what does wrapping a jQuery object with another `$` mean? [duplicate] - javascript

I am currently working through this tutorial: Getting Started with jQuery
For the two examples below:
$("#orderedlist").find("li").each(function (i) {
$(this).append(" BAM! " + i);
$("#reset").click(function () {
$("form").each(function () {
Notice in the first example, we use $(this) to append some text inside of each li element. In the second example we use this directly when resetting the form.
$(this) seems to be used a lot more often than this.
My guess is in the first example, $() is converting each li element into a jQuery object which understands the append() function whereas in the second example reset() can be called directly on the form.
Basically we need $() for special jQuery-only functions.
Is this correct?

Yes you only need $() when you're using jQuery. If you want jQuery's help to do DOM things just keep this in mind.
$(this)[0] === this
Basically every time you get a set of elements back jQuery turns it into a jQuery object. If you know you only have one result, it's going to be in the first element.
$("#myDiv")[0] === document.getElementById("myDiv");
And so on...

$() is the jQuery constructor function.
this is a reference to the DOM element of invocation.
So basically, in $(this), you are just passing the this in $() as a parameter so that you could call jQuery methods and functions.

Yes, you need $(this) for jQuery functions, but when you want to access basic javascript methods of the element that don't use jQuery, you can just use this.

When using jQuery, it is advised to use $(this) usually. But if you know (you should learn and know) the difference, sometimes it is more convenient and quicker to use just this. For instance:
is easier and purer than

this is the element, $(this) is the jQuery object constructed with that element
//the iterations current html element
//the classic JavaScript API is exposed here (such as .innerHTML and .appendChild)
var HTMLElement = this;
//the current HTML element is passed to the jQuery constructor
//the jQuery API is exposed here (such as .html() and .append())
var jQueryObject = $(this);
A deeper look
thisMDN is contained in an execution context
The scope refers to the current Execution ContextECMA. In order to understand this, it is important to understand the way execution contexts operate in JavaScript.
execution contexts bind this
When control enters an execution context (code is being executed in that scope) the environment for variables are setup (Lexical and Variable Environments - essentially this sets up an area for variables to enter which were already accessible, and an area for local variables to be stored), and the binding of this occurs.
jQuery binds this
Execution contexts form a logical stack. The result is that contexts deeper in the stack have access to previous variables, but their bindings may have been altered. Every time jQuery calls a callback function, it alters the this binding by using applyMDN.
callback.apply( obj[ i ] )//where obj[i] is the current element
The result of calling apply is that inside of jQuery callback functions, this refers to the current element being used by the callback function.
For example, in .each, the callback function commonly used allows for .each(function(index,element){/*scope*/}). In that scope, this == element is true.
jQuery callbacks use the apply function to bind the function being called with the current element. This element comes from the jQuery object's element array. Each jQuery object constructed contains an array of elements which match the selectorjQuery API that was used to instantiate the jQuery object.
$(selector) calls the jQuery function (remember that $ is a reference to jQuery, code: window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;). Internally, the jQuery function instantiates a function object. So while it may not be immediately obvious, using $() internally uses new jQuery(). Part of the construction of this jQuery object is to find all matches of the selector. The constructor will also accept html strings and elements. When you pass this to the jQuery constructor, you are passing the current element for a jQuery object to be constructed with. The jQuery object then contains an array-like structure of the DOM elements matching the selector (or just the single element in the case of this).
Once the jQuery object is constructed, the jQuery API is now exposed. When a jQuery api function is called, it will internally iterate over this array-like structure. For each item in the array, it calls the callback function for the api, binding the callback's this to the current element. This call can be seen in the code snippet above where obj is the array-like structure, and i is the iterator used for the position in the array of the current element.

Yeah, by using $(this), you enabled jQuery functionality for the object. By just using this, it only has generic Javascript functionality.

this reference a javascript object and $(this) used to encapsulate with jQuery.
Example =>
// Getting Name and modify css property of dom object through jQuery
var name = $(this).attr('name');
// Getting form object and its data and work on..
this = document.getElementsByName("new_photo")[0]
formData = new FormData(this)
// Calling blur method on find input field with help of both as below
//Above is equivalent to
this = $(this).find('input[type=text]')[0]
//Find value of a text field with id "index-number"
this = document.getElementById("index-number");
this = $('#index-number');
$(this).val(); // Equivalent to $('#index-number').val()


Why do we use $(this) inside a function acting on a jQuery object?

From what I understand, this inside of a function refers to the object invoking the function. So, for instance, in
myObj = { name : "Charlie", getType : function() { return typeof(this); } };
the object invoking the function getType is myObj and therefore typeof(this) is typeof(myObj).
Why, then, do I always see $(this) inside jQuery functions? For instance, in
if ($(this).height() > 50) $(this).height(50);
doesn't $('.not-taller-than-50-pixels') return an array of jQuery objects and so inside the each the invoking function is a jQuery object and so this would refer to that jQuery object and I can simply write if (this.height() > 50) this.height(50); ???
From what I understand, this inside of a function refers to the object invoking the function.
that is correct, if the function is being called as a property of that object. However, in your case, your jQuery collection isn't invoking the function as a property of the jQuery collection, instead it's invoking the function using either .apply or .call to set its context to the element currently being iterated over.
It works similar to the way Array.prototype.forEach does. I assume that similarity is on purpose so that it seems familiar to most developers who are also familiar with native methods.
Here's an example more inline with your first snippet that WILL act the way you were expecting:
$.fn.alertHeight = function () {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p>Hello World!</p>
Because the function is stored on the prototype of $, and invoked as a property of a jQuery collection (which is an instance of $,) this refers to the jQuery collection, thus allowing us to use this.height() directly to get the height of the first element in the collection.
We use the $(this) because otherwise the this doesn't have a getter/setter method .height(). $() gives all selected elements access to jquery methods which plain javascript equivalents don't have. try console.log($(this), " VS ", this); remember that $() is a function.
doesn't $('.not-taller-than-50-pixels') return an array of jQuery
No, $('.not-taller-than-50-pixels') does not return an array of JQuery objects. It returns a single JQuery object, which may wrap zero, one, or many DOM elements.
and so inside the each the invoking function is a jQuery
object and so this would refer to that jQuery object and I can simply
write if (this.height() > 50) this.height(50); ???
The callback function passed to .each() is invoked for each of the DOM elements wrapped by the JQuery object, and when the callback function is invoked, the DOM element is used as the context. That is, inside the callback function this will reference the DOM element, not a JQuery object.
This is stated in the JQuery documentation for the .each() function:
When called it iterates over the DOM elements that are part of the
jQuery object. Each time the callback runs, it is passed the current
loop iteration, beginning from 0. More importantly, the callback is
fired in the context of the current DOM element, so the keyword this
refers to the element.

Writing JavaScript Functions - Should I Pass jQuery Objects as arguments?

