I'm using parse.com as the backend to my project and am creating a web page using javascript.
I'm extending PFObject as follow:
var Match = Parse.Object.extend("Match");
On the match object i have a couple properties, let say the first one is "player1"
My question is how can i make it so that when i try to get a property of my match object it succeeds
var matchQuery = new Parse.Query("Match");
success: function (results) {
_.each(results, function (element, index, list) {
var test = element.player1 <<<< here player1 is undefined
error: function (error) {
alert("Error: " + error.code + " " + error.message);
Thanks for any tips!
Setting values on the backbone object works like regular JS. The value is retained for as long as the object is in memory, but no longer.
match.memoryOnlyAttribute = "I'll be gone soon";
If match is released and then queried again, memoryOnlyAttribute will be null, as you have observed.
To get a value for a property that persists, it must first be a property on the object. This is typically done in the data browser with the "+ Col" button. (It can also be done in code if your CLP permits).
With that done, the object can only be assigned persistent property values via the set() method...
var Match = Parse.Object.extend("Match");
var match = new Match();
match.set("player1", /* an object here that is of the right type */);
Once the object is retrieved, the property in the parse data can be retrieved with the get() method...
matchQuery.first().then(function(matchResult) {
var player1 = match.get("player1");
// player1 will have a value
I am new in this field. I see there are many ways on the internet and most of them is about the old version of Firebase, like using push(), update(), save(). So, I really don't know how to update it. I tried that like this:
function writeNewEvent(eObj) {
// A post entry.
var userObj = authObj.$getAuth();
// Get a key for a new Post.
var newEventKey = ref.child('events').child(userObj.uid).push().key;
// Write the new post's data simultaneously in the posts list and the user's post list.
var updates = {};
updates['/events/' + userObj.uid+ '/' + newEventKey] = userObj;
return ref.update(updates);
But the error is:
angular.js:13920 Error: Firebase.update failed: First argument contains an invalid key ($d) in property 'events.LRnkjDgEu1QtuvUTazTwyms4U063.-KW56c87MThrK0PZp-XH.f'. Keys must be non-empty strings and can't contain ".", "#", "$", "/", "[", or "]"
Could you tell me if my method is correct? And how to implement this function.
It looks like you have an ID so you don't need to use push(), just set() at the id like:
// assuming your input looks somthing like:
let eObj = {
"uuid": "98765-8765-1234567890-7890",
"some-data": "stuff",
"other-data": "other stuff",
"numeric-data": 12345
function writeNewEventUsingObjUuid(eObj) {
// A post entry.
var userObj = authObj.$getAuth();
return ref.child('events').child(userObj.uid).set(eObj).then(function () {
console.log('Event added with ID: ' + userObj.uid);
}).catch(function (e) {
console.log('Error adding event: ' + e.message);
If you really want to use push(), firebase will assign you an ID. Note that an empty push() like you had returns a thenable reference. The work is still done asynchronously event though you get an ID upfront.
I'm using Parse.com as my backend and after Query how can I fill an array with all the data inside the Parse object? how can I avoid re-mapping? example:
$scope.addContList = contacts.map(function(obj) { // re-map!!!!
return {name: obj.get("name")}; // mapping object using obj.get()
I'm mapping my Parse object's properties one by one: name: obj.get("name"), etc. is there a better way?
$scope.addContList = [];
var ActivityContact = Parse.Object.extend("ActivityContact2");
var query = new Parse.Query(ActivityContact);
query.equalTo("activityId", $scope.objId);
success: function(contacts) {
console.log("Successfully retrieved " + contacts.length + " contact.");
$scope.$apply(function() {
/*$scope.addContList = contacts.map(function(obj) {
return {name: obj.get("name")}; // mapping object using obj.get()
for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
$scope.addContList.push(contacts.ALL_PROPERTIES); // contacts.ALL_PROPERTIES does not exist, I'm looking a way to do that and avoid mapping?
console.log("--->>>"+JSON.stringify($scope.addContList, null, 4));
error: function(object, error) {
// The object was not retrieved successfully.
