Efficient DB design with PouchDB/CouchDB - javascript

So I was reading a lot about how to actually store and fetch data in an efficient way. Basically my application is about time management/capturing for projects. I am very happy for any opinion on which strategy I should use or even suggestions for other strategies. The main concern is about the limited resources for local storage on the different Browsers.
This is the main data I have to store:
db_projects: This is a database where the projects itself are stored.
db_timestamps: Here go the timestamps per project whenever a project is running.
I came up with the following strategies:
1: Storing the status of the project in the timestamps
When a project is started, there is addad a timestamp to db_timestamps like so:
_id: String(Date.now()),
title: projectID,
status: status //could be: 1=active/2=inactive/3=paused
This follows the strategy to only add data to the db and not modify any entries. The problem I see here is that if I want to get all active projects for example, I would need to query the whole db_timestamp which can contain thousands of entries. Since I can not use the ID to search all active projects, this could result in a quite heavy DB query.
2: Storing the status of the project in db_projects
Each time a project changes it's status, there is a update to the project itself. So the "get all active projects"-query would be much resource friendly, since there are a lot less projects than timestamps. But this would also mean that each time a status change happens, the project entry would be revisioned and therefor would produce "a lot" of overhead. I'm also not sure if the compaction feature would do a good job, since not all revision data is deleted (the documents are, but the leaf revisions not). This means for a state change we have at least the _rev information which is still a string of 34 chars for changing only the status (1 char). Or can I delete the leaf revisions after conflict resolution?
3: Storing the status in a separate DB like db_status
This leads to the same problem as in #2 since status changes lead to revisions on this DB. Or if the states would be added in "only add data"-mode (like in #1), it would just quickly fill with entries.

The general problem is that you have a limited amount of space that you could put into indexedDB. On the other hand the principle of ChouchDB is that storage space is cheap (which it is indeed true when you store on the server side only). Here an interesting discussion about that.
So this is the solution that I use for now. I am using a mix between solution 1 and solution 2 from above with the following additions:
Storing only the timesamps in a synced Database (db_timestamps) with the "only add data" principle.
Storing the projects and their states in a separate local (not
synced) database (db_projects). Therefor I still use pouchDB since
it has a lot simpler API than indexedDB.
Storing the new/changed
project status in each timestamp aswell (so you could rebuild db_projects
out of db_timestams if needed)
Deleting db_projects every so often and repopulate it, so the
revision data (overhead for this db in my case) is eliminated and the size is acceptable.
I use the following code to rebuild my DB:
function rebuild_db_project(){
include_docs: true,
//attachments: true
}).then(function (result) {
// do stuff
console.log('I have read the DB and delete it now...');
deleteDB('db_project', '_pouch_DB_Projekte');
return result;
}).then(function (result) {
console.log('Creating the new DB...'+result);
db_project = new PouchDB('DB_Projekte');
var dbContentArray = [];
for (var row in result.rows) {
delete result.rows[row].doc._rev; //delete the revision of the doc. else it would raise an error on the bulkDocs() operation
return db_project.bulkDocs(dbContentArray);
console.log('I have successfully populated the DB with: '+JSON.stringify(response));
}).catch(function (err) {
function deleteDB(PouchDB_Name, IndexedDB_Name){
new PouchDB(PouchDB_Name).destroy().then(function () {
// database destroyed
console.log("pouchDB destroyed.");
}).catch(function (err) {
// error occurred
var DBDeleteRequest = window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase(IndexedDB_Name);
DBDeleteRequest.onerror = function(event) {
console.log("Error deleting database.");
DBDeleteRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
console.log("IndexedDB deleted successfully");
console.log(request.result); // should be null
So I not only use the pouchDB.destroy() command but also the indexedDB.deleteDatabase() command to get the storage freed nearly completely (there is still some 4kB that are not freed, but this is insignificant to me.)
The timings are not really proper but it works for me. I'm happy if somone has an idea to make the timing work properly (The problem for me is that indexedDB does not support promises).