I'm curious from both a performance and a "best practices" standpoint. I'm using a lot of jQuery in my JavaScript, and often find myself passing jQuery objects as arguments into functions I'm writing. Is it more efficient/effective to pass the selector string rather than the actual jQuery object as the argument? Is this just a stylistic difference, or are there any good reasons to use one method over the other?
Using jQuery objects in arguments:
function updateSelectOptions(optionsData, $selectElement) {
// function code
Or using a selector string as the argument:
function updateSelectOptions(optionsData, selectorString) {
var $selectElement = $(selectorString);
// function code
You should accept anything the jQuery constructor can for maximum flexibility.
Re-wrapping a jQuery collection doesn't blow up, so I often use something like...
var fn = function(elems) {
var $elems = $(elems);
That way, you can accept a jQuery collection, selector string or reference to native DOM element(s).
If you find yourself wanting to write a function that takes a jQuery object as a parameter, why not just make your function a jQuery plugin? It's pretty easy, and it makes using the function fit in with the rest of your jQuery code.
Instead of
function something(jq) {
jq.css("color", "red");
you'd write
$.fn.something = function something() {
this.each(function() {
$(this).css("color", "red");
return this;
Now when you want to turn something red, you can just say
The value of this in a jQuery plugin is the jQuery object that's being passed along the chain. You don't have to wrap it with $(this). Unless your function is something that returns some value, it's good to return whatever's passed in so that you can use your own plugin in the middle of a dotted chain.
In my opinion, passing the object is fine and would be better for performance.
Most of the time, the reason for using functions is to reuse code. Hence, if you pass the string (the selector) such as updateSelectOptions(optionsData, selectorString)
every time you call the function and then use that string to select the element:
var $selectElement = $(selectorString);
This will consume more memory, because the element will have to be searched for every function call.
Where if you pass the cached object this element will only be selected and searched for only once.
The second approach remove any reference to the object after the function finished to execute. The first one allow you to keep the reference to the object to manipulate it outside the scope of the function.

using this rather than $(this) in an .each() call

I've done quite a lot of reading this past day to get a deeper understanding of this vs. $(this) and how JS determines this as it interprets, but I still can't figure out one detail of a plugIn I'm analyzing to deepen my knowledge:
$.fn.plugInName = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
new $.plugInName(this,options);
Everything I've read indicates that although this.each() is used to call JQuery.prototype.each(), each object should be referred to as $(this) within the each() function, but the above uses regular ol' this, and I can't figure why. The $.plugInName declaration looks like this:
$.plugInName = function(el,options) {
Any insights anyone may have will be a big help.
EDIT: Here's the full source on GitHub
From MDN:
When a function is called as a method of an object, its this is set to
the object the method is called on.
When you call something like
the function is called as a method of the jQuery object $('#myDiv'). So, in this case, this already refers to a jQuery object, thus we don't need the extra $() wrapper.
A common case when we do need $() is when binding events.
$('#myDiv').on('click', function(){
alert('You clicked my div!');
The difference here is that the function is called not on $('#myDiv'), but the DOM element that it belongs to. So, here this is a DOM object, not a jQuery object.
Inside the callback function passed to each, this refers to the DOM element, it is not a jQuery object.. which is just what $.plugInName wants. It expects a DOM element.

