Place script inside template in AngularJS 2 - javascript

I should insert a script tag quite long inside a template in AngularJS 2? is it a a good idea to put a script inside a template in AngularJS 2? Where should I put? Basically it is just a script that load a map

Script tags in templates are just removed by Angular. You can dynamically create and add one after the view is created or add it to the entry page.
There is already a similar question answered but I don't have the time just yet to look it up.
See also


Is there something similar to ng-include in Knockoutjs like in Angularjs

I have to include a html file inside a WebPage (Another HTML ) and I can do it effectively using AngularJs ng-include.
<div ng-include="'storage/html/storageResources.html'"></div>
I now have a requirement where I need to achieve the same using KnockoutJs and not Angular.
Is there something similar in KnockoutJs that I can make use of to include a html page inside another one?

Angular 1.4: Add directives dynamically to markup

I have a web application thats written mostly in Jquery, that is essentially a dashboard that a user can add any number of custom widgets to. I have the users currently added widgets, so when its loaded up I masically append each widget to the DOM. I want to work on converting this to an Angular application however im stumbling on one major issue.
1)I can recreate each widget as a directive, that will work nicely. However what I'm struggling with is how to add each widget that a user has setup on load. My first attempt at solving this was to create a generic widget directive, and doing an ng-repeat, and dynamically assigning the widget its controller/templateUrl.
In theory this seems great however I ran into some issues with not being able to dynamically pass the controller name via attribute. if I hard coded a string value it would work, but wouldnt a data-bound attribute in the ng-repeat. Example below does not work.
<quidget ng-dynamic-controller="quidget.QuidgetName" ng-repeat="quidget in tab.quidgets track by $index"></quidget>
if instead of quidget.QuidgetName I passed in the actual name of the controller, it would so
<quidget ng-dynamic-controller="quidget1Controller" ng-repeat="quidget in tab.quidgets track by $index"></quidget>
Does anyone have any insight on how I can go about accomplishing this?
Instead of passing the controller name dynamically to the directive you can define the name of the controller in the template of that widget (this is assuming that every widget has a different template). For example you just pass the widget name to the controller:
<quidget ng-repeat="quidget in quidgets" name="">
Next, in your quidget directive's template you conditionally load the template based on the name of the widget, some thing like this:
<div ng-switch on="name">
<div ng-switch-when="widget1" >
<ng-include src="'widget1.html'"></ng-include>
<div ng-switch-when="widget2" >
<ng-include src="'widget2.html'"></ng-include>
and inside each widget's template you define the Controller name like this:
<p ng-controller="widget1Ctrl">This is widget1.</p>
Here is a working plunker that illustrates the whole idea:
I know it's kind of a messy solution and I am pretty sure this can be accomplished in a much simpler manner.

manipulating tinymce in Wordpress

I need to be able to extract, manipulate and update the text in wordpress's tinymce #content textbox.The code is coded in a wordpress plugin.
The below post helps but i am unable to comment or contact the original creator to ask him further questions. Having 1 points I cant practically do anything except ask questions. Let me know if i am doing this wrong.
Basically the code from this link is what i need to manipulate or edit the content in wordpress tinymce editor.
Manipulating TinyMCE content with jQuery
But the code seems to be overly simplified.
so my question is:
Do i need to include jquery
Do i need to include the tinymce js or class? is it in wordpress itself?
The code seems to be half javascript half php? Is the code suppose to be coded in a .js file?
do i need to put php tags here?
// make it into a jQuery object
var $content = $(content);
// manipulate the jquery object using jquery
$content = $content.remove('a');
hi I have figured it out after a bit more researching.
At first I was working with php to manipulate data after it is saved. But then i went on to wanting to manipulate the text before it was saved like underlining certain text based on a list in the database. So I needed to move on to javascript because i was editing the text before it was submitted or a page reload which i didn't wrap my head around yet.
So next i just coded the changes into javascript and built a button to call the process.
and seems i didn't need to include the tinymce class because probably the header of the editor page has already included it.

angularjs - After changing views using routing the jquery elements doesn`t get rendered

My issue is that after changing views using routing, the jquery components in my page doesn´t get rendered. I have customized ui components like dropdowns that are not being processed. I saw this answer: Angular.js App with routing.. Cannot get jquery ui layout plugin working on 2nd view
But I can´t figure out how to make it work in my case. It seems that when angular renders the template, any but angularjs code is processed.
Thanks so much in advance.
In the example you've provided, you're not actually loading the file with the jQuery code in it (jqcode.js).
The real problem however, as you can see in this version of your example, is that the document ready event is executed before your template has been loaded and rendered. This means that the element your jQuery code is attempting to target does't exist when you try to manipulate it.
You should really look into Angular directives which is where you are advised to place any DOM manipulation logic within an Angular project:
If you have to perform your own manual DOM manipulation, encapsulate
the presentation logic in directives.
From the Angular documentation for controllers.

Adding JavaScript Code to A Single Page in Joomla (Google Remarketing Code)

I would like to add the Google Remarketing JavaScript code to my site. According to Google's documentation, I need to add the code right before the tag in my HTML document. I can easily do this in the template which would add the code to all of my pages. But what if I only want to add the JavaScript code to a single page? What is the best method to go about doing this?
I tried assigning a new module position right before the tag and inserting the code using a custom HTML module. Only problem is, it wrapped the code in a meaning the remarketing code wasn't truly inserted right above the tag.
You could use a module which allows to run custom code in it. There are several solutions to this in the JED:
You could go about this by using JFactory::addScriptDeclaration();. More info can be found about this via the following link:
Or, you could try using Google Tag Manager which is a Plugin for Joomla 2.5 and 3.x

