Format the following date into YYYY-mm-dd in JS - javascript

How would I go about converting following date:
Thu Feb 18 12:25:00 SGT 2016
into a format like '2016-02-18'?
I know,
That, using a new Date(Date.parse('...')), with calls, will help me get it. But the problem being timezone part (SGT).
I dont want to use any libraries out there.
What would be the effective way to go about this?
Any help is appreciated!
Ok, I have tried
new Date(Date.parse('Thu Feb 18 12:25:00 SGT 2016'))
but of-course, it is going to me 'invalid date' error.

I guess I should wait for you to post some code, but here's an example. It splits the string into parts, converts the month name to a number, then outputs the bits you want in the order you want. The slice on the month name is just in case you want to use the full month name, but maybe that's unnecessary:
function reformatDate(s){
var b = s.split(/[\s:]/);
var months = {jan:'01',feb:'02',mar:'03',apr:'04',may:'05',jun:'06',
return b[7] + '/' + months[b[1].toLowerCase().slice(0,3)] + '/' + ('0'+b[2]).slice(-2);
document.write(reformatDate('Thu Feb 18 12:25:00 SGT 2016'));
That format date string (y/m/d) isn't consistent with any standard that I know of and likely will not be parsed by most browsers.

Why not just take the individual components of the date object and build a string from them?
full_date = new Date();
formatted_date_string = full_date.getFullYear() + "-" + (full_date.getMonth()+1) + "-" + full_date.getDate();
I'll leave it to you to sort out the leading 0s on the day and month.

var input="Thu Feb 18 12:25:00 SGT 2016";
var ar=input.split(" ");
var months = {"Jan":"01", "Feb":"02", "Mar":"03", "Apr":"04", "May":"05", "Jun":"06", "Jul":"07", "Aug":"08", "Sep":"09", "Oct":"10", "Nov":"11", "Dec":"12"};
Try this code no date parsing required. Please check on console for result.

var date = "Thu Feb 18 12:25:00 SGT 2016";
date = date.replace("SGT","GMT+0800") // replaces SGT with GMT+0800 because
singapore time is 8 hrs ahead than GMT timezone
var newdate = new Date(Date.parse(date))
var requiredDate = newdate.toLocaleDateString()


Format date in javascript AM and PM

I have this date 20/4/2016;4:23:00;PM
But i want to put in like this DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss without the AM or PM
For example 20/04/2016 16:23:00
Thanks in advance
Carlos Vieira
In javascript the supported format for in your case is "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss AM" or "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss PM".
If you will give input like "04/20/2016 11:00:06 PM" then you will get an output as date format "Fri Mar 04 2016 23:00:06 GMT+0530 (IST)" which you can save it.
You can put "04/20/2016 11:00:06Z PM" mark here and get the result according to the UTC.
For reference
One approach is to reformat the string and convert the time part to 24hr time, e.g:
function reformatDate(s) {
var b = s.split(';');
var t = b[1].split(':');
var h = +t[0];
h = h%12 + (/pm/i.test(b[2])? 12 : 0);
return b[0] + ' ' + h + ':' + t[1] + ':' + t[2];
console.log(reformatDate('20/4/2016;4:23:00;PM')); // 20/4/2016 16:23:00
That avoids the vagaries of parsing the entire string to a date then reformatting it. If that's what you want to do, there are plenty of questions here already on parsing and formatting dates:
Where can I find documentation on formatting a date in JavaScript?
lots of parsing questions

datetime convert to date string - javascript

I have following datetime value in a json :
Fri Jan 22 2016 14:34:38 GMT-0500
I would like to display something like "January 22, 2016"
How could I achieve this in javascript. I have JQuery, Extjs libraries available.
Try creating object having properties of abbreviated months, values of full month, using loop , String.prototype.slice(), String.prototype.replace()
var months = {
var date = "Fri Jan 22 2016 14:34:38 GMT-0500";
// extract "Jan 22 2016" from `date`
var d = date.slice(4, -18);
for (var prop in months) {
if (new RegExp(prop).test(d)) {
// replace abbreviated month with full month name
d = d.replace(prop, months[prop]);
// replace day with day followed by comma `,` character
d = d.replace(/(\d{2})(?=\s)/, "$1,")
document.body.textContent = d
This question is addressed to the same question of yours. You can use the functions shown here to construct the date string as you want.
// This could be any Date String
var str = "Fri Feb 08 2013 09:47:57 GMT +0530 (IST)";
var date = new Date(str);
This will then give you access to all the Date functions (MDN)
For example:
var day = date.getDate(); //Date of the month: 2 in our example
var month = date.getMonth(); //Month of the Year: 0-based index, so 1 in our example
var year = date.getFullYear() //Year: 2013
Extract date and time from string using Javascript
Found this crazy method here, but worked!
Converting milliseconds to a date (jQuery/JS)
Here is the fiddle that i'v done
var now = new Date("Fri Jan 22 2016 14:34:38 GMT-0500");
alert(now.customFormat( "#MMMM# #DD#, #YYYY#" ) );
customFormat is the function called to get each part of the Data, parse and replace based on the #MMMM# or #DD# or #SS# defined by the user.
And here is the complete function with the documentation

