getElementsByClassName in IE9 not working - javascript

I'm trying to hide or show a banner based on screen size. However, it's not showing any banners in IE9 when it should be. Here is my code:
// Template Setup
// Set SEO Infomation
// Available setting can be found under /app/extensions/Master-data.php
$this->set_master('page_title', 'Cancer Patient Assistance and Reimbursement for HCPs | Lilly PatientOne');
$this->set_master('meta_description', 'Lilly PatientOne offers financial assistance, patient assistance, and medical reimbursement for qualified cancer patients who are prescribed a Lilly Oncology product.');
$this->set_master('meta_keywords', 'patient assistance, cancer patient assistance, patient reimbursement, medical reimbursement, cancer patient assistance program, financial assistance for cancer patients');
$this->set_master('page_classes', 'index hcp');
$this->set_master('pageTitleHeader', 'PatientOne Access Services');
$this->set_master('pageTitleSubheader', 'Reimbursement <span class="bullet">•</span> Financial Assistance <span class="bullet">•</span> Product Replacement');
$this->set_master('site_nav', 'nav-hcp');
$this->set_master('site_footer', 'footer-hcp');
//$this->quick_link('Link Text', '');
// Set Layout
// Options:
// 'layouts::content-page' : 2 column
// 'layouts::wide' : wide
// 'layouts::home' : home
// Page Content
<div class="brand-image">
<div class="no-desktop mobile-banner">
<div class="blue-banner-mobile">
<p>Update your billing and coding systems to include the permanent CYRAMZA<sup>®</sup> (ramucirumab) J-code: J9308, injection, ramucirumab, 5 mg. Issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), this permanent J-code is effective as of January 1, 2016.</p>
<div class="mobile-banner-spacing">
<div class="banner-mobile-spacing small-desktop brand-image-wrapper content-container mobile-padding">
<div class="large-desktop center-this">
<?= $this->insert("partials::logo"); ?>
<div class="top-text center-this">
<h1>PatientOne Access Services</h1>
<p class="letterspace">Reimbursement • Financial Assistance • Product Replacement</p>
<p class="p-two">Talk to a PatientOne representative</p>
<p class="phone">Call <span>1-866-4PatOne</span><br/>(1-866-472-8663)</p>
<div class="home-bricks">
<ul class="clearfix">
<li class="brick-one brick">
<div class="brick-outer-wrapper">
<div class="brick-wrapper">
<h3>Find co-pay and financial assistance</h3>
<img src="../../assets/img/icons/brick_one_ico.png" alt="Lilly | Oncology"/>
<p>Learn about the options available for your patient.</p>
<a class="btn formsButton" href="financial-assistance-program.php" title="View now">View now</a>
<div class="brick-bottom"><img src="../../assets/img/bg/box_shadow_brick.png"
alt="Lilly | Oncology"/></div>
<li class="brick-two brick">
<div class="brick-outer-wrapper">
<div class="brick-wrapper">
<h3>See if your patient qualifies</h3>
<img src="../../assets/img/icons/brick_three_ico.png" alt="Lilly | Oncology"/>
<p>Read the eligibility requirements for PatientOne.</p>
<a class="btn formsButton" href="lilly-patientone-eligibility.php" title="Learn more">Learn
<div class="brick-bottom"><img src="../../assets/img/bg/box_shadow_brick.png"
alt="Lilly | Oncology"/></div>
<li class="brick-three brick">
<div class="brick-outer-wrapper">
<div class="brick-wrapper">
<h3>Enroll your patient</h3>
<img src="../../assets/img/icons/brick_two_ico.png" alt="Lilly | Oncology"/>
<p>You need only one application for all PatientOne services.</p>
<a class="btn formsButton" target="_blank" href="/assets/pdf/patient_assistance_program_application.pdf" title="Go to form">Go
to form</a>
<div class="brick-bottom"><img src="../../assets/img/bg/box_shadow_brick.png"
alt="Lilly | Oncology"/></div>
<div class="blue-banner-main desktop-only">
<p>Update your billing and coding systems to include the permanent CYRAMZA<sup>®</sup> (ramucirumab) J-code: J9308, injection, ramucirumab, 5 mg. Issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), this permanent J-code is effective as of January 1, 2016.</p>
