how to find '/' character using expression in javascript - javascript

i want to get the index of all string '/jk' from the string 'ujj/jkiiiii/jk' using JavaScript and match function.I am able to find all string but when i am using / ,it is showing error.

If you want to get an array of positions of '/jk' in a string you can either use regular expressions:
var str = 'ujj/jkiiiii/jk'
var re = /\/jk/g
var indices = []
var found
while (found = re.exec(str)) {
Here /\/jk/g is a regular expression that matches '/jk' (/ is escaped so it is \/). Learn regular expressions at
Or you can use str.indexOf(), but you'll need a loop anyway:
var str = 'ujj/jkiiiii/jk'
var substr = '/jk'
var indices = []
var index = 0 - substr.length
while ((index = str.indexOf(substr, index + substr.length)) != -1) {
The result in both cases will be [3, 11] in indices variable.

I update my answer.
you just need to add a '\' when you want to find a '/' because '\' is the escape character.
As you don't give any clue of what you want to do. This is what I can help. If you update your answer with your code I can help a little more.


Extract strings between occurences of a specific character

I'm attempting to extract strings between occurences of a specific character in a larger string.
For example:
The initial string is:
var str = "";
I want to be able to store all of the substrings between the question marks as their own variables, such as "hello", "kitty" and "test".
How would I target substrings between different indexes of a specific character using either JavaScript or Regular Expressions?
You could split on ? and use slice passing 1 as the parameter value.
That would give you an array with your values. If you want to create separate variables you could for example get the value by its index var1 = parts[0]
var str = "";
var parts = str.split('?').slice(1);
var var1 = parts[0],
var2 = parts[1],
var3 = parts[2];
Quick note: that URL would be invalid. A question mark ? denotes the beginning of a query string and key/value pairs are generally provided in the form key=value and delimited with an ampersand &.
That being said, if this isn't a problem then why not split on the question mark to obtain an array of values?
var split_values = str.split('?');
//result: [ '', 'hello', 'kitty', 'test' ]
Then you could simply grab the individual values from the array, skipping the first element.
I believe this will do it:
var components = "".split("?");
components.slice(1-components.length) // Returns: [ "hello", "kitty", "test" ]
using Regular Expressions
var reg = /\?([^\?]+)/g;
var s = "";
var results = null;
while( results = reg.exec(s) ){
The general case is to use RegExp:
var regex1 = new RegExp(/\?.*?(?=\?|$)/,'g'); regex1.lastIndex=0;
Note that this will also get you the leading ? in each clause (no look-behind regexp in Javascript).
Alternatively you can use the sticky flag and run it in a loop:
var regex1 = new RegExp(/.*?\?(.*?)(?=\?|$)/,'y'); regex1.lastIndex=0;
while(str.match(regex1)) {...}
You can take the substring starting from the first question mark, then split by question mark
const str = "";
const matches = str.substring(str.indexOf('?') + 1).split(/\?/g);

JavaScript RegExp - find all prefixes up to a certain character

I have a string which is composed of terms separated by slashes ('/'), for example:
I want to find all the prefixes of this string up to an occurrence of a slash or end of string, i.e. for the above example I expect to get:
I've tried a regex like this: /^(.*)[\/$]/, but it returns a single match - ab/c/ with the parenthesized result ab/c, accordingly.
I know this can be done quite easily using split, I am looking specifically for a solution using RegExp.
NO, you can't do that with a pure regex.
Why? Because you need substrings starting at one and the same location in the string, while regex matches non-overlapping chunks of text and then advances its index to search for another match.
OK, what about capturing groups? They are only helpful if you know how many /-separated chunks you have in the input string. You could then use
var s = 'ab/c/def'; // There are exact 3 parts
// => [ "ab/c/def", "ab/c", "ab" ]
However, it is unlikely you know that many details about your input string.
You may use the following code rather than a regex:
var s = 'ab/c/def';
var chunks = s.split('/');
var res = [];
for(var i=0;i<chunks.length;i++) {
res.length > 0 ? res.push(chunks.slice(0,i).join('/')+'/'+chunks[i]) : res.push(chunks[i]);
First, you can split the string with /. Then, iterate through the elements and build the res array.
I do not think a regular expression is what you are after. A simple split and loop over the array can give you the result.
var str = "ab/c/def";
var result = str.split("/").reduce(function(a,s,i){
var last = a[i-1] ? a[i-1] + "/" : "";
a.push(last + s);
return a;
}, []);
or another way
var str = "ab/c/def",
result = [],
Plenty of other ways to do it.
You can't do it with a RegEx in javascript but you can split parts and join them respectively together:
var array = "ab/c/def".split('/'), newArray = [], key = 0;
while (value = array[key++]) {
newArray.push(key == 1 ? value : newArray[newArray.length - 1] + "/" + value)
May be like this
var str = "ab/c/def",
result = str.match(/.+?(?=\/|$)/g)
.map((e,i,a) => a[i-1] ? a[i] = a[i-1] + e : e);
Couldn't you just split the string on the separator character?
var result = 'ab/c/def'.split(/\//g);

