JSLint - ignoring folder when building in Visual Studio 2015 - javascript

I want to implement javascript code and style checking with JSLint.
I installed JSLint.NET for Visual Studio.
Now i want to exclude all the javascript files that are included from external libraries like datatables, jquery, .. also my own minified files need to be excluded.
My project configurations are added in the JSLintNet.json file:
"version": "2.2.0",
"output": "Error",
"ignore": [
"options": {},
"globalVariables": [],
"runOnBuild": true
Whatever path i provide here, is it a folder or a file. The code analysis still keeps running. It is important that i can ignore certain files/ folder for JSLint to be practical.
How can i solve the ignoring of folders and files, perhaps even certain extensions.

I have had this problem and am not certain whether this is the right answer: however, it usually works for me. It seems that JSLint.Net only parses the configuration file on startup; so if you edit JSLintNet.json, quit VisualStudio and restart it.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013, version 12.0.40629.00 with JSLint.Net 2.2.0
Hope this helps.


Visual Studio 2017, JavaScript intellisense inconsistencies

TL;DR: How do you include a tsconfig.json file in Visual Studio 2017 and still have JavaScript intellisense work like it does by default, giving code hints both for your own code and 3rd-party libraries? Is it borked, or do I just need a better understanding of how it works?
Much like jQuery, I would like ubiquitous access to my own JavaScript namespaces across JavaScript and html files with intellisense. How does one achieve this?
I reported this issue on developercommunity.visualstudio.com. Please consider up-voting the issue to attract more attention from Microsoft.
Currently the "solution" is Resharper, which provides what one would expect straight out-of-the-box. But it's not really ideal at a price of $299/yr/user for something Visual Studio markets it provides itself.
In the event that my expectations for JavaScript intellisense in Visual Studio is inaccurate, below is a contrived example of how I expect it to function.
Say I create three TypeScript files in my ./Scripts folder, we'll call them A.ts, B.ts, and C.ts. Each will contain its own namespace:
namespace A {
export function f1(s: string) {
return s;
namespace B {
export function f1(n: number) {
return n;
namespace C {
export function f1(b: boolean) {
return b;
At this point in time one may expect to be able to start seeing intellisense for their newly created namespaces, and indeed, within A.ts, B.ts, and C.ts you begin to see intellisense for those namespaces. Cool.
Unfortunately this doesn't carry over to other places, like /Home/Index.cshtml. Index.cshtml knows nothing about the A, B, or C namespaces. Additionally, .js files know nothing about these namespaces, hence the need for their respective TypeScript Declaration (.d.ts) files.
So we'll go ahead and add our tsconfig.json file to the root of our project and configure it like we do above. If we perform an edit on one of our .ts files and save it, this triggers the compilation of our corresponding .d.ts files into our ./Scripts/out folder. Do we now get intellisense in Index.cshtml and .js files? ...No.
Now you might be thinking these files need to be included in the project in order for Visual Studio to pick them up for intellisense (they're excluded on creation). So you include them in the project. Intellisense? No. jQuery intellisense? No. Perhaps they need to be in the same directory as the file you want to use them in? .....Kind of? I've ran into intellisense being inconsistent like this on a number of occassions:
Somehow we're getting intellisense for our 'A' namespace within our C3.js (note: a JavaScript file), but none of the other ones. What?
Perhaps you think you're on the right track and that you've scored a small victory against the intellisense engine. But then you restart your Visual Studio instance and...
Wait....I just had intellisense for the 'A' namespace. What happened!?
I have no idea. But after messing around for a bit I try placing an import statement at the top of the .js file, and all of a sudden intellisense starts kicking in for the imported files/modules. Huzzah!
And even in Index.cshtml I begin receiving intellisense for our imported namespaces.
The moment I close the .js file with the import statements, though, all of a sudden I lose the intellisense for them in Index.cshtml. Wait...what?? And unlike in JavaScript files, I'm unable to write an import statement to receive intellisense for them:
Or at least... not with my own namespaces:
It's this inconsistent back-and-forth that confuses the heck out of me as to how exactly Visual Studio's JavaScript intellisense actually works. I still don't know if it's just broken or if I need a better understanding of it.
Windows 10VS2017 15.0.0+26228.10New JavaScript language service is enabled
I've been fighting to get Visual Studio 2017's JavaScript intellisense to work for me for a couple of days now to no avail. I don't know if something's genuinely wonky with the IDE or if I just don't understand it properly.
