Eclipse - Undo "Convert to JavaScript Project..." - javascript

I am working on a AngularJS/Gradle project within Eclipse.
Everything was working fine and no error was displayed within my project explorer.
Due to an idea I chose my project -> right click -> Configure -> Convert to JavaScript project...
After that I had various errors in my *.js (AngularJS) files in my project explorer (but my project works fine!). Therefore I decided to remove the nature from my ".project" file but the errors are still there.
What's the correct way to "undo" that "Convert to JavaScript project" stuff?
Any help appreciated!

I think It doesn't exists a Un-convert to JavaScript Project. So you must edit your .project and remove the following lines:
After go at to your Problems View and remove the error if it exists again.


Why does Netbeans navigator pane not populate javascript files with specific filenames?

While I admit this is a pretty obscure problem, I'm posting this partly in case it is driving others crazy (too), partly because it might have wider ramifications, and partly because it may be an issue with my project settings.
In NB-8.1 I have several angular modules for handling a configuration-editing app. Since last week I have been trying to figure out why the navigator pane doesn't populate with these files. When I click on the source, the Navigator pane doesn't update. If the pane is newly opened, it shows <No view available>. If it is correctly showing another file, it remains showing the old file and effectively ignores the new file.
After experimenting, I found that it is specific to any js file with a filename prefix of "config" - which in this case was all the files for this particular app (config-service.js, config-ctrl.js, etc). Renaming the files with a new prefix (eg, "konfig-ctrl.js" or "x-config-ctrl.js") solved the issue.
Is this widespread, or a problem only with this project? If the latter, what should I look for? Help or advice appreciated.
This looks like a bug to me. AFAIK NetBeans is handling JS files with the config in name as possible Karma configurations and maybe it (although I can't remember if Karma has to be enabled or where exactly does it look for these candidate files...) I'd suggest to report a bug against NetBeans (component HTML Project)
I get a very similiar problem. Any js file with "conf" in the name (anywhere in the name) cannot be Run as javascript from Netbeans. Right-click on the file and Run is deactivated. Once I change the name to something else, it works.

Tern: Synchronizing script resources with tern server

In JBoss Devstudio, I am getting this new "error" with Tern: Synchronizing script resources with tern server. It's not really an error, but it's a process that occurs every single time I click in a JavaScript file. It's just spinning and freezes up the entire IDE. This has never happened to me before, and I was working on the project yesterday without any issues.
Does anyone know what the hell this is? There isn't really anything on Google except one post that says to upgrade.
JBoss Devstudio integrates for JavaScript support. I think your problem is because that you have a lot of JavaScript files in your project (inside node_modules or bower_components) and tries to analyze your all JavaScript files, and it takes time.
In your case, you need to exclude folders like node_modules and to do that you must use a version of >= 1.0.0 which support include/exclusion pattern path.
To deal with this problem, open your workspace and drop the folder, like E:\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.embed.win32.win32.x86_64, the node.exe in it is the point.
I resolved this issue by simply eliminating the built in js files from path.
I removed this from validations '**/node_modules/*,**/bower_components/*'. (If it even didn't resolve)Go to Properties of the project > JavaScript > Include Path > Validation
Go to Properties of the project > JavaScript > Include Path > Source and remove the whole project. Click on "Add Folder" and give the required path for your JS. Like projectname/src/pages.

Javascript intellisense in VS2015 unit test project

I'm writing my angular unit tests in a Unit Test project in VS2015 but I cant get intellisense for the javascript. I've tried adding a _references.js file but had no joy. Is this even possible in this project type? Or can you only have js intellisense in a webapplication?
From this link Javascript editor improvements
Whenever you reference the angular.js (or angular.min.js) library in your code, editor automatically provides IntelliSense, Go to Definition, and navigation bar support:
So as long as you have these referenced in your test project it should work
I just upgraded to VS2015 and had the same problem. It worked just fine under 2013.4. It appears that VS is not resolving the _references file when the project type is not a web based one (mine was also an angular unit test project that was setup as a regular app project type).
Quick fix that worked for me was to manually add _references to the intellisense list.
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> JavaScript -> Intellisense -> References
Add ~/Scripts/_references.js to the Implicit (Web) category
It then worked correctly. Alternatively I suppose you could create a new Web project and move all your code to it but that seems like way too much work.

Adding JQuery/Javascript Files to Project

I have a project I am working on at work that is ASP.NET in TFS. I have checked out the solution and have made some adjustments to the code behind with no issues. When I try to add JQuery and a Javascript file to the project, it does it fine in Visual Studio 2012. But when rebuilding and running it won't execute the javascript code. It's like it ignores it. When I put breakpoints in the Javascript file I get the message 'The breakpoint will not currently be hit, no symbols have been loaded for this document'. I simply cannot get the web page to acknowlegde either the JS file, or the JQuery file.
(And yes, I have scoured and tried all the suggestions mentioned)
Any suggestions appreciated!