Date and time based json element using javascript

I have a json response like this :
"NO_SURAT": "00055",
"DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION": "2015-12-21 03:08:24"
How can I convert the data in "DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION" Into date and time. Date should be dd-mm-yyy format and time should be in HH:mm format. (A sample value of DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION is 2015-12-21 03:08:24)
I have tried new Date(response.DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION); but no success. How can I achieve this?
Without the use of other libraries and assuming the output will always be zero-padded and the same length, I would do this:
var response = {
DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION: "2015-12-21 03:08:24"
var raw = response.DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION;
var datePart = raw.split(' ')[0];
var timePart = raw.split(' ')[1];
var year = datePart.substring(0, 4);
var month = datePart.substring(5, 7);
var day = datePart.substring(8, 10);
var hours = timePart.substring(0, 2);
var minutes = timePart.substring(3, 5);
// NOTE: Month is 0 indexed
var date = new Date(year, month - 1, day);
var dateTime = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hours, minutes);
This gives the output
Mon Dec 21 2015 00:00:00 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time)
Mon Dec 21 2015 03:08:00 GMT+1000 (E. Australia Standard Time)
(I'm from Australia, so your timezone will vary)
JavaScript has a fixed date format and you can change it, thus the Date object won't help you this time. As I see it, you want to split that date, so it's pretty easy if you provide it in this format "dd-mm-yyy HH:mm":
response.DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION = response.DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION.split(" "); // date and time are separated by an space
var date = response.DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION[0];
var time = response.DATE_OF_DESCRIPTION[1];
BTW, if you want to parse a date in a specified format, why don't you use any library for that? Many of them are almost as reliable and fast as native methods. Give them a try ;)
You could also format the date, so it fits the JS specs but, why reinvent the wheel? Libraries will do this for you and you'll get optimal cross-browser results!
I've googled "javascript date parsing library" and this is what I've found: <--- I think that's what you're looking for!

Parse & format javascript date: dd M YYYY to YYYY-mm-dd

I have a date which looks like:
30 Apr 2015
How do I parse and display the date like this (without Moment.js)?
2015-04-31 (or YYYY-mm-dd)
The easiest thing to do might be to use moment.js.
If you prefer rolling your own solution in vanilla JS, this will work:
var padZero = function (integer) {
return integer < 10 ? '0' + integer : '' + integer
var myDate = new Date('30 Apr 2015');
var myDateString = myDate.getFullYear() + '-' +
(padZero(myDate.getMonth()+1)) + '-' +
console.log(myDateString); // 2015-04-30
The parsing part is easy...though it'll fail on your example, because there is no 31st day in April :)
var x = new Date("30 Apr 2015");
Formatting the date is a little trickier. You have a few options. Date natively supports several output methods (.toDateString(), .toLocaleDateString(), etc) but none of them match the format you've given. It does, however, allow you to individually select the day, month and year values for the date. So, you can assemble them manually:
console.log(x.getFullYear() + '-' + (x.getMonth()+1) + '-' + x.getDate())
Note here that .getMonth() returns a 0-based index and isn't padded to two digits, and .getDay() gets the day-of-the-week index, not day-of-the-month (which is .getDate()).
However, your better choice is to take a look at moment.js, which provides the ability to format by an arbitrary format string, similar to what you'd expect from other languages. Unless you're unable to introduce another library for some reason, I feel this is a category of problem where it makes sense to use the very nice solution that already exists.
Use moment.js
Convert your date like this:
var myDate = moment("30 Apr 15", "DD MMM YY").format("YYYY-MM-DD");
you can do that easy with
//define Date
var xdate = "31 Apr 2015";
// simple array to define months from Jan to Dec [01 : 12]
var months = {
// split our Date and rearrange as yyyy-mm-dd
var reform = xdate.split(' ')[2]+'-'+months.Apr+'-'+xdate.split(' ')[0];
alert(reform);// return 2015-04-31

Making a basic date(technical)

NO JQUERY! I have a drop down in which the user selects a day month and year. I create the following code and pass these values into the variable using setFullYear. At times I also add days to this variable which is waht the variable ev_num is for. When I write this to the page it displays a lot of unnecessary info...
Sat Jan 01 2011 11:44:26 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
I want it to simply read 'Jan 01 2011' or something like that. Does anyone know how I would fix this. Here is a jsfiddle of the entire page...
var myDate=new Date();
var ev_num = parseInt(document.getElementById("leave").value)
var event_value = document.getElementById("leave").value;
var d = new Date();
var day = d.getDate();
var year = d.getFullYear();
var month = d.getMonth();
var months=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","June","July","Aug","Sep","Oct"," Nov","Dec"];
var currentMonth = months[month];
document.write(currentMonth + " " + day + " " + year);
This will print today's date with abbreviated months. It's fully customizable.
EDIT: See this demo for the leading zero in front of the day number:
If you don't want the time and timezone to appear, use the .toDateString method instead of the simple toString. If you want a custom format, you will need to build the string yourself, you can get the single year/month/date values with the respective methods from your Date object. There are some (googlable) libraries to do that, a single method for your case would be
function myDateString(date) {
return ["Jan","Feb","Mar", …][date.getMonth()] +
" "+("0"+date.getDate()).substr(-2) +
" "+date.getFullYear();