My understanding of how VS2017's JS intellisense works is now by typescript definition files, or .d.ts files. Ultimately I would like to get intellisense to help us out with our own TypeScript/JavaScript but right now I'd settle for just having it work consistently within a fresh project.
If I create a new ASP.NET MVC 4.5.2 project, out-of-the-box JS intellisense seems to work fine, and by that I mean I can type a dollar sign ($) either in a .js file or between <script> tags and I properly receive intellisense for jQuery. Awesome. Now, with the ultimate goal in mind of creating TypeScript files (.ts) and having the TypeScript compiler generate our .d.ts files automagically so that we can get rich intellisense for our own code, I wish to introduce a tsconfig.json file to the root of the project in order to configure that.
After creating the tsconfig.json file JS intellisense ceases to function. I type a dollar sign ($) into either a .js file or between <script> tags and I get zero intellisense for jQuery. This was a frustrating experience for a while but then I read this little note found on the linked page above:
NOTE: This feature is disabled by default if using a tsconfig.json
configuration file, but may be set to enabled as outlined further
"This feature" is in reference to "By default, the Salsa language service will try to detect which JavaScript libraries are in use...in order to provide richer IntelliSense." Ok, so the Salsa language service will not autodetect libraries in use and provide intellisense for them when a tsconfig.json file is present, unless you specifically configure it to do so as "outlined below." At least, that's how I understand it.
If we scroll down the page a little bit and come to the tsconfig file settings we come across a setting for enableAutoDiscovery which "enables the automatic detection and download of definition files as outlined above." It's not super explicit as to what "as outlined above" is in reference to, but I can only assume it's in reference to the previous note indicative of re-enabling Salsa's auto-detection feature to provide rich intellisense. So I include that option in my tsconfig.json file and...no benefit; still no JS intellisense.
As it turns out, typingOptions.enableAutoDiscovery has been renamed to typeAcquisition.enable. Grrrrr. Alright, so we make that change in our tsconfig.json aaaaaaand... still no JS intellisense.
At this point I am able to write my own .d.ts files and Visual Studio's intellisense will pick it up alright (most of the time...), but I still have no intellisense for 3rd-party libraries like jQuery, which is no good.
So far I've landed on the following tsconfig.json file:
"compilerOptions": {
"noEmitOnError": true,
"noImplicitAny": false,
"removeComments": false,
"target": "es5",
"declaration": true,
"declarationDir": "./Scripts/out"
"compileOnSave": true,
"typeAcquisition": {
"enable": true,
"include": ["jquery"]
"include": [
"exclude": [
With the TypeScript virtual project in view I can see that my project's .ts files are included as well as jQuery in my %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\TypeScript\node_modules#types directory.
I was hopeful that with all this in place I would have both intellisense for my own project's .ts files and 3rd-party libraries (at least those specifically included; jQuery only at this point). Alas...no. Still no jQuery intellisense.
Incidentally, if I write an import line for jQuery, all of a sudden I get jQuery intellisense
...interesting. And maybe that makes perfect sense; I haven't messed a whole lot with module imports and how Visual Studio's intellisense handles those, but what I really want is to have intellisense application-wide for both our code and 3rd-party libraries.
JS files are for javascript and are not transpiled using the typescript compiler.
If you are using typescript then keep all your typescript in ts files.
Also, you shouldn't put typescript inside your cshtml files because typescript is not javascript. You need to use the typescript compiler to transpile your typescript into javascript which you can then use that javascript inside your HTML pages.
I think what you are trying to do is not a way typically how people use typescript. Usually you write all your typescript in TS files and then as a build process you transpile all your typescript into javascript. There are many strategies on how to do this. You can bundle all your javascript into one file or break them up into modules. There is a lot of options on how you want your final javascript output to look.
Your CSHTML views would reference your compiled javascript and not your typescript. The browser doesn't know what to do w/ typescript.
It looks like the latest update March 14, 2017 (build 26228.09) caused this issue, you can go to Control Panel—Programs and Features-View Installed updates and remove this update, then reopen VS to check the intellisense. If it works, which means this update lead to this issue, you can temporarily not install this updat
I've noticed the Microsoft Report Projects for Visual Studio Extension can cause problems such as this when being used in a project, A couple of mine have broken right after I add my SQL Server Report project to the solution and restarted visual studio.. So for now I remove my Report project from the solution but I hope Microsoft fixes this issue

How to prevent visual studio 2017 from build javascript?