// error is a Parse.Error with an error code and message.
Should I use Underscore library, is that the only way to go?
I have seen some ppl using PFQuery but I don't know what is that, is PFQuery better for this?
The other answers are correct, but I think it's unnecessary to launch a digest cycle every time you add an item from contacts to $scope.addContList. Something like this should be sufficient:
success: function (contacts) {
$scope.apply(function () {
// 1) shallow-copy the list of contacts...
// (this is essentially what you are trying to do now)
$scope.addContList = contacts.slice();
// or 2) just assign the reference directly
$scope.addContList = contacts;
// or 3) transform the Parse.Object instances into
// plain JavaScript objects
$scope.addContList = contacts.map(function (c) {
return c.toJSON();
error: function (object, error) {
// The object was not retrieved successfully.
// error is a Parse.Error with an error code and message.
Options 1) and 2) will correspond to a template similar to
<div ng-repeat="cont in addContList">{{ cont.get('name') }}</div>
while option 3) can be used like
<div ng-repeat="cont in addContList">{{ cont.name }}</div>
If you change
$scope.addContList = contacts[i];
you should be good to go. Your previous code was re-assigning addContList to be each element in the contacts array, instead of adding the element to it. So at the end of your for loop, $scope.addContList would just be the last contact in your contacts array.
$scope.addContList = contacts[i];
I have a user class with two types of users - customers, and vendors. There is a column (GeoPoint) called vendorLocation in user table which has coordinates of the vendor's shop but is left blank (null) for the customers.
When a customer places an order, a new object is created in the Order Class in which I store the address location as a GeoPoint. I want to find the vendor closest to him. I tried to write a cloud code but kept facing the same error over and over.
Parse.Cloud.define("assignVendor", function(request, response){
var orderObjectId = request.params.orderObjectId;
var query= new Parse.Query("Order")
query.equalTo("objectId", orderObjectId);
success: function(order){
//order is the newly created parse order object
//console.log("Order object found"+ order.get("orderNumber"));
var userGeoPoint=new Parse.GeoPoint();
//This is the problematic line
userGeoPoint = order.get("customerLocation");
var Query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
Query.near("vendorLocation", userGeoPoint);
console.log("Reached here");
success: function(results){
var chemist= results[0];
response.success("found "+vendor.get("profileName"));
order.put("vendorLocation", chemist);
order.save(null, {
success: function(result) {response.success("Saved")},
error: function(error) {console.log("Failed at save")} });
error:function(error){console.log("Cant find a suitable vendor")}
}, error:function(error){console.log("cant find the ");}
The error shown in cloud code console.
E2015-10-06T11:23:40.858Z]v13 Ran cloud function assignVendor for user 4otr3l7YwG with:
Input: {"orderObjectId":"OS5siGRXYW"}
Result: TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined
at e.Query.find.success (main.js:25:53)
at e.<anonymous> (Parse.js:14:27927)
at e.s (Parse.js:14:26859)
at e.n.value (Parse.js:14:26278)
at e.s (Parse.js:14:26987)
at e.n.value (Parse.js:14:26278)
at e.s (Parse.js:14:26987)
at e.n.value (Parse.js:14:26278)
at e.<anonymous> (Parse.js:14:26931)
at e.s (Parse.js:14:26859)
I2015-10-06T11:23:40.924Z]Reached here
The android code
HashMap atMap=new HashMap<>();
atMap.put("orderObjectId", "OS5siGRXYW");
ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground("assignVendor", atMap, new FunctionCallback<String>() {
public void done(String value, ParseException e) {
if (e!=null){Log.d("failed ", +e.getCode()+e.getMessage());} else {Log.d("s", value);}
Error showed in android code is exactly the same as console, so I havnt posted it again. Error number is '141'
Here's some help tracking down the cause of your problem.
make absolutely sure that the order number is being passed correctly
and that the order with the object Id you are passing exists.
you may run into problems when directly assigning nested callbacks
to the first() function. It is better to use then() to string promises together.
