base64 encode in python, decode in javascript - javascript

A Python backend reads a binary file, base64 encodes it, inserts it into a JSON doc and sends it to a JavaScript frontend:
with open('some_binary_file', 'rb') as in_file:
return base64.b64encode('utf-8')
The JavaScript frontend fetches the base64 encoded string from the JSON document and turns it into a binary blob:
b64_string = response['b64_string'];
decoded_file = atob(b64_string);
blob = new Blob([decoded_file], {type: 'application/octet-stream'});
Unfortunately when downloading the blob the encoding seems to be wrong but I'm not sure where the problem is. E.g. it is an Excel file that I can't open anymore. In the Python part I've tried different decoders ('ascii', 'latin1') but that doesn't make a difference. Is there a problem with my code?

I found the answer here. The problem was at the JavaScript side. It seems only applying atob to the base64 encoded string doesn't work for binary data. You'll have to convert that into a typed byte array. What I ended up doing (LiveScript):
byte_chars = atob base64_str
byte_numbers = [byte_chars.charCodeAt(index) for bc, index in byte_chars]
byte_array = new Uint8Array byte_numbers
blob = new Blob [byte_array], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}


Decode base64 encoded string into xls

I have linked a JSON response on user's request to fetch an excel document, the response is in the manner
"format": // file extn ----only xls
"docTitle": //file name
"document" :// base 64 encoded data
I tried to handle the API on Frontend by decoding the document key using atob() function.
downloadTemplate() {
res => {
let docString = atob(res.document);
let format = res.format;
let fileName = res.docTitle;
let file = new Blob([docString], {type: "text/xls"});
let url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
let dwldLink = document.getElementById('template_link');
dwldLink.setAttribute("href", url);
dwldLink.setAttribute("download", fileName);
err => {
But the data gets corrupted, On doing some research I got to know that atob() decodes using ASCII charset, while I have done the encoding using charset UTF-8.
Can you suggest any alternative method for decoding the data with UTF-8 charset in typescript, as the angular(v4+) project I am working throws error on using JS validators.
While searching for a suitable module which would support Unicode to binary conversion, I came across
Using Javascript's atob to decode base64 doesn't properly decode utf-8 strings
The Base64.decode() support utob decrpyption.
The module supports angular(v4+), and also add dependencies for Typescript(2)

Decode Base64 encoded PDF content in browser

We transform HTML to PDF in the backend (PHP) using dompdf. The generated output from dompdf is Base64 encoded with
$output = $dompdf->output();
This Base64 encoded content is saved as a file on the server. When we decode this file content like this:
cat /tmp/55acbaa9600f4 | base64 -D > test.pdf
we get a proper PDF file.
But when we transfer the Base64 content to the client as a string value inside a JSON object (the server provides a RESTful API...):
"file_data": "...the base64 string..."
And decode it with atob() and then create a Blob object to download the file later on, the PDF is always "empty"/broken.
$scope.downloadFileData = function(doc) {
DocumentService.getFileData(doc).then(function(data) {
var decodedFileData = atob(data.file_data);
var file = new Blob([decodedFileData], { type: doc.file_type });
saveAs(file, doc.title + '.' + doc.extension);
When we log the decoded content, it seems that the content is "broken", because several symbols are not the same as when we decode the content on the server using base64 -D.
When we encode/decode the content of simple text/plain documents, it's working as expected. But all binary (or not ASCII formats) are not working.
We have searched the web for many hours, but didn't find a solution for this that works for us. Does anyone have the same problem and can provide us with a working solution? Thanks in advance!
This is a example for a on the server Base64 encoded content of a PDF document:
If you atob() this, you don't get the same result as on the console with base64 -D. Why?
Your issue looks identical to the one I needed to solve recently.
Here is what worked for me:
const binaryImg = atob(base64String);
const length = binaryImg.length;
const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(length);
const uintArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uintArray[i] = binaryImg.charCodeAt(i);
const fileBlob = new Blob([uintArray], { type: 'application/pdf' });
saveAs(fileBlob, 'filename.pdf');
It seems that only doing a base64 decode is not need to put the result into a Uint8Array. Otherwise, the pdf pages appear blank.
I found this solution here:
You can use btoa() and atob() work in some browsers:
For Exa.
var enc = btoa("this is some text");
To JSON and base64 are completely independent.
Here's a JSON stringifier/parser (and direct GitHub link).
Here's a base64 Q&A. Here's another one.