I upgraded today to VS2017, and I saw that every time I change something in my my web app project - the build build all my javascript again (I'm using webpack for client).
It is cool, but it take a lot of time, so I'll be happy to configure it to stop building the javascript (and I'll build it myself just when it changed).
Simple Answer
In your csproj file, add the following line to the existing PropertyGroup block:
If adding .ts or .tsx files to your project causes your project file to be modified, you may need to apply the following fix. See the bug report for more details.
<None Remove="**/*.ts;**/*.tsx" />
<Content Remove="**/*.ts;**/*.tsx" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="**/*.ts;**/*.tsx" />
Add a tsconfig.json file to your project root and make sure the following setting is set:
"compileOnSave": false,
Finally, Restart Visual Studio
Nuget creates a generated targets file called [ProjectName].csproj.nuget.g.targets in the obj directory of your project. This targets file is importing Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web.ProjectSystem.targets which in turn imports Microsoft.TypeScript.targets.
In the Microsoft.TypeScript.targets file, the following line has a comment that lets us know that if this property is set to true, then the TypeScript compilation task will do nothing:
<!-- Makes the TypeScript compilation task a no-op -->
<TypeScriptCompileBlocked Condition="'$(TypeScriptCompileBlocked)' == ''">false</TypeScriptCompileBlocked>
I'm using webpack's ts-loader to compile and bundle my TypeScript files. So I no longer needed the automatic compilation that Visual Studio performed on each build. In Visual Studio 2017, I just commented out the following line from tsconfig.json to stop the automatic compilation:
"outDir": "./wwwroot/build/",
I had the same problem - Webpack was rebuilding my Typescript files every time Visual Studio rebuilt the project, despite having
in my proj file, and
"compileOnSave": false,
"buildOnSave": false
in my tsconfig.json file.
Turns out it was because I had the NPM Task Runner VS extension installed (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MadsKristensen.NPMTaskRunner), and in Task Runner Explorer this had a build task bound to the 'Before Build' event. I didn't need this extension so I just uninstalled it.
Note: I didn't need Webpack to rebuild on VS build because I had it watching my files and rebuilding anyway as I made changes, via this extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MadsKristensen.WebPackTaskRunner
Setting TypeScriptCompileBlocked to true was not enough for me. What worked was going to the project properties - there is a TypeScript Build tab where you can configure TS compilation, including the Compile On Save option:
It results in the following getting added to the csproj file:
<TypeScriptOutFile />
<TypeScriptOutDir />
<TypeScriptMapRoot />
<TypeScriptSourceRoot />
Errors complaining about .ts files:
I got build error when I tried to rebuild a VS2017 Web project that includes some typescript files. Error looked like these
Error TS1005 (TS) '?' expected. C:\...\...project1 (tsconfig or jsconfig project) C:\\...\...project1 \node_modules\#storybook\addon-knobs\dist\type-defs.d.ts
No answers that really helped..so far:
After spending hours searching up and down the Stack or else, I realized it could be as simple as to compare the errored project file to another one that also has typescript but no compile error.
It is simple..but it worked:
Here are the steps:
Unload the projects and edited Project file
Search "TypeScript" (exact case and exact word option) and found two Imports that matched:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props')" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets')" />
Then I went to the Project that did not have a problem compiling .ts files and look, it's different in the Condition:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets" Condition="false" />
So I just replaced the Import with the one in 3) and reloaded the project and as expected, compiled successfully.
In the perfect world,Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets')" might just be exactly same as Condition="false" but there were not, even in my machine there is no such folder existing (C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\15.0).
Sometimes, common sense helps more than deep knowledge, and this was that time.
In my case (Visual Studio 2017 15.9.25), I have to add the following property to .csproj
More details:
I read this article https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options-in-msbuild.html and realize that VS will build TS based on the file Microsoft.TypeScript.targets.
And in this file, I see that it also bases on this property to control the Compile-on-Save TypeScriptCompileOnSaveEnabled. So setting this property to false in .csproj will stop the compile typescript when saving. (Please note that before doing this I already tried setting "compileOnSave": false in tsconfig.json file but it did not help)
Done the following setting along with TypeScriptCompileBlocked to true.
Set the below condition to false in .csproj file of the application.

How can I minify an ExtJs 5 project without Sencha?

