Use plain Javascript object as Ember model - javascript

Is it possible to use a plain JS object (say literal object) as model in EmberJS ?
All the examples that I see in the documentation use Ember.Object (or datastore)
I assume I might not get things like observable, etc using plain JS. But is it at least supported ?

This will not work reliably. A template such as
operates by putting an observer on 'model.prop'. This might work in some cases, but not in others, or you may get weird Ember messages.
Of all the aspects of Ember, the most basic is the Ember object model. Essentially, the entire framework is based on this model and using it to manage objects and retrieve and set properties. Once you've bought into Ember, you've bought into using this object model, which is based on old-fashioned classic inheritance.
A common case where your issue comes up is that a server API returns a plain old JS object as the value of a model property. You then want to dig around inside that object, or display its properties in templates. In such cases, it is probably best to either convert the object to an Ember Object (you can do this with transforms; google and you will find people doing this); or, use embedded models, which is not trivial to do, and may require server-side changes (such as including an ID in the embedded models, although you could theoretically add one yourself in the adapter). The latter is what I have done and the end result was to pretty much maintain my sanity.


JS: Serializing an object with methods (or an instance) to json/string without losing the methods

Bumped into this while trying to cache objects into localstorage. seems that localstorage currently doesn't support objects with methods/object Instances etc. just POJO that are serialized into a string. In python there's pickle that can handle this (or marshal before it) but I couldn't find a js equivalent. Since I guess I'm not the first Js dev to need this feature I guess there are already proven solutions (either in patterns or external libs) to this problem which I'm missing.
Basically I'm looking for a way to call serialize(object) into a json/string and later deSerialize(objString) that would return the original object/instance etc.
The answer can be some lib and doesn't have to be part of the js standard library.
I use JSONfn do that. It has its own stringify/parse methods that save functions as well as ordinary JSON data.

Get Javascript objects by class?

Dojo for instance adds a member to a JS object called "declared_class". I would like to find those and replace some stuff. And, can this be done also outside of Dojo ? I know, JS is not type oriented but you never know whats out to bypass this lack of introspection facilities.
Update : This is NOT about DOM objects. I am writing a sort of real-time Javascript editor. After I reloaded the script, I need to locate related (Dojo modules) objects and mixin altered functions only.
Update 2 : It doesn't seem to be possible without a prototype or a similar patch. Since all the code is running 1:1 in a node instance as well, I am wondering whether I can determine those objecys in a node.js instance ?

How to "correctly" create an object which inherits from Element?

I am writing an HTML5 application that involves a lot of XML manipulation, part of this manipulation involves comparing the versions of two different XML Elements.
What I need is for every Element, Attr, and TextNode (all of which inherit from Node, AFAIK) object that gets created to have associated version information, but still be able to behave like a normal Element, Attr, or TextNode. The current working solution I am using to store the version information, is the following:
Node.prototype.MyAppAnnotation = {
Version : null
Now, I understand that augmenting built-in types is considered bad form, but beyond this technique, I'm at a loss for how to get the desired functionality. I don't think I can encapsulate the Node in a wrapper because I need the Node related properties and functions exposed on the wrapper. I might be able to write some sort of pass-through functions for the wrapper, but that seems really clunky.
I feel that because the app I'm writing is an HTML5 app, and as such only has to run on the most modern browsers (all of which support the augmentation of built-ins), makes this technique appropriate. Also, by providing a sufficiently obscure name to my augmentation object, I can avoid all naming collisions (except for intentional collisions). I've also explored inheritance-based solution using Google's Closure library. However, it appears that because Element, Node and TextNode don't have direct constructors (i.e. they're created off of a Document object), this technique will not work either.
I was wondering if someone could either a) recommend an elegant way of achieving this effect without augmenting Element, or b) provide a compelling reason for why I shouldn't break the "don't augment built-ins" rule in this case.
Many Thanks,
Your idea is theoretically valid, but there's a weird feeling I get when reading about it.
First of all - you don't have to augment any prototypes. If you just do somedomnode.myweirdname='foo' it will become a field of that object. That's what javascript does ;)
So when there is no version you'll get undefined instead of null.
But, if you want to add more functionality or wrap dom node in anything - there's a bit of history of doing that. Most of that history is dominated by stuff like jQuery :)
Just create an object that has a field containing the node. And then you can access it really simply:
And create the object with some constructor or just factory function:
var myobject = createDomNodeWrapper(domnode)

