Minifiying CSS/Javascript with Java/Scala - javascript

I've the need to generate some css / javascript at Runtime on my project. After generating this code ( probably with PHP) i need to get the string, minify them and then save the minified file.
I was searching for a tool to do that in Java/Scala, but all the tools i found are for minifying the project files, not plugin to do that on specific files as needed.
I looked at wro4j since it seems it could work that way, but couldn't find how to do that inside the java code and not at build time.

how to do that inside the java code and not at build time
I would recommend the following approach:
Generate the JavaScript and CSS files, unminified
Minify the files using an external tool like yuicompressor
If you don't want to generate the files first, yuicompressor offers a node.js version that can minify JavaScript strings directly. I'm not sure if that would work on CSS strings also.
Given the relative complexity of running node.js within Java, you might want to write a small node.js tcp server that you can send the JavaScript/CSS strings and return them minified. This approach also promises some nice scalability properties in terms of throughput.


What to do if JS file size grows too big [duplicate]

What are some standard practices for managing a medium-large JavaScript application? My concerns are both speed for browser download and ease and maintainability of development.
Our JavaScript code is roughly "namespaced" as:
var Client = {
var1: '',
var2: '',
accounts: {
/* 100's of functions and variables */
orders: {
/* 100's of functions and variables and subsections */
/* etc, etc for a couple hundred kb */
At the moment, we have one (unpacked, unstripped, highly readable) JavaScript file to handle all the business logic on the web application. In addition, there is jQuery and several jQuery extensions. The problem we face is that it takes forever to find anything in the JavaScript code and the browser still has a dozen files to download.
Is it common to have a handful of "source" JavaScript files that gets "compiled" into one final, compressed JavaScript file? Any other handy hints or best practices?
The approach that I've found works for me is having seperate JS files for each class (just as you would in Java, C# and others). Alternatively you can group your JS into application functional areas if that's easier for you to navigate.
If you put all your JS files into one directory, you can have your server-side environment (PHP for instance) loop through each file in that directory and output a <script src='/path/to/js/$file.js' type='text/javascript'> in some header file that is included by all your UI pages. You'll find this auto-loading especially handy if you're regularly creating and removing JS files.
When deploying to production, you should have a script that combines them all into one JS file and "minifies" it to keep the size down.
Also, I suggest you to use Google's AJAX Libraries API in order to load external libraries.
It's a Google developer tool which bundle majors JavaScript libraries and make it easier to deploy, upgrade and make them lighter by always using compressed versions.
Also, it make your project simpler and lighter because you don't need to download, copy and maintain theses libraries files in your project.
Use it this way :
google.load("jquery", "1.2.3");
google.load("jqueryui", "1.5.2");
google.load("prototype", "1.6");
google.load("scriptaculous", "1.8.1");
google.load("mootools", "1.11");
google.load("dojo", "1.1.1");
Just a sidenode - Steve already pointed out, you should really "minify" your JS files. In JS, whitespaces actually matter. If you have thousand lines of JS and you strip only the unrequired newlines you have already saved about 1K. I think you get the point.
There are tools, for this job. And you should never modify the "minified"/stripped/obfuscated JS by hand! Never!
In our big javascript applications, we write all our code in small separate files - one file per 'class' or functional group, using a kind-of-like-Java namespacing/directory structure. We then have:
A compile-time step that takes all our code and minifies it (using a variant of JSMin) to reduce download size
A compile-time step that takes the classes that are always or almost always needed and concatenates them into a large bundle to reduce round trips to the server
A 'classloader' that loads the remaining classes at runtime on demand.
For server efficiency's sake, it is best to combine all of your javascript into one minified file.
Determine the order in which code is required and then place the minified code in the order it is required in a single file.
The key is to reduce the number of requests required to load your page, which is why you should have all javascript in a single file for production.
I'd recommend keeping files split up for development and then create a build script to combine/compile everything.
Also, as a good rule of thumb, make sure you include your JavaScript toward the end of your page. If JavaScript is included in the header (or anywhere early in the page), it will stop all other requests from being made until it is loaded, even if pipelining is turned on. If it is at the end of the page, you won't have this problem.
Read the code of other (good) javascript apps and see how they handle things. But I start out with a file per class. But once its ready for production, I would combine the files into one large file and minify.
The only reason, I would not combine the files, is if I didn't need all the files on all the pages.
My strategy consist of 2 major techniques: AMD modules (to avoid dozens of script tags) and the Module pattern (to avoid tightly coupling of the parts of your application)
AMD Modules: very straight forward, see here: also it's able to package all the parts of your app into one minified JS file:
Module Pattern: i used this Library: you asking now what is this ? more infos here:

Can i combine many js javascript files in one file

I am using jquery fileupload plugin and it has 7-8 js files which it loads.
Now others developers are also working on site and sometime it cause confusion and difficult to find which js file is used where.
So i am thinking if i can combine 7 files in one file so that i can know that thats my file
Try this to compile your javascript file or code.
While possibly overkill in this particular case, it might be worth checking out grunt. It will let you keep your files divided into multiple files for when you are working on them, and as soon as any file change compiling, minifying and combining them into a single/groups of files as desired, while also allowing you to define the load order of your code.
It requires some setup the first time you run it (which you can later use as a template) but greatly improves the process of combining/minifying files, and also has support for processing coffescript and sass among others, as well as writing unit tests for your code.
I use Rake to compile Javascript (and SASS to CSS, as well). It minifies the files in a unique JS. It's written in Ruby, but it's easy to configure and it works very fine.
But if more developers are working on the same code, another good idea I strongly suggest is to to use a SVN (sub-version control system), as TortoiseSVN or Git. This will allow many developers to work on the same source files, without losing any change.

Minifying Javascript on Visual Studio 2010 on release mode

I have a ASP.NET MVC 2 project on Visual Studio 2010. I want to be able to use my plain javascript files in debug mode so I can understand what's going on when debugging, but I want to used a minified/compressed version when using release mode.
I was planning to create some extenders to include the js files in each page, something like:
In that extender method I would determine whether I am on debug or release mode and pick the appropiate JS file. The disadvantage here is that I would end up manually compressing/minifying the JS every time I change something.
Is there an automated way to compress/minify and include the JS file when compiling in release mode?
The best option is to compress files by running a post build task from visual studio: Compressing JS files as part of your build process
You might want to take a look at the Yahoo YUI compressor.
You could use a post-build event and the Microsoft AJAX minifier or the YUI Compressor.
I manage a PHP development shop but we do this very same thing. In our development environments, our code is not obfuscated or minified. To push our changes to our live site, I coded a perl script that updates our version control and then invokes the YUI Compressor to minify the JavaScript and CSS before placing it in our live static directories.
As an aside, you may also want to look into merging your CSS and JavaScript on publish as well for added performance. After we minify our static content, we concatenate it into similar files based on purpose. For example, we have about 20 JavaScript files that end up in a file called 'global.js' on our production server. Our code is written such that development environments include all JavaScript files in our js/global/ folder separately, but on production it includes everything in js/global/ as 'js/global.js'. Then, we just iterate through the minified files during publish and concatenate their contents into js/global.js.
The benefit to the merge approach is fewer JavaScript and CSS files for the users to download which means faster page loads. This approach also allows you to split your JavaScript into separate files in your development environment by purpose for easier maintenance.

file layout and setuptools configuration for the python bit of a multi-language library

So we're writing a full-text search framework MongoDb. MongoDB is pretty much javascript-native, so we wrote the javascript library first, and it works.
Now I'm trying to write a python framework for it, which will be partially in python, but partially use those same stored javascript functions - the javascript functions are an intrinsic part of the library. On the other hand, the javascript framework does not depend on python. since they are pretty intertwined it seems like it's worthwhile keeping them in the same repository.
I'm trying to work out a way of structuring the whole project to give the javascript and python frameworks equal status (maybe a ruby driver or whatever in the future?), but still allow the python library to install nicely.
Currently it looks like this: (simplified a little)
I've skipped out a few files for simplicity, but you get the general idea; it' a pretty much standard python project... except that it depends critcally ona whole bunch of javascript which is stored in a sibling directory tree.
What's the preferred setup for dealing with this kind of thing when it comes to setuptools? I can work out how to use package_data etc to install data files that live inside my python project as per the setuptools docs.
The problem is if i want to use setuptools to install stuff, including the javascript files from outside the python code tree, and then also access them in a consistent way when I'm developing the python code and when it is easy_installed to someone's site.
Is that supported behaviour for setuptools? Should i be using paver or distutils2 or Distribute or something? (basic distutils is not an option; the whole reason I'm doing this is to enable requirements tracking) How should i be reading the contents of those files into python scripts?
The short answer is that none of the Python distribution tools is going to do what you want, the exact way you want it. Even if you use distutils' data_files feature, you're still going to have to have your javascript files copied into your Python project directory (i.e., somewhere under the same directory as your
Given that, you might as well just copy the .js files to your package (i.e. alongside mongofulltextsearch/ as part of your build process, and use package_data or include_package_data=True.
(Or alternatively, you could possibly use symlinks, externals, or some such, if your revision control system supports those. I believe that when building source distributions, the Python distribution tools convert symlinks to real files. At least, you could give that a try.)