<div class="main-content-banner-spacing"> </div>
<div id="mainContent" class="content-container mobile-padding">
<div class="column-one">
<h2>Help your patients stay focused on treatment. <br/>Not how to pay for it.</h2>
<p id="last">For some patients, especially those without insurance, facing the cost of cancer treatment may be
almost as difficult as the diagnosis itself. When you prescribe a Lilly Oncology product, Lilly PatientOne
provides a resource for access and reimbursement assistance. Through PatientOne you may be able to help your
qualified patients get the assistance they need, allowing them to start treatment with one less worry.</p>
<div class="colButton">
<a href="financial-assistance-for-cancer-patients.php" title="Learn more about our programs">Learn more
about our programs</a>
<h2>Patient Access Specialists, available through PatientOne</h2>
<div id="boxParagraph">
<p>Patient Access Specialists provide information and education to help you navigate the complex access and reimbursement landscape. We’re here to help make access to prescribed Lilly Oncology products easier for your patients.</p>
<p>To learn more, call <span class="lillyNumber noWrap">1-866-4PatOne (1-866-472-8663)</span>.</p>
<div class="column-two">
<?= $this->insert("partials::helpful-links"); ?>
</div><!-- end mobile-banner-spacing -->
var w = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
var h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
if(w < 769) {
document.getElementsByClassName('blue-banner-mobile')[0].style.display = "block";
} else {
document.getElementsByClassName('blue-banner-main')[0].style.display = "block";
I check "Can I Use" for browser support reference, and it says it's supported. Am I missing something, or is there some kind of IE9 quirk I'm not aware of?

IMHO, I guess you miss some configuration or meta tag in your html head as IE needs standards mode, i have faced this issue once and i solved it by adding ,
<!Doctype html>
also i have seen adding <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> solves it in some sites
Hope this helps!


angular repeat with template?

I'm currently trying to figure out how to use templates in angular. At present, I'm playing with ui.router (angular-ui-router) but I can't find good documentation on how the templating language is used to embed a sub-template view, especially as relates to a repeating element for different model instances.
I am basically converting a static-local-filesystem image uploader/manager to work with amazon S3. The background essentials are already worked out, now I'm trying to improve the UI itself by converting it from 10 year old javascript to angular.js. I have it 'working' for an all-in-one html page but would prefer to modularize it to make it more dynamic.
I get a list of objects under a given prefix back from a listObjectsV2() call to the AWS sdk via the s3 client. I parse the results to break it into a pseudo-directory tree then display one directory at a time starting at the [virtual] root dir just after the prefix. (FYI the prefix is a userid)
I built a UserDir object that uses a PseudoDir sub object to define a virtual directory with array properties for 'subdirs' (more PseudoDir objects representing virtual sub-directories) and 'images' (S3 objects that are image files of one type or another).
What I want to display for any given 'current' directory (e.g. "" or the user root) is first a list of folder icons for each the curDir.subdirs, then a thumbnail icon for each of the curDir.images.
I already have this working from a single html file and even managed to figured out how to use ui.router to create a for the main page. Now I want to modularize it so that a different controller will handle folder icon/info behavior, and another for image icons/behaviors.
i.e. I have already started building a 'FolderController' and a 'ImageController' and would like the ngRepeat for 'image in curDir.images' for example, to invoke a state with it's own template but I can't seem to find an example on how to do that.
