groups.exit(...).watchTransition is not a function - javascript

I have a multi-bar chart in which I've assigned a click event to the bars. This works fine until a user changes the chart type from grouped to stacked, at which point I've discovered that I need to reassign the onClick handler. This all seems to work correctly.
The problem is that after my click handler runs, whether or not the user has changed the chart type yet previously, attempting to change the chart type will result in a "groups.exit(...).watchTransition is not a function" JS error.
Chart definition:
nv.addGraph(function() {
// Defining the chart itself
var chart = nv.models.multiBarHorizontalChart()
.x(function(d) { return d.label })
.y(function(d) { return d.value })
.margin({top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 50, left: 275})
.showValues(true) //Show bar value next to each bar.
.tooltips(true) //Show tooltips on hover.
.showControls(true); //Allow user to switch between "Grouped" and "Stacked" mode.
.tickFormat(d3.format('$,.2f'));'#chart2 svg')
return chart;
// Set the click handler. This part works fine, but the onclick handler goes away after changing the chart type and thus needs redefined below.
// PROBLEM POINT: once this code is run, the user can no longer change the chart type. They just keep getting "groups.exit(...).watchTransition is not a function"
var canName = e.label.split('(');
var canName = $.trim(canName[0]);
var searchTerm = canName + ' ' + e.key;
var detUrl = "/details.cfm?canName=" + encodeURIComponent(canName) + "&searchTerm=" + encodeURIComponent(searchTerm);
location.href = "#details";
// If I try to redefine the bar click handler in the radio button's "click" event it overwrites the built in JS used to change the chart type, so instead
// I handle it onMouseUp.
// Just running this directly on mouseUp doesn't work. Apparently the chart needs time to load first. So we do it 100ms later, which works fine.
var canName = e.label.split('(');
var canName = $.trim(canName[0]);
var searchTerm = canName + ' ' + e.key;
var detUrl = "/details.cfm?canName=" + encodeURIComponent(canName) + "&searchTerm=" + encodeURIComponent(searchTerm);
location.href = "#details";
}, 100);

watchTransition is defined by nvd3 on D3's selection prototype, if you have nv.d3.js loaded in the browser, you should be able to step with the debugger into the following code before, any chart is rendered:
d3.selection.prototype.watchTransition = function(renderWatch){
var args = [this].concat([], 1));
return renderWatch.transition.apply(renderWatch, args);
I had the same issue. The reason was that I was using webpack, which bundled D3 inside my application, so the D3 that was used to draw the chart was not the D3 that NVD3 visits to add the function to the prototype. So if you are using webpack or browserify make sure to exclude D3 and add it only as reference script.

We solved this issue by downgrading to d3 3.4.4, as advised by this comment.


HighChart : plot line click event for multiple chart

I am using highchart for some drilldown functions.
I having a function to let the user click on an area plot and add a line. But then i found out my function has a bug in it. There's should be only one red line between those charts, but when the user click on the other chart the existing red line on the first chart is not removing.
The belowing is the function my charts sharing.
var myPlotLineId = "myPlotLine";
addPlotLine = function(evt) {
var point = evt.point;
var xValue = point.x;
var xAxis = point.series.xAxis;
Highcharts.each(xAxis.plotLinesAndBands, function(p) {
if ( === myPlotLineId) {
value: xValue,
width: 1,
color: 'red',
id: myPlotLineId
It should only allow one red line since i am using ID.
The below is the current situation.
Since i am using id for the plotline is shouldn't allow two line, please see my example:
I want only ONE RED LINE in total out of many charts
I have tried redraw() in the new demo :
but it doesn't help.
Please do let me know if the question is not clear enough.
There is nothing like 'Highcharts.each(xAxis.plotLinesAndBands, function(p) '. Iterate charts by loop and use 'removePlotLine(PlotLineID)' instead of 'destroy()':
for(i=0;i<Highcharts.charts.length; i++){
var chart=Highcharts.charts[i];
And set id in parenthesis:
id: 'myPlotLineId'
here is jsfiddle

