Copy empty values in AngularJS - javascript

I know how to copy the object via angular.copy(object). But the problem is that it doesn't copy empty values. Is there any way to copy that too?
For now say I have a form which when edited for any field should update the object back to the table row in which I am reflecting the filled in object.
I am capturing the filled in values as user object. Yah ng-model being , and so on. On clicking update button I am simply doing
$scope.formElements[index] = angular.copy(user);
Now formElements array is formed when we add a record in a separate function.
So Angular's default behaviour is that it doesn't defines the key for empty values. So after copying my array gets shifted to left displaying only filled up values.
Any way to copy filled plus empty values when copying user object ?
full code is available at Update form after editing any field value AngularJs

Instate of copy you can use angular.toJson and JSON.parse method to duplicate "user" json.
so it will be look like this.
$scope.formElements[index] = angular.toJson(user);
$scope.formElements[index] = JSON.parse($scope.formElements[index]);
this will definitely help

Its better to define your user model like this in your controller
$scope.user = {
name: '',
phone: ''
There is no need of extra copying

If I understand your question properly, you can do similar to this
$scope.formElements = [];
$scope.update = function() {
<input type="text" placeholder="user" ng-model="">
<input type="text" placeholder="phone" ng-model="">
<input type="submit" ng-click="update()">
This will create key for blank value also. But the problem is, for the first element it will give undefined if user object values are null.
That is expected behaviour, because for the very first time if you pass empty values Angular will not know what key it needs to create.
If you handle very first scenario then rest will work.
To handle define your model object inside controller
$scope.user = {
name: '',
phone: ''


Angularjs Select with group and initial value

I have a form that includes a SELECT element. I load the possible values in my controller from a function that returns the data from a database. I want to group the options by a group name.
I have the list of options loading properly showing the grouping. My problem, is the initial value is not displaying - this is based on a data model. It shows as blank. If I choose any option in the list, it does properly display.
I followed the example from this solution Populate a Dropdown list by grouping using AngularJs
From the various other examples that I have seen, this should work...I'm guessing it is some little thing I accidentally overlooked.
This loads the possible values for the drop down:
$rootScope.industryData = [];
$.each(data, function (i, data) {
text: data.text
For now, I am trying to initially set a selected value (eventually it will be set from reading a record):
$scope.example3model = {group: 'Energy and Natural Resources', id: '25', text: 'Utilities'};
And this is a portion of my view.
<td colspan="4" ng-hide="editableForm.$visible">
<select ng-model="example3model" class="form-control input-md" ng-options="industry.text group by for industry in industryData" >
{{example3model}} <- did this to see what was chosen
I'm not sure what else to try to get this to work...the only problem I see right now is that the list is not showing the 'default' value of what is initially in example3model (so the list shows as blank). If I choose a value in the list it is displayed correctly.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The problem is that you're trying to set the initial value to an object literal, and even though it may look the same as one inside the select options it is not.
This happens because of how Javascript and AngularJS both work to set that initial object-value (note that this wouldn't happen if options was an array of primitives such as numbers and strings): {} and {} look the same from a human perspective, but they're clearly not the same in JS, try doing this in the browser console:
{} == {}
// this will be false
{ a: 1 } == { a: 1 }
// this will be false as well
Now, what Angular does behind the scenes is checking if the ngModel matches any reference inside ngOptions, that's why we need to set the initial value specifically referenced from the options array.
The initialization, in your example, must be something like this in the specific case you provided (note that I'll be hard-coding the id to match the needs of your post, but you could change it to match whatever you need)
const defaultId = 25;
$scope.example3model = $rootScope.industryData.find(data => === defaultId)
Now the ngModel value is pointing to the referenced array object that we want.
* Take a look at the official documentation about complex models for ngOptions
[note that this will not work if none of the objects in the ngOptions array has that defaulted id as it will not match any of them]