How and when to write entity relationships with Firebase Database [duplicate]

I've read the Firebase docs on Stucturing Data. Data storage is cheap, but the user's time is not. We should optimize for get operations, and write in multiple places.
So then I might store a list node and a list-index node, with some duplicated data between the two, at very least the list name.
I'm using ES6 and promises in my javascript app to handle the async flow, mainly of fetching a ref key from firebase after the first data push.
let addIndexPromise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
let newRef = ref.child('list-index').push(newItem);
resolve( newRef.key()); // ignore reject() for brevity
addIndexPromise.then( key => {
How do I make sure the data stays in sync in all places, knowing my app runs only on the client?
For sanity check, I set a setTimeout in my promise and shut my browser before it resolved, and indeed my database was no longer consistent, with an extra index saved without a corresponding list.
Any advice?
Great question. I know of three approaches to this, which I'll list below.
I'll take a slightly different example for this, mostly because it allows me to use more concrete terms in the explanation.
Say we have a chat application, where we store two entities: messages and users. In the screen where we show the messages, we also show the name of the user. So to minimize the number of reads, we store the name of the user with each chat message too.
name: "Frank van Puffelen"
location: "San Francisco, CA"
questionCount: 12
name: "legolandbridge"
location: "London, Prague, Barcelona"
questionCount: 4
message: "How to write denormalized data in Firebase"
user: so:3648524
username: "legolandbridge"
message: "Great question."
user: so:209103
username: "Frank van Puffelen"
message: "I know of three approaches, which I'll list below."
user: so:209103
username: "Frank van Puffelen"
So we store the primary copy of the user's profile in the users node. In the message we store the uid (so:209103 and so:3648524) so that we can look up the user. But we also store the user's name in the messages, so that we don't have to look this up for each user when we want to display a list of messages.
So now what happens when I go to the Profile page on the chat service and change my name from "Frank van Puffelen" to just "puf".
Transactional update
Performing a transactional update is the one that probably pops to mind of most developers initially. We always want the username in messages to match the name in the corresponding profile.
Using multipath writes (added on 20150925)
Since Firebase 2.3 (for JavaScript) and 2.4 (for Android and iOS), you can achieve atomic updates quite easily by using a single multi-path update:
function renameUser(ref, uid, name) {
var updates = {}; // all paths to be updated and their new values
updates['users/'+uid+'/name'] = name;
var query = ref.child('messages').orderByChild('user').equalTo(uid);
query.once('value', function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(messageSnapshot) {
updates['messages/'+messageSnapshot.key()+'/username'] = name;
This will send a single update command to Firebase that updates the user's name in their profile and in each message.
Previous atomic approach
So when the user change's the name in their profile:
var ref = new Firebase('https://mychat.firebaseio.com/');
var uid = "so:209103";
var nameInProfileRef = ref.child('users').child(uid).child('name');
nameInProfileRef.transaction(function(currentName) {
return "puf";
}, function(error, committed, snapshot) {
if (error) {
console.log('Transaction failed abnormally!', error);
} else if (!committed) {
console.log('Transaction aborted by our code.');
} else {
console.log('Name updated in profile, now update it in the messages');
var query = ref.child('messages').orderByChild('user').equalTo(uid);
query.on('child_added', function(messageSnapshot) {
messageSnapshot.ref().update({ username: "puf" });
console.log("Wilma's data: ", snapshot.val());
}, false /* don't apply the change locally */);
Pretty involved and the astute reader will notice that I cheat in the handling of the messages. First cheat is that I never call off for the listener, but I also don't use a transaction.
If we want to securely do this type of operation from the client, we'd need:
security rules that ensure the names in both places match. But the rules need to allow enough flexibility for them to temporarily be different while we're changing the name. So this turns into a pretty painful two-phase commit scheme.
change all username fields for messages by so:209103 to null (some magic value)
change the name of user so:209103 to 'puf'
change the username in every message by so:209103 that is null to puf.
that query requires an and of two conditions, which Firebase queries don't support. So we'll end up with an extra property uid_plus_name (with value so:209103_puf) that we can query on.
client-side code that handles all these transitions transactionally.
This type of approach makes my head hurt. And usually that means that I'm doing something wrong. But even if it's the right approach, with a head that hurts I'm way more likely to make coding mistakes. So I prefer to look for a simpler solution.
Eventual consistency
Update (20150925): Firebase released a feature to allow atomic writes to multiple paths. This works similar to approach below, but with a single command. See the updated section above to read how this works.
The second approach depends on splitting the user action ("I want to change my name to 'puf'") from the implications of that action ("We need to update the name in profile so:209103 and in every message that has user = so:209103).
I'd handle the rename in a script that we run on a server. The main method would be something like this:
function renameUser(ref, uid, name) {
ref.child('users').child(uid).update({ name: name });
var query = ref.child('messages').orderByChild('user').equalTo(uid);
query.once('value', function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(messageSnapshot) {
messageSnapshot.update({ username: name });
Once again I take a few shortcuts here, such as using once('value' (which is in general a bad idea for optimal performance with Firebase). But overall the approach is simpler, at the cost of not having all data completely updated at the same time. But eventually the messages will all be updated to match the new value.
Not caring
The third approach is the simplest of all: in many cases you don't really have to update the duplicated data at all. In the example we've used here, you could say that each message recorded the name as I used it at that time. I didn't change my name until just now, so it makes sense that older messages show the name I used at that time. This applies in many cases where the secondary data is transactional in nature. It doesn't apply everywhere of course, but where it applies "not caring" is the simplest approach of all.
While the above are just broad descriptions of how you could solve this problem and they are definitely not complete, I find that each time I need to fan out duplicate data it comes back to one of these basic approaches.
To add to Franks great reply, I implemented the eventual consistency approach with a set of Firebase Cloud Functions. The functions get triggered whenever a primary value (eg. users name) gets changed, and then propagate the changes to the denormalized fields.
It is not as fast as a transaction, but for many cases it does not need to be.