c3.js - c3 graph that has a tooltip with a c3 graph inside

I have a c3.js line graph that represents the evolution of 2 values. I need that the tooltip of the line graph to be a pie chart (tooltip = another c3.js graph).
Here is what I succeeded:
// c3 - custom tooltip
function generateGraph(data1,data2) {
console.log( + '\t' + data1.value + '\t' + + '\t' + data2.value);
var chart1 = c3.generate(
bindto: "#t",
data: {columns : [[, data1.value],[, data2.value]],
type : 'pie'}
var chart = c3.generate({
data: {
columns: [
['data1', 1000, 200, 150, 300, 200],
['data2', 400, 500, 250, 700, 300], ]
tooltip: {
contents: function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) {
generateGraph(d[0], d[1]);
var divt = document.getElementById("t");
return '';
As you can see I'm binding the "tooltip" with an already existing div so this is not really what I want from c3.js.
Any idea is welcome.
Adding a Chart inside a C3 Tooltip
You can use the tooltip element that c3 already has. In your contents function call the generateGraph function (see next step). Pass in the tooltip element available in this.tooltip in addition to the data.
tooltip: {
contents: function (d) {
// this creates a chart inside the tooltips
var content = generateGraph(this.tooltip, d[0], d[1])
// we don't return anything - see .html function below
Your generateGraph function basically creates a c3 chart in your tooltip element (bindto supports a d3 element). We do a bit of optimization (if the data is same, the chart is not recreated) and cleanup (when a chart is recreated it is destroyed and removed from the DOM)
function generateGraph(tooltip, data1, data2) {
// if the data is same as before don't regenrate the graph - this avoids flicker
if (tooltip.data1 &&
( === && (tooltip.data1.value === data1.value) &&
( === && (tooltip.data2.value === data2.value))
tooltip.data1 = data1;
tooltip.data2 = data2;
// remove the existing chart
if (tooltip.chart) {
tooltip.chart = tooltip.chart.destroy();
// create new chart
tooltip.chart = c3.generate({
bindto: tooltip,
size: {
width: 200,
height: 200
data: {
columns: [[, data1.value], [, data2.value]],
type: 'pie'
// creating a chart on an element sets its position attribute to relative
// reset it to absolute (the tooltip was absolute originally) for proper positioning'position', 'absolute');
Note that we set the chart size so that it's more like tooltip content instead of a subchart.
The last bit is a bit hacky - since c3 requires that we set a HTML (which we don't want to do) and because we don't have any other callbacks we can easily hitch onto after the content handler, we have to disable the function that c3 uses to set the html content on the tooltip (this will affect only this chart's tooltip) i.e. .tooltip.html
// MONKEY PATCHING (MAY break if library updates change the code that sets tooltip content)
// we override the html function for the tooltip to not do anything (since we've already created the tooltip content inside it)
chart.internal.tooltip.html = function () {
// this needs to return the tooltip - it's used for positioning the tooltip
return chart.internal.tooltip;
Fiddle -
Tooltip Positioning
Instead of using c3's tooltip positioning you could also size and position the tooltip at the bottom of the chart. Just style .c3-tooltip-container.
Note that c3 also support subcharts ( and data.mouseover ( which could also be a cleaner avenues worth exploring.

highstocks - legend position and refresh legend values on mousemove of multiple charts