How do I get IntelliJ IDEA to display directories?

I've been trying out IntelliJ IDEA for JavaScript editing, and I like it so far, but I'm having a small problem with a new project.
I can't seem to be able to get IDEA to display the directories in the project directory in the Project view. Even if I manually add a directory, it refuses to display it.
I think this probably has something to do with the fact that it tries to apply Java conventions, but when I imported an old Eclipse project, it showed all directories just fine.
Do I have to use Eclipse to create projects and import in IDEA to get the directories visible, or is there some other trick?
I am using IDEA version 8.1.3, and the code is just a plain bunch of HTML and JavaScript files, not in any kind of a Java environment.
It appears I need to manually create a Java module (File->New Module) inside the project to actually see the "proper" directory view. I do wonder why it didn't show up when I created it with the project.
I've been struggling with this same problem and found another reason why directories may not show up correctly. Make sure the "Content Root" is correct.
Click on the project
Select "File"->"Project Structure"
Select "modules" from the left column, and select a module.
On the sources tab you will see the current "Content Root" along with a button to add a new content root.
Make sure that content root is correct. When in the project structure view you will only see files below the "Content Root". I'm fairly new to IntelliJ but I think of the content root as the basedir in ant terms.
These instructions are for IntelliJ 9.x
Hope this helps someone.
Current more straightforward logic:
remove the .idea/ folder
select in Idea File -> New project.
in left menu select Web Module, and then set up project folder
you're done!
I found the solution thanks to Thurman Sanders and decided to post a more clear answer, in case it helps anyone else. I know an answer like this would have saved me 5 minutes of fumbling around.
Some folders are excluded, by default. In most cases, this is exactly what you want. Other times, you need to see your "build" or "target" folder, for example.
Make Intellij stop excluding the folder you want to see
Open the Module Settings
select the module and press F4
or right click the module and choose "open module settings"
or press cmd; to open project settings, then select your module
Follow the steps in the picture, below:
select the 'sources' tab
select the folder you want to see
disable the 'excluded' option
Press OK
When you're done, the folder will turn orange and finally be visible in the project view!
Simplest way to do this!
Reading some of the other answers, they require you to go into Project Structure -> Modules and check that the sources are not excluded.
But in my case - there are no modules defined in the project at all, so that didn't help.
To easily create a module for your project and therefore show the folder structure -
Go to File menu -> New -> Project...
Select Static Web. Note: it does not matter if your project is "web" or not!
Hit next, then fill in the same Project Name: and Project location: as you have already.
IntelliJ will say "File Already Exists" - "Would you like to overwrite it?" - answer Yes.
Bam! Your Project Pane with the Project view selected should now instantly show the folder structure of your project.
If you have a maven project, you will need to add the root pom.xml in the Maven Projects window.
And if you want to add java to your project later, you should probably configure a JDK also.
Just use File » New Project » Static Web. All your files and directories will show up.
File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart worked for me.
The same problem had me going crazy for a couple of hours as well, coming from Netbeans where I could just start a new project and import any source tree. My project is PHP/JS and has nothing to do with Java, so it was not intuitive to have to create a Java module, just so I could see my files listed.
I found the solution (covered above) here for more insight.
Here is how I was able to "display" all folders in my project:
Somehow get to the Project Settings page (for me it was right-click the project then select Modules)
Make sure the Sources tab is selected
You should see a section in the middle entitled "Excluded Folders" under Source\Folders"
Click on the X next to it to remove it from being excluded and it becomes visible.
Hope it this helps.
I think this is happening to you as intellij's Project window has the 'Compact Empty Middle Packages' option as checked by default. You will find this option under Setting section of the Projects tab.
I had a test folder which wasn't displaying in IntelliJ. It turned out that it had no files in it, IntelliJ was only showing folders that had some files in them. When i manually added files in test folder via Explorer, it reflected back in IDE.
It happens sometime. You need to go to the configuration (Project Settings) and add the Source folder as content root and then possibly set source/resource etc. from the configuration tab. Apply all the changes and you should be done.
Just me own 2c. I used "New" -> "Module from existing sources" to get IntelliJ to show folders and files from inside a Github Java project. Hope this helps someone.
Platform : Intellij2019.3 Macos10.12
The solution is:
go to the File - project structure - Modules
In the left column, + Add Content Root, and add the folder you hope to use as the root directory.
mark the folder you want to compile as source root
Just go to View -> Tool windows -> project or Alt+1
I had a similar problem, this fixed it:
File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources...
I chose the src folder and then it detected the rest on its own.
If you still have issues, try reimporting project by doing:
File -> New -> Project from Existing Sources...
In the project explorer window (where all the classes are), switch from "packages" view to "project" view. Then all files, not just classes are displayed.

