show alternate image if img src is not found - knockout - javascript

I have this piece of code.
<img data-bind="attr: {src: 'imagePath'}, style: { 'background-image': 'url('imagePath')' }" class="img-responsive">
The problem is it is showing two images. One is the image coming from src and other one coming from background image. My goal was to enable the background image when the src image is not available.

What you can do is create a custom binding, let's call it safeSrc.
In this binding, you listen to the load and error events of your image - rendering your image if it's loaded successfully and rendering a fallback if it is not.
In practice, it could look like the following:
ko.bindingHandlers.safeSrc = {
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var options = valueAccessor();
var src = ko.unwrap(options.src);
$('<img />').attr('src', src).on('load', function() {
$(element).attr('src', src);
}).on('error', function() {
$(element).attr('src', ko.unwrap(options.fallback));
And then, you can apply the binding like this:
<img alt="Foo" data-bind="safeSrc: {src: imageObservable, fallback: ''}" />
Note that this presumes you're using jQuery - but you can easily rewrite the event listener.
Finally, I would also like to say that you should be rendering a different src instead of the background image - unless you have a specific reason to require one?
Either way, you can simply change the line $(element).attr('src', ko.unwrap(options.fallback)); to $(element).css('background-image', 'url(' + ko.unwrap(options.fallback) + ')');.
JS Fiddle Demo
Here, you can see it all in action:
(EDIT: I replaced the cheeky hotlink to the Knockout JS logo with
P.S.: Depending on how you wish to interact with the element in future (interacting with/updating the binding), you may wish to use applyBindingsToNode (i.e. the Knockout-way), rather than manipulating the src attribute directly on the DOM element.

To show alternate image if img src is not found make alternate image link in your server logic and use only src: 'imagePath' in your front-end
Or if it is important to do it in front-end, you should look at this post:
Display alternate image

I always check my images with a deferred object to be sure they will load. This is using the jquery deferred method, but you could use any deferred library. I coded this from memory, so there may be some errors.
<img data-bind="attr: {src: $root.imagePath()}, style: { 'background-image': 'url('imagePath')' }" class="img-responsive">
var myController = function()
var self = this;
this.imagePath = ko.observable('myPath.png'); // Make the image url an observable
var getImagePath = function(path)
var imagePath = this.imagePath();
// The image will load fine, do nothing.
self.imagePath('defaultImageOnFail.png'); // replace the image if it fails to load
var isLoaded = function(img)
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
var imgObj = $("<img src='"+img+"'/>");
if(imgObj.height > 0 || imgObj.width > 0)
imgObj.on("load", function(e)
imgObj.on("error", function(e)
{"VoteScreenController.isLoaded URL error");
return deferred.promise();


Deferred (lazy) loading of background images?

I'm using a simple script to cause a deferred loading of all images on a page; the path for the image sources is contained in a data-src attribute and then put into the actual srcattribute of the img tag(s). Pretty much how most (?) implementations of the lazy loading method work.
Here's the script:
[]'img[data-src]'), function(img) {
img.setAttribute('src', img.getAttribute('data-src'));
img.onload = function() {
I would like to use the same script for deferred loading of background images as well. How do I have to change it so that the data-src attribute ends up in the url-value of a div's background-image-property?
I tried the following with no results, because the script doesn't recognise background-image as a property:
[]'div[data-src]'), function(div) {
div.setAttribute('background-image', div.getAttribute('data-src'));
div.onload = function() {
Problem may be with the background image as an attribute. Have you tried setting the style with the background image?
[]'div[data-src]'), function(div) {
div.setAttribute("style","background-image: url(" + div.getAttribute('data-src') + ");");
div.onload = function() {
[]'div[data-src]'), function(div) {"url('" + div.getAttribute('data-src') + "')";
div.onload = function() {
Try this

How can I use CreateJS's PreloadJS to load images and retain attributes?

I am trying to preload images with CreateJS/PreloadJS. These images will replace an image with attributes like id and class. When I use JQuery to replace the image, all of these attributes are lost.
What is the proper way to preload images and then later display the images on my page?
<img id="main" class="fit center"/>
function changeImage(event){
function handleFileComplete(event){
function loadImage() { // jshint ignore:line
var preload = new createjs.LoadQueue(); // jshint ignore:line
preload.addEventListener("fileload", handleFileComplete);
$(document).ready(function() {
queue = new createjs.LoadQueue();
{id: "main", src:"img/main.png"}
queue.on("complete", handleFileComplete, this);
Apply the attributes to the new image before using JQuery to replace the element.
var newImage = queue.getResult(label);
newImage.setAttribute("class", "fit center");
newImage.setAttribute("id", "main");