Here is the scenario. I've multiple highstocks say 10 charts on a single page. Currently I've written 500 lines of code to position the legend, show tooltip and refresh the legend values on mousemove.
No. of legends vary per chart. On mousemove values of all the legends are updated. I need to optimize the code I am using highstocks v1.2.2.
Above screenshot shows 2 charts. Return, Basket, vs Basket Spread are legends and it's values are updated on every mousemove.
Please find this fiddle for example. In my case legends are positioned and updated values on mouse move with hundreds of lines of code. When I move the mouse the legend values of Return and Basket of first chart and the legend values of vs Basket Spread are updated. It's working fine but with lots of javascript code. So I need to optimize it less code or with highstocks built-in feature.
User #wergeld has posted new fiddle. As I've shown in screenshot when cross-hair is being moved over any chart, the legend values of all the charts should be updated.
Is there anyway to implement the same functionality with less code or is there built-in feature available in highstocks ???
Using this as a reference.
Basic example would be to use the events.mouseover methods:
plotOptions: {
series: {
point: {
events: {
mouseOver: function () {
var theLegendList = $('#legend');
var theSeriesName =;
var theYValue = this.y;
$('li', theLegendList).each(function (l) {
if (this.innerText.split(':')[0] == theSeriesName) {
this.innerText = theSeriesName + ': ' + theYValue;
This is assuming I have modded the <li> to be:
.css('color', serie.color)
.text( + ': NA')
.click(function () {
You would then need to handle the mouseout event but I do not know what you want to do there.
Working example.
Here is a version using your reference OHLC chart to put the values in a different legend location when any point in the chart is hovered.
plotOptions: {
series: {
point: {
events: {
mouseOver: function () {
//using the ohlc and volumn data sets created at runtime.
var stockVal = ohlc[this.index][4]; // show close value
var stockVolume = volume[this.index][1];
var theChart = $('#container').highcharts();
var theLegendList = $('#legend');
$('li', theLegendList).each(function (l) {
var legendTitle = theChart.series[l].name;
if (l === 0) {
this.innerText = legendTitle + ': ' + stockVal;
if (l === 1) {
this.innerText = legendTitle + ': ' + stockVolume;

Flot: Legend updates only when the plotpan event occurs?

The legend to my graph only occurs whenever the plotpan event occurs. Here is my updateLegend function found below which I am sure the program goes into of course using tracing messages
However, the only time the legend updates anymore since I included the plotpan functionality, is right after a plotpan occurs. I am unsure as to what is causing this, as such I am unable to address the problem. Here is the JSFiddle that will be more helpful than the following isolated segment of code.
var updateLegendTimeout = null;
var latestPosition = null;
function updateLegend(){
var series = (plot.getData())[0];
legends.eq(0).text(series.label ="x: " + (local_x)+" y: "+ (local_y));
placeholder.bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
if (item){
local_x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2);
local_y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
console.log("x:" + local_x + ", " + "y:" + local_y);
if (!updateLegendTimeout){
updateLegendTimeout = setTimeout(updateLegend, 50);
updateLegendTimeout = null;
What exactly is this line of code intended to do?
legends.eq(0).text(series.label ="x: " + (x)+" y: "+ (y));
It seems to be assigning the series.label but I don't believe it's actually modifying the contents of the legend div. It updates when you pan, though, because that forces a redraw of the grid (which redraws the legend).
The easiest fix is to call setupGrid manually after you change the legend.
function updateLegend(x,y){
var series = (plot.getData())[0];
var legends = $(placeholder_id+ ".legendLabel");
series.label ="x: " + (x)+" y: "+ (y);
This is relatively expensive, though (redrawing the grid on every mouse move). Another line of attack would be to manually set the text of the legend div but this might interfere with flots internal legend drawing. If you really want to show the nearest point position, perhaps leave the legend alone and do it in a div of your own.
Finally, I'm not quite sure where you are going with all those setTimeout. Seems like an over complication to me and you could simplify this quite a bit.
Update fiddle.

Making charts clickable

I am just learning and trying to code it at the same time, this is the code I have, If I take out the drill method and take out the .click(drill) then everything works so far, it draws some silly bar charts from the data I am sending to it
$( document ).ready(function() {
var dataset =;"body").selectAll("div")
.attr("class", "bar")
.style("height", function(d) {
return d.brand_name + "px";
function drill (event) {
var target = event.currentTarget;
var data = $(target).data();
But I am not able to add "click" event to those bar charts such that when I click on them I can know which chart I clicked on. The code above is result of my unsuccessful attempt to add "click" event to the charts I have drawn .... What is the correct way?
You can use .on("click", drill) if you want D3 to pass the object and data attached.
function drill(d, i) {
console.log(d); //data object
console.log(i); //array position
console.log(this); //DOM element
You can also use .attr("onclick", "drill()") syntax if you want to follow the standard HTML without the D3 wrapper.

