How to check bottom of child div touching parent bottom - javascript

i'm trying to change position of a child element(with varying height based on text) using range input,i would like to stop applying top position once the child div touches the bottom of the parent having fixed height.
$('#change_position').on('input', function () {
var val = +$(this).val(),
ScrSize = parseInt($('.screen').css('height')),
Stop = $('.screentip').offset().top,
h = parseInt($('.screentip').css('height')),
tofsset = Stop - h;
if (tofsset < ScrSize) {
$('.screentip').css('top', val + "%");

The height you are expecting jQuery to return is actually a string with the ending "px". You can use the function .height(). This will return you the height of the element as integer. I have tried a slightly modiefied version of your code:
$('#input').on('input', function () {
var val = parseInt($(this).val()),
ScrSize = parseInt($('#container').height()),
TxtSize = parseInt($("#text").height()),
Stop = ScrSize - TxtSize,
valInPixel = ScrSize * val / 100;
if (valInPixel < Stop) {
$('#text').css('top', val + "%");
$("#text").css("top", Stop + "px");
The else part will position your element to the bottom, if the number exceeds the frame. You may also have to be aware of padding and margin. This could also lead to mispositioning.
Hope this helps.


How to update CSS variable within JavaScript matchMedia event

I'm using JavaScript together with a css column-width layout to calculate breakpoints at each new column in the browser window. With each new column I also increase the page margins for which I calculate a second breakpoints so they fit.
I have everything fully working using root.classList.add(myCss) and root.classList.remove(myCss) but for the page margins I would prefer to update a single css variable --page-margins instead of adding and removing css margin classes if that's possible.
In the following sample when I load the page and two columns fit in the browser window the correct --page-margin should be 16 but the Chrome inspector shows 24. It looks like when the page loads, the matchMedia event checks each media query and if it doesn't match it sets the css variable --page-margins to (cols - 1) which I only need it to do if that event previously matched.
After the page has loaded if I increase and decrease the browser width everything works correctly. One way I could achieve this is with some kind of conditional "If event unmatches..."?
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// The grid system
function grid() {
const root = document.documentElement;
const columnWidth = 239;
const columnGap = 1;
const columnMin = columnWidth + columnGap;
const scrollbar = 20;
let margins = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(root).getPropertyValue('--page-margins'), 10);
// Page margins
const marginOne = 8;
const marginTwo = 16;
const marginThree = 24;
const marginFour = 32;
// Media queries for columns
function mediaQuery(cols) {
let marginStyles = window.matchMedia('(min-width: ' + columns(cols) + 'px)');
marginStyles.addEventListener('change', addMargins);
function addMargins(e) {
if (e.matches) {'--page-margins', setMargins(cols) + 'px');
margins = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(root).getPropertyValue('--page-margins'), 10);
else {'--page-margins', setMargins((cols - 1)) + 'px');
margins = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(root).getPropertyValue('--page-margins'), 10);
// Return the screen width (breakpoint) at num columns
function columns(num) {
let breakpoint = (columnMin * num) - columnGap + (padding * 2) + scrollbar;
return breakpoint;
// Set the margin for each column number
function setMargins(num) {
if (num == 4) {
padding = marginFour;
} else if (num == 3) {
padding = marginThree;
} else if (num == 2) {
padding = marginTwo;
} else {
padding = marginOne;
return padding;
I figured it out shortly after posting. I needed to nest a second conditional inside the event's else statement that checks the value of the css variable --page-margins. The variable margins is referenced elsewhere in the script so I'm updating it when the event matches and unmatches.
Everything works.
function addMargins(e) {
if (e.matches) {'--page-margins', setMargins(cols) + 'px');
margins = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(root).getPropertyValue('--page-margins'), 10);
else {
if (margins == setMargins(cols)) {'--page-margins', setMargins((cols - 1)) + 'px');
margins = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(root).getPropertyValue('--page-margins'), 10);

