How can I simulate the movement of cloth in browser? - javascript

I am looking to simulate a subtle movement (think wave) of cloth in browser entirely with an image effectively placed on top and then have the background do the processing of the movement? Is this possible?
Effectively imagine it as a cloth simulation with an image (as this will need to change dependant on the product) stuck on top of it.
Hope this helps.
Also would be good to know if this could work on a mobile phone too.

You could process the image on a per pixel basis, apply time dependent transformations on it, and draw it on a canvas element.
It will involve some interesting maths, and one of the primary concerns would be performance, but i think a fairly optimal implementation should work easily on modern Desktops.
Whether it works on mobile devices depends on their HTML5 support and processing power.
you might want to start with simple things such as this question
Add flaglike waving to 2d Context
related links -


Most efficient way to draw particles in HTML5 on iPad 2

I'm trying to create moving lights with trails for an HTML5 website/app targeted at iPad 2.
I wonder what the best way to do this is and whether using HTML5 is viable at all. I chose HTML5 because it's easier and cheaper to develop and deploy than native iOS apps with Objective C. Of course if it turns out that HTML5 simply doesn't offer enough performance I might have to swallow the bitter pill.
Anyway to give you an impression what I'm talking about, this is what I got so far:
Or you can see it in action here (only works in webkit based browsers).
At first I tried using HTML5 canvas and drawing radial gradients as particles in similar manner you see above. It worked but the framerate was horrible even on my desktop computer!
So after a bit of reading I found out that CSS3 transforms may be hardware accelerated, so I build the version you see above. Every "particle" is a 64x64 png image. For each light there is the "head" light (one img) followed by a trail consisting of 115 img elements. Each img element is transformed using "translate3d" (as well as scale and rotation). Also the opacity of each element is adjusted dynamically.
Doing it this way provided much better framerates on my computer, but I doubt the iPad 2 will handle it.
I'd be grateful if anyone could give me some hints on how to improve the performance of this in general and considering the target platform.
Thanks for any help in advance!
If you accept small changes to the effect, some other procedure may work fast:
Instead of drawing the light's trails by the means of many particles, just draw the lights in their current positions in a Canvas element.
You can then darken the whole image at the beginning of a frame by filling a black rectangle with a very low opacity on top. This way the trails fade into dark, but would not alter their color like they do now.
The amount of drawing operations however will reduce vastly. The most costly operation would be filling the fading rectangle for every frame.
This should be built in the canvas. Check out EaselJS and this demo.
You could optimize performances a LOT by using WebGL(, which is supported on the iPad2.)... which is not supported for basic html pages on ios safari as stated Nison Maël...
For the time being you only have canvas as a solution. Which will still give you better performances...
(You can check this blog for more info:
With a little faith and time you'll be amazed!)

html5 canvas general performance tips

I am developing a game for html5 canvas while mainly targeting mobile devices. The canvas is resized to the biggest available resolution, so that it almost makes a fullscreen game.
On an ipad that would be a 1024x786 canvas; at a resolution like this I notice a significant drop in framerate. On smaller resolution like 480x320 on iphone the game runs smooth! I guess this is because the device is fillrate limited.
Anyhow I would like to optimize as much as possible. I would be very grateful if you could post any general performance tips that you have for html5 canvas development.
Also see this canvas performance optimization article on html5rocks, which contains jsperf data which includes mobile browsers.
You can read Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast by Thomas Fuchs
The key points he make:
Images slow things down immensely– get rid of them
Avoid text-shadow & box-shadow
Hardware-acceleration is quite new… and buggy (concurrent animations is limited)
Avoid opacity if possible (sometimes interferes with hardware-accelerated rendering)
Use translate3d, not translate (the latter is not hard-accelerated)
Some other points that can improve performance significantly:
use getImageData as infrequently as possible (major slowdown) [2]
combine more than one canvas in order to repaint smaller parts that are changing more frequently
You can also benchmark your app with Chrome/Firebug Profile can show you which functions are slow.
A couple of more links:
HTML5 Games 0.2: Integers are Your Friends
HTML5 Canvas Performance in deviantART muro
Game Engine Listing. See esp. "Other" for extra links.
It's hard to give any specific tips as I'm not familiar enough with your game. You might want to split up rendering to multiple layers, though. This makes sense particularly if you have some static elements there. This way you can avoid some clearing and end up with nicer code overall.

What's the speed difference between drawing with html5 canvas and html and javascript?

