Can't get value inside for loop - javascript

window.onload = function(){
for(var b=0;b<2;b++){
var imgc = new Image();
imgc.src = '../images/' + b + '.jpg';
imgc.height = 200;
The image's size wont alert when the alert is inside the for loop. When I move the alert to onclick, it shows up. I hope you can help me.

This question might be answered a hundred of times before.
You have to wait before the image is actually loaded.
After that you can alert the width of the image.
Therefore you have to use the onload-function of the image
window.onload = function(){
var imgc = new Image();
// note the selfinvoking function which is immediately called with b as a parameter.
// inside the function b is now a local variable and will not change even if the outer b does
// you ofc can name the local b as you want
imgc.onload = (function(b){
return function(){
imgc.src = '../images/' + b + '.jpg';
imgc.height = 200;
Even easier you just can get the width from the object you just created - so not neccessary to get the data from the dom:
window.onload = function(){
var imgc = new Image();
// note the selfinvling function which is immediately called with b as a parameter.
// inside the function b is now a local variable and will not change even if the outer b does
// you ofc can name the local b as you want
imgc.onload = (function(img){
return function(){
imgc.src = '../images/' + b + '.jpg';
imgc.height = 200;

Now im gonna assume that you want your images to load after a certain time interval because the function will load the last image immediately if you dont put an interval as it will be fast. if you dont want the 2 second interval just change the '2000' to '0' in the code...hope it helps:
var imgc = new Image();
var b=0;
window.onload = function(){
var s=setInterval(imgloader,2000);
function imgloader()
imgc.src = '../images/' + b + '.jpg';
imgc.height = 200;


How do I change only one image out of many onclick with appendChild?

I'm currently learning JavaScript at my university, so I apologize if my code is terrible. I'm new to it.
I'm having an issue only changing one image onclick using appendChild. What I want to happen is that if the person clicks on the image whose rng is <= 0.89, then only that image is changed to a different image. Every thing I've tried has changed all of the images whose rng was <=0.89.
Example: I click the first image (img1) which has rolled a number greater than 0.9. If (img2) has rolled the same (greater than 0.9), then it also changes. I'd only want img1 to change. Here is only some of my code as the whole thing is about 150 lines and I think this bit gets my point across somewhat well:
function myFunction() {
var rng=Math.random();
var rng2=Math.random();
if (rng <= 0.89){
var img1=document.createElement('img');
img1.onclick = goodbye;
if (rng2 <= 0.89){
var img2=document.createElement('img');
img2.onclick= goodbye;"bad2";
if (rng >= 0.9) {
var img1=document.createElement('img');
img1.onclick = hello;
if (rng2 >= 0.9){
var img2=document.createElement('img');
img2.onclick= hello;"good2";
Like I said, every thing I've tried to only change the image that was clicked has changed all images whose rng is <=0.89. The answer's probably really obvious, but I'm new to this, like I said.
Based on the comments, the only change that your code needs is to make .onclick set to a function instead of a string. This way we also pass this the element reference to your functions goodbye and hello. You can also use this to read the element properties if you wanted to. If this is not what your looking for let us know.
img1.onclick = function(){goodbye(this)};
function goodbye(e) {
e.src = ''
function hello(e) {
e.src = ''
function myFunction() {
var rng = Math.random();
var rng2 = Math.random();
if (rng <= 0.89) {
var img1 = document.createElement('img');
img1.src = 'card2.gif'; = "bad1";
img1.onclick = function () {
if (rng2 <= 0.89) {
var img2 = document.createElement('img');
img2.src = 'card2.gif';
img2.onclick = function () {
}; = "bad2";
if (rng >= 0.9) {
var img1 = document.createElement('img');
img1.src = 'card3.gif'; = "good1";
img1.onclick = function () {
if (rng2 >= 0.9) {
var img2 = document.createElement('img');
img2.src = 'card3.gif';
img2.onclick = function () {
}; = "good2";
jsfiddle if required

dynamic image variable with onclick event

I have several canvases. I also have several picture URLs. I want to draw all pictures on the canvas. There is a problem in the drawing function. Drawing the image only works when the image loads completely, but I have to draw the image as it loads. I wrote following code:
for (var i = 2; i < length; i++) {
canvid[i] = "canv" + i;
img[i] = new Image();
img[i].src = "..\\images\\UploadImage\\"+ name + i + ".jpg";
img[i].onload = function () {
var c = document.getElementById(canvId[i]);
var cDraw = c.getContext("2d");
cDraw.drawImage(img[i], 0, 0);
I know this code has error, it's kind of pseudo code to show what I want.
Put your logic in
the answer is in following link
stack overflow link
when you want to call on click event on image variable you have to wait for it
so you couldn't use loop you have to put next call on previous image on load event .
var loadImages = function (imageURLarray) {
if (!(startPage < pages))
canvid = "canv" + i;
img.src = imageURLarray[startPage];
// your top code
img.onload = function (e) {
// code, run after image load
var c = document.getElementById(canvid);
var cDraw = c.getContext("2d");
cDraw.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

JavaScript: set background image with size and no-repeat from random image in folder

I am a javascript newbie...
I'm trying to write a function that grabs a random image from a directory and sets it as the background image of my banner div. I also need to set the size of the image and for it not to repeat. Here's what I've got so far, and it's not quite working.
What am I missing?
$(function() {
// some other scripts here
function bg() {
var imgCount = 3;
// image directory
var dir = '';
// random the images
var randomCount = Math.round(Math.random() * (imgCount - 1)) + 1;
// array of images & file name
var images = new Array();
images[1] = '001.png',
images[2] = '002.png',
images[3] = '003.png',
document.getElementById('banner').style.backgroundImage = "url(' + dir + images[randomCount] + ')";
document.getElementById('banner').style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat";
document.getElementById('banner').style.backgroundSize = "388px";
}); // end doc ready
I messed around with this for a while, and I came up with this solution. Just make sure you have some content in the "banner" element so that it actually shows up, because just a background won't give size to the element.
function bg() {
var imgCount = 3;
var dir = '';
// I changed your random generator
var randomCount = (Math.floor(Math.random() * imgCount));
// I changed your array to the literal notation. The literal notation is preferred.
var images = ['001.png', '002.png', '003.png'];
// I changed this section to just define the style attribute the best way I know how.
document.getElementById('banner').setAttribute("style", "background-image: url(" + dir + images[randomCount] + ");background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 388px 388px");
// Don't forget to run the function instead of just defining it.
Here's something sort of like what I use, and it works great. First, I rename all my background images "1.jpg" through whatever (ex. "29.jpg" ). Then:
var totalCount = 29;
function ChangeIt()
var num = Math.ceil( Math.random() * totalCount );
document.getElementById("div1").style.backgroundImage = 'images/'+num+'.jpg';
Then run the function ChangeIt() .

draw image on canvas after load into array

I tried to create an array of Image to be displayed on a canvas, after each image is loaded. No errors, no draw...
var x=...
var y=...
var canvas = document.getElementById(sCanvasName);
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var imageCardObj = [];
//vCards contains the images file names
for (var k=0;k<vCards.length;k++){
imageCardObj[k] = new Image();
var func = function(){
var c = arguments[3];
c.drawImage(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
imageCardObj[k].onload = func(imageCardObj[k], x, y, context);
imageCardObj[k].src = "res/img/"+vCards[k].trim()+".png";
You are calling the func() handler and gives the result to it to the image's onload handler. That won't work so well.. and you cannot pass arguments that way to a handler function.
Try this:
var func = function(){
// "this" will be the current image in here
var c = arguments[3];
c.drawImage(this, x, y); // you need to reference x and y
imageCardObj[k].onload = func; // only a reference here
If you need different x and y's then you need to maintain those on the side, either in an additional array or use objects to embed the image, its intended x and y and use the url to identify the image in question inside the func() callback.
Also note that load order may vary as the last image loaded could finish before the first one so when you draw the image they may not appear in the same order.
You may want to do this instead:
var files = [url1, url2, url, ...],
images = [],
numOfFiles = files.length,
count = numOfFiles;
// function to load all images in one go
function loadImages() {
// go through array of file names
for(var i = 0; i < numOfFiles; i++) {
// create an image element
var img = document.createElement('img');
// use common loader as we need to count files
img.onload = imageLoaded;
//img.onerror = ... handle errors too ...
//img.onabort = ... handle errors too ...
img.src = files[i];
// push image onto array in the same order as file names
function imageLoaded(e) {
// for each successful load we count down
if (count === 0) draw(); //start when all images are loaded
Then you can start the drawing after the images has loaded - the images are now in the same order as the original array:
function draw() {
for(var i = 0, img; img = images[i++];)
ctx.drawImage(img, x, y); // or get x and y from an array
Hope this helps!
This is the final (working) version
var x=...
var y=...
var canvas = document.getElementById(sCanvasName);
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var imageCardObj = [];
for (var k=0;k<vCards.length;k++){
imageCardObj[k] = new Image();
var func = function(){
context.drawImage(this,, yStreet);
imageCardObj[k].onload = func;
imageCardObj[k].src = 'res/img/'+vCards[k].trim()+".png";
x +=40;

change background img each time by clicking link

<script language="JavaScript">
var backImage = new Array();
backImage[0] = "pics/img02.jpg";
backImage[1] = "pics/img03.jpg";
backImage[2] = "pics/img04.jpg";
backImage[3] = "pics/img05.jpg";
function changeBGImage(whichImage){
if (document.body){
document.body.background = backImage[whichImage];
backImage = backImage++;
sorry, i don't get how i exactly should properly integrate code here -hopefully it still worked. what i want to do here: change the background (that works) than add plus one to the background counter so that the next time the link is clicked the next background shows (that doesn't work). it should be quite simple but i couldn't figure it out nevertheless...
Use a static counter that counts from 0 to 3.
var cnt = 0;
function changeBGImage(){
if (document.body){
document.body.background = backImage[cnt];
cnt = (cnt+1) % 4; // mod 4
There are a couple of issues in your code
backImage = backImage++;
Doesn't increment backImage as you expect. The syntax should be simply backImage++;
Also, to set the background image you need or = url(...)
Over and above cycling through the backgrounds via the click handler, if you also need to set the initial background, try something like below, with the initial background set in window.onload.
jsFiddle here
var backImage = [];
var whichImage = 0;
backImage[0] = "";
backImage[1] = "";
backImage[2] = "";
backImage[3] = "";
function changeBGImage(reseedWhichImage){
// If caller has specified an exact index, then reseed to this
if (reseedWhichImage != undefined)
whichImage = reseedWhichImage;
if (document.body){ = "url(" + backImage[whichImage] + ")";
if (whichImage >= 4){
whichImage = 0;
// During global load, set the initial background
window.onload = changeBGImage(2);

