Javascript (sub-) Object access by array of keys - javascript

Is it possible to set a Variable in an Object by an Array of Keys?
For example i have this Object:
var obj = {'outer': {'inner': 'value'} };
and want to set the Value selected by an Array of Keys:
var keys = ['outer', 'inner'];
to a new Value 'newValue' in order to get this Result:
obj = {'outer': {'inner': 'newValue'} };

What you can do is iterate over the array of keys, making sure that each key exists and leads to another object, until you reach the last key, which you use to set the new value.
function setVal(obj, keys, value) {
var o = obj,
len = keys.length;
// iterate through all keys, making sure each key exists and points to an object
for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
// check if the current key exists and is an object
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof obj[key] === 'object' && obj[key]) {
o = o[key];
} else {
// return false or throw an error cause the key is not an object or is missing.
// update the value at the last key
o[keys[len - 1]] = value;
Here's a running example:
function setVal(obj, keys, value) {
var o = obj,
len = keys.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof obj[key] === 'object' && obj[key]) {
o = o[key];
} else {
throw new Error('Key ' + key + ' is not an object or is missing.');
o[keys[len - 1]] = value;
var obj = {
'outer': {
'inner': 'value'
var validKeys = ['outer', 'inner'];
var invalidKeys = ['outer', 'inner', 'extra'];
console.log('Setting valid keys');
setVal(obj, validKeys, 'new value');
console.log('Setting invalid keys');
setVal(obj, invalidKeys, 'new value');
If you want to have your method only update existing key values and not set new ones, you can wrap the last statement in setVal using hasOwnProperty:
// if object already has the last key, update its value
if (o.hasOwnProperty(keys[len - 1])) {
o[keys[len - 1]] = value;
} else {
// throw an error or return false since the last key doesn't exist.

The key point here is that an object property can be accessed using property name string: obj.prop <=> obj["prop"].
function SetValueByKeyNames(obj, keys, value) {
var target = obj;
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length - 1; i++) {
target = target[keys[i]];
if (!target)
return false;
target[keys[keys.length - 1]] = value;
return true;
var obj = {'outer': {'inner': 'value'} };
var keys = ['outer', 'inner'];
console.log(obj.outer.inner); // value
SetValueByKeyNames(obj, keys, 'newValue');
console.log(obj.outer.inner); // newValue


Javascript json add a child element dynamically [duplicate]