PouchDB delete document upon successful replication to CouchDB

I am trying to implement a process as described below:
Create a sale_transaction document in the device.
Put the sale_transaction document in Pouch.
Since there's a live replication between Pouch & Couch, let the sale_transaction document flow to Couch.
Upon successful replication of the sale_transaction document to Couch, delete the document in Pouch.
Don't let the deleted sale_transaction document in Pouch, to flow through Couch.
Currently, I have implemented a two-way sync from both databases, where I'm filtering each document that is coming from Couch to Pouch, and vice versa.
For the replication from Couch to Pouch, I didn't want to let sale_transaction documents to go through, since I could just get these documents from Couch.
PouchDb.replicate(remoteDb, localDb, {
// Replicate from Couch to Pouch
live: true,
retry: true,
filter: (doc) => {
return doc.doc_type!=="sale_transaction";
While for the replication from Pouch to Couch, I put in a filter not to let deleted sale_transaction documents to go through.
PouchDb.replicate(localDb, remoteDb, {
// Replicate from Pouch to Couch
live: true,
retry: true,
filter: (doc) => {
if(doc.doc_type==="sale_transaction" && doc._deleted) {
// These are deleted transactions which I dont want to replicate to Couch
return false;
return true;
}).on("change", (change) => {
// Handle change
I also implemented a change handler to delete the sale_transaction documents in Pouch, after being written to Couch.
function replicateOutChangeHandler(change) {
for(let doc of change.docs) {
if(doc.doc_type==="sale_transaction" && !doc._deleted) {
localDb.upsert(doc._id, function(prevDoc) {
if(!prevDoc._deleted) {
prevDoc._deleted = true;
return prevDoc;
console.log("Deleted Document After Replication",res);
console.error("Deleted Document After Replication (ERROR): ",err);
The flow of the data seems to be working at first, but when I get the sale_transaction document from Couch, then do some editing, I would then have to repeat the process of writing the document in Pouch, then let it flow to Couch, then delete it in Pouch. But, after some editing with the same document, the document in Couch, has also been deleted.
I am fairly new with Pouch & Couch, specifically in NoSQL, and was wondering if I'm doing something wrong in the process.
For a situation like the one you've described above, I'd suggest tweaking your approach as follows:
Create a PouchDB database as a replication target from CouchDB, but treat this database as a read-only mirror of the CouchDB database, applying whatever transforms you need in order to strip certain document types from the local store. For the sake of this example, let's call this database mirror. The mirror database only gets updated one-way, from the canonical CouchDB database via transform replication.
Create a separate PouchDB database to store all your sales transactions. For the sake our this example, let's call this database user-data.
When the user creates a new sale transaction, this document is written to user-data. Listen for changes on user-data, and when a document is created, use the change handler to create and write the document directly to CouchDB.
At this point, CouchDB is recieving sales transactions from user-data, but your transform replication is preventing them from polluting mirror. You could leave it at that, in which case user-data will have local copies of all sales transactions. On logout, you can just delete the user-data database. Alternatively, you could add some more complex logic in the change handler to delete the document once CouchDB has recieved it.
If you really wanted to get fancy, you could do something even more elaborate. Leave the sales transactions in user-data after it's written to CouchDB, and in your transform replication from CouchDB to mirror, look for these newly-created sales transactions documents. Instead of removing them, just strip them of anything but their _id and _rev fields, and use these as 'receipts'. When one of these IDs match an ID in user-data, that document can be safely deleted.
Whichever method you choose, I suggest you think about your local PouchDB's _changes feed as a worker queue, instead of putting all of this elaborate logic in replication filters. The methods above should all survive offline cases without introducing conflicts, and recover nicely when connectivity is restored. I'd recommend the last solution, though it might be a bit more work than the others. Hope this helps.
Maybe additional field for delete - thus marking the record for deletion.
Then periodic routine running on both Pouch and Couch that scan for marked for deletion records and delete them.