Here is the current all-in-one template code. But I would like to move each sub-block into a state for FolderController with a templates/folder.html template and one for ImageController with a templates/image.html but can't seem to find an example of how to write the syntax:
<!-- folders -->
<div ng-repeat="(folder, pDir) in subdirs" ng-controller="FolderController" ng-init="folderName=folder;awsObject=pDir">
<div id="{{folderName}}" class="Item">
<div class="Icon ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle">
<img id="{{folderName}}Icon" src="../../images/folder.png">
<div id="{{folderName}}Desc" class="Description">
<span id="{{folderName}}Name" class="filename" title="{{folderName}}/">{{folderName}}/</span>
<!-- images -->
<div ng-repeat="(filename, uImage) in images" ng-controller="ImageController" ng-init="uImage=uImage">
<div id="image{{uImage.hash}}" class="Item">
<div class="Icon ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle">
<img id="icon{{uImage.hash}}" ng-src="{{ uImage.thumbSrc }}"></div>
<div id="desc{{uImage.hash}}" class="Description">
<span id="name{{uImage.hash}}" class="filename" title="{{filename}}">{{filename}}</span>
<img id="thumb{{uImage.hash}}" src="../../images/tick_image-services.png" class="Check Right" ng-show="uImage.usedInLayout" title="Used in layout"><br />
<span id="date{{uImage.hash}}" ng-show="(uImage.mtime > 0)">Date uploaded: {{ uImage.mtime | date: 'EEE MMM dd yyyy' }}</span><br />
<span id="size{{uImage.hash}}" ng-show="(uImage.size > 0)">Size: {{ uImage.size | humanizeBytes }}</span><br />
<span id="dims{{uImage.hash}}" ng-show="((uImage.width > 0) && (uImage.height > 0))">Dimensions: {{ uImage.width }} x {{ uImage.height }} pixels</span><br />
<span id="aspect{{uImage.hash}}" ng-show="(uImage.aspectRatio)">Aspect Ratio: <span class="AspectRatio">{{ uImage.aspectRatio }}</span></span><br />
You can create two components, one for folders and one for images, see here for official docs.
A rough draft would look like:
angular.module('myApp').component('images', {
templateUrl: 'imageList.html',
bindings: {
images: '='
<div ng-repeat="(filename, uImage) in images" ng-controller="ImageController" ng-init="uImage=uImage">
<div id="image{{uImage.hash}}" class="Item">
<div class="Icon ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle">
<img id="icon{{uImage.hash}}" ng-src="{{ uImage.thumbSrc }}"></div>
<div id="desc{{uImage.hash}}" class="Description">
<span id="name{{uImage.hash}}" class="filename" title="{{filename}}">{{filename}}</span>
<img id="thumb{{uImage.hash}}" src="../../images/tick_image-services.png" class="Check Right" ng-show="uImage.usedInLayout" title="Used in layout"><br />
<span id="date{{uImage.hash}}" ng-show="(uImage.mtime > 0)">Date uploaded: {{ uImage.mtime | date: 'EEE MMM dd yyyy' }}</span><br />
<span id="size{{uImage.hash}}" ng-show="(uImage.size > 0)">Size: {{ uImage.size | humanizeBytes }}</span><br />
<span id="dims{{uImage.hash}}" ng-show="((uImage.width > 0) && (uImage.height > 0))">Dimensions: {{ uImage.width }} x {{ uImage.height }} pixels</span><br />
<span id="aspect{{uImage.hash}}" ng-show="(uImage.aspectRatio)">Aspect Ratio: <span class="AspectRatio">{{ uImage.aspectRatio }}</span></span><br />
and your original html would look like:
<!-- folders -->
<div ng-repeat="(folder, pDir) in subdirs" ng-controller="FolderController" ng-init="folderName=folder;awsObject=pDir">
<div id="{{folderName}}" class="Item">
<div class="Icon ui-draggable ui-draggable-handle">
<img id="{{folderName}}Icon" src="../../images/folder.png">
<div id="{{folderName}}Desc" class="Description">
<span id="{{folderName}}Name" class="filename" title="{{folderName}}/">{{folderName}}/</span>
<image-list [images]="images" ></image-list>
Here is an example plunker which shows a simple implementation of a component, with data binding and ng-repeat in it, no need for ui-router for what you asked for. Please note that the html I wrote above is a botched copy paste of what you wrote - so the double ng-repeat was a mistake, updated the html.

Angular Two Apps on the same page

What I am trying to do is render two Calendars on one page, each with a different data set. Currently the first Calendar loads correctly but the second calendar will not load. It doesn't appear to even try to load.