I want to stop using OOP in javascript and use delegation instead

After dabbling with javascript for a while, I became progressively convinced that OOP is not the right way to go, or at least, not extensively. Having two or three levels of inheritance is ok, but working full OOP like one would do in Java seems just not fitting.
The language supports compositing and delegation natively. I want to use just that. However, I am having trouble replicating certain benefits from OOP.
How would I check if an object implements a certain behavior? I have thought of the following methods
Check if the object has a particular method. But this would mean standardizing method names and if the project is big, it can quickly become cumbersome, and lead to the java problem (object.hasMethod('emailRegexValidatorSimpleSuperLongNotConflictingMethodName')...It would just move the problem of OOP, not fix it. Furthermore, I could not find info on the performance of looking up if methods exist
Store each composited object in an array and check if the object contains the compositor. Something like: object.hasComposite(compositorClass)...But that's also not really elegant and is once again OOP, just not in the standard way.
Have each object have an "implements" array property, and leave the responsibility to the object to say if it implements a certain behavior, whether it is through composition or natively. Flexible and simple, but requires to remember a number of conventions. It is my preferred method until now, but I am still looking.
How would I initialize an object without repeating all the set-up for composited objects? For example, if I have an "textInput" class that uses a certain number of validators, which have to be initialized with variables, and a class "emailInput" which uses the exact same validators, it is cumbersome to repeat the code. And if the interface of the validators change, the code has to change in every class that uses them. How would I go about setting that easily? The API I am thinking of should be as simple as doing object.compositors('emailValidator','lengthValidator','...')
Is there any performance loss associated with having most of the functions that run in the app go through an apply()? Since I am going to be using delegation extensively, basic objects will most probably have almost no methods. All methods will be provided by the composited objects.
Any good resource? I have read countless posts about OOP vs delegation, and about the benefits of delegation, etc, but I can't find anything that would discuss "javascript delegation done right", in the scope of a large framework.
Further explanations:
I don't have code yet, I have been working on a framework in pure OOP and I am getting stuck and in need of multiple inheritance. Thus, I decided to drop classes totally. So I am now merely at theoretical level and trying to make sense out of this.
"Compositing" might be the wrong word; I am referring to the composite pattern, very useful for tree-like structures. It's true that it is rare to have tree structures on the front end (well, save for the DOM of course), but I am developing for node.js
What I mean by "switching from OOP" is that I am going to part from defining classes, using the "new" operator, and so on; I intend to use anonymous objects and extend them with delegators. Example:
var a = {};
compositor.addDelegates(a,["validator", "accessManager", "databaseObject"]);
So a "class" would be a function with predefined delegators:
function getInputObject(type, validator){
var input = {};
return input;
Does that make sense?
1) How would I check if an object implements a certain behavior?
Most people don't bother with testing for method existance like this.
If you want to test for methods in order to branch and do different things if its found or not then you are probably doing something evil (this kind of instanceof is usually a code smell in OO code)
If you are just checking if an object implements an interface for error checking then it is not much better then not testing and letting an exception be thrown if the method is not found. I don't know anyone that routinely does this checking but I am sure someone out there is doing it...
2) How would I initialize an object without repeating all the set-up for composited objects?
If you wrap the inner object construction code in a function or class then I think you can avoid most of the repetition and coupling.
3) Is there any performance loss associated with having most of the functions that run in the app go through an apply()?
In my experience, I prefer to avoid dealing with this unless strictly necessary. this is fiddly, breaks inside callbacks (that I use extensively for iteration and async stuff) and it is very easy to forget to set it correctly. I try to use more traditional approaches to composition. For example:
Having each owned object be completely independent, without needing to look at its siblings or owner. This allows me to just call its methods directly and letting it be its own this.
Giving the owned objects a reference to their owner in the form of a property or as a parameter passed to their methods. This allows the composition units to access the owner without depending on having the this correctly set.
Using mixins, flattening the separate composition units in a single level. This has big name clash issues but allows everyone to see each other and share the same "this". Mixins also decouples the code from changes in the composition structure, since different composition divisions will still flatten to the same mixed object.
4) Any good resources?
I don't know, so tell me if you find one :)

Serializing business objects as JSON

I'm trying to serialize my business objects into JSON for consumption by a Javascript application. The problem is is that I'm trying to keep my business objects "pure" in the sense they are not aware of data access or persistence. It seems to me that "diluting" my objects with a toJSON() function would go against this goal. On the other hand, using an external object to serialize my business objects would not work since I keep all my instance variables private.
Am I approaching this totally the wrong way?
If the instance variables are private, they should not appear in a serialization that is being sent to a JavaScript application. By definition, if you're serializing them and sending them to a separate application, they are public. So, an external object should have some way of accessing them, probably through some sort of getter methods.
What purpose does searializing the data in JSON serve? Is it purely for reporting? If so, then Brian is correct, those variables should have getter methods.
If the purpose of serialization is to transport the data to a JavaScript app where it can be manipulated and then returned to the originating application, then perhaps you would be best served by creating a related class that serves the purpose of serialization while still maintaining strong encapsulation.
For example, in Java you could define an inner class. An inner class instance has direct access to all fields of the enclosing class instance without the need of getter methods. Or you could group with a package (or namespace) using the correct access modifiers to permit access by the serializer, but not by any other class.
Or you could use reflection. Or hijack the toString method. (Or shine it all and create a toJson method.)
Are you thinking of generating JSON from non-javascript code (like server-side Java)? The answer kind of depends on that: handling of JSON is quite different on Javascript and, say, Java. There's already an answer wrt javascript-side, which seems correct.
If this is on Java, there are libraries that can help; for example (Jackson) can deserialize any bean, using regular getX/setX method introspection; plus additional (and optional) annotations.