How can I write a file in ISO-8859-1 with Chrome's File API

At the moment I am writing a file like this:
var blob = new Blob([contents], {type: 'text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1'});
However, when I run file -i on the resulting file the charset is always UTF-8.
The variable contents is encoded in ISO-8859-1 on the server side, and then communicated over the wire in base64:
def write_csv_file
filewriter = RMS::LabelFile.for_order(self.order)
csv = filewriter.to_csv
csv = csv.encode("ISO-8859-1")
csv = Base64.encode64(csv)
%Q{<script type="text/javascript" charset="ISO-8859-1">
var csv_data = #{csv.inspect.gsub('\n', '')};
csv_data = window.atob(csv_data);
parent.phn.filewriter.writeFile("#{self.order.order_number}.csv", csv_data, 'ISO-8859-1');
I've checked and double checked that the encoding is still ISO-8859-1 on the client side in the javascript. It seems like Blob and fileWriter are changing the encoding before they write. Examining the W3C's working draft it seems as though Blob converts DOMStrings to UTF-8 before writing them.

decoding a bin file to mp3 using Node Js

I am encoding a MP3 file to Base64 in Node Js using this method :
encodebase64 = function(mp3file){
var bitmap = fs.readFileSync(mp3file);
var encodedstring = new Buffer(bitmap).toString('base64');
fs.writeFileSync('encodedfile.bin', encodedstring);}
and then again I want to construct the MP3 file from the Base64 bin file, but the file created is missing some headers , so obviously there's a problem with the decoding.
the decoding function is :
decodebase64 = function(encodedfile){
var bitmap = fs.readFileSync(encodedfile);
var decodedString = new Buffer(bitmap, 'base64');
fs.writeFileSync('decodedfile.mp3', decodedString);}
I wondered if anyone can help
Perhaps it is an issue with the encoding parameter. See this answer for details. Try using utf8 when decoding to see if that makes a difference. What platforms are you running your code on?
#Noah mentioned an answer about base64 decoding using Buffers, but if you use the same code from the answer, and you try to create MP3 files with it, then they won't play and their file size will be larger than original ones just like you experienced in the beginning.
We should write the buffer directly to the mp3 file we want to create without converting it(the buffer) to an ASCII string:
// const buff = Buffer.from(audioContent, 'base64').toString('ascii'); // don't
const buff = Buffer.from(audioContent, 'base64');
fs.writeFileSync('test2.mp3', buff);
More info about fs.writeFile / fs.writeFileAsync

Native javascript decompress function in Chrome/webkit

If you are sending data that is base64-encoded and compressed (using, say, python's zlib.compress()), you can use the native Chrome function window.atob() to convert from base64 to binary data. Is there any similar native javascript function to decompress the zlib-compressed data? Is there some hack to do this?
I know that code to decompress data is already in the browser because it can receive HTML sent with gzip headers.
I am not looking for a javascript library to do decompression.
If you come up a decompression scheme on the browser, I can compress it in that format for transmission. In other words, any decompression routine is acceptable.
Here's a hack to paint a PNG containing compressed data into a canvas and reading the data back, pixel by pixel: Compression using Canvas and PNG-embedded data. If you want anything that uses a browser's native compression library, here's one option. Unfortuantely, you have to convert the ImageData to string within javascript.
There is no such function exposed.
2020 Update
Chrome 80+ supports CompressionStream and DecompressionStream APIs
Gzip-compress a stream
const compressedReadableStream = inputReadableStream.pipeThrough(new CompressionStream('gzip'));
Deflate-compress an ArrayBuffer
function compressArrayBuffer(input) {
const stream = new Response(input).body
.pipeThrough(new CompressionStream('deflate'));
return new Response(stream).arrayBuffer();
Gzip-decompress a Blob to a Blob
This treats the input as a gzip file regardless of the mime-type. The output Blob has an empty mime-type.
async function DecompressBlob(blob) {
const ds = new DecompressionStream('gzip');
const decompressedStream =;
return await new Response(decompressedStream).blob();
Try window.btoa.