I'm interested in making a game using html and javascript. I was wondering if it really is that much faster drawing in html5 and javascript than it is with images and div's in html and javascript.
Example of a game using html and javascript that works nicely:
Example of a game using html5 and javascript that works nicely:
I've run a bunch of numbers on HTML-made drawing versus Canvas-made drawing. I could make a huge post about the benefits of each, but I will give some of the relevant results of my tests to consider for your specific application:
I made Canvas and HTML test pages, both had movable "nodes." Canvas nodes were objects I created and kept track of in Javascript. HTML nodes were <div>s, though they could be <image> or <video> too.
I added 100,000 nodes to each of my two tests. They performed quite differently:
The HTML test tab took forever to load (timed at slightly under 5 minutes, chrome asked to kill the page the first time). Chrome's task manager says that tab is taking up 168MB. It takes up 12-13% CPU time when I am looking at it, 0% when I am not looking.
The Canvas tab loaded in one second and takes up 30MB. It also takes up 13% of CPU time all of the time, regardless of whether or not one is looking at it.
Dragging on the HTML page is smoother, which I suppose is expected, since the current setup is to redraw EVERYTHING every 30 milliseconds in the Canvas test. There are plenty of optimizations to be had for Canvas for this. (canvas invalidation being the easiest, also clipping regions, selective redrawing, etc.. just depends on how much you feel like implementing)
Video on the HTML page, while I am not moving objects, is actually perfectly smooth.
On canvas the video is always slow, since I am redrawing constantly because I turned off my drawing canvas invalidation. There is of course plenty of room for improvement.
Drawing/loading alone is far faster in Canvas and has far more room for optimizations, too (ie, excluding things that are off-screen is very easy).
Fast as in faster rendering or faster development? I would say the answer to both is HTML5 canvas. Although it is a fairly new technology, and not even supported by all mainstream browsers yet, it already has much more functionality than you would have using DIVs with normal HTML. I've done drawing with divs before and it was incredibly frustrating just getting something to work. With canvas you already have a framework in place to do most basic drawing. Furthermore, html5 is new. Even if it is relatively slower than drawing with divs right now (which it probably isn't), that performance will increase as development and adoption increases. I can't say the same for drawing with divs.
Pros to using HTML5 Canvas:
Similar to other drawing frameworks (OpenGL, DirectX)
Will continue to increase in performance and functionality
May become hardware accelerated in the future
Possible 3D framework in the future
Neither of those games requires HTML 5. does everything with rectangular objects, which divs handle just fine, and the chess game doesn't even use animation. If that's the kind of game you're thinking of building, then what you use should be decided on the grounds of familiarity and compatibility rather than performance.