it is better to use get() than to use first() when trying to
find a single object, as you should get an object not found error
if get() returns nothing, preventing the cannot call method get
Let's clean up your code and see if it helps:
Parse.Cloud.define("assignVendor", function(request, response){
var fetchedOrder;
var orderObjectId = request.params.orderObjectId;
console.log("orderObjectId = " + orderObjectId);
var orderQuery= new Parse.Query("Order")
fetchedOrder = order;
console.log("Order object found"+ fetchedOrder.get("orderNumber"));
userGeoPoint = fetchedOrder.get("customerLocation");
var userQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
userQuery.near("vendorLocation", userGeoPoint);
return userQuery.first();
order.put("vendorLocation", chemist);
return order.save();
}, function (error){
You dont need to define a new Parse.Geopoint before getting
customerLocation. You are just reassigning a variable there.
You dont need to check if the vendorLocation exists before
comparing it to the userGeoPoint. If it doesnt exist, it simply
wont get returned when using near
I would advise using response.success only at the end all your
promise thread
After userQuery.find(), I believe that order does not exist in that
context so I've set it as a function variable.
There is no need to use results[0], simply use first()
I'm trying to compare a new object with the original using CloudCode beforeSave function. I need to compare a field sent in the update with the existing value. The problem is that I can't fetch the object correctly. When I run the query I always get the value from the sent object.
UPDATE: I tried a different approach and could get the old register ( the one already saved in parse). But the new one, sent in the request, was overridden by the old one. WHAT?! Another issue is that, even thought the code sent a response.success(), the update wasn't saved.
I believe that I'm missing something pretty obvious here. Or I'm facing a bug or something...
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('Tasks', function(request, response) {
if ( !request.object.isNew() )
var Task = Parse.Object.extend("Tasks");
var newTask = request.object;
var oldTask = new Task();
oldTask.set("objectId", request.object.id);
.then( function( oldTask )
console.log(">>>>>> Old Task: " + oldTask.get("name") + " version: " + oldTask.get("version"));
console.log("<<<<<< New Task: " + newTask.get("name") + " version: " + newTask.get("version"));
}, function( error ) {
response.error( error.message );
OBJ SENT {"name":"LLL", "version":333}
I2015-10-02T22:04:07.778Z]v175 before_save triggered for Tasks for user tAQf1nCWuz:
Input: {"original":{"createdAt":"2015-10-02T17:47:34.143Z","name":"GGG","objectId":"VlJdk34b2A","updatedAt":"2015-10-02T21:57:37.765Z","version":111},"update":{"name":"LLL","version":333}}
Result: Update changed to {}
I2015-10-02T22:04:07.969Z]>>>>>> Old Task: GGG version: 111
I2015-10-02T22:04:07.970Z]<<<<<< New Task: GGG version: 111
NOTE: I'm testing the login via cURL and in the parse console.
CloudCode beforeSave
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Tasks", function( request, response) {
var query = new Parse.Query("Tasks");
.then(function (oldObj) {
console.log("-------- OLD Task: " + oldObj.get("name") + " v: " + oldObj.get("version"));
console.log("-------- NEW Task: " + request.object.get("name") + " v: " + request.object.get("version"));
}).then(function () {
}, function ( error) {
cURL request
curl -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: xxxxx" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: xxxxx" \
-H "X-Parse-Session-Token: xxxx" \
-d "{\"name\":\"NEW_VALUE\", \"version\":9999}" \
JSON Response
"updatedAt": "2015-10-02T19:45:47.104Z"
The log prints the original and the new value, but I don't know how to access it either.
I2015-10-02T19:57:08.603Z]v160 before_save triggered for Tasks for user tAQf1nCWuz:
Input: {"original":{"createdAt":"2015-10-02T17:47:34.143Z","name":"OLD_VALUE","objectId":"VlJdk34b2A","updatedAt":"2015-10-02T19:45:47.104Z","version":0},"update":{"name":"NEW_VALUE","version":9999}}
Result: Update changed to {"name":"NEW_VALUE","version":9999}
I2015-10-02T19:57:08.901Z]-------- OLD Task: NEW_VALUE v: 9999
I2015-10-02T19:57:08.902Z]-------- NEW Task: NEW_VALUE v: 9999
After a lot test and error I could figure out what was going on.