I have been researching the ability to minify an ExtJS application without Sencha and the closest I have come to is this link:
Is there a way to minify an ExtJS application without Sencha CMD?
However, I am not sure how to execute the file in one of the later comments. I am using the minify-maven-plugin with com.samaxes.maven and the CLOSURE engine. I was able to generate the minified js file of the entire project but I get errors when I try to load the web page.
I was able to verify the web page was calling the correct file. I received the error "TypeError: q is undefined"...not helpful at all. Without the minified file, the web application runs perfectly. So, the generated minified file must have something wrong with it.
The suggestion at the bottom of the link above indicates the sequence of files that I should include but I have no idea how to actually implement this. Also, there are probably over a hundred javascript files that need to be minified so I would rather not have to type each file in the jsb file.
Are there any suggestions on how to minify my entire project at build time with maven?
I'm using Grunt to build the project, but it doesn't really matter as all you need is to combine files, so maven should be more than capable.
I wanted my dev version to still rely on Extjs dynamic class loader so I don't have to rebuild the project whenever I modify one file, and only production version to be minified into a single file. There were a few pitfalls before I got it working, here is what I ended up with. Also this is for ExtJS6, but it probably still should be the same.
It is all controlled by backend variable dev, which when set to false will use minified sources.
index.html (I'm using some meta templating language as example)
{{if dev}}
<script src="/ext/ext-all-debug.js"></script>
<script src="/ext/ext-all.js"></script>
var dev = {{dev}};
Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: dev});
{{if dev}}
<script src="/app.min.js"></script>
<script src="/app.js"></script>
app files, requires directive doesn't work well when the dynamic loader is disabled, so I had to add conditions like this everywhere:
Ext.define('MyApp.view.Panel', {
extend: 'MyApp.view.GenericPanel',
requires: dev ? [
] : [],
Gruntfile.js (if you need only concatenation replace uglify with concat everywhere)
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg : grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
uglify : {
build: {
files: {
'../app.min.js': ['../app/view/GenericPanel.js', '../app/**/*.js', '../app.js'],
grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'uglify' ]);
grunt's project.json:
"name": "My App",
"version": "1.0.0",
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.5",
"grunt-contrib-concat": "^1.0.1",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "^1.0.1"
The order of files matter, by default grunt will use alphabetic order. If you extend some class, the parent class has to be included higher. app.js should be at the end. Other than that it is working well in a single mixed file, so I didn't have to customize the file order further. Grunt has pretty powerful path patterns, so if you need to make sure some file is included first you just list it before other path patterns and it will be smart enough to not include it twice.
I recommend you start with simple concatenation without minification, and only if that works try minifying it. When minifying you might need to be careful with global functions and variables as they can be renamed if minifier is too aggressive. Grunt's minifier almost worked for me with the default settings, I just had to made couple small changes to my code (related to global functions).
While I am not sure why you would want this, the main thing you need is the so-called dependency tree - which tells you the order in which to include the source files.
Then you can put all the files (ExtJS source, libraries if applicable and also your own views) into one big file, in the correct order. This file should then work exactly as the 500 distinct files. (It did for me.)
That done, you can search for a working minifier. Not every minifier can minify ExtJS code, and I don't remember my last results before we finally decided to switch to Sencha Cmd, but I think Microsoft Javascript Minifier was one that worked for us.
Apart from that, minified JavaScript is really legible. You should provide the source of the error, with 200 characters before and 200 characters after the error, and I guess someone here can tell what's going on there.