I am quite new to Angular, so I am not sure if what I am doing is allowed in the concept of a one page application, or if I should be doing it another way.
Open to all suggestions!
Calendar App Using:
Front end (Trimmed down)
<div class="col-lg-9 panel panel-default" id="Calandars">
<button class="btn dropdown" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#userCal" data-parent="#Calandars"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> User Calandar </button>
<button class="btn dropdown" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#GlobalCal" data-parent="#Calandars"><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i> Global Calandar</button>
<div class="accordion-group">
<div id="userCal" class="collapse indent">
<!---User Calendar Configuration - Working Calendar-->
<div ng-app="UserCal" class="textfix">
<div ng-controller="Cal as vm">
<h2 class="text-center">{{ vm.calendarTitle }}</h2>
<mwl-calendar events=""
on-event-times-changed="vm.eventTimesChanged(calendarEvent); calendarEvent.startsAt = calendarNewEventStart; calendarEvent.endsAt = calendarNewEventEnd"
edit-event-html="'<i class=\'glyphicon glyphicon-pencil\'></i>'"
delete-event-html="'<i class=\'glyphicon glyphicon-remove\'></i>'"
<div id="GlobalCal" class="collapse indent">
<!---Global Calandar Configuration -- None Working Calendar-->
<div ng-app="UserCal" class="textfix">
<div ng-controller="GlobalCalCon as vm">
<h2 class="text-center">{{ vm.calendarTitle }}</h2>
<mwl-calendar events=""
on-event-times-changed="vm.eventTimesChanged(calendarEvent); calendarEvent.startsAt = calendarNewEventStart; calendarEvent.endsAt = calendarNewEventEnd"
edit-event-html="'<i class=\'glyphicon glyphicon-pencil\'></i>'"
delete-event-html="'<i class=\'glyphicon glyphicon-remove\'></i>'"
Javascript Behind
angular.module('UserCal', ['mwl.calendar', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ngAnimate'])
.controller('Cal', populateCal)
.controller('GlobalCalCon', populateGlobalCal);
function populateCal($http) {
Do Stuff
function populateGlobalCal($http) {
Do Diffrent Stuff
Well, In here you're using same module UserCal two times. This is your main SPA module so it will be only one time.
Please put ng-app="UserCal" to html/body tag and remove <div ng-app="UserCal" class="textfix"> from HTML code.
Now both the calender will work :)
Its because you are using ng-app twice, you have to declare it only once on top of the page or best thing is declare it in ur index.html on html tag
On index.html:
<html ng-app="UserCal">
On current page:
<div ng-app="UserCal">
<div ng-controller="Ctrl1">
// stuff goes herr
<div ng-controller="Ctrl1">
// stuff goes herr

Hide video when clicked on any other element but itself

I am loading a video in the DOM using a directive named load-video when the displayVideo property is true.
<figure id = "positionVideo" ng-show = "displayVideo">
loadVideo directive:
.directive('loadVideo', function($document, $window) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'partials/video/video.html',
link: function(scope, element) {'loadVideo',true);
angular.element($document[0].body).on('click',function(e) {
var inElem = angular.element('loadVideo');
if (inElem) {
scope.displayVideo = true;
} else {
scope.displayVideo = false;
<video height = "50%" width = "150%" id = "playVideo" ng-click="playIt()" poster = "images/eagle.jpg" controls>
<source src = "images/lion.mp4" type = "video/mp4">
The figure tag has access to this controller:
angular.module('homePage').controller('watchVideo', ['$scope', '$location', function($scope, $location) {
$scope.displayVideo = false;
$scope.videoAvailable = function () {
$scope.displayVideo = true;
$scope.closeVideo = function() {
$scope.displayVideo = false;
$scope.playIt = function() {
if (jQuery("#playVideo").get(0).paused) {
else {
I do not understand why the video element is not hiding when I am changing the displayVideo property to false.