Suppose we are only given
var obj = {};
var propName = "";
How can we set the property to a certain value (say "hello world")?
So I want to achieve this, while we only have the property name in a string: = "hello world";
function assign(obj, prop, value) {
if (typeof prop === "string")
prop = prop.split(".");
if (prop.length > 1) {
var e = prop.shift();
assign(obj[e] =[e]) === "[object Object]"
? obj[e]
: {},
} else
obj[prop[0]] = value;
var obj = {},
propName = "";
assign(obj, propName, "Value");
I know it's an old one, but I see only custom functions in answers.
If you don't mind using a library, look at lodash _.set and _.get function.
Since this question appears to be answered by incorrect answers, I'll just refer to the correct answer from a similar question
function setDeepValue(obj, value, path) {
if (typeof path === "string") {
var path = path.split('.');
if(path.length > 1){
var p=path.shift();
if(obj[p]==null || typeof obj[p]!== 'object'){
obj[p] = {};
setDeepValue(obj[p], value, path);
obj[path[0]] = value;
var obj = {};
setDeepValue(obj, 'Hello World', '');
edit: I've created a testcase to compare the accepted answer with my version.
Turns out that my version is faster, especially when you go very deep.
var nestedObjectAssignmentFor = function(obj, propString, value) {
var propNames = propString.split('.'),
propLength = propNames.length-1,
tmpObj = obj;
for (var i = 0; i <= propLength ; i++) {
tmpObj = tmpObj[propNames[i]] = i !== propLength ? {} : value;
return obj;
var obj = nestedObjectAssignment({},"","hello world");
All solutions overid any of the original data when setting so I have tweaked with the following, made it into a single object too:
var obj = {}
nestObject.set(obj, "a.b", "foo");
nestObject.get(obj, "a.b"); // returns foo
var nestedObject = {
set: function(obj, propString, value) {
var propNames = propString.split('.'),
propLength = propNames.length-1,
tmpObj = obj;
for (var i = 0; i <= propLength ; i++) {
if (i === propLength){
tmpObj[propNames[i]] = value;
tmpObj[propNames[i]] = value;
tmpObj = tmpObj[propNames[i]];
tmpObj = tmpObj[propNames[i]] = {};
return obj;
get: function(obj, propString){
var propNames = propString.split('.'),
propLength = propNames.length-1,
tmpObj = obj;
for (var i = 0; i <= propLength ; i++) {
tmpObj = tmpObj[propNames[i]];
return tmpObj;
Can also change functions to be an Oject.prototype method changing obj param to this:
Object.prototype = { setNested = function(){ ... }, getNested = function(){ ... } }
Here is a get and set function i just compiled from a couple of threads + some custom code.
It will also create keys that don't exist on set.
function setValue(object, path, value) {
var a = path.split('.');
var o = object;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) {
var n = a[i];
if (n in o) {
o = o[n];
} else {
o[n] = {};
o = o[n];
o[a[a.length - 1]] = value;
function getValue(object, path) {
var o = object;
path = path.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1');
path = path.replace(/^\./, '');
var a = path.split('.');
while (a.length) {
var n = a.shift();
if (n in o) {
o = o[n];
} else {
return o;
Here is a simple function to do that using reference.
function setValueByPath (obj, path, value) {
var ref = obj;
path.split('.').forEach(function (key, index, arr) {
ref = ref[key] = index === arr.length - 1 ? value : {};
return obj;
You could split the path and make a check if the following element exist. If not assign an object to the new property.
Return then the value of the property.
At the end assign the value.
function setValue(object, path, value) {
var fullPath = path.split('.'),
way = fullPath.slice(),
last = way.pop();
way.reduce(function (r, a) {
return r[a] = r[a] || {};
}, object)[last] = value;
var object = {},
propName = '',
value = 'hello world';
setValue(object, propName, value);
Here's one that returns the updated object
function deepUpdate(value, path, tree, branch = tree) {
const last = path.length === 1;
branch[path[0]] = last ? value : branch[path[0]];
return last ? tree : deepUpdate(value, path.slice(1), tree, branch[path[0]]);
const path = '';
const updated = deepUpdate('a', path.split('.'), {cat: {dog: null}})
// => { cat: {dog: 'a'} }
A very straightforward one.
This implementation should be very performant.
It avoids recursions, and function calls, while maintaining simplicity.
* Set the value of a deep property, creating new objects as necessary.
* #param {Object} obj The object to set the value on.
* #param {String|String[]} path The property to set.
* #param {*} value The value to set.
* #return {Object} The object at the end of the path.
* #author
* #see
* #example
* setDeep(obj, '', 'quux');
function setDeep(obj, path, value) {
const props = typeof path === 'string' ? path.split('.') : path;
for (var i = 0, n = props.length - 1; i < n; ++i) {
obj = obj[props[i]] = obj[props[i]] || {};
obj[props[i]] = value;
return obj;
/*********************** EXAMPLE ***********************/
const obj = {
hello : 'world',
setDeep(obj, 'root', true);
setDeep(obj, '', 1);
setDeep(obj, ['foo','quux'], '😉');
// ⬇︎ Click "Run" below to see output
I was looking for an answer that does not overwrite existing values and was easily readable and was able to come up with this. Leaving this here in case it helps others with the same needs
function setValueAtObjectPath(obj, pathString, newValue) {
// create an array (pathComponents) of the period-separated path components from pathString
var pathComponents = pathString.split('.');
// create a object (tmpObj) that references the memory of obj
var tmpObj = obj;
for (var i = 0; i < pathComponents.length; i++) {
// if not on the last path component, then set the tmpObj as the value at this pathComponent
if (i !== pathComponents.length-1) {
// set tmpObj[pathComponents[i]] equal to an object of it's own value
tmpObj[pathComponents[i]] = {...tmpObj[pathComponents[i]]}
// set tmpObj to reference tmpObj[pathComponents[i]]
tmpObj = tmpObj[pathComponents[i]]
// else (IS the last path component), then set the value at this pathComponent equal to newValue
} else {
// set tmpObj[pathComponents[i]] equal to newValue
tmpObj[pathComponents[i]] = newValue
// return your object
return obj
Same as Rbar's answers, very useful when you're working with redux reducers. I use lodash clone instead of spread operator to support arrays too:
export function cloneAndPatch(obj, path, newValue, separator='.') {
let stack = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(separator);
let newObj = _.clone(obj);
obj = newObj;
while (stack.length > 1) {
let property = stack.shift();
let sub = _.clone(obj[property]);
obj[property] = sub;
obj = sub;
obj[stack.shift()] = newValue;
return newObj;
Object.getPath = function(o, s) {
s = s.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1'); // convert indexes to properties
s = s.replace(/^\./, ''); // strip a leading dot
var a = s.split('.');
for (var i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i) {
var k = a[i];
if (k in o) {
o = o[k];
} else {
return o;
Object.setPath = function(o, p, v) {
var a = p.split('.');
var o = o;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) {
if (a[i].indexOf('[') === -1) {
var n = a[i];
if (n in o) {
o = o[n];
} else {
o[n] = {};
o = o[n];
} else {
// Not totaly optimised
var ix = a[i].match(/\[.*?\]/g)[0];
var n = a[i].replace(ix, '');
o = o[n][ix.substr(1,ix.length-2)]
if (a[a.length - 1].indexOf('[') === -1) {
o[a[a.length - 1]] = v;
} else {
var ix = a[a.length - 1].match(/\[.*?\]/g)[0];
var n = a[a.length - 1].replace(ix, '');
o[n][ix.substr(1,ix.length-2)] = v;
Here's a simple method that uses a scoped Object that recursively set's the correct prop by path.
function setObjectValueByPath(pathScope, value, obj) {
const pathStrings = pathScope.split('/');
obj[pathStrings[0]] = pathStrings.length > 1 ?
pathStrings.splice(1, pathStrings.length).join('/'),
) :
return obj;
How about a simple and short one?
Object.assign(this.origin, { [propName]: value })
You can use reduce : (you can test it by copy/paste on browser console)
const setValueOf = (obj, value, ...path) => {
path.reduce((o, level, idx) => {
if(idx === path.length -1) { o[level] = value }; // on last change the value of the prop
return o && o[level]; // return the prop
}, obj);
let objExmp = {a: 'a', b: {b1: 'b1', b2: 'b2', b3: { b3_3 : 'default_value' } }};
setValueOf(objExmp, 'new_value' , 'b', 'b3', 'b3_3');
console.log('objExmp', objExmp); // prop changed to 'new_value'
You can split the string path by '.' and spread like :
setValueOf(objExmp, 'new_value' , ...'b.b3.b3_3'.split('.'));

