti() { = COLORS[~~range(0, 5)];
this.rgb = "rgba(" +[0] + "," +[1] + "," +[2];
this.r = ~~range(2, 6);
this.r2 = 2 * this.r;
Confetti.prototype.replace = function() {
this.opacity = 0;
this.dop = 0.03 * range(1, 4);
this.x = range(-this.r2, w - this.r2);
this.y = range(-20, h - this.r2);
this.xmax = w - this.r;
this.ymax = h - this.r;
this.vx = range(0, 2) + 8 * xpos - 5;
return this.vy = 0.7 * this.r + range(-1, 1);
Confetti.prototype.draw = function() {
var _ref;
this.x += this.vx;
this.y += this.vy;
this.opacity += this.dop;
if (this.opacity > 1) {
this.opacity = 1;
this.dop *= -1;
if (this.opacity < 0 || this.y > this.ymax) {
if (!((0 < (_ref = this.x) && _ref < this.xmax))) {
this.x = (this.x + this.xmax) % this.xmax;
return drawCircle(~~this.x, ~~this.y, this.r, "" + this.rgb + "," + this.opacity + ")");
return Confetti;
confetti = (function() {
var _i, _results;
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 1; 1 <= NUM_CONFETTI ? _i <= NUM_CONFETTI : _i >= NUM_CONFETTI; i = 1 <= NUM_CONFETTI ? ++_i : --_i) {
_results.push(new Confetti);
return _results;
window.step = function() {
var c, _i, _len, _results;
context.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = confetti.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
c = confetti[_i];
return _results;
Any suggestion or idea on how to have the confetti animation in the foreground but keeping the page fully functional in the background?
Yes it is possible ...
pointer-events: none
read more
like this
<canvas id="world" style="position:absolute;z-index:3;pointer-events:none;"></canvas>
just add this to your html and the confetti part to a .js(your customized js)