Is this an efficient way to display an image using jQuery

This code works, but is it an efficient way to go about displaying an image once it has been loaded?
LightBoxNamespace.SetupLightBox = function(path, lightBox) {
// Create a new image.
var image = new Image();
// The onload function must come before we set the image's src, see link for explanation.
// Anonymous function set to onload event, to make sure we only proceed if the image has been loaded.
image.onload = function () {
if ($('#image').length) {
$('#image').attr('src', path); // If the element already exists, change the src to our loaded image.
else {
$('<img id="image" alt="">').attr('src', path).insertAfter('#close'); // If the element does not exist, insert the full image html into the lightbox.
// Set the src, and show the image.
image.src = path;
var img = $('<img>');
img.load(function(){alert("image loaded!")});
img.attr('src', "url");
if (!! img) img.appendTo('#close');
"The jQuery way":
var $img = $('<img/>').prop({ src: path });
$img.load(function() {
console.log('image loaded correctly');
}).error(function() {
console.log('error loading image');

How to do a process after completion of another one in JavaScript

I want to add an image by Javascript, then calculating the html element width as
document.getElementById('x').addEventListener('click', function(e){
var el = document.getElementById('xx');
el.innerHTML = '<img src="img.jpg" />';
var width = el.offsetWidth;
}, false);
but since JavaScript conduct all processes simultaneously, I will get the width of the element before loading the image. How can I make sure that the image has been loaded into the content; then calculating the element width?
UPDATE: Thanks for the answers, but I think there is a misunderstanding. img src="img.jpg" /> does not exist in the DOM document. It will be added later by Javascript. Then, when trying to catch the element by Id, it is not there probably.
You can give the img an ID and do the following :-
var heavyImage = document.getElementById("my-img");//assuming your img ID is my-img
heavyImage.onload = function(){
//your code after image is fully loaded
document.getElementById('x').addEventListener('click', function(e){
var el = document.getElementById('xx');
var img = new Image();//dynamically create image
img.src = "img.jpg";//set the src
img.alt = "alt";
el.appendChild(img);//append the image to the el
img.onload = function(){
var width = el.offsetWidth;
}, false);
This is untested, but if you add the image to the DOM, set an onload/load event-handler and then assign the src of the image, the event-handling should fire (once it's loaded) and allow you to find the width.
This is imperfect, though, since if the image is loaded from the browser's cache the onload/load event may not fire at all (particularly in Chromium/Chrome, I believe, though this is from memory of a bug that may, or may not, have since been fixed).
For the chrome bug you can use the following:-
var BLANK = '';//create a blank source
var tImg = document.getElementById("my-img");//get the image
var origSrc = tImg.src;//get the original src
tImg.src = BLANK;//change the img src to blank.
tImg.src = origSrc;//Change it back to original src. This will lead the chrome to load the image again.
tImg.onload= function(){
//your code after the image load
You can use a library called PreloadJS or you can try something like this:
//Somewhere in your document loading:
loadImage(yourImage, callbackOnComplete);
function loadImage(image, callbackOnComplete){
var self = this;
function() { self.loadImage(image, callbackOnComplete)}
else callbackOnComplete();
I did this when I worked with images base64 which delay on loading.

JS wait for CSS background image to load

It's easy to keep javascript waiting for some images to load if those are classic HTML images.
But I can't figure how to do the same if the image is loaded as a CSS backuground-image!
Is it possible?
The jQuery .load() method doesn't seem to apply.. and I'm short of ideas
It looks for elements with src attribute or backgroundImage css property and calls an action function when theirs images loaded.
* Load and wait for loading images.
function loadImages(images, action){
var loaded_images = 0;
var bad_tags = 0;
$(images).each(function() {
//alert($(this).get(0).tagName+" "+$(this).attr("id")+" "+$(this).css("display"));
var image = new Image();
var src = $(this).attr("src");
var backgroundImage = $(this).css("backgroundImage");
// Search for css background style
if(src == undefined && backgroundImage != "none"){
var pattern = /url\("{0,1}([^"]*)"{0,1}\)/;
src = pattern.exec(backgroundImage)[1];
// Load images
$(image).load(function() {
if(loaded_images == ($(images).length - bad_tags))
.attr("src", src);
One alternate approach would be to fetch the image data via AJAX as a base64 encoded png and apply it to the element's background-image property.
For example:
$.get('/getmyimage', function(data) {
// data contains base64 encoded image
$('#yourElement').css('background-image', 'url("' + data + '")');
You will also need a server side script that reads the image, converts it into base64 encoded png (and cache it maybe) and return the same.
Try this one...
Its a jQuery-Plugin which gives you control to wait for images to be loaded
Thread # SO
Official way to ask jQuery wait for all images to load before executing something
Answer # SO
this is untested code but try this:
var imgSrc = $('theTargerElement').css('background-image');
var imgTag = $('<img>').attr('src',imgSrc).appendTo( 'body' );
// do stuff