JS update Array through string eval [duplicate]

Suppose we are only given
var obj = {};
var propName = "";
How can we set the property to a certain value (say "hello world")?
So I want to achieve this, while we only have the property name in a string: = "hello world";
function assign(obj, prop, value) {
if (typeof prop === "string")
prop = prop.split(".");
if (prop.length > 1) {
var e = prop.shift();
assign(obj[e] =[e]) === "[object Object]"
? obj[e]
: {},
} else
obj[prop[0]] = value;
var obj = {},
propName = "";
assign(obj, propName, "Value");
I know it's an old one, but I see only custom functions in answers.
If you don't mind using a library, look at lodash _.set and _.get function.
Since this question appears to be answered by incorrect answers, I'll just refer to the correct answer from a similar question
function setDeepValue(obj, value, path) {
if (typeof path === "string") {
var path = path.split('.');
if(path.length > 1){
var p=path.shift();
if(obj[p]==null || typeof obj[p]!== 'object'){
obj[p] = {};
setDeepValue(obj[p], value, path);
obj[path[0]] = value;
var obj = {};
setDeepValue(obj, 'Hello World', '');
edit: I've created a testcase to compare the accepted answer with my version.
Turns out that my version is faster, especially when you go very deep.
var nestedObjectAssignmentFor = function(obj, propString, value) {
var propNames = propString.split('.'),
propLength = propNames.length-1,
tmpObj = obj;
for (var i = 0; i <= propLength ; i++) {
tmpObj = tmpObj[propNames[i]] = i !== propLength ? {} : value;
return obj;
var obj = nestedObjectAssignment({},"","hello world");
All solutions overid any of the original data when setting so I have tweaked with the following, made it into a single object too:
var obj = {}
nestObject.set(obj, "a.b", "foo");
nestObject.get(obj, "a.b"); // returns foo
var nestedObject = {
set: function(obj, propString, value) {
var propNames = propString.split('.'),
propLength = propNames.length-1,
tmpObj = obj;
for (var i = 0; i <= propLength ; i++) {
if (i === propLength){
tmpObj[propNames[i]] = value;
tmpObj[propNames[i]] = value;
tmpObj = tmpObj[propNames[i]];
tmpObj = tmpObj[propNames[i]] = {};
return obj;
get: function(obj, propString){
var propNames = propString.split('.'),
propLength = propNames.length-1,
tmpObj = obj;
for (var i = 0; i <= propLength ; i++) {
tmpObj = tmpObj[propNames[i]];
return tmpObj;
Can also change functions to be an Oject.prototype method changing obj param to this:
Object.prototype = { setNested = function(){ ... }, getNested = function(){ ... } }
Here is a get and set function i just compiled from a couple of threads + some custom code.
It will also create keys that don't exist on set.
function setValue(object, path, value) {
var a = path.split('.');
var o = object;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) {
var n = a[i];
if (n in o) {
o = o[n];
} else {
o[n] = {};
o = o[n];
o[a[a.length - 1]] = value;
function getValue(object, path) {
var o = object;
path = path.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1');
path = path.replace(/^\./, '');
var a = path.split('.');
while (a.length) {
var n = a.shift();
if (n in o) {
o = o[n];
} else {
return o;
Here is a simple function to do that using reference.
function setValueByPath (obj, path, value) {
var ref = obj;
path.split('.').forEach(function (key, index, arr) {
ref = ref[key] = index === arr.length - 1 ? value : {};
return obj;
You could split the path and make a check if the following element exist. If not assign an object to the new property.
Return then the value of the property.
At the end assign the value.
function setValue(object, path, value) {
var fullPath = path.split('.'),
way = fullPath.slice(),
last = way.pop();
way.reduce(function (r, a) {
return r[a] = r[a] || {};
}, object)[last] = value;
var object = {},
propName = '',
value = 'hello world';
setValue(object, propName, value);
Here's one that returns the updated object
function deepUpdate(value, path, tree, branch = tree) {
const last = path.length === 1;
branch[path[0]] = last ? value : branch[path[0]];
return last ? tree : deepUpdate(value, path.slice(1), tree, branch[path[0]]);
const path = '';
const updated = deepUpdate('a', path.split('.'), {cat: {dog: null}})
// => { cat: {dog: 'a'} }
A very straightforward one.
This implementation should be very performant.