nedb method update and delete creates a new entry instead updating existing one

I'm using nedb and I'm trying to update an existing record by matching it's ID, and changing a title property.
What happens is that a new record gets created, and the old one is still there.
I've tried several combinations, and tried googling for it, but the search results are scarce.
var Datastore = require('nedb');
var db = {
files: new Datastore({ filename: './db/files.db', autoload: true })
{_id: id},
{$set: {title: title}},
What's even crazier when performing a delete, a new record gets added again, but this time the record has a weird property:
This is the code that I'm using:
db.files.remove({_id: id}, callback);
In the nedb docs it says followings :
localStorage has size constraints, so it's probably a good idea to set
recurring compaction every 2-5 minutes to save on space if your client
app needs a lot of updates and deletes. See database compaction for
more details on the append-only format used by NeDB.
Compacting the database
Under the hood, NeDB's persistence uses an append-only format, meaning
that all updates and deletes actually result in lines added at the end
of the datafile. The reason for this is that disk space is very cheap
and appends are much faster than rewrites since they don't do a seek.
The database is automatically compacted (i.e. put back in the
one-line-per-document format) everytime your application restarts.
You can manually call the compaction function with
yourDatabase.persistence.compactDatafile which takes no argument. It
queues a compaction of the datafile in the executor, to be executed
sequentially after all pending operations.
You can also set automatic compaction at regular intervals with
yourDatabase.persistence.setAutocompactionInterval(interval), interval
in milliseconds (a minimum of 5s is enforced), and stop automatic
compaction with yourDatabase.persistence.stopAutocompaction().
Keep in mind that compaction takes a bit of time (not too much: 130ms
for 50k records on my slow machine) and no other operation can happen
when it does, so most projects actually don't need to use it.
I didn't use this but it seems , it uses localStorage and it has append-only format for update and delete methods.
When investigated its source codes, in that search in persistence.tests they wanted to sure checking $$delete key also they have mentioned `If a doc contains $$deleted: true, that means we need to remove it from the data``.
So, In my opinion you can try to compacting db manually, or in your question; second way can be useful.