Scrolling upwards

I want to make a function that will automatically display items as the user scrolls upwards. Think messages, where older ones are up top, but we start at the bottom with the newest ones. I have another function that loads items at the bottom of a container, and as it does so, the current items remain in position, and scrollbar is smaller. We are not scrolled to the bottom. However, with the other direction, when I prepend items to an array, it scrolls all the way to the top, displaying the top of the loaded items, instead of remaining in the same place and letting the user scroll up as needed.
My code for the bottom scroll is this:
attachScrollWatcher: function (element, offset, callback) {
var contentHeight = element.scrollHeight;
var yOffset = element.scrollTop;
var y = yOffset + element.offsetHeight;
if (y >= ( contentHeight - offset ))
This function is attached to an object's onscroll event. However, now I need to make a function that does the opposite, going upwards. Any ideas how this can be implemented?
Basically, when scrollTop === 0 then you're at the top and you need to load a new item..
attachScrollWatcher: function (element, offset, callback) {
if(!element.scrollHeight) callback();
The problem is, loading a new item will keep the scrollTop at zero, so the user would have to scroll down and then scroll back up in order for the callback to be triggered again. So, what you wanna do is calculate the scrollHeight before the new item is added and then again after the item is added and then manually set the scrollTop to the difference between the original and the new scrollHeight.
Check out my example attachScrollListener method below...
class upScroller{
constructor(ele = document.body){
this.renderedItems = 0;
this.ele = ele; var i=0;
if(this.ele.scrollHeight == this.ele.clientHeight)
this.ele.scrollTop = this.ele.clientHeight;
// Do something here to get the next item to render
// preferably using ajax but I'm using setTimeout
// to emulate the ajax call.
return new Promise(done=>setTimeout(()=>{
done(`<p>This is paragraph #${this.renderedItems}</p>`);
return new Promise(done=>{
this.ele.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', item);
this.ele.addEventListener('scroll', ()=>{
if(this.ele.scrollTop) return;
var sh = this.ele.scrollHeight;
this.ele.scrollTop = this.ele.scrollHeight - sh;
var poop = document.getElementById('poop');
new upScroller(poop);
#poop{ height: 300px; overflow: auto; border:1px solid black;}
<div id=poop></div>
I've posted this here as well....
Something like this may work.
attachScrollWatcher: function (element, offset, callback) {
var contentHeight = element.scrollHeight;
var yOffset = element.scrollTop;
var y = yOffset + element.offsetHeight;
if (y >= ( contentHeight - offset ))
} else {

Opening Div at a specific position

I need to open a div at a specific location on the page. When I focus on a textbox the div should be opened(made visible). I am able to do this part. The problem is it opens right underneath the textbox and when there is no scroll on the page, it creates one. I need help in showing the div above the textbox when there is more space on upper half of the page then the lower half of the page. Here is the JSFiddle I have created and if someone can edit it, it would be of too much help to me.
And this is how I am opening the div:
function openDIV(activatorCtl) {
var leftpos = 0;
var toppos = 0;
var sScrollTop = getScrollTop;
var aTag = activatorCtl;
do {
aTag = aTag.offsetParent;
sScrollTop = (aTag.scrollTop > sScrollTop) ? aTag.scrollTop : sScrollTop;
leftpos += aTag.offsetLeft;
toppos += aTag.offsetTop;
} while (aTag.tagName != 'BODY');
document.getElementById("divDetails").style.left = leftpos + "px";
document.getElementById("divDetails") = toppos + 20 + "px";
document.getElementById("divDetails").style.zIndex = "999";
document.getElementById("divDetails").style.visibility = "visible";
You mean like this?
I added an if for when the toppos is bigger than 250 (your divs height)
if(toppos <= 250)
Another tip:
You use this 4 times in a row:
save this element in an variable to get shorter statements like:
var detailsDiv = document.getElementById("divDetails"); = leftpos + "px"; = "999";
EDIT: i did not save the jsfiddle properly.

Menu items changing color according to position of element

My page is divided into three sections and each section can be accessed by respective menu item. I am trying to achieve this in Javascript: when the user has reached any of the sections by scrolling, the font color of respective menu item should change.
Here I call the function:
<body onscroll="detectScroll(); showPosition();">
This is the function that detects scrolling and changes some items accordingly. It's working fine:
function detectScroll() {
var header = document.querySelector(".headerOrig"),
header_height = getComputedStyle(header).height.split('px')[0],
header_class = "changeHeader",
logo = document.getElementById("logo")
if( window.pageYOffset > (parseInt(header_height) + 500)) {
logo.src = "images/logo2.png";
if( window.pageYOffset < (parseInt(header_height) + 500)) {
logo.src = "images/logo1.png";
This JS function returns the position of an element. Works fine as well:
function getPosition(element) {
var xPosition = 0;
var yPosition = 0;
while(element) {
xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
element = element.offsetParent;
return { x: xPosition, y: yPosition };
And, finally, this is the JS function that is being called when scrolling:
function showPosition() {
var myElement = document.getElementById("posBIKES");
var position = getPosition(myElement);
var bike = document.getElementById("bikesMenu");
//alert("The element is located at: " + position.x + ", " + position.y);
if(window.pageYOffset < position.y) {
if(window.pageYOffset > position.y) {
The problem is everything works fine until I try to add or remove the class to the item selected (the last function). Any other statement works fine, for example, I tried putting alert("something"); in both conditions and both worked as desired. Whats wrong with adding and removing classes then?
And yes, I have checked the corresponding names and IDs of everything like million times, so theres no issue with that.
Any help is more than appreciated.

How to get an element's top position relative to the browser's viewport?