Turn out that Parse is merging any objects with the same class and id into one instance. That was the reason why I always had either the object registered in DB or the one sent by the user. I honestly can't make sense of such behavior, but anyway...
The Parse javascript sdk offers an method called Parse.Object.disableSingeInstance link that disables this "feature". But, once the method is called, all object already defined are undefined. That includes the sent object. Witch means that you can't neither save the sent object for a later reference.
The only option was to save the key and values of the sent obj and recreate it later. So, I needed to capture the request before calling disableSingleInstance, transform it in a JSON, then disable single instance, fetch the object saved in DB and recreate the sent object using the JSON saved.
Its not pretty and definitely isn't the most efficient code, but I couldn't find any other way. If someone out there have another approach, by all means tell me.
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave('Tasks', function(request, response) {
if ( !request.object.isNew() ) {
var id = request.object.id;
var jsonReq;
var Task = Parse.Object.extend("Tasks");
var newTask = new Task;
var oldTask = new Task;
// getting new Obj
var queryNewTask = new Parse.Query(Task);
.then(function (result) {
newTask = result;
// Saving values as a JSON to later reference
jsonReq = result.toJSON();
// Disable the merge of obj w/same class and id
// It will also undefine all Parse objects,
// including the one sent in the request
// getting object saved in DB
oldTask.set("objectId", id);
return oldTask.fetch();
}).then(function (result) {
oldTask = result;
// Recreating new Task sent
for ( key in jsonReq ) {
newTask.set( key, jsonReq[key]);
// Do your job here
}, function (error) {
response.error( error.message );
If I were you, I would pass in the old value as a parameter to the cloud function so that you can access it under request.params.(name of parameter). I don't believe that there is another way to get the old value. An old SO question said that you can use .get(), but you're claiming that that is not working. Unless you actually already had 9999 in the version...
edit - I guess beforeSave isn't called like a normal function... so create an "update version" function that passes in the current Task and the version you're trying to update to, perhaps?
Rather than performing a query, you can see the modified attributes by checking which keys are dirty, meaning they have been changed but not saved yet.
The JS SDK includes dirtyKeys(), which returns the keys that have been changed. Try this out.
var attributes = request.object.attributes;
var changedAttributes = new Array();
for(var attribute in attributes) {
if(object.dirty(attribute)) {
// object.get(attribute) is changed and the key is pushed to the array
For clarification, to get the original attribute's value, you will have to call get() to load those pre-save values. It should be noted that this will count as another API request.
Hey this worked perfectly for me :
var dirtyKeys = request.object.dirtyKeys();
var query = new Parse.Query("Question");
var clonedData = null;
query.equalTo("objectId", request.object.id);
var clonedPatch = request.object.toJSON();
clonedData = data[0];
clonedData = clonedData.toJSON();
console.log("this is the data : ", clonedData, clonedPatch, dirtyKeys);
}).then(null, function(err){
console.log("the error is : ", err);
For those coming to this thread in 2021-ish, if you have the server data loaded in the client SDK before you save, you can resolve this issue by passing that server data from the client SDK in the context option of the save() function and then use it in the beforeSave afterSave cloud functions.
// eg JS client sdk
const options = {
context: {
before: doc._getServerData() // object data, as loaded
doc.save(null, options)
// #beforeSave cloud fn
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(className, async (request) => {
const { before } = request.context
// ... do something with before ...
Caveat: this wouldn't help you if you didn't have the attributes loaded in the _getServerData() function in the client
Second Caveat: parse will not handle (un)serialization for you in your cloud function, eg:
before: { // < posted as context
status: {
is: 'atRisk',
comment: 'Its all good now!',
at: '2021-04-09T15:39:04.907Z', // string
by: [Object] // pojo
after: {
status: { // < posted as doc's save data
is: 'atRisk',
comment: 'Its all good now!',
at: 2021-04-09T15:39:04.907Z, // instanceOf Date
by: [ParseUser] // instanceOf ParseUser
Thanks to #asgoth, I am able to use AngularJS $http service to retrieve stock prices from Yahoo as described here: Cannot read response from AngularJS $resource JSONP get from Yahoo Finance
In the "getHistoricalPrice" function, it puts the price inside an array, which is inside an object. From inside that function, I am able to access the price and write it to console.