How to write denormalized data in Firebase

I've read the Firebase docs on Stucturing Data. Data storage is cheap, but the user's time is not. We should optimize for get operations, and write in multiple places.
So then I might store a list node and a list-index node, with some duplicated data between the two, at very least the list name.
I'm using ES6 and promises in my javascript app to handle the async flow, mainly of fetching a ref key from firebase after the first data push.
let addIndexPromise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
let newRef = ref.child('list-index').push(newItem);
resolve( newRef.key()); // ignore reject() for brevity
addIndexPromise.then( key => {
How do I make sure the data stays in sync in all places, knowing my app runs only on the client?
For sanity check, I set a setTimeout in my promise and shut my browser before it resolved, and indeed my database was no longer consistent, with an extra index saved without a corresponding list.
Any advice?
Great question. I know of three approaches to this, which I'll list below.
I'll take a slightly different example for this, mostly because it allows me to use more concrete terms in the explanation.
Say we have a chat application, where we store two entities: messages and users. In the screen where we show the messages, we also show the name of the user. So to minimize the number of reads, we store the name of the user with each chat message too.
name: "Frank van Puffelen"
location: "San Francisco, CA"
questionCount: 12
name: "legolandbridge"
location: "London, Prague, Barcelona"
questionCount: 4
message: "How to write denormalized data in Firebase"
user: so:3648524
username: "legolandbridge"
message: "Great question."
user: so:209103
username: "Frank van Puffelen"
message: "I know of three approaches, which I'll list below."
user: so:209103
username: "Frank van Puffelen"
So we store the primary copy of the user's profile in the users node. In the message we store the uid (so:209103 and so:3648524) so that we can look up the user. But we also store the user's name in the messages, so that we don't have to look this up for each user when we want to display a list of messages.
So now what happens when I go to the Profile page on the chat service and change my name from "Frank van Puffelen" to just "puf".
Transactional update
Performing a transactional update is the one that probably pops to mind of most developers initially. We always want the username in messages to match the name in the corresponding profile.
Using multipath writes (added on 20150925)
Since Firebase 2.3 (for JavaScript) and 2.4 (for Android and iOS), you can achieve atomic updates quite easily by using a single multi-path update:
function renameUser(ref, uid, name) {
var updates = {}; // all paths to be updated and their new values
updates['users/'+uid+'/name'] = name;
var query = ref.child('messages').orderByChild('user').equalTo(uid);
query.once('value', function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(messageSnapshot) {
updates['messages/'+messageSnapshot.key()+'/username'] = name;
This will send a single update command to Firebase that updates the user's name in their profile and in each message.
Previous atomic approach
So when the user change's the name in their profile:
var ref = new Firebase('https://mychat.firebaseio.com/');
var uid = "so:209103";
var nameInProfileRef = ref.child('users').child(uid).child('name');
nameInProfileRef.transaction(function(currentName) {
return "puf";
}, function(error, committed, snapshot) {
if (error) {
console.log('Transaction failed abnormally!', error);
} else if (!committed) {
console.log('Transaction aborted by our code.');
} else {
console.log('Name updated in profile, now update it in the messages');
var query = ref.child('messages').orderByChild('user').equalTo(uid);
query.on('child_added', function(messageSnapshot) {
messageSnapshot.ref().update({ username: "puf" });
console.log("Wilma's data: ", snapshot.val());
}, false /* don't apply the change locally */);
Pretty involved and the astute reader will notice that I cheat in the handling of the messages. First cheat is that I never call off for the listener, but I also don't use a transaction.
If we want to securely do this type of operation from the client, we'd need:
security rules that ensure the names in both places match. But the rules need to allow enough flexibility for them to temporarily be different while we're changing the name. So this turns into a pretty painful two-phase commit scheme.
change all username fields for messages by so:209103 to null (some magic value)
change the name of user so:209103 to 'puf'
change the username in every message by so:209103 that is null to puf.
that query requires an and of two conditions, which Firebase queries don't support. So we'll end up with an extra property uid_plus_name (with value so:209103_puf) that we can query on.
client-side code that handles all these transitions transactionally.
This type of approach makes my head hurt. And usually that means that I'm doing something wrong. But even if it's the right approach, with a head that hurts I'm way more likely to make coding mistakes. So I prefer to look for a simpler solution.
Eventual consistency
Update (20150925): Firebase released a feature to allow atomic writes to multiple paths. This works similar to approach below, but with a single command. See the updated section above to read how this works.
The second approach depends on splitting the user action ("I want to change my name to 'puf'") from the implications of that action ("We need to update the name in profile so:209103 and in every message that has user = so:209103).
I'd handle the rename in a script that we run on a server. The main method would be something like this:
function renameUser(ref, uid, name) {
ref.child('users').child(uid).update({ name: name });
var query = ref.child('messages').orderByChild('user').equalTo(uid);
query.once('value', function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(messageSnapshot) {
messageSnapshot.update({ username: name });
Once again I take a few shortcuts here, such as using once('value' (which is in general a bad idea for optimal performance with Firebase). But overall the approach is simpler, at the cost of not having all data completely updated at the same time. But eventually the messages will all be updated to match the new value.
Not caring
The third approach is the simplest of all: in many cases you don't really have to update the duplicated data at all. In the example we've used here, you could say that each message recorded the name as I used it at that time. I didn't change my name until just now, so it makes sense that older messages show the name I used at that time. This applies in many cases where the secondary data is transactional in nature. It doesn't apply everywhere of course, but where it applies "not caring" is the simplest approach of all.
While the above are just broad descriptions of how you could solve this problem and they are definitely not complete, I find that each time I need to fan out duplicate data it comes back to one of these basic approaches.
To add to Franks great reply, I implemented the eventual consistency approach with a set of Firebase Cloud Functions. The functions get triggered whenever a primary value (eg. users name) gets changed, and then propagate the changes to the denormalized fields.
It is not as fast as a transaction, but for many cases it does not need to be.