Replace string with condition in google script

in google script I am trying to replace a %string basing on the character following it.
I've tried using:
var indexOfPercent = newString.indexOf("%");
and then check the character of indexOfPercent+1, but indexOf returns only the first occurrence of '%'.
How can I get all occurrences? Maybe there is easier way to do that (regular expressions)?
Finally I want to replace all my % occurrences to %%, but not if percent sign was part of %# or %#.
To sum up: my string: Test%# Test2%s Test3%. should look like: Test%# Test2%s Test3%%.
I've tried using something like this:
//?!n Matches any string that is not followed by a specific string n
//(x|y) Find any of the alternatives specified
var newString = newString.replace(\%?![s]|\%?![%], "%%")
but it didn't find any strings. I am not familiar with regex's, so maybe it is a simple mistake.
Try this code:
// replace all '%'
var StrPercent = '%100%ffff%';
var StrNoPersent = StrPercent.replace(/\%/g,'');
Logger.log(StrNoPersent); // 100ffff
Look for more info here
In your case you need RegEx with the character not followed by group of characters. Similiar question was asked here:
Regular expressions - how to match the character '<' not followed by ('a' or 'em' or 'strong')?
Thy this code:
function RegexNotFollowedBy() {
var sample = ['Test%#',
var RegEx = /%(?!s|#)/g;
var Replace = "%%";
var str, newStr;
for (var i = 0; i < sample.length; i++) {
str = sample[i];
newStr = str.replace(RegEx, Replace);
I'll explain expression /%(?!s|#)/g:
% -- look '%'
(text1|text2|text3...|textN) -- not followed by text1, 2 etc.
g -- look for any accurance of searched text