The function returns the object to where it is called from. From there, I can successfully write the entire object out to console. However, I cannot access the elements of this object. I tried many different ways, but still cannot access the data in the object. You can see the code at http://jsfiddle.net/curt00/LTazR/2/ or below:
angular.module('app', ['ngResource']);
function AppCtrl($scope, $http, $resource) {
var historical_price = getHistoricalPrice("AAPL", 'start date is hard coded', 'end date is hard coded');
console.log("after calling historical price: ", historical_price); // historical_price is an object and all of the correct data is outputted to console here, but I cannot access its elements directly from Javascript.
for(var key in historical_price) {
console.log("key =",key); // this outputs "key = list"
console.log("after calling getHistoricalPrice: ", historical_price.list[0][1]); // Cannot access this as browser console gives error: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
console.log("after calling getHistoricalPrice: ", historical_price['list'][0][1]); // Cannot access this as browser console gives error: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
console.log("after calling getHistoricalPrice: ", historical_price[0][1]); // Cannot access this as browser console gives error: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
function getHistoricalPrice(symbol, start, end) {
var query = 'select * from csv where url=\'http://ichart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=' + symbol + '&a=' + '11' + '&b=' + '19' + '&c=' + '2012' + '&d=' + '11' + '&e=' + '19' + '&f=' + '2012' + '&g=d&ignore=.csv\'';
var url = 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=' + fixedEncodeURIComponent(query) + '&format=json&callback=JSON_CALLBACK';
var histData = {};
$http.jsonp(url, {timeout: 30000}).success(function(json) {
var list = [];
var result = json.query.results.row;
result.shift(); // remove the header (columns) row
angular.forEach(result, function(row) {
list.push([(new Date(row.col0)).getTime()/1000, parseFloat(row.col4)]);
list.sort(function(val1, val2) {
return val1[0] - val2[0];
histData.list = list;
console.log('Loaded historical data',histData.list[0][1],', for ' + symbol); // This works and gives the price
return histData;
var fixedEncodeURIComponent = function(str) {
return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A");
Any help or suggestions to solve this problem is greatly appreciate!
It's a matter of timing.
In lines 12-14 you are trying to access histData.list before it has been populated. This is because this code is run before the success callback to the $http.jsonp function is executed.
Any code that depends on that callback being completed must be in the callback or in a function called in the callback.
See my answer on https://stackoverflow.com/a/13967709/1916258
A great way to debug the Yahoo api is using the YQL Console: http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/
Info about the different posibilities (which stock info) can be found on http://www.gummy-stuff.org/Yahoo-data.htm
Edit: there was still a problem with function fixedEncodeURIComponent. It should encode quotes (") too:
var fixedEncodeURIComponent = function(str) {
return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/[!'()]/g, escape).replace(/\*/g, "%2A").replace(/\"/g, "%22");
BobS is right, you aren't timing things correctly. Also you declared fixedEncodeURIComponent after you had called it. This was resulting in an immediate error when I loaded up the jsfiddle.
While you were passing the callback through to your function correctly, you weren't actually calling it. I stripped out all the post processing of the json as you have some other errors involving the query and just implemented the callback so you can see it working.
After the request is finished and you're still in the success function you need to add
if(typeof(callback) === "function"){
This calls that function you passed in and runs it. Here is a working jsFiddle of it:
I also updated a new variable i created call output so you can see it changing.
Thanks to everybody for providing suggestions.
I solved the problem by using AngularJS' $scope variable, such as $scope.symbol[user].price. I created this variable before calling the getHistoricalPrice function and then in that function, after the result is returned from $http.jsonp, I put the value into the $scope variable, as such:
$scope.symbol[user].price = row.col4;