Save access to this scope

I have color stored in a data attribute on my button that I wanted to use in a toggle. However, when I tried to access the data information using this, no data was available. How can I keep my access to the correct this scope?
I was trying to only toggle the given color for the elements which didn't contain Skip.
<input id="toggleButton" type="button" value="Toggle" data-color="Red" />
<div id="toggleSet">
.ActivateRed{ color: red; }
$("#toggleSet div").each(function(index,element){
if( element.innerHTML != "Skip" ){
//^this has no data to access?
//Why am I getting undefined?
Here is a jsFiddle of my attempt. I keep getting Activateundefined as the class name. Why isn't this accessing my toggleButton's data?
Explanation of the problem
this changed
The value of thisMDN has changed and is no longer referencing the expected element or value. Often this is because the scope has changed, and as a result so has the this reference.
this is contained in an execution context
The scope refers to the current Execution ContextECMA. In order to understand why this has changed, it is important to understand the way these execution contexts operate in JavaScript.
execution contexts bind this
When control enters an execution context (code is being executed in that scope) the environment for variables are setup (Lexical and Variable Environments - essentially this sets up an area for variables to enter which were already accessible, and an area for local variables to be stored), and the binding of this occurs.
the this binding was changed for the execution context
These contexts form a logical stack. The result is that contexts deeper in the stack have access to previous variables, but their bindings may have been altered. Every time jQuery calls a callback function, it alters the this binding by using applyMDN.
callback.apply( obj[ i ] )//where obj[i] is the current element
The result of calling apply is that inside of jQuery callback functions, this refers to the current element being used by the callback function.
For example, in .each, the callback function commonly used allows for .each(function(index,element){/*scope*/}). In that scope, this == element is true. The consequence of that, is if you expected a previous this to be available, it will be bound to a different element.
Brief explanation of this in jQuery callbacks
As shown above, jQuery callbacks use the apply function to bind the function being called with the current element. This element comes from the jQuery object's element array. Each jQuery object constructed contains an array of elements which match the selectorjQuery API that was used to instantiate the jQuery object.
$(selector) calls the jQuery function (remember that $ is a reference to jQuery, code: window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;). Internally, the jQuery function instantiates a function object. So while it may not be immediately obvious, using $() internally uses new jQuery(). Part of the construction of this jQuery object is to find all matches of the selector. The jQuery object then contains an array-like structure of the DOM elements matching the selector.
When a jQuery api function is called, it will internally iterate over this array-like structure. For each item in the array, it calls the callback function for the api, binding the callback's this to the current element. This call can be seen in the code snippet above where obj is the array-like structure, and i is the iterator used for the position in the array of the current element.
Finding a solution
It can be hard to determine what happened since jQuery tends to fail silently. .data()jQuery API is still a valid call here, it just returns undefined. As a result, the above code produces a class name of "Activate"+undefined, "Activateundefined".
The important part to recognize here is that jQuery has changed the this binding. In order to use a previous this binding, the value must be stored in a variable. A common name for storing this is that, self, me, or in best practice, an actual description of what this represents.
The reason saving the binding works is that the callback's execution context will be deeper in the execution context stack relative to where the binding value was saved, thus having access to that stored value.
jsFiddle Demo
var toggleBtn = this;
//^ store this into the toggleBtn variable
$("#toggleSet div").each(function(index,element){
//^ binds `this` to the current element
if( element.innerHTML != "Skip" ){
//^ we could have used `this.innerHTML` here
//^ re-use the stored `this` value

this and $(this) in widget

What do this and $(this) mean inside a widget method like create?
For example, Having a widget like this,
$.widget("sample.CustomWidget", {
_create: function(){
// Here what do this and $(this) mean
Thanks in advance,
It basically depends on the caller of the _create method... anyway:
this refers to the 'owner' of the Function
$(this) is the above object wrapped into a jQuery object
see also:
Within an event handler of a standard jQuery UI-style widget, this will refer to the DOM element related to the event, $(this) creates a jQuery wrapper around this, and the DOM element (again) is available as this.
But when your widget functions are called, typically this refers to the jQuery object on which the function was called, not a specific DOM element. You then operate on the matched set of elements within that jQuery object.
In a method integrated with jQuery:
$.fn.yourFunction = function() {
// ...
the value of this is the jQuery object itself. There's no reason, therefore, to wrap this with another call to jQuery, though it doesn't hurt.
In a callback to an event handler:
$('#myButton').click(function() {
// ...
the value of this is the target DOM element of the event, or the target object if the event is triggered on something other than the actual DOM.
In other jQuery callback situations, like .each() for example, the value of this is generally determined by the nature of the jQuery object.
The upshot of all that is that inside an integrated-with-jQuery function (first sample), you generally don't wrap this in another call to jQuery; it's already a jQuery object. In all other cases, if you want to use this with jQuery facilities, you do have to wrap it.
In that context, "this" is the actual JQuery widget object, which allows you to query things such as widgetName, widgetEventPrefix etc, whereas "$(this)" is just the JQuery object for "this", which you can't get the widget properties using.
this represents the contructor you are in. For example in a click event, the dom element being clicked, in a function the constructor of function;
function test{
this.b = "hello jupiter";
var a = new test();
Acctually there is nothing special with $(this). There is a function called $ and "this" is it's parameter, like alert;
//just like
alert("some string);