It avoids recursions, and function calls, while maintaining simplicity.
* Set the value of a deep property, creating new objects as necessary.
* #param {Object} obj The object to set the value on.
* #param {String|String[]} path The property to set.
* #param {*} value The value to set.
* #return {Object} The object at the end of the path.
* #author
* #see
* #example
* setDeep(obj, '', 'quux');
function setDeep(obj, path, value) {
const props = typeof path === 'string' ? path.split('.') : path;
for (var i = 0, n = props.length - 1; i < n; ++i) {
obj = obj[props[i]] = obj[props[i]] || {};
obj[props[i]] = value;
return obj;
/*********************** EXAMPLE ***********************/
const obj = {
hello : 'world',
setDeep(obj, 'root', true);
setDeep(obj, '', 1);
setDeep(obj, ['foo','quux'], '😉');
// ⬇︎ Click "Run" below to see output
I was looking for an answer that does not overwrite existing values and was easily readable and was able to come up with this. Leaving this here in case it helps others with the same needs
function setValueAtObjectPath(obj, pathString, newValue) {
// create an array (pathComponents) of the period-separated path components from pathString
var pathComponents = pathString.split('.');
// create a object (tmpObj) that references the memory of obj
var tmpObj = obj;
for (var i = 0; i < pathComponents.length; i++) {
// if not on the last path component, then set the tmpObj as the value at this pathComponent
if (i !== pathComponents.length-1) {
// set tmpObj[pathComponents[i]] equal to an object of it's own value
tmpObj[pathComponents[i]] = {...tmpObj[pathComponents[i]]}
// set tmpObj to reference tmpObj[pathComponents[i]]
tmpObj = tmpObj[pathComponents[i]]
// else (IS the last path component), then set the value at this pathComponent equal to newValue
} else {
// set tmpObj[pathComponents[i]] equal to newValue
tmpObj[pathComponents[i]] = newValue
// return your object
return obj
Same as Rbar's answers, very useful when you're working with redux reducers. I use lodash clone instead of spread operator to support arrays too:
export function cloneAndPatch(obj, path, newValue, separator='.') {
let stack = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(separator);
let newObj = _.clone(obj);
obj = newObj;
while (stack.length > 1) {
let property = stack.shift();
let sub = _.clone(obj[property]);
obj[property] = sub;
obj = sub;
obj[stack.shift()] = newValue;
return newObj;
Object.getPath = function(o, s) {
s = s.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1'); // convert indexes to properties
s = s.replace(/^\./, ''); // strip a leading dot
var a = s.split('.');
for (var i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i) {
var k = a[i];
if (k in o) {
o = o[k];
} else {
return o;
Object.setPath = function(o, p, v) {
var a = p.split('.');
var o = o;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) {
if (a[i].indexOf('[') === -1) {
var n = a[i];
if (n in o) {
o = o[n];
} else {
o[n] = {};
o = o[n];
} else {
// Not totaly optimised
var ix = a[i].match(/\[.*?\]/g)[0];
var n = a[i].replace(ix, '');
o = o[n][ix.substr(1,ix.length-2)]
if (a[a.length - 1].indexOf('[') === -1) {
o[a[a.length - 1]] = v;
} else {
var ix = a[a.length - 1].match(/\[.*?\]/g)[0];
var n = a[a.length - 1].replace(ix, '');
o[n][ix.substr(1,ix.length-2)] = v;
Here's a simple method that uses a scoped Object that recursively set's the correct prop by path.
function setObjectValueByPath(pathScope, value, obj) {
const pathStrings = pathScope.split('/');
obj[pathStrings[0]] = pathStrings.length > 1 ?
pathStrings.splice(1, pathStrings.length).join('/'),
) :
return obj;
How about a simple and short one?
Object.assign(this.origin, { [propName]: value })
You can use reduce : (you can test it by copy/paste on browser console)
const setValueOf = (obj, value, ...path) => {
path.reduce((o, level, idx) => {
if(idx === path.length -1) { o[level] = value }; // on last change the value of the prop
return o && o[level]; // return the prop
}, obj);
let objExmp = {a: 'a', b: {b1: 'b1', b2: 'b2', b3: { b3_3 : 'default_value' } }};
setValueOf(objExmp, 'new_value' , 'b', 'b3', 'b3_3');
console.log('objExmp', objExmp); // prop changed to 'new_value'
You can split the string path by '.' and spread like :
setValueOf(objExmp, 'new_value' , ...'b.b3.b3_3'.split('.'));

How Babel transpiles the rest/spread operator

I was wondering how Babel transpiles this code?
const test = ({ val1, val2, }) => val1.toLowerCase();
val1: 'Test',
val2: 'other',
o1: 'other',
o2: 'Another'
It's a dummy function that gets an object as the argument and returns the val1 toLowerCase. So nothing magical.
It's not that complicated. It will create an array of excluded properties like: ['val1', 'val2'] and pass the whole object and exclude array to a function:
var test = function test(_ref) {
var val1 = _ref.val1,
val2 = _ref.val2,
rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["val1", "val2"]);
return val1.toLowerCase();
The implementation of the _objectWithoutProperties is like this:
function _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) {
if (source == null) return {};
// This does the trick
var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded);
var key, i;
// If the object keys were Symbols it will append them too.
// If we don't have any symbols this was unnecessary
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source);
for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) {
key = sourceSymbolKeys[i];
if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
if (
!, key)
) continue;
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
And finally _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose implementation is like this:
function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) {
// if the source object was null so there's nothing to return
if (source == null) return {};
// initialize an empty object to assign values to it later
var target = {};
// get an array of keys from the source object and loop through it
var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source);
var key, i;
for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) {
key = sourceKeys[i];
// THIS IS WHERE IT HAPPENS: if the current key was present on the excluded array, so skip this iteration
if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue;
// add the value with that key into the target object
target[key] = source[key];
// return the target object
return target;