how to bind values to an object in order of insertion

I have some inputs, and I want to get data in order of insertion, for example: if I insert the value bbb then the value aa I want to get bbb befor aa
I search in the net and find that this order is ensured using Mapbut I don't know how to use it with ng-model.
thank you in advance.
I'm using an object that store the value of the inputs and a customized key passed with value
here is an example, if you insert the values in input 3 then 2 then 1, and click ok, in the console the output will be ordered in an alphabetic order
As stated by #czosel, javascript objects are not ordered, and are usually sorted by alphabetical order of the keys. Therefore, your best solution is probably going to involve going beyond using the ng-model directive as is.
Here are two possibilities you could try out:
Solution 1
In every <input /> place an ng-blur directive that will determine the input's order. For instance:
<input ng-blur="onBlur('model1')" ng-model="model1" />
<input ng-blur="onBlur('model2')" ng-model="model2" />
app.module('myModule').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.count = 0;
$scope.onBlur = function(key){
// check if anything was entered
// make sure this is first time data was entered into this input
$scope[key].order = $scope.count++;
Solution 2
Store the values in an array. Similar to the first solution, but instead of keeping count, you would forego the ng-model altogether and manually add the value to an array (after checking that it doesn't already exist, which gets a little tricky with an array). Of course you also have to handle updates yourself, so the first method is definitely going to be simpler. The lodash library will probably be of much help if for some reason you decide to choose this approach.
Lots of luck!
JavaScript Object properties have no guaranteed order, see this answer.
Try using an array instead.
You can Queue(First in First Out) to get data in the order of insertion. Trigger a function and store the values binded in ng-model into queue.
Ex: ng-model = data // here data will be bbb
var queue = [];
function bind(value){
queue.push(value); // value will be bbb
if user enters aa then again bind function needs to be called to push the value inside queue
U can get the values in the order of insertion.

Why does min attribute cause ngChange to be called?

I have the following input field:
<input type="number"
class="menu-control validate"
style="width: 50px;"
ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default blur', debounce: { 'default': 2000, 'blur': 0 }}"
ng-model="extra.quantity" />
My problem is the min directive. While it's there, angular starts repeatedly calling ng-change without the input having changed at all (not good since I'm performing an ajax call on change). If I remove min it works just fine, and I don't have the same problem with max.
It doesn't seem to matter if the model is above or below min initially.
Can anyone see something that I can't?
I tried making my change function do nothing, and it stopped the problem, so it must be due to my code. But what I don't understand is why it works fine without min!
this.updateBookingPriceRequest = function () {
_this.prices.getBookingPrice(_this.bookingPrice).then(function (response) {
if (response.successful) {
_this.bookingPrice =;
_this.bookingPrice.mooringExtras.bookingExtras.forEach(function (extra) {
var feature = _this.features.filter(function (f) { return f.featureId === extra.mooringFeatureId; })[0];
extra.unitOfMeasureId = feature.unitOfMeasureId;
extra.pricedQty = feature.pricedQuantity;
extra.pricingType = feature.pricingType;
if (_this.bookingPrice.mooringDiscounts) {
_this.bookingPrice.mooringDiscounts.forEach(function (discount) {
discount.discountName = _this.harborDiscounts.filter(function (x) { return === discount.discountModelId; })[0].name;
_this.Error.showErrorMessage('Error getting booking price: ' + response.message);
The "extra" object on which the model is a property is changed in the function, however the "quantity" property remains the same. Could this cause ng-change to be triggered?
Edit to show how objects are defined (see comment by valepu):
The extra object(s) are in an array (my input field is inside a repeater, but in my current test there is only one object in the array), which is defined on a property called mooringExtras, which in turn is a property of a bookingPrice object, which is updated via an http request when ng-change gets called (see code). I know it gets complicated, my apologies for not knowing how to simplify it better.
The extra object contains a number of properties, with "quantity", a number, being the model for the input.
Here is an JSON of the extra object:
Every time ng-change is called the bookingPrice object is changed, however, the value of extra.quantity remains the same.
I have just realized that in your onChange function you do this:
_this.bookingPrice =;
Which, according to what you wrote in your question, is the object containing the array you iterate on to create your inputs.
When you completely replace the object, ng-repeat will create the inputs from scratch. When you have min set in your input this will trigger ng-change on input creation if the starting input is not valid (angular will set the ng-model to undefined in this case), which will change the whole array, which will trigger ng-repeat again, recreating inputs with a min attribute, which will trigger ng-change again and so on...
Normally ng-repeat generates an hash of the object to track changes on the data it's iterating on, if you completely replace it then it will think you deleted the old object and put in a new one (even though they have the same data), by using track by will tell ng-repeat that even though you replaced the object, they actually didn't change (they still have the same .id) and won't recreate the objects from scratch but, this is a fix but it's probably a good practice to just replace the values of the current array.
I have managed to recreate your issue in this plunkr:
if you remove the line:
ctrl.objects = [{quantity: 0, price: 0, booked: true}, {quantity: 0, price: 0, booked: true}];
it will work again
I'm still not quite sure why the problem only occurred with the min attribute on the field, but by adding "track by" to the ng-repeat that wrapped the input field, I solved the problem. I guess when the "extra" object, on which the model was a property, changed, angular regenerated the input field, triggering ng-change. By tracking by an unchanging id, angular doesn't need to regenerate the input field since the id remains the same, thus not triggering ng-change.
I'll accept this as my answer, but if anyone can explain why it worked without min, I will happily accept their answer instead.