I am providing my entire application below for context:
<div class="firstView" ng-controller = "watchVideo">
<figure class="logo" ng-controller = "logo" ng-click="goToUrl('/home')"> </figure>
<cite>Every brand has a story.</cite>
<h2 id = "h2Heading"> <a ng-click = "videoAvailable()">Watch the video </a></h2>
<aside> → </aside>
<figure id = "positionVideo" ng-show = "displayVideo">
<summary ng-controller = "buttonViewCtrl">
<button type="button" ng-hide = "buttonDisplay" ng-show = "!displayVideo" class="btn btn-default btn-lg navButton" aria-label="Center Align" ng-click="nav()">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-align-justify" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close" id = "closeButton" ng-show = "buttonDisplay" ng-hide = "!displayVideo" ng-click = "closeNav(); closeVideo()"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span> </button>
<div ng-show = "buttonDisplay" id = "buttonDisplayContent" class = "cssFade">
<main ng-controller="ScrollCtrl">
<div id = "arrow">
<img src = "images/pointer.png" alt = "arrow" ng-click="gotoElement('panda')">
<div class = "panda" id = "panda">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg work"> SEE OUR WORK </button>
<div class = "experience">
<h1> Our team builds great brands and experiences. </h1>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg team"> MEET THE TEAM </button>
<section class = "about">
<h5> WHAT ARE WE? </h5>
<h2> Anchour is a branding agency based in Maine. </h3>
<p> We weave together creative solutions to build personal brands and experiences. We work closely with your brand to understand your needs and create solutions that produce real results. By integrating the power of identity, digital, and sensory design, we bring new life to brands everywhere.
<div class = "goodWork">
<div class = "spotlight">
<h3> Spotlight: Amanda Brill of Las Vegas </h3>
<p> Amanda Brill is a Designer at Anchour. Fueled by the purpose of helping others, she works to bring the identity of a brand to life through a creative and intensive design process. to help brands effectively communicate who they she works to bring the identity of a brand to life through a creative... </p>
<footer> Read More </footer>
<div class = "spotlight">
<h3> Spotlight: Amanda Brill of California </h3>
<p> Amanda Brill is a Designer at Anchour. Fueled by the purpose of helping others, she works to bring the identity of a brand to life through a creative and intensive design process. Her goal is to use design as a way to help brands effectively communicate who they sponsor and supporter Fueled by the purpose of.. </p>
<footer> Read More </footer>
<div class = "spotlight">
<h3> Varney Agency: Protecting What You </h3>
<p> Anchour produced Varney Agencys latest spot featuring Matt Albrecht, owner of River Drive. Working with companies from all around the world, River Drive buys, sells, reconditions and recycles reconditions and ecycles owner of used. River Drive buys, sells Varney Agencys latest spot featuring Matt Albrecht.</p>
<footer> Read More </footer>
<div class = "spotlight">
<h3> Announcing support of Not Here </h3>
<p> This week is Human Trafficking Awareness Week, so it’s great timing to share how proud we are to be a sponsor and supporter of Not Here latest spot featuring Matt Albrecht, reconditions and recycles owner of River Drive. Working with companies from all around the,a River Drive buys, sells.... </p>
<footer> Read More </footer>
<div class = "start">
<h2 id = "startWork"> Want to work with us? </h2>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg"> Get Started → </button>
<div id = "end">
About us
Our Team
The video is not hiding because Angular doesn't know that the model has changed. In fact, element.on() is just the plain old jQuery on function, it isn't Angular-aware.
You may have noticed that the video disappears when you click outside then inside it : that's because the ng-click handler, which gets fired first being the innermost listener, triggers the digest phase for you, causing ng-hide to update the view.
The proper way to handle this is $scope.$apply() :
var body = angular.element($document[0].body);
body.on('click',function(e) {
scope.$apply(function() {
var inElem = angular.element('loadVideo');
if (inElem) {
scope.displayVideo = true;
} else {
scope.displayVideo = false;
See this fiddle.

.id() method failing on jQuery selector

trying to create a function that make's a div slide down depending on it's ID using jquery.
Trying to get it done as a efficiently as possible.