Best practices for managing and deploying large JavaScript apps

What are some standard practices for managing a medium-large JavaScript application? My concerns are both speed for browser download and ease and maintainability of development.
Our JavaScript code is roughly "namespaced" as:
var Client = {
var1: '',
var2: '',
accounts: {
/* 100's of functions and variables */
orders: {
/* 100's of functions and variables and subsections */
/* etc, etc for a couple hundred kb */
At the moment, we have one (unpacked, unstripped, highly readable) JavaScript file to handle all the business logic on the web application. In addition, there is jQuery and several jQuery extensions. The problem we face is that it takes forever to find anything in the JavaScript code and the browser still has a dozen files to download.
Is it common to have a handful of "source" JavaScript files that gets "compiled" into one final, compressed JavaScript file? Any other handy hints or best practices?
The approach that I've found works for me is having seperate JS files for each class (just as you would in Java, C# and others). Alternatively you can group your JS into application functional areas if that's easier for you to navigate.
If you put all your JS files into one directory, you can have your server-side environment (PHP for instance) loop through each file in that directory and output a <script src='/path/to/js/$file.js' type='text/javascript'> in some header file that is included by all your UI pages. You'll find this auto-loading especially handy if you're regularly creating and removing JS files.
When deploying to production, you should have a script that combines them all into one JS file and "minifies" it to keep the size down.
Also, I suggest you to use Google's AJAX Libraries API in order to load external libraries.
It's a Google developer tool which bundle majors JavaScript libraries and make it easier to deploy, upgrade and make them lighter by always using compressed versions.
Also, it make your project simpler and lighter because you don't need to download, copy and maintain theses libraries files in your project.
Use it this way :
google.load("jquery", "1.2.3");
google.load("jqueryui", "1.5.2");
google.load("prototype", "1.6");
google.load("scriptaculous", "1.8.1");
google.load("mootools", "1.11");
google.load("dojo", "1.1.1");
Just a sidenode - Steve already pointed out, you should really "minify" your JS files. In JS, whitespaces actually matter. If you have thousand lines of JS and you strip only the unrequired newlines you have already saved about 1K. I think you get the point.
There are tools, for this job. And you should never modify the "minified"/stripped/obfuscated JS by hand! Never!
In our big javascript applications, we write all our code in small separate files - one file per 'class' or functional group, using a kind-of-like-Java namespacing/directory structure. We then have:
A compile-time step that takes all our code and minifies it (using a variant of JSMin) to reduce download size
A compile-time step that takes the classes that are always or almost always needed and concatenates them into a large bundle to reduce round trips to the server
A 'classloader' that loads the remaining classes at runtime on demand.
For server efficiency's sake, it is best to combine all of your javascript into one minified file.
Determine the order in which code is required and then place the minified code in the order it is required in a single file.
The key is to reduce the number of requests required to load your page, which is why you should have all javascript in a single file for production.
I'd recommend keeping files split up for development and then create a build script to combine/compile everything.
Also, as a good rule of thumb, make sure you include your JavaScript toward the end of your page. If JavaScript is included in the header (or anywhere early in the page), it will stop all other requests from being made until it is loaded, even if pipelining is turned on. If it is at the end of the page, you won't have this problem.
Read the code of other (good) javascript apps and see how they handle things. But I start out with a file per class. But once its ready for production, I would combine the files into one large file and minify.
The only reason, I would not combine the files, is if I didn't need all the files on all the pages.
My strategy consist of 2 major techniques: AMD modules (to avoid dozens of script tags) and the Module pattern (to avoid tightly coupling of the parts of your application)
AMD Modules: very straight forward, see here: also it's able to package all the parts of your app into one minified JS file:
Module Pattern: i used this Library: you asking now what is this ? more infos here:

