How to determine "clock" shape connections? - javascript

I have a challenge to which I'm trying to devise a solution. This might best be suited to the math side of things but I'm hoping there is a pre-existing library or well-known algorithm that might work.
Simply stated, I have four shapes that will be laid out in a grid and I'm trying to determine if they connect when the endpoints align. Or put another way, think of rows of clocks. When the hands of one clock point at the hands of another they are "connected". To further extend the analogy I only have 4 "times": 3:00, 6:15, 5:45, 9:00 (ignore what might be a big vs little hand).
For purposes of discussion lets assume the clocks are aligned in rows so there are limited connections possible (in the final solution these clocks will be aligned in a grid).
I have attempted to apply various mathematical concepts to this including simply identifying quandrants or numbering the hands. Currently I am using a bit approach and identifying the hands in a clockwise fashion starting from "noon" (or straight up). I use a 0 for no hand in that location and a 1 to indicate there is a hand.
I've created the charts below to represent the available connections and those that would not connect. I hope it's obvious that in lines 3 and 4 of the chart those clocks that have a connection would be aligned to the left of the "origin" clock.
To read the chart, take the first row as an example. The origin clock will connect to the two clocks under "has connection" (if each were immediately aligned to the right of the origin). The "no connection" clock has no possible connection regardless of whether it were aligned to the right or the left of the origin.
The numbers are my current attempt to apply a pattern but may be a red herring in that they don't really seem to be providing me any help to devise an algorithm. Use or ignore them as you see fit.
All this said, I'm open to using any sort of technique including graphic collisions or any pre-built library that might make this easier. I even quickly looked into directed graphs and vector collisions but it seemed to rapidly evolve into overkill.
FWIW, I'm using Javascript for the solution.

var clock1 = 6; // 0110
var clock2 = 3; // 0011
var direction = 4;
// 8 = clock2 is above clock1
// 4 = clock2 is to the right of clock1
// 2 = clock2 is below clock1
// 1 = clock2 is to the left of clock1
var connected = (clock2 * 4 % 15 & clock1 & direction) != 0;

Let's say a row of clocks looks like this:
var row = [
You only care about the "3" and "9" position when comparing side-by-side. For any given pair, you care about the "3" position on the left, and the "9" position on the right, so:
for (var i=1;i<row.length;i++) {
var clock_left = row[i-1];
var clock_right = row[i];
var they_touch = clock_left[1] * clock_right[3];
They variable they_touch will be 1 if the hands touch, otherwise 0.
To do columns, arrange your clocks into columns instead of rows, and compare the "12" and "6" positions.


3D Grid for multiple shapes

A few months ago I made a small terrain generator, like Minecraft, for a school project.
The way I did this was by using multiple chunks. Each chunk contained a 3-dimensional array that stored the blocks.
Every position in this array corresponded with the position of the block it contained.
blocks[x, y, z] = new Block();
Now I would like to add different sizes if blocks. However, I can't do that with the way I am storing the blocks right now, because bigger blocks would have to be spread over multiple positions in the 3-dimensional array.
An example of a game with different sizes of blocks (and different shapes) is LEGO Worlds. How does a game like this store all these little blocks?
I hope someone can help me with this.
The language I am using is Javascript in combination with WebGL.
Thanks in advance!
In my experience there are a few different ways of tackling an issue like this, but the one I'd recommend would depend on the amount of time you have to work on this and the scope (how big) you wanted to make this game.
Your Current Approach
At the moment I think your using what most people would consider the most straightforward approach by storing the voxels in a 3D grid
But two problems you seem to be having is that there isn't an obvious way to create blocks that are bigger then 1x1 and that a 3D grid for a world space is fairly inefficient in terms of memory usage (As for an array you have to have memory allocated for every cell, including empty space. JavaScript is no different).
An Alternative Approach
An alternative to using a 3D array would be to instead use a different data structure, the full name being a sparse voxel octree.
This to put it simply is a tree data structure that works by subdividing an area of space until everything has been stored.
The 2D form of this where a square sub divides into four smaller quadrants is called a quad tree and likewise a 3D equivalent divides into eight quadrants, called an octree. This approach is generally preferable when possible as its much more efficient because the trees only occupy more memory when its absolutely essential and they can also be packed into a 1D array (Technically a 3D array can be too).
A common tactic used with quad/octrees in some block based games is to take a region of the same kind of voxel that fit into one larger quadrant of the tree is to simply stop sub division there, as there's no reason to go deeper if all the data is the same.
The other optimization they can make is called sparse where regions of empty space (air) are simply deleted since empty space doesn't do anything special and its location can be inferred.
[SVO Source]
[Z Order Curve Source]
Recommended Approach
Unless you have a few months to complete your game and you're at university I seriously wouldn't recommend an SVO (Though reading up about could impress any teachers you have). Instead I'd recommend taking the same approach that Minecraft appears to visibly has. E.G. A door is 1X2 but blocks can only be 1x1, then just make it two blocks.
In the example of a door you would have four unique blocks in total, two for the upper and lower half, and two variations of each being opened or closed.
var cubeProgram; // shader program
var cubeVBO; // vertex buffer (I recommend combining vertex & UV coords)
var gl; // rendering context
// Preset list of block ID's
// Declare a Door class using ES6 syntax
class Door {
// Assume X & Y are the lower half of the door
constructor(x,y,map) {
if (y - 1 > -1) {
console.error("Error: Top half of the door goes outside the map");
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

Multiplayer Game - Client Interpolation Calculation?

I am creating a Multiplayer game using socket io in javascript. The game works perfectly at the moment aside from the client interpolation. Right now, when I get a packet from the server, I simply set the clients position to the position sent by the server. Here is what I have tried to do:
getServerInfo(packet) {
var otherPlayer = players[]; // GET PLAYER
otherPlayer.setTarget(packet.x, packet.y); // SET TARGET TO MOVE TO
So I set the players Target position. And then in the Players Update method I simply did this:
var update = function(delta) {
if (x != target.x || y != target.y){
var direction = Math.atan2((target.y - y), (target.x - x));
x += (delta* speed) * Math.cos(direction);
y += (delta* speed) * Math.sin(direction);
var dist = Math.sqrt((x - target.x) * (x - target.x) + (y - target.y)
* (y - target.y));
if (dist < treshhold){
x = target.x;
y = target.y;
This basically moves the player in the direction of the target at a fixed speed. The issue is that the player arrives at the target either before or after the next information arrives from the server.
Edit: I have just read Gabriel Bambettas Article on this subject, and he mentions this:
Say you receive position data at t = 1000. You already had received data at t = 900, so you know where the player was at t = 900 and t = 1000. So, from t = 1000 and t = 1100, you show what the other player did from t = 900 to t = 1000. This way you’re always showing the user actual movement data, except you’re showing it 100 ms “late”.
This again assumed that it is exactly 100ms late. If your ping varies a lot, this will not work.
Would you be able to provide some pseudo code so I can get an Idea of how to do this?
I have found this question online here. But none of the answers provide an example of how to do it, only suggestions.
I'm completely fresh to multiplayer game client/server architecture and algorithms, however in reading this question the first thing that came to mind was implementing second-order (or higher) Kalman filters on the relevant variables for each player.
Specifically, the Kalman prediction steps which are much better than simple dead-reckoning. Also the fact that Kalman prediction and update steps work somewhat as weighted or optimal interpolators. And futhermore, the dynamics of players could be encoded directly rather than playing around with abstracted parameterizations used in other methods.
Meanwhile, a quick search led me to this:
An improvement of dead reckoning algorithm using kalman filter for minimizing network traffic of 3d on-line games
The abstract:
Online 3D games require efficient and fast user interaction support
over network, and the networking support is usually implemented using
network game engine. The network game engine should minimize the
network delay and mitigate the network traffic congestion. To minimize
the network traffic between game users, a client-based prediction
(dead reckoning algorithm) is used. Each game entity uses the
algorithm to estimates its own movement (also other entities'
movement), and when the estimation error is over threshold, the entity
sends the UPDATE (including position, velocity, etc) packet to other
entities. As the estimation accuracy is increased, each entity can
minimize the transmission of the UPDATE packet. To improve the
prediction accuracy of dead reckoning algorithm, we propose the Kalman
filter based dead reckoning approach. To show real demonstration, we
use a popular network game (BZFlag), and improve the game optimized
dead reckoning algorithm using Kalman filter. We improve the
prediction accuracy and reduce the network traffic by 12 percents.
Might seem wordy and like a whole new problem to learn what it's all about... and discrete state-space for that matter.
Briefly, I'd say a Kalman filter is a filter that takes into account uncertainty, which is what you've got here. It normally works on measurement uncertainty at a known sample rate, but it could be re-tooled to work with uncertainty in measurement period/phase.
The idea being that in lieu of a proper measurement, you'd simply update with the kalman predictions. The tactic is similar to target tracking applications.
I was recommended them on stackexchange myself - took about a week to figure out how they were relevant but I've since implemented them successfully in vision processing work.
('s making me want to experiment with your problem now !)
As I wanted more direct control over the filter, I copied someone else's roll-your-own implementation of a Kalman filter in matlab into openCV (in C++):
void Marker::kalmanPredict(){
//Prediction for state vector
Xx = A * Xx;
Xy = A * Xy;
//and covariance
Px = A * Px * A.t() + Q;
Py = A * Py * A.t() + Q;
void Marker::kalmanUpdate(Point2d& measuredPosition){
//Kalman gain K:
Mat tempINVx = Mat(2, 2, CV_64F);
Mat tempINVy = Mat(2, 2, CV_64F);
tempINVx = C*Px*C.t() + R;
tempINVy = C*Py*C.t() + R;
Kx = Px*C.t() * tempINVx.inv(DECOMP_CHOLESKY);
Ky = Py*C.t() * tempINVy.inv(DECOMP_CHOLESKY);
//Estimate of velocity
//units are pixels.s^-1
Point2d measuredVelocity = Point2d(measuredPosition.x -<double>(0), measuredPosition.y -<double>(0));
Mat zx = (Mat_<double>(2,1) << measuredPosition.x, measuredVelocity.x);
Mat zy = (Mat_<double>(2,1) << measuredPosition.y, measuredVelocity.y);
//kalman correction based on position measurement and velocity estimate:
Xx = Xx + Kx*(zx - C*Xx);
Xy = Xy + Ky*(zy - C*Xy);
//and covariance again
Px = Px - Kx*C*Px;
Py = Py - Ky*C*Py;
I don't expect you to be able to use this directly though, but if anyone comes across it and understand what 'A', 'P', 'Q' and 'C' are in state-space (hint hint, state-space understanding is a pre-req here) they'll likely see how connect the dots.
(both matlab and openCV have their own Kalman filter implementations included by the way...)
This question is being left open with a request for more detail, so I’ll try to fill in the gaps of Patrick Klug’s answer. He suggested, reasonably, that you transmit both the current position and the current velocity at each time point.
Since two position and two velocity measurements give a system of four equations, it enables us to solve for a system of four unknowns, namely a cubic spline (which has four coefficients, a, b, c and d). In order for this spline to be smooth, the first and second derivatives (velocity and acceleration) should be equal at the endpoints. There are two standard, equivalent ways of calculating this: Hermite splines ( and Bézier splines ( For a two-dimensional problem such as this, I suggested separating variables and finding splines for both x and y based on the tangent data in the updates, which is called a clamped piecewise cubic Hermite spline. This has several advantages over the splines in the link above, such as cardinal splines, which do not take advantage of that information. The locations and velocities at the control points will match, you can interpolate up to the last update rather than the one before, and you can apply this method just as easily to polar coordinates if the game world is inherently polar like Space wars. (Another approach sometimes used for periodic data is to perform a FFT and do trigonometric interpolation in the frequency domain, but that doesn’t sound applicable here.)
What originally appeared here was a derivation of the Hermite spline using linear algebra in a somewhat unusual way that (unless I made a mistake entering it) would have worked. However, the comments convinced me it would be more helpful to give the standard names for what I was talking about. If you are interested in the mathematical details of how and why this works, this is a better explanation:
A better algorithm than the one I gave is to represent the sample points and first derivatives as a tridiagonal matrix that, multiplied by a column vector of coefficients, produces the boundary conditions, and solve for the coefficients. An alternative is to add control points to a Bézier curve where the tangent lines at the sampled points intersect and on the tangent lines at the endpoints. Both methods produce the same, unique, smooth cubic spline.
One situation you might be able to avoid if you were choosing the points rather than receiving updates is if you get a bad sample of points. You can’t, for example, intersect parallel tangent lines, or tell what happened if it’s back in the same place with a nonzero first derivative. You’d never choose those points for a piecewise spline, but you might get them if an object made a swerve between updates.
If my computer weren’t broken right now, here is where I would put fancy graphics like the ones I posted to TeX.SX. Unfortunately, I have to bow out of those for now.
Is this better than straight linear interpolation? Definitely: linear interpolation will get you straight- line paths, quadratic splines won't be smooth, and higher-order polynomials will likely be overfitted. Cubic splines are the standard way to solve that problem.
Are they better for extrapolation, where you try to predict where a game object will go? Possibly not: this way, you’re assuming that a player who’s accelerating will keep accelerating, rather than that they will immediately stop accelerating, and that could put you much further off. However, the time between updates should be short, so you shouldn’t get too far off.
Finally, you might make things a lot easier on yourself by programming in a bit more conservation of momentum. If there’s a limit to how quickly objects can turn, accelerate or decelerate, their paths will not be able to diverge as much from where you predict based on their last positions and velocities.
Depending on your game you might want to prefer smooth player movement over super-precise location. If so, then I'd suggest to aim for 'eventual consistency'. I think your idea of keeping 'real' and 'simulated' data-points is a good one. Just make sure that from time to time you force the simulated to converge with the real, otherwise the gap will get too big.
Regarding your concern about different movement speed I'd suggest you include the current velocity and direction of the player in addition to the current position in your packet. This will enable you to more smoothly predict where the player would be based on your own framerate/update timing.
Essentially you would calculate the current simulated velocity and direction taking into account the last simulated location and velocity as well as last known location and velocity (put more emphasis on the second) and then simulate new position based on that.
If the gap between simulated and known gets too big, just put more emphasis on the known location and the otherPlayer will catch up quicker.

What kind of visualization should I use for displaying combinations?

I need to create a visualization/chart showing all the ways to choose from a set of items (i.e., number of possible combinations)
Concretely, I am showing potential offspring from two animals, where each parent may possess some number of genes, and the offspring inherits 0, 1, or both parent genes of each type. The genes have fun names (e.g., fire), and sometimes combinations of those genes have their own names (fire + pastel = firefly), but this is beside the point.
Here's a simple example that shows 2 and 2 genes from parents (with 1 shared), which makes for 2^2 = 16 possibilities.
The current UI shows the list of possibilities, but nothing visually conveys the magnitude. Secondly, it would be great if the outcomes which share commonality (i.e., contain same genes) could be visually related.
My idea is something like a diamond shaped graph, or layered network, where at the top is the outcome where all genes are chosen, and below that a row of nodes with N-1, and so forth until the bottom row has 0 selected. Edges would connect the nodes beween layers with shared genes. Size of nodes could indicate probability. Something like this (but ignore the data):
I'm aware of Punnett Squares, but I'm not sure it's the best for combinations of this order (for one it doesn't not combine equivalent outcomes).
I was hoping d3js would have something like this but in the abundance of examples in the gallery I didn't see anything quite like it.
The current UI shows the list of possibilities, but nothing visually conveys the magnitude.
Instead of annotating each possibility with a fraction - e.g. "1 / 16" - place a horizontal bar chart beside your possibilities, where the size of a bar is proportional to that possibility's likelihood. You can sort the possibilities by decreasing likelihood as well.

Connecting Rooms

I've created a simple algorithm for a game I'm working on that creates a cave like structure. The algorithm outputs a 2 dimensional array of bits that represent the open area's. Example:
(0's represent wall, 1's represent open areas)
The problem is that the algorithm can sometimes create a cave that has 2 non connected sections (as in the above example). I've written a function that gives me an array of arrays that contain all the x, y positions of the open spots for each area
My question is, given a number of lists that contain all of the x,y coordinates for each open area what is the fastest way to "connect" these area's be a corridor that is a minimum of 2 thickness wide.
(I'm writing this in javascript but even just pseudo code will help me out)
I've tried comparing the distances from every point in one area to every other area in another area, finding the two points that have the closest distance then cutting out a path from those 2 two points but this approach is way to slow I'm hoping there is another way.
Given two caves A and B, choose a point x in A and y in B (at random will do, the two closest or locally closest is better). Drill a corridor of thickness 2 between A and B (use Bresenham's algorithm). If you have multiple disconnected caves, do the above for each edge (A,B) of the minimal spanning tree of the graph of all the caves (edge weight is the length of the corridor you'll drill if you choose this edge).
Edit for the edit: to approximate the distance between two caves, you can use hill climbing. It will return the global minimum for convex caves in O(n) rather than the naive O(n2). For non-convex caves, do multiple iterations of hill climbing with initial guess chosen in random.
If you need the exactly minimal solution, you can consider first building the frontiers of your caves and then applying O(nm) algorithm. This will eliminate the need to compare distances between interior points of your caves. Then as soon as you know the distances between each pair of caves, you build the minimal spanning tree, then you drill your tunnels.
Since I don't know too much from your description, here are some hints I would consider:
How do you look for the pair of nearest points? Do you use a naive brute-force approach and thus obtain a run time of O(n*n)? Or are you using a more efficient variant taking O(n log n) time?
If you have obtained the closest points, I'd use a simple line-drawing algorithm.
Another approach might be that you generate a structure that definitely has only one single connected area. Therefore you could do the following: First you take a random cell (x,y) and set it to 1. Then, you traverse all it's neighbours and for each of them you randomly set it to 1 or leave it at 0. For each cell set to 1, you do the same, i.e. you traverse it's neighbours and set them randomly to 1 or 0. This guarantees that you won't have two separate areas.
An algorithm to ensure this could be the following (in python):
def setCell(x,y,A):
if x>=len(A) or y>=len(A[0]) or x<0 or y<0:
A[x][y] = 1
def getCell(x,y,A):
if x>=len(A) or y>=len(A[0]) or x<0 or y<0:
return 1
return A[x][y]
def generate(height, width):
A = [[0 for _ in xrange(width)] for _ in xrange(height)]
from random import randint
import Queue
(x,y) = (randint(0, height-1), randint(0, width-1))
setCell (x,y,A)
q = Queue.Queue()
while not q.empty():
(x,y) = q.get()
for (nx, ny) in [(x+1,y), (x-1,y), (x,y+1), (x,y-1)]:
if randint(0,8)<=6:
if getCell(nx,ny,A)==0:
if randint(0,2)<=1:
return A
def printField(A):
for l in A:
for c in l:
print (" " if c==1 else "X"),
print ""
Then printField(generate(20,30)) does the job. Probably you'll have to adjust the parameters for random stuff so it fits your needs.

Click detection in a 2D isometric grid?

I've been doing web development for years now and I'm slowly getting myself involved with game development and for my current project I've got this isometric map, where I need to use an algorithm to detect which field is being clicked on. This is all in the browser with Javascript by the way.
The map
It looks like this and I've added some numbers to show you the structure of the fields (tiles) and their IDs. All the fields have a center point (array of x,y) which the four corners are based on when drawn.
As you can see it's not a diamond shape, but a zig-zag map and there's no angle (top-down view) which is why I can't find an answer myself considering that all articles and calculations are usually based on a diamond shape with an angle.
The numbers
It's a dynamic map and all sizes and numbers can be changed to generate a new map.
I know it isn't a lot of data, but the map is generated based on the map and field sizes.
- Map Size: x:800 y:400
- Field Size: 80x80 (between corners)
- Center position of all the fields (x,y)
The goal
To come up with an algorithm which tells the client (game) which field the mouse is located in at any given event (click, movement etc).
I do want to mention that I've already come up with a working solution myself, however I'm 100% certain it could be written in a better way (my solution involves a lot of nested if-statements and loops), and that's why I'm asking here.
Here's an example of my solution where I basically find a square with corners in the nearest 4 known positions and then I get my result based on the smallest square between the 2 nearest fields. Does that make any sense?
Ask if I missed something.
Here's what I came up with,
function posInGrid(x, y, length) {
xFromColCenter = x % length - length / 2;
yFromRowCenter = y % length - length / 2;
col = (x - xFromColCenter) / length;
row = (y - yFromRowCenter) / length;
if (yFromRowCenter < xFromColCenter) {
if (yFromRowCenter < (-xFromColCenter))--row;
} else if (yFromRowCenter > xFromColCenter) {
if (yFromRowCenter < (-xFromColCenter))--col;
return "Col:"+col+", Row:"+row+", xFC:"+xFromColCenter+", yFC:"+yFromRowCenter;
X and Y are the coords in the image, and length is the spacing of the grid.
Right now it returns a string, just for testing.. result should be row and col, and those are the coordinates I chose: your tile 1 has coords (1,0) tile 2 is(3,0), tile 10 is (0,1), tile 11 is (2,1). You could convert my coordinates to your numbered tiles in a line or two.
And a JSFiddle for testing
EDIT: changed the return statement, had some variables I used for debugging left in.
A pixel perfect way of hit detection I've used in the past (in OpenGL, but the concept stands here too) is an off screen rendering of the scene where the different objects are identified with different colors.
This approach requires double the memory and double the rendering but the hit detection of arbitrarily complex scenes is done with a simple color lookup.
Since you want to detect a cell in a grid there are probably more efficient solutions but I wanted to mention this one for it's simplicity and flexibility.
This has been solved before, let me consult my notes...
Here's a couple of good resources:
From Laserbrain Studios, The basics of isometric programming
Useful article in the thread posted here, in Java
Let me know if this helps, and good luck with your game!
This code calculates the position in the grid given the uneven spacing. Should be pretty fast; almost all operations are done mathematically, using just one loop. I'll ponder the other part of the problem later.
def cspot(x,y,length):
vlist = [ (l*(k%2))+(lp*((k+1)%2)) for k in range(1,y+1) ]
return x + sum(vlist)

