getElementsByClassName returns duplicate elements - javascript

Looking more for an explanation rather than solving a problem. I return 4 items from:
var inputFields = document.getElementsByClassName("calc-input-url");
but when I log the array as output I get this:
tippedEmployees: input#tippedEmployees.form-control.calc-input-url,
hourlyWage: input#hourlyWage.form-control.calc-input-url,
weeklyTips: input#weeklyTips.form-control.calc-input-url,
hoursTippedEmp: input#hoursTippedEmp.form-control.calc-input-url,
item: function…
I then logged the length of the array to double-check and only got a return value of 4.
Where do these extra elements in the array come from, and why are they there/how can I make use of them (if at all)?

What you see there is not a regular array, but an HTMLCollection. The fact that the array "has keys" (tippedEmployees:) should be a giveaway that this is no ordinary array. The HTMLCollection exposes the elements in an array-like manner, but also directly via their ids. This is a convenience for you.
In practice there should be no problems, since you're either going to iterate the "array part" of it using for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) list[i]..., or you're going to access the elements directly by id.


Does any change in an array gets to change the entire array?

I got into that question by thinking about sorting algorithms.
Does changing an element position inside an array would be the same, at the interpretation, compilation or run-time phases, to recreate the entire array with new elements?
Does it change radically from one language to another?
How does it work?
Imagining a specific case in JavaScript, for example:
let animals = ["monkey","zebra","banana","capybara"];
animals.splice(2,1); // returns ["banana"]
Would it be correct to state that the entire animals array was rewritten? Or is there another type of change type? How would that one and only change work, computation-wise?
It's stated in Javascript documentation that the .splice() method "takes" an array object, creates a new array without it and returns another one with it as an output, but how does it work?
I'm a begginner, so please have patience, and would like a good reading recommendation if possible to learn more about it. Sorry for the incovenience.
Does changing an element position inside an array would be the same, at the interpretation, compilation or run-time phases, to recreate the entire array with new elements?
I think you're asking this:
Does changing an element position inside an array recreate the entire array with new elements?
If you use the array indexer [], then no: the array is not recreated, it's mutated in-place.
If you use Array.prototype.splice, then no: the array is not recreated, it's mutated in-place.
But splice does return a new array containing the removed elements.
If you use Array.prototype.filter and/or, then yes: a new array containing only the filtered elements is returned (and the original input array is unmodified at all: i.e. nothing is mutated).
If you use Array.prototype.forEach to assign elements back to itself (which you shouldn't be doing anyway), then no: the array is mutated in-place.
Imagining a specific case in JavaScript, for example:
let animals = ["monkey","zebra","banana","capybara"];
animals.splice(2,1); // returns ["banana"]
Would it be correct to state that the entire animals array was rewritten?
No. That would be incorrect.
The correct thing to say is that "the animals array was mutated".
It's stated in Javascript documentation that the .splice() method "takes" an array object, creates a new array without it and returns another one with it as an output, but how does it work?
I don't know what "JavaScript documentation" you're referring to, but that is incorrect.
The only authoritative sources for JavaScript documentation are either the official ECMAScript specification or documentation provided by JavaScript engine vendors (such as Mozilla's Spidermonkey) documented on MDN.
Sources such as W3Schools are not authoritative.
...and MDN says this about splice (emphasis mine):
The splice() method changes the contents of an array by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
how does it work?
The inner-workings of the splice function are defined in the ECMAScript specification (section
...which can be summarized as:
Given a splice invocation with arguments ( this: Array, start: int, deleteCount: int );...
Create a new array to hold deleteCount items: deletedItems.
Copy elements in this from index start to start + deleteCount into deletedItems.
Copy elements in this from start + deleteCount to this.length upwards to fill the gap of removed items.
Shrink the length to this.length - deleteCount.
In TypeScript, something like this (ignoring handling of negative arguments):
function splice<T>( this: T[], start: int, deleteCount: int ): T[] {
const removedItems: T[] = [];
const tailIdx = start + deleteCount;
for( let i = start; i < tailIdx; i++ ) {
removedItems.push( this[i] );
for( let i = tailIdx, f = start; i < this.length; i++, f++ ) {
this[i] = this[f];
this.length = this.length - deleteCount;