Visual Studio 2015 compiles ALL typescript files when SINGLE file is changed

I am using Visual Studio 2015 with Typescript 1.5.4 and Resharper 9
This is the buggy scenario:
I have about 180 typescript files
I change single .ts file
VS shows message "Generation of XXX.ts file complete. Remaining files still compiling"
after that ALL my .ts files are compiled to .js
2 things were changed in those .js files: formatting is slightly different and reference for .js.map was removed
When I build the whole project, then the .js files are generated again but with original formatting and with link to .js.map present
This is annoying because it generates too much noise in Git
and it prevents me from debugging typescript files directly in browser. (because of that missing .js.map file)
The desired behaviour is of course that the only changed .ts file should be compiled on save. How to do it?
It seems that R# has nothing to do with this, because it continues to happen with R# disabled.
My current project settings:
I've tried to update to Typescript version 1.6.
The PATH variable pointed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\TypeScript\1.4\ so I've updated that to point to 1.6
So when I now type tsc -v it says message TS6029: Version 1.6.2
But because of historical reasons (the project I work on is about 2 years old) I have to use version 1.4 inside VisualStudio. So in the .csproj is <TypeScriptToolsVersion>1.4</TypeScriptToolsVersion>
After this change the compile on safe stopped working completely.
Now I have to rebuild the whole solution :(
It seems that Visual Studio does not support watch mode properly (i.e. incremental compilation):
Just to be clear, --watch does work on Windows if you're using
node.js/io.js, but the tsc.exe program distributed with VS does not
support it; you still have Compile on Save for similar functionality
I'm not sure why this was closed. Supporting --watch for our tsc.exe
host would both be possible and desirable. Right now the limiting
factor is that our tsc.exe host is a bit of ugly C++, that uses some
ancient COM interfaces for Chakra that we haven't spent much effort
on. Our options are: [...]
As a workaround, could you run
tsc --watch
in the folder where tsconfig.json is located?
Edit: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/5638 - Visual Studio 2015 compiles ALL typescript files when SINGLE file is changed
Starting with VS 2015 RTM, Compile-on-Save, every time you save a file
we need to generate all files in the project to ensure consistent
output. We have got numerous issues related to inconsistent output
when saving files in different orders. Building all files is the only
way we can guarantee correct and consistent output given all the
language constructs and how they interact across files (e.g.
namespaces/internal modules can be augmented, and that affects the
shape of emitted code, also const enms are in lined as constants,
Try "ECMAScript 5" instead of "ECMAScript 3" in "ECMAScript version
I had a similar issue, but since we were handling TS compilation on our own, I wanted to avoid auto-compilation at all...
The fix was to force the TypeScriptCompileOnSaveEnabled flag to false inside the project:
in my case this effectively stopped VS2015 from automatically compiling the .ts files on save, without VS getting into the way every time and messing up outputs...
Another work around: You could use Gulp to generate your compiled js files and maps. With Gulp you can also create a watch task to compile at a save of a ts file. You can even create clean tasks to clean up the project.
Example of a build task:
var tsProject = ts.createProject(paths.typescriptRoot + 'tsConfig.json'); // use tsconfig.json
gulp.task("tsbuild", function () {
var tsResult = tsProject.src()
.pipe(sourcemaps.init()) // needed to create sourcemaps
.pipe(ts(tsProject)); // use tsconfig.json
return tsResult.js
.pipe(concat(paths.concatTsFileName)) // concat all output files into a sings js files
.pipe(sourcemaps.write()) // write the sourcemap to be able to debug the ts files
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.typescriptOut)); // output the result on specific path
Example of a cleanup task :
gulp.task("clean:tsout", function (cb) {
rimraf(paths.typescriptOut + paths.concatTsFileName, cb); // rimraf is used to delete a folder
function () {
return gulp.src(paths.typescriptJs, { read: false }) // to clean up multiple files we need to use gulp-rimraf
Example of a Watch task:
gulp.task("watch:tsbuild", ['tsbuild'], function () {
gulp.watch(paths.typescriptRoot + '**/*.ts', ['tbbuild']);

Instruct Sencha SDK tools to bundle other js files specified in app.json

My app.json file of a Sencha touch 2 application contain.
"js": [
"path": "sdk/sencha-touch.js"
{"path": "js/mootools-1.2.5-core.js"}, // I want these files to be bundled too
{"path": "js/mootools-"}, // <----------+
{"path": "js/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js"}, // <----+
... // <----+ and there are more.
"path": "app.js",
"bundle": true, /* Indicates that all class dependencies are concatenated into this file when build */
"update": "delta"
Now I see when I invoke sencha app build production It compiles all the sencha classes into a giant app.js file. But all my other classes are just compressed to build directory. They are not concatenated. how can I include them in app.js?
Your json file is properly written, right?
A. Yes, app.json is written without any syntax error. The project builds successfully on invoking sencha app build production
After looking at the source code and talking with the devs behind Cmd, it appears that it is currently not possible.
However, because the build file is written in JavaScript, in theory, it wouldn't take much to modify it and add this functionality into Cmd.
You can find the Sencha Touch build file in:
Where CMD-ROOT is the location of the sencha command - which you can find out by using which sencha.
On my system (OSX), the path is:
Hopefully this is of some help to you.
It appears that, after talking to another Cmd developer, this actually is possible. There are 2 steps you need to take to make it happen:
1) Add the skipFrameworkFile property into each JS resource you want to bundle. This tells the compiler to not copy the resource when your build your app.
"path": "resources/js/jquery.js",
"skipFrameworkFile": true
"path": "resources/js/jquery2.js",
"skipFrameworkFile": true
2) Require each of the files in your app.js file using the #require tag. This tells the compiler to include each of your files into your app.js file.
//#require resources/js/jquery.js
//#require resources/js/jquery2.js
For SenchaCmd 3.2, rdougan's solution didn't work for me. However, instead of using:
'skipFrameworkFile: true
I used
'x-bootstrap': true
(by looking at SenchaCmd source code) and it worked!
The other steps are the same as rdougan's
Hope this helps. Cheers