Recording and storing high-res hand drawing

Are there any advanced solutions for capturing a hand drawing (from a tablet, touch screen or iPad like device) on a web site in JavaScript, and storing it on server side?
Essentially, this would be a simple mouse drawing canvas with the specialty that its resolution (i.e. the number of mouse movements it catches per second) needs to be very high, otherwise round lines in the drawing will become "polygonal" when moving the pen / mouse fast:
(if this weren't the case, the inputDraw solution suggested by #Gregory would be 100% perfect.)
It would also have to have a high level of graphical quality, i.e. antialias the penstroke. Nothing fancy here but a MS Paint style, 1x1 Pixel stroke won't cut it.
I find this a very interesting thing in general, seeing as Tablet PCs are becoming at least a bit more common. (Not that they get the attention I feel they deserve).
Any suggestions are highly appreciated. I would prefer an Open Source solution, but I am also open to proprietary solutions like ActiveX controls or Java Applets.
FF4, Chrome support is a must; Opera, IE8/9 support is desired.
Please note that most "canvas" libraries around, and most answers to other questions similar to mine, refer to programmatically drawing onto a canvas. This is not what I am looking for. I am looking for something that records the actual pen or mouse movements of the user drawing on a certain area.
Starting a bounty out of curiosity whether anything has changed during the time since this question was asked.
I doubt you'll get anything higher resolution than the "onmousemove" event gives you, without writing an efficient assembler program on some embedded system custom built for the purpose. You run inside an OS, you play by the OS's rules, which means you're limited by the frequency of the timeslices an OS will give you. (usually about 100 per second, fluxuating depending on load) I've not used a tablet that can overcome the "polygon" problem, and I've used some high end tablets. Photoshop overcomes the problem with cubic interpolation.
That is, unless, you have a very special tablet that will capture many movement events and queue them up to some internal buffer, and send a whole packet of coordinates at a time when it dispatches data to the OS. I've looked at tablet api's though, and they only give one set of coordinates at a time, so if this is going to happen, you'll need custom hardware, and a custom driver, and custom apis that can handle packets of multiple coordinates.
Or you could just use a damned canvas tag, the onmousemove event, event.pageX|pageY some cubic interpolation, the "toDataURI" api of canvas, post the result to your php script, and then just say you did all that other fancy stuff.
onmousemove, in my tests, will give you one event per pixel of movement, limited only by the speed of the event loop in the browser. You'll get sparse data points (polygons) with fast movement and that's as good as it gets without a huge research grant and a hardware designer. Deal.
there are some applets for this in the oekaki world: Shi painter, Chibipaint or PaintBBS. Here you have php classes for integration.
Drawings produced by these applets can have quite good quality. If you register in you can see all the galleries and some drawings have an animation link that shows how was it drawn (it depends on the applet), so you can compare the possibilities of the applets. Some of them are open source.
Edit: See also this made in HTML 5.
Have a look at <InputDraw/>: a flash component that turns freehand drawing into SVG. Then you could send back the generated SVG to your server.
It's free for non commercial use. According to their site, commercial use price is 29€. It's not open source though.
IMHO it's worth a look.
Alternatively, you implement something based on svg-edit which is open source and uses jQuery (demo). If requires the Google Frame Plugin for IE6+ support though.
EDIT: I just found the svg-freehand-signature project (demo) that captures your handwritten signature and sends it to a server as a SVG using POST. It's distributed as a straight-forward and self-contained zip (works out of the box with Safari and Firefox, you may want to combine it with svgweb that brings SVG support to Internet Explorer).
EDIT: I successfully combined Cesar Oliveira's canvaslol (just look at the source of the page to see how it works) with ExplorerCanvas to have something on IE. You can also have a look at Anne van Kesteren's Paintr experiment. is doing that with an algorithm applied after the mouseup.
I asked a similar question recently, and got interesting but not satisfying answers: Is there any way to accelerate the mousemove event?

Anyone knows the algorithm for this kind of rubbery effect?

I'm doing some animations and I want to implement something like this on the web. I was thinking that the HTML canvas can do this kind of job. Because I can scale part of an image. I just need the algorithm to actually make it work.
The effect is elastic, if the window is small, the greater the elasticity of the window when you restore it. I was thinking that I can make this work in web images.. if the user click the image it will scale with this kind of effect, not the boring way of scaling.
This is ubuntu, I know that we can look at the source code maybe to see how it actually implements the animation. But I dont know where to find it. Or i don't even understand codes written in linux because I just understand php, javascript. Basically I'm not a software developer, My core expertise is in web development.
I believe your best bet is having a look at John Resig's Processing.js.
Processing is a animation language for Java; John has ported it to the browser using canvas.
Your not going to find a web based solution that is going to do this for you. If you need something like this done it will have to be in flash or some other application (Lenni mentioned Java) that runs in a separate media box embedded in a web page.
People don't want big flashy animations, seeing something that is 'boring' is much better if it becomes more usable.
First up - I don't know the actual algorithm they use here.
However, I'd attack this by creating a grid of points (say 10x10), each point attached to it's neighbors by damped springs. It might be worth anchoring the edge/corner points to the screen with springs too.
By deforming the grid (stretching and compressing the springs) and then modeling the spring responses, you'd get some interesting effects like those shown. You might then be able to record the patterns so that the points can follow a pre-computed path for faster animation if your animations are predictable.
Then you need to work out how to split the image and map it onto the grid. The splitting may be better done once on the server, but the client can do it if you use canvas.
svg & vml is a possibility - they'll work without plugins and are similar enough to code for, but I don't think you'll get correct enough image deformation. However, you can scale and rotate with impunity (and quickly) so if you just anchor 2 cell image points to the grid rather than all 4, you'll get an interesting animation - not quite like the video, but pretty good.
As for how to model damped springs, you'll need to keep track of the mass of each point (how heavy it is), how much force the spring is exerting on each point (scalar of how compressed/stretched it is and it's vector) and a damping force on the points (resistive force to the square of the velocity of the point).
It's physics modeling, to be sure, but quite possible.
The response may well be slow. Especially on IE. Canvas needs a plug-in on IE, so if you use canvas, IE folk wont see it. SVG works on almost everything except IE, but it does have VML which is similar. is a library that uses whatever's available. This will be a challenge to tune up :)
However you do this, it will always look best in chrome, the V8 javascript engine outstrips everything else for this kind of work. IE has the slowest javascript engine.