Array.length longer than array

I am getting some strange behaviour out of JavaScript array.length. In particular, I have an array that returns length as 3, when there is only one element in the array, at index 0. I've read this question/answer dealing with incorrect values returned by array.length, but it doesn't answer my question because my array doesn't seem to be associative.
Here's a screenshot of my console, demonstrating the odd behaviour.
The code is throwing an error because I'm looping over the first array using array.length and the code is trying to acccess the second and third elements it thinks should be in the array, and not finding them. Other entries in the database seem to not have this problem (see the second array in the screenshot).
So here's the question: Why is array.length in the first array 3 instead of 1?
The length Array property in javascript is writable from anyone and is not a reliable source to find the number of elements in the array.
Usually, it is safe to assume that the array has length elements in it, but sometime you can have different behaviours. This one is one of them.
var x = [1,2,3];
x.length = 5;
using a for construct will lead to some undefined values
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
using the forEach Array method would result (on Firefox at least) in the desired behaviour.
x.forEach(function(item) {
Note that, if you change the array length to a lesser value than the real value, the array would lose the extra elements and if you restore the original value the extra elements will be lost forever.
Reference: loop loops over non-numeric indexes “clean” and “remove”

This is something very basic I might be missing here but I haven't seen such result till now.
I have a for loop where options.headers.length is 3. And in for loop I am dynamically creating a table header. Ideally this loop should run three times for 0 1 and 2 but when I have printed index it's printing 0,1,2,clean and remove. I haven't seen clean and remove as indexes. I know this information is not sufficient enough but if you have any clue please suggest. something might be overriding this is all I am concluded too after my debugging.
for (index in options.headers)
if you don't want to iterate clean and remove then change the loop to:
for (var i=0; i< options.headers.length;i++){
//use i for getting the array data
if you use for (index in options.headers) it will iterate for non-numeric keys also.
don use just index (as that is = window.index = global = bad) use var index
(read more here
you have to check does the array has it as own property or maybe its some function (more after answer)
for (var index in options.headers) {
if (options.headers.hasOwnProperty(index) {
// code here
more about #2:
let's say we have
var array = [0,1,2,3];
and besides that, extending array with function (arrays can have functions in javascript and strings too)
Array.prototype.sayHello = function() {
then your loop would print sayHello as part of the array, but that's not it's own property, only the arrays
I assume that options.headers is an Array?
This happens when you (or some framework you load) adds methods to the Array prototype. The "for in" loop will enumerate also these added methods. Hence you should do the loop for an array with:
for (var i = 0; i < options.headers.length; i++)
That way you will only get the real values instead of added methods.

Problems with JavaScript "for in" loop

I have an array of objects which will be the basis for a certain menu in my website. It will be build using JavaScript:
{"menuName":"Contact Info","sectionName":"contacts"},
So I decided to use the "for in loop" so that I won't have to deal with indexes and lengths. I expect seven items to appear in the menu when it gets built (I'll be using <ul> and <li>).
When I was debugging and accidentally added a background color to the <li>, is when all hell broke loose. I found at least 30 empty <li> after the visible 7th menu <li>.
Why is this happening?
Here's the loop. The loop creates another object for another function to parse later on. (It creates an <li> with an <a> inside with properties provided by the previous array.) I know that the other function works fine because when I change this "for-in" loop to an ordinary for loop, or while loop, it works fine.
this.sectionList = function(menu, id) {
var list = new Array();
for(var i in menu) {
var listItem = {
"element" : "li",
"contains" : [{
"element" : "a",
"attr" : {
"href" : menu[i].sectionName + ':' + id
"contains" : menu[i].menuName
for in iterates over object properties. Javascript arrays are just a specific kind of object with some handy properties to help you treat them as just arrays, but they still have internal object properties .. and you don't mean to iterate over these).
So, you shouldn't use for in to iterate over arrays. This only became evident to you when you added your background colour, but it'll always be the case.
Instead, loop with a counter and array .length.
Your object gets methods and properties passed by JavaScript itself. Those are methods that every object gets when its created.
You have to use .hasOwnProperty to find only the properties and methods you assigned to the object!
for(var i in myObject){
Hope that helps!
Here are two articles that helped me two understand it better:
I see no difference between the two ways of iterating your data structure in this jsFiddle:
There are lots of good reasons why you should not use for (x in array) on arrays. The main reason is that that type of iteration iterates over the properties of the object, not just the array elements. Those properties can include other properties of the array if any have been added where as the for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) method will never have issues with added properties because by definition, it only iterates over the array elements.
It is somewhat luck that when no additional properties have been added to the array object, that iterating over the properties happens to include just the array elements. The language does not want you to iterate array elements that way. You should iterate arrays with
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++).
I understand the seduction of the simpler syntax, but it is not the right way to do it.