I want to get the position of an element relative to the browser's viewport (the viewport in which the page is displayed, not the whole page). How can this be done in JavaScript?
Many thanks
The existing answers are now outdated. The native getBoundingClientRect() method has been around for quite a while now, and does exactly what the question asks for. Plus it is supported across all browsers (including IE 5, it seems!)
From MDN page:
The returned value is a TextRectangle object, which contains read-only left, top, right and bottom properties describing the border-box, in pixels, with the top-left relative to the top-left of the viewport.
You use it like so:
var viewportOffset = el.getBoundingClientRect();
// these are relative to the viewport, i.e. the window
var top =;
var left = viewportOffset.left;
On my case, just to be safe regarding scrolling, I added the window.scroll to the equation:
var element = document.getElementById('myElement');
var topPos = element.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY;
var leftPos = element.getBoundingClientRect().left + window.scrollX;
That allows me to get the real relative position of element on document, even if it has been scrolled.
var element = document.querySelector('selector');
var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(),
elemRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
offset = -;
Edit: Add some code to account for the page scrolling.
function findPos(id) {
var node = document.getElementById(id);
var curtop = 0;
var curtopscroll = 0;
if (node.offsetParent) {
do {
curtop += node.offsetTop;
curtopscroll += node.offsetParent ? node.offsetParent.scrollTop : 0;
} while (node = node.offsetParent);
alert(curtop - curtopscroll);
The id argument is the id of the element whose offset you want. Adapted from a quirksmode post.
jQuery implements this quite elegantly. If you look at the source for jQuery's offset, you'll find this is basically how it's implemented:
var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
var win = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView;
return {
top: + win.pageYOffset,
left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset
function inViewport(element) {
let bounds = element.getBoundingClientRect();
let viewWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
let viewHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
if (bounds['left'] < 0) return false;
if (bounds['top'] < 0) return false;
if (bounds['right'] > viewWidth) return false;
if (bounds['bottom'] > viewHeight) return false;
return true;
The function on this page will return a rectangle with the top, left, height and width co ordinates of a passed element relative to the browser view port.
localToGlobal: function( _el ) {
var target = _el,
target_width = target.offsetWidth,
target_height = target.offsetHeight,
target_left = target.offsetLeft,
target_top = target.offsetTop,
gleft = 0,
gtop = 0,
rect = {};
var moonwalk = function( _parent ) {
if (!!_parent) {
gleft += _parent.offsetLeft;
gtop += _parent.offsetTop;
moonwalk( _parent.offsetParent );
} else {
return rect = {
top: target.offsetTop + gtop,
left: target.offsetLeft + gleft,
bottom: (target.offsetTop + gtop) + target_height,
right: (target.offsetLeft + gleft) + target_width
moonwalk( target.offsetParent );
return rect;
You can try:
node.offsetTop - window.scrollY
It works on Opera with viewport meta tag defined.
I am assuming an element having an id of btn1 exists in the web page, and also that jQuery is included. This has worked across all modern browsers of Chrome, FireFox, IE >=9 and Edge.
jQuery is only being used to determine the position relative to document.
var screenRelativeTop = $("#btn1").offset().top - (window.scrollY ||
window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop);
var screenRelativeLeft = $("#btn1").offset().left - (window.scrollX ||
window.pageXOffset || document.body.scrollLeft);
Thanks for all the answers. It seems Prototype already has a function that does this (the page() function). By viewing the source code of the function, I found that it first calculates the element offset position relative to the page (i.e. the document top), then subtracts the scrollTop from that. See the source code of prototype for more details.
Sometimes getBoundingClientRect() object's property value shows 0 for IE. In that case you have to set display = 'block' for the element. You can use below code for all browser to get offset.
Extend jQuery functionality :
(function($) {
jQuery.fn.weOffset = function () {
var de = document.documentElement;
$(this).css("display", "block");
var box = $(this).get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
var top = + window.pageYOffset - de.clientTop;
var left = box.left + window.pageXOffset - de.clientLeft;
return { top: top, left: left };
Use :
var elementOffset = $("#" + elementId).weOffset();
Based on Derek's answer.
* Gets element's x position relative to the visible viewport.
function getAbsoluteOffsetLeft(el) {
let offset = 0;
let currentElement = el;
while (currentElement !== null) {
offset += currentElement.offsetLeft;
offset -= currentElement.scrollLeft;
currentElement = currentElement.offsetParent;
return offset;
* Gets element's y position relative to the visible viewport.
function getAbsoluteOffsetTop(el) {
let offset = 0;
let currentElement = el;
while (currentElement !== null) {
offset += currentElement.offsetTop;
offset -= currentElement.scrollTop;
currentElement = currentElement.offsetParent;
return offset;
Here is something for Angular2 +. Tested on version 13