How to remove the last matched regex pattern in javascript

I have a text which goes like this...
var string = '~a=123~b=234~c=345~b=456'
I need to extract the string such that it splits into
That is, I need to split the string with /b=.*/ pattern but it should match the last found pattern. How to achieve this using RegEx?
Note: The numbers present after the equal is randomly generated.
The above one was just an example. I did not make the question clear I guess.
Generalized String being...
All have random length and all wordi are alphabets, the whole string length is not fixed. the only text known would be <word2>. Hence I needed RegEx for it and pattern being /<word2>=.*/
This doesn't sound like a job for regexen considering that you want to extract a specific piece. Instead, you can just use lastIndexOf to split the string in two:
var lio = str.lastIndexOf('b=');
var arr = [];
var arr[0] = str.substr(0, lio);
var arr[1] = str.substr(lio);
I don't think I'd personally use a regex for this type of problem, but you can extract the last option pair with a regex like this:
var str = '~a=123~b=234~c=345~b=456';
var matches = str.match(/^(.*)~([^=]+=[^=]+)$/);
// matches[1] = "~a=123~b=234~c=345"
// matches[2] = "b=456"
Assuming the format is (~, alphanumeric name, =, and numbers) repeated arbitrary number of times. The most important assumption here is that ~ appear once for each name-value pair, and it doesn't appear in the name.
You can remove the last token by a simple replacement:
str.replace(/(.*)~.*/, '$1')
This works by using the greedy property of * to force it to match the last ~ in the input.
This can also be achieved with lastIndexOf, since you only need to know the index of the last ~:
str.substring(0, (str.lastIndexOf('~') + 1 || str.length() + 1) - 1)
(Well, I don't know if the code above is good JS or not... I would rather write in a few lines. The above is just for showing one-liner solution).
A RegExp that will give a result that you may could use is:
// ["a=123", "b=234", "c=345", "b=456"]
But in your case the simplest solution is to split the string before extract the content:
var results = string.split('~'); // ["", "a=123", "b=234", "c=345", "b=456"]
Now will be easy to extract the key and result to add to an object:
var myObj = {};
results.forEach(function (item) {
if(item) {
var r = item.split('=');
if (!myObj[r[0]]) {
myObj[r[0]] = [r[1]];
} else {
a: ["123"]
b: ["234", "456"]
c: ["345"]
will get it done in one match, but if there are duplicate entries it will go to the first. Performance also isn't great and if you string.replace it will destroy all duplicates. It would pass your example, but against '~a=123~b=234~c=345~b=234' it would go to the first 'b=234'.
will run a lot faster, but it requires another step because the match comes out in a group:
var re = /.*(~b=[^~]*)/.exec(string);
var result = re[1]; //~b=234
var array = string.split(re[1]);
This method will also have the with exact duplicates. Another option is:
var regex = /.*(~b=[^~]*)/g;
var re = regex.exec(string);
var result = re[1];
// if you want an array from either side of the string:
var array = [string.slice(0, regex.lastIndex - re[1].length - 1), string.slice(regex.lastIndex, string.length)];
This actually finds the exact location of the last match and removes it regex.lastIndex - re[1].length - 1 is my guess for the index to remove the ellipsis from the leading side, but I didn't test it so it might be off by 1.

How can I remove all characters up to and including the 3rd slash in a string?

I'm having trouble with removing all characters up to and including the 3 third slash in JavaScript. This is my string:
The result should be:
Does anybody know the correct solution?
To get the last item in a path, you can split the string on / and then pop():
var url = "http://blablab/test";
//-> "test"
To specify an individual part of a path, split on / and use bracket notation to access the item:
var url = "http://blablab/test/page.php";
//-> "test"
Or, if you want everything after the third slash, split(), slice() and join():
var url = "http://blablab/test/page.php";
//-> "test/page.php"
var string = 'http://blablab/test'
string = string.replace(/[\s\S]*\//,'').replace(/[\s\S]*\//,'').replace(/[\s\S]*\//,'')
This is a regular expression. I will explain below
The regex is /[\s\S]*\//
/ is the start of the regex
Where [\s\S] means whitespace or non whitespace (anything), not to be confused with . which does not match line breaks (. is the same as [^\r\n]).
* means that we match anywhere from zero to unlimited number of [\s\S]
\/ Means match a slash character
The last / is the end of the regex
var str = "http://blablab/test";
var index = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
index = str.indexOf("/",index)+1;
str = str.substr(index);
To make it a one liner you could make the following:
str = str.substr(str.indexOf("/",str.indexOf("/",str.indexOf("/")+1)+1)+1);
You can use split to split the string in parts and use slice to return all parts after the third slice.
var str = "http://blablab/test",
arr = str.split("/");
arr = arr.slice(3);
console.log(arr.join("/")); // "test"
// A longer string:
var str = "http://blablab/test/test"; // "test/test";
You could use a regular expression like this one:
// -> ['http://blablab/test', 'test]
A string’s match method gives you either an array (of the whole match, in this case the whole input, and of any capture groups (and we want the first capture group)), or null. So, for general use you need to pull out the 1th element of the array, or null if a match wasn’t found:
var input = 'http://blablab/test',
re = /^(?:[^/]*\/){3}(.*)$/,
match = input.match(re),
result = match && match[1]; // With this input, result contains "test"
let str = "http://blablab/test";
let data = new URL(str).pathname.split("/").pop();

