AngularJS tabs, performance (Nodes & Heaps) - javascript

I'm developing my first AngularJS App. The App has various features but introducing one in particular I started having performance problems (Nodes and Heap). The section involved is composed of one or more tabs (max six). Each tab contains within it a table, the detail of an element of the table and an additional external filter.
The plugin used for table is ng-table. The number of columns in the table can be up to 20. The columns must be sortable, filterable, displayed or hidden and has to be possible to move to rearrange the display order. To do this I had to do a custom header (attached).
Find below a screenshot of the performance at the opening of six tabs simultaneously. 
Is possible that the problem was made by the old version of ng_table plugin ? Because after upgrade it the performance is improving!
What can I do to improve? Please, help me.


virtual scrolling, drag and drop in angular 7

I searched the internet for these new features of angular 7, but didn't fully understand it.
I went through drag and drop and virtual scrolling
Could someone please shed some light on these?
now consider a case where you are to display huge chunk of data, now either you will do pagination which will include an api call per page (if data changes frequently) or if you load everything at once which will slow down or kill UI process.
Virtual Scroll is about loading huge chunk of data in DOM without hampering the performance.
it's key features are:
data is displayed as per size of viewport i.e. if you container div is 500 px it will show around 10-15 rows at a time.
Ad you scroll these rows are changed but number of elements in the DOM will remain consistent.
This is handy when you have to show huge chunk of data without implementing pagination.
Thus it improves the UI performance.
I implemented Virtual list displaying multiple column and array length was 1 million which is a huge amount of data to display at a time.
Virtual list is implemented over virtual scroll and it supports multiple columns.
check out detailed explanation and code here:
please have a look in the image:

Angular 6 performance issue with large table [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Angular many rows grid performance in Chrome browser
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a problem with Angular 6 performance issue. In the page there is a large table which has 100 rows and each row has 100 columns. Then this page is kind of laggy when I trying to use libraries like ng-select or ng-bootstrap datepicker, etc. Even if those libraries has no data exchange with the table. Which means even if the ng-select is just embedded in the HTML and has no data filled, the open and close of the ng-select drop down is laggy, takes about 0.5 sec to load. Same with other libraries. When I reduce the table to 10 rows, the lagging issue is improved significantly. Why does this happen?
Another observation is that when I use native tags of the HTML such as select option, it is not laggy at all, it react instantly. How to improve the performance in my situation? Thanks!
Code is basically something like this.
<row-component *ngFor="let basket of baskets"></row-component>
<div *ngFor="let apple of apples">
blah blah blah
It could also just be an issue of how many DOM elements that are being created and displayed on the page. You could try and use row virtualization which only renders rows that are displayed on the screen.
The fact that using ng-select makes the website more laggy than native html tags makes me think that the additional event listeners from the angular components have also decreased the performance of your webpage.
Ag-Grid has a great article about how they optimized displaying entries in a table.
Do you use any library for the table like Angular Material?
One possible (and very common) solution is virtual scrolling:
There are a couple of things you may want to consider:
First, do you need to display all 100 columns at once? Is it possible for you to break up the columns into more manageable chunks, and maybe use a tabbed interface (Something like the Angular Bootstrap Tabset and group related columns into tabs to reduce the amount of columns you have to display on one page.
Second, there will be a performance issue when you get over a certain number of rows, which is where paging the data would be a good option (again, maybe look at Bootstrap paging You can set a hard limit - maybe 40 rows per page, or set the row limit dynamically by getting the browser window size, subtracting the amount of space you need for menus etc., and dividing the rest by the row height to determine how many rows will fit in the space you have available, and use that as your page size. This way you'll always only have to display a subset of the columns, and only as many rows as will fit on the screen without scrolling, and you should find your performance improves dramatically.

HTML Large Table scrolling very slowly

I have a table with thousands upon thousands of rows with 4 cells in each.
You can see above my table is very big (no idea if its showing very well the laggy scrolling).
I understand this is because the browser has to actually render everything and with large datasets it could take time.
Is there a way WITHOUT pagination to make it more bearable?
Perhaps some way to render content ONLY shown in browsers view like a certain angularJS component (without needing angularjs)
A table that size is useful to nobody, you say you don't want to paginate but why? Pagination is a usability feature for a reason. Just implement pagination and searching. A grid with more than a few thousand rows is not going to be useful to anyone.
If you really need to have the table that big and scrollable then the technique used is to remove the item that are not in view out of the DOM. As you scroll you create DOM objects for the items as they come into view and remove them as they move out of view. This way there are not thousands of DOM objects the browser has to deal with.

Memory issue with long lists in a web app

I am working on a progressive web app (PWA) project which contains a very long list of items. These items include: avatars, names, text descriptions and buttons. Ideally I want this project to work on an tablet (mainly iPad).
The list has to be ordered alphabetically.
Each item has a dynamic height.
Scrolling must be smooth, same as in the Contacts iOS app.
Each group of people who start with the same letter, will have a title of the letter, same as in the Contacts iOS app.
There is an alphabetical list on the right side which should link to the relevant group letter in the list.
The alphabetical list has to support smooth scrolling same as in the Contacts iOS app.
See attached screenshot for more information.
I am using only jQuery, Bootstrap and iScroll, no other frameworks.
I have managed to set most of it up but got into few issues:
When the list is too long, the PWA crushes, probably as a result of memory issue.
I have edited some parts of iScroll Infinite, which basically removes most of the items from the DOM when they are not used but that creates some UI issues.
Any idea how can I solve these issues?
I have made some examples in order to be more clear as I think it’s quite hard to just explain the issues above without showing it:
With extra CSS:
Without CSS:

Optimizing AngularJS ng-repeat for many items and fields

Recently I had to make an interface that necessitated many items with numerous checkbox fields to be displayed and interacted with (here is a link to a screengrab of a small portion of such a list
My issue was that AngularJS would get unreasonably slow pretty quickly. My question is What steps could one take to optimize ng-repeat and displaying items with many fields?
I have tried with varying degrees of improvement (based on what I could come up with and other stackoverflow posts):
Formatting the data before it gets to the view so as to not use any AngularJS filtering/sorting.
Simplifying the data as much as possible (checkbox fields being arrays of booleans, etc)
Splitting the data into groups that, when clicked, loaded the relevant items (hence the gray bars in the picture). This is more of a pragmatic solution though, rather than straight up AngularJS optimization.
Lazy loading scroll, scrolling to the bottom of the screen loads more items below the fold (also, more of a pragmatic solution).
Using directives to dynamically generate a form, and then use jquery for saving the data after manipulation. Without $watch on items anymore it certainly was more efficient, but largely defeated the benefits of using AngularJS.
Thank you, and hopefully this question and its answers can serve as a good resource for AngularJS specific techniques one can use in such a situation.