How to properly clean form with invalid input from AngularJS controller?

I have an AngularJS form that contains - among other fields - one of type url. The latter is important as this forces the corresponding input to be a valid URL.
Under certain conditions (for instance, a modal dialog with such a form is to be closed), I want to clear that form programmatically. For that purpose, I implemented method reset that basically clears the corresponding form model by setting $scope.formData = {}. Thus, it sets the form model to a new, blank object.
While that assignment clears all valid fields in the rendered HTML form, it does not clear invalid fields, like an invalid URL. For instance, if the user would provide invalid input ht://t/p as URL, that input would not be removed from the rendered form.
I think this is due to the fact that any invalid URL is not reflected by the model - such an invalid URL just wouldn't "make" it to the model because it does not pass validation in the NgModelController#$parsers array. Thus, in the model - there is no URL at all. Consequently, resetting the form model to {} cannot actually change the model's URL as it has not been set yet.
However, if method reset explicitly sets field $scope.formData.url = "", the invalid URL will be cleared properly (at least, the rendered form won't show it anymore). This is caused by the explicit change of the URL in the model. However, now, model variable formData.url contains the empty string (well, not surprisingly), while by using = {}, all fields would be undefined instead.
While assigning individual fields to "" works as workaround for simple forms, it quickly becomes cumbersome for more complex forms with many fields.
Thus, how could I programmatically reset the form efficiently and effectively - including all invalid input fields as well?
I created a Plunker at where you can examine and run a complete example showing the above effect.
Specify the type of your button as reset. That will not only call the ngClick function, it will also clear the content of the HTML form.
<button type="reset" ng-click="resetFormData()">Reset</button>
I think this solution is moderately elegant: your plnkr reviewed
The big difference is the initialization of your model object.
I think things gets messed up when a variable becomes undefined, it doesn't get updated anymore.. it should be connected (veeeery) deeply with how validation works (docs link)
Returning undefined in that case makes the model not get updated, i think this is exactly what happens behind the curtain
PS: you can recycle resetImplicitly for all your forms in the webapp :)
After trying several answers without success in similar questions, this worked for me.
In my controller:
$scope.cleanForm = function() {
Just call with some ng-click or any way you want.
The Thing is tag is of type "url" which means
if user will enter specifically a valid url then only it will set values of model
If user will expicitly reset it which means setting model values to "" will again make textbox empty .
It is looking like it is setting the values but actually not ,so when you set its value to "" .Angular will set modal value to ""
Lets take another example : put replace "text" with "email"
<input type="email" ng-model="" />
<br />URL:
<input type="url" ng-model="formData.url" />
<br />
In above code If you will enter invalid email it will not set the values of email's model.
You probably need to make a copy of the model in its pristine state and set the model to pristine when you reset.
There's a good example here:
The url form fields are passed into the model only if they are valid. Thus in case of an invlaid-url entry in the form, the scope variable is not assigned with the model and clearing the forms entry by assigning an empty object to the model will still persist the value at the UI front.
The best alternative to this is to assign the model associated with the form data with a null. A similar answer appears here:
just give like this ,
<button ng-click="formData={}">(1) Reset Full Data: formData = {}</button>
Reset your form data directly in ng-click itself.

ng-repeat to render empty string

I want to render an array of possible authors as inputs so that which authors are assigned can be edited.
.form-multiple-item(ng-repeat="author in story.authors")
input(type='text', ng-model="author")
Problem is if I want to add an additional blank input after the existing inputs. How can I do that?
.form-multiple-item(ng-repeat="author in story.authors")
input(type='text', ng-model="author")
input(type='text', ng-model="author")
For example this wouldn't work as author wouldn't be on the correct scope.
If I have story.authors = [""] I want to render an blank input for the user to fill out. But that wouldn't work either as "" just gets ignored by ng-repeat instead of rendering an empty input to be filled. How do I do I either render an empty input or perhaps get another ng-model somewhere inserted into an array in another scope.
I think the Angular way of doing this to "put a dot in your model". Your authors model should be an object instead of a string: { name: '' } With the aforementioned object, you should be able to represent an empty input in your ng-repeat.
The ng-model in the <input> would look like this:
<input type="text" ng-model="" />
#Harry You asked why complicate things?
The reason is so that assignments work. The input controller will assign its value to whatever's in "ng-modal". If it's a normal variable, then the link to the original list will be lost. If it's an attribute of an object, then the link is preserved. Consider the two scenarios:
for author in authors:
author = "joe"
See how authors doesn't get changed?
for author in authors: = "joe"
Now the connection is preserved.
Does that make sense?