Javascript collection of DOM objects - why can't I reverse with Array.reverse()?

What could be the problem with reversing the array of DOM objects as in the following code:
var imagesArr = new Array();
imagesArr = document.getElementById("myDivHolderId").getElementsByTagName("img");
In Firefox 3, when I call the reverse() method the script stops executing and shows the following error in the console of the Web Developer Toolbar:
imagesArr.reverse is not a function
The imagesArr variable can be iterated through with a for loop and elements like imagesArr[i] can be accessed, so why is it not seen as an array when calling the reverse() method?
Because getElementsByTag name actually returns a NodeList structure. It has similar array like indexing properties for syntactic convenience, but it is not an array. For example, the set of entries is actually constantly being dynamically updated - if you add a new img tag under myDivHolderId, it will automatically appear in imagesArr.
See for more.
getElementsByTag() returns a NodeList instead of an Array. You can convert a NodeList to an Array but note that the array will be another object, so reversing it will not affect the DOM nodes position.
var listNodes = document.getElementById("myDivHolderId").getElementsByTagName("img");
var arrayNodes =, 0);
In order to change the position, you will have to remove the DOM nodes and add them all again at the right position., 0) is a great way to convert an array-like to an array, but if you are using a JavaScript library, it may actually provide a even better/faster way to do it. For example, jQuery has $.makeArray(arrayLike).
You can also use the Array methods directly on the NodeList:;
this problem can Actually be solved easily with array spread operator.
let elements = document.querySelectorAll('button');
elements = [...elements];
console.log(elements) // Before reverse
elements = elements.reverse(); // Now the reverse function will work
console.log(elements) // After reverse
getElementsByTag() returns a NodeList instead of an Array. You need to convert the NodeList to an array then reverse it.
var imagesArr = []"myDivHolderId").getElementsByTagName("img"), 0).reverse();
I know this question is old but I think it needs a bit of clarification as some of the answers here are outdated as W3C changed the definition, and consequently the return value of these methods getElementsByTagName() and getElementsByClassName()
These methods as of the time of writing this answer return an object - empty or not - of type HTMLCollection and not NodeList.
It's like the difference between the properties children which returns an object of type HTMLCollection since it's only composed of elements and excluding text or comment nodes, and childNodes which returns an object of type NodeList since it could contain other node types like text and comments as well.
Note: I'd go on tangent here and express my lack of insight on why querySelectorAll() method currently returns a NodeList and not an HTMLCollection since it exclusively works on element nodes in the document and nothing else.
Probably it has something to do with potential coverage of other node types in the future and they went for a more future proof solution, who knows really? :)
EDIT: I think I got the rationale behind this decision to opt for a NodeList and not an HTMLCollection for the querySelectorAll().
Since they constructed HTMLCollection to be exclusively and entirely live and since this method doesn't need this live functionality, they decided for a NodeList implementation instead to best serve its purpose economically and efficiently.
Your first line is irrelevant, since it doesn't coerce the assignment to the variable, javascript works the other way. imagesArr, is not of Type Array(), its of whatever the return type of getElementsByTagName("img") is. In this case, its an HtmlCollection in Firefox 3.
The only methods on this object, are the indexers, and length. In order to work in reverse, just iterate backwards.
This worked for me, I did a reverse for loop and allocated the nodes to an array
var Slides = document.getElementById("slideshow").querySelectorAll('li');
var TempArr = [];
for (var x = Slides.length; x--;) {
Slides = TempArr;