Here's what I have so far:
$('.meet-the-team').on('click', function() {
var member = $(this).id();
var parts = member.split();
var id = parts[parts.length - 1];
$(".member-profile #profile" + id).slideDown();
<script src=""></script>
<div class="pure-g meet-the-team">
<div class="pure-u-1-4 meet-the-team-a" id="member-a">
<div class="pure-u-1-4 meet-the-team-b" id="member-a">
<div class="pure-u-1-4 meet-the-team-c" id="member-a">
<div class="pure-u-1-4 meet-the-team-d" id="member-a">
<div class="pure-g member-profile member-profile-a" id="profile-a">
<div class="pure-u-10-24 member-profile-left">
<h1>Jordon McCord</h1>
<h2>Designer/User Experience</h2>
<i class="fa fa-linkedin-square fa-6"></i>
<div class="pure-u-14-24 member-profile-right">
<p>Jordan is a User Interface and User Experience Designer with over 8 years of experience working on a range of exciting projects utilising his key skills in design and front end web development. Jordan is passionate about design and user interactions
and in his spare time, he really enjoys writing about himself in the third person.</p>
<div class="pure-g member-profile member-profile-b" id="profile-b">
<div class="pure-u-10-24 member-profile-left">
<h1>Adam McCord</h1>
<h2>Designer/User Experience</h2>
<i class="fa fa-linkedin-square fa-6"></i>
<div class="pure-u-14-24 member-profile-right">
<p>Jordan is a User Interface and User Experience Designer with over 8 years of experience working on a range of exciting projects utilising his key skills in design and front end web development. Jordan is passionate about design and user interactions
and in his spare time, he really enjoys writing about himself in the third person.</p>
Why does this not work?
Thanks in advance for the help guys.
$('.meet-the-team div').on('click', function() {
var member = $(this).attr('id');
var parts = member.split('-');
var id = parts[parts.length - 1];
$(".member-profile-" + id).slideDown();
This should work. You could also use $("#profile-" + id).slideDown(); instead of the $(".member-profile-" + id).slideDown();.

angular looping with scope variables in same controller

I have 2 scope variables like the following:
$scope.degrees =[{DegreeCategoryID:"1",DegreeCategory:"Accounting",DegreeCategoryType:"Applied Sciences"},
{DegreeCategoryID:"2",DegreeCategory:"Advanced Manufacturing/Mechatronics Technology",DegreeCategoryType:"Applied Sciences"},
{DegreeCategoryID:"3",DegreeCategory:"Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology",DegreeCategoryType:"Applied Sciences"},
{DegreeCategoryID:"4",DegreeCategory:"Auto Body Technology",DegreeCategoryType:"Applied Sciences"},
{DegreeCategoryID:"78",DegreeCategory:"Associate in Sciences",DegreeCategoryType:"Academic"},
{DegreeCategoryID:"79",DegreeCategory:"Associate of Arts in Teaching",DegreeCategoryType:"Academic"},
{DegreeCategoryID:"81",DegreeCategory:"Field of Study",DegreeCategoryType:"Academic"}];
$scope.degreecategories=[{DegreeID:"1",DegreeCategoryID:"1",Degree:"Accounting AAS ",DegreeTypeID:"2",BHC:"1",CVC:"1",EFC:"1",ECC:"1",MVC:"1",NLC:"1",RLC:"1",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"2",DegreeCategoryID:"1",Degree:"Accounting Assistant Certificate ",DegreeTypeID:"1",BHC:"1",CVC:"1",EFC:"1",ECC:"1",MVC:"1",NLC:"1",RLC:"1",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"3",DegreeCategoryID:"1",Degree:"Accounting Clerk Certificate ",DegreeTypeID:"1",BHC:"1",CVC:"1",EFC:"1",ECC:"1",MVC:"1",NLC:"1",RLC:"1",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"4",DegreeCategoryID:"1",Degree:"Advanced Technical Certificate in Professional Accountancy",DegreeTypeID:"1",BHC:"",CVC:"",EFC:"",ECC:"",MVC:"1",NLC:"",RLC:"",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"5",DegreeCategoryID:"2",Degree:"Advanced Manufacturing/Mechatronics Technology AAS ",DegreeTypeID:"2",BHC:"",CVC:"",EFC:"1",ECC:"",MVC:"",NLC:"",RLC:"",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"6",DegreeCategoryID:"2",Degree:"Advanced Manufacturing/Mechatronics Technology Certificate ",DegreeTypeID:"1",BHC:"",CVC:"",EFC:"1",ECC:"",MVC:"1",NLC:"",RLC:"",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"7",DegreeCategoryID:"3",Degree:"Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology AAS ",DegreeTypeID:"2",BHC:"",CVC:"",EFC:"1",ECC:"",MVC:"",NLC:"",RLC:"",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"8",DegreeCategoryID:"3",Degree:"Profit Center Manager Enhanced Skills Certificate ",DegreeTypeID:"1",BHC:"",CVC:"",EFC:"1",ECC:"",MVC:"",NLC:"",RLC:"",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"9",DegreeCategoryID:"3",Degree:"Residential - Technician I Certificate ",DegreeTypeID:"1",BHC:"",CVC:"1",EFC:"1",ECC:"",MVC:"",NLC:"",RLC:"",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"10",DegreeCategoryID:"3",Degree:"Residential - Technician III Level II Certificate ",DegreeTypeID:"1",BHC:"",CVC:"1",EFC:"1",ECC:"",MVC:"",NLC:"",RLC:"",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"11",DegreeCategoryID:"3",Degree:"Residential AAS ",DegreeTypeID:"2",BHC:"",CVC:"1",EFC:"1",ECC:"",MVC:"",NLC:"",RLC:"",Description:""},
{DegreeID:"12",DegreeCategoryID:"4",Degree:"Auto Body Metal Technician Certificate ",DegreeTypeID:"1",BHC:"",CVC:"",EFC:"1",ECC:"",MVC:"",NLC:"",RLC:"",Description:""}];
Both my above variables are present in the same controller. I am trying to display data in such a way that, when i click a button named 'Academic', it displays all the DegreeCategoryType:"Academic" variables from $scope.degrees using a filter.(until here it works fine)
Now i wanted to display another list following the previous list based on the selection i make from within the list ie. when i click one selection from the above made list, i wanted to to display the details from my $scope.degreecategories such that the it matches and filters based on the DegreeCategoryID. How do i approach this issue? i already posted this question but the message i tried to convey was not proper.
MARKUP Masterlist
<div ng-show="display.academic" class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4">
<div class="panel panel-info list-group list-unstyled" data-spy="scroll" data-target="#panelcategory" data-offset="0" style="max-height:300px;overflow:auto;position:relative;">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Academic</h3>
<a href='#' ng-repeat="degree in degrees | filter:{DegreeCategoryType:'Academic'}" class="list-group-item">
<li ng-click="showAcademic(degree)" >{{degree.DegreeCategory}}</li>
Markup sublist
<div ng-show="display.academiccourse" class="col-lg-9 col-md-9 col-sm-9">
<div class="panel panel-info list-group list-unstyled" data-spy="scroll" data-target="#panelcategory" data-offset="0" style="max-height:300px;overflow:auto;position:relative;">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">{{DegreeCategory}}</h3>
<a href='#' ng-repeat="degree in degreecategories | filter:{DegreeCategoryID:filterSub}" class="list-group-item">
<li ng-click="display.appliedsciencescourse" >{{degree.Degree}}</li>
$scope.showAcademic = function(degree){
$scope.DegreeCategory = degree.DegreeCategory;
$scope.filterSub = degree.DegreeCategoryID;
$scope.display.academiccourse = true;
<a href='#' ng-repeat="degree in degrees | filter:{DegreeCategoryType:'Applied Sciences'}" class="list-group-item">
<li ng-click="display.appliedsciencescourse" >{{degree.DegreeCategory}}</li>
I cant see that your ng-click actually does anything. If your ng-click calls a function, applying the element clicked on as a parameter, then you can set $scope.selectedCategory = yourcategory, on your second list, you can filter by selectedCategory, that will exist in the scope.