Progress event for large Firebase queries?

I have the following query:
fire = new Firebase 'ME.firebaseio.com'
users = fire.child 'venues/ID/users'
users.once 'value', (snapshot) ->
# do things with snapshot.val()
I am loading 10+ mb of data, and the request takes around 1sec/mb. Is it possible to give the user a progress indicator as content streams in? Ideally I'd like to process the data as it comes in as well (not just notify).
I tried using the on "child_added" event instead, but it doesn't work as expected - instead of children streaming in at a consistent rate, they all come at once after the entire dataset is loaded (which takes 10-15 sec), so in practice it seems to be a less performant version of on "value".
You should be able to optimize your download time from 10-20secs to a few milliseconds by starting with some denormalization.
For example, we could move the images and any other peripherals comprising the majority of the payload to their own path, keep only the meta data (name, email, etc) in the user records, and grab the extras separately:
/users/user_id/name, email, etc...
The number of event listeners you attach or paths you connect to does not have any significant overhead locally or for networking bandwidth (just the payload) so you can do something like this to "normalize" after grabbing the meta data:
var firebaseRef = new Firebase(URL);
firebaseRef.child('users').on('child_added', function(snap) {
console.log('got user ', snap.name());
// I chose once() here to snag the image, assuming they don't change much
// but on() would work just as well
firebaseRef.child('images/'+snap.name()).once('value', function(imageSnap) {
console.log('got image for user ', imageSnap.name());
You'll notice right away that when you move the bulk of the data out and keep only the meta info for users locally, they will be lightning-fast to grab (all of the "got user" logs will appear right away). Then the images will trickle in one at a time after this, allowing you to create progress bars or process them as they show up.
If you aren't willing to denormalize the data, there are a couple ways you could break up the loading process. Here's a simple pagination approach to grab the users in segments:
var firebaseRef = new Firebase(URL);
grabNextTen(firebaseRef, null);
function grabNextTen(ref, startAt) {
ref.limit(startAt? 11 : 10).startAt(startAt).once('value', function(snap) {
var lastEntry;
snap.forEach(function(userSnap) {
// skip the startAt() entry, which we've already processed
if( userSnap.name() === lastEntry ) { return; }
lastEntry = userSnap.name();
// setTimeout closes the call stack, allowing us to recurse
// infinitely without a maximum call stack error
setTimeout(grabNextTen.bind(null, ref, lastEntry);
function processUser(snap) {
console.log('got user', snap.name());
function didTenUsers(lastEntry) {
console.log('finished up to ', lastEntry);
A third popular approach would be to store the images in a static cloud asset like Amazon S3 and simply store the URLs in Firebase. For large data sets in the hundreds of thousands this is very economical, since those solutions are a bit cheaper than Firebase storage.
But I'd highly suggest you both read the article on denormalization and invest in that approach first.