Dynamically access object propertys (JS) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Access object child properties using a dot notation string [duplicate]
(13 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm trying to access a property of an object dynamically with a string.
For example:
".id.public" -> anyObject["id"]["public"]
The problem - I don't know how many arguments I have (for example ".id" or ".id.public" or ".id.public.whatever".
I made a little workaround:
var currentSplit = anyObject;
var splitted = "id.public".split("\.");
splitted.forEach(function(s) { currentSplit = currentSplit[s]; });
When I try now to override the object property I will override the reference and not the object property.
currentSplit = "test";
I tried already stuff like anyObject["id.public"] = "test"; but it didn't work.
The deep-get-set library does what you want:
function get (obj, path) {
var keys = path.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (!obj || !, key)) {
obj = undefined;
obj = obj[key];
return obj;
function set (obj, path, value) {
var keys = path.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length - 1; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (deep.p && !, key)) obj[key] = {};
obj = obj[key];
obj[keys[i]] = value;
return value;
Yet another way for setting value
function setVal(obj, path, val){
var paths = path.split('.'),
curProp = obj;
for(var i=0;i<paths.length-1;i++){
curProp = curProp[paths[i]];
curProp[paths[i]] = val;
and use it like
setVal(anyObj, "id.public", 'newValue');
You can't do that without the help of a little code like this:
var mapToProperty = function(obj, path, value) {
if (!path) return obj;
var parts = path.split("."),
p = parts[0],
v = (typeof obj[p] === "function") ? obj[p](value) : (parts.length !==1 || !value) ? obj[p] : (obj[p] = value), value ;
if (parts.length == 1) return v;
return mapToProperty(v, parts.slice(1).join("."), value);
// use it like this
var myvalue = mapToProperty(myObj, "address.street")
// you can map into your objects as far as you want. obj1.obj2.obj3.prop
// you can set as well :-)
mapToProperty(myObj, "address.street", "This is great!")

Find object by properties from array

With an array, a value, and and an object with nested objects:
['options', 'range', 'x']
Is it possible to translate this to update a property, e.g.
mesh.options.range.x = 12.5
index = (obj, i) ->
arr.reduce(index, obj) = 12.5
Thank you all for the elegant solutions.
Using .reduce() is actually pretty nice for this:
// current object----| |----current key
// v v
arr.reduce(function(obj, key) {
return obj == null ? obj : obj[key];
}, window.mesh);
// ^
// |-- initial object
Your attempt to use .reduce() needed to pass a function that manages the "accumulation".
Here, as long as the previous obj wasn't null or undefined, it'll return the key of the current obj, which becomes the next obj.
Then since you need to assign a value, you'd actually want to get the value of the second to last key.
var o = arr.slice(0,-1).reduce(function(obj, key) {
return obj == null ? obj : obj[key];
}, window.mesh);
And then check its existence and use the last item in arr to do the assignment.
o && o[arr.pop()] = 12.5;
All of this can be abstracted away into a function that does one or the other based on how many arguments were passed.
function setFromArray(obj, arr, val) {
var keys = arguments.length < 3 ? arr.slice() : arr.slice(0, -1);
var o = keys.slice(0,-1).reduce(function(obj, key) {
return obj == null ? obj : obj[key];
}, window.mesh);
if (arguments.length < 3)
return o;
o && o[keys.pop()];
Here's a general solution:
function setPropertyPath(obj, path, value) {
var o = obj;
for (var i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
o = o[path[i]];
o[path[path.length - 1]] = value;
var obj = { a: { b: { c: 0 } } };
setPropertyPath(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 10);
console.log(obj.a.b.c); // prints '10'
var mesh = {},
arr = ['options','range','x'],
value = 12.5;
mesh[arr[0]][arr[1]][arr[2]] = value;
If array length is static do something like this:
mesh[array[0]][array[1]][array[2]] = value;
However, one problem with this is that javascript doesn't do autovivification, so if you're accessing a key value that isn't previously defined you could run into errors (if mesh.options hasn't been defined then the above will throw an error because you can't assign to it). To solve that you might abstract this out into a function that handles things recursively:
function update_val(obj, array, val, prev) {
if (array.length == 0) {
obj = val;
var cur = array.shift();
if(array.length == 0) {
obj[cur] = val;
} else if (obj[cur] == undefined) {
obj[cur] = {};
update_val(obj[cur], array, val);

