matching multiple lines beginning with whitespaces - javascript

I have a simple regex syntax to match lines that begin with exactly 4 spaces.
The problem is that the . token matches everything except a new line so multiple lines beginning with 4 spaces, only the first line is matched. I've tried explicitly matching \n tokens but I haven't been able to quite get the results I need. I've been testing this using here I can't use any syntax that isn't supported by javascript.

The ^ symbol can denote 2 things: a beginning of string, or a beginning of a line. To make it denote the latter, you need to specify the /m MULTILINE modifier:
Or - to only match literal regular spaces (note that \scan also match newlines):
/^( {4}).*/gm
See regex demo


Extracting text from a string after 5 characters and without the last slash

I have a few strings:
I would like to receive:
I have tried regexp:
But this not working...
To get whatever comes after five #s and before the last /, you can use
and pick up the first group.
const regex = /#####(.*)\//;
the desired part of the string sample will always:
start after 5 #'s
end before a single /
suggestion: /(?<=#{5})\w*(?=\/)/
So (?<=#{5}) is a lookbehind assertion which will check to see if any matching string has the provided assertion immediately behind it (in this case, 5 #'s).
(?=\/) is a lookahead assertion, which will check ahead of a matching string segment to see if it matches the provided assertion (in this case, a single /).
The actual text the regex will return as a match is \w*, consisting of a character class and a quantifier. The character class \w matches any alphanumeric character ([A-Za-z0-9_]). The * quantifier matches the preceding item 0 or more times.
successful matches:
I would highly recommend learning Regular Expressions in-depth, as it's a very powerful tool when fully utilised.
MDN, as with most things web-dev, is a fantastic resource for regex. Everything from my answer here can be learned on MDN's Regular expression syntax cheatsheet.
Also, an interactive tool can be very helpful when putting together a complex regular expression. Regex 101 is typically what I use, but there are many similar web-tools online that can be found from a google search.
You pattern does not work because you are using negated character classes [^
The pattern [^#####]*[^\/] can be written as [^#]*[^\/] and matches optional chars other than # and then a single char other than /
Here are some examples of other patterns that can give the same match.
At least 5 leading # chars and then matching 1+ word chars in a group and the / at the end of the string using an anchor $, or omit the anchor if that is not the case:
Regex demo
If there should be a preceding character other than #
Regex demo
Matching at least 5 # chars and no # or / in between using a negated character class in this case:
Or with lookarounds:
Regex demo

Single regex to remove empty lines and double spaces from multiline input

I would like to combine two regex functions to clean up some textarea input. I wonder if it is even possible, or if I should keep it two separate ones (which work fine but aren't looking as pretty or clean).
I have adjusted either so that they utilize global and multiline (/gm) and are replaced by nothing (''). I tried with brackets and vertical/or lines in any position, but it never ends up giving the expected result, so I can only assume there is a way that I have overlooked or that I should keep it as is.
Regex 1: /^\s+[\r\n]/gm
Regex 2: /^\s+| +(?= )|\s+$/gm
Currently in JavaScript: string.replace(/^\s+[\r\n]/gm,'').replace(/^\s+| +(?= )|\s+$/gm,'')
The goal is to remove:
Empty spaces in the beginning and end of each line
Empty lines (including any in the very beginning and end)
Double spaces
Without it ending up on one and the same line. The single line breaks (\r\n) should still be there in the end.
Regex 1 is to remove any empty line (^\s+[\r\n]), Regex 2 does the trimming of whitespaces in the beginning (^\s+) and end (\s+$), and removes double (and triple, quadriple, etc) spaces in between (+(?= )).
make this
a little
make this
a little
Edit: Many thanks to Wiktor Stribiżew and his comment for this complete solution:
I'd suggest the following expression with a substitution template "$1$2" (demo):
^\s* - matches whitespace from the text beginning
\s*$ - matches whitespace from the text ending
\s*(\r?\n)\s* - matches whitespace between two words located in different lines, captures one CRLF to group $1
(\s)\s+ - captures the first whitespace char in a sequence of 2+ whitespace chars to group $2

how to negate a capture group?

Using a javascript regexp, I would like to find strings like "/foo" or "/foo d/" but not "/foo /"; ie, "annotation character", then either word with no terminating annotation, or multiple words, where the termination comes at the end of the phrase (with no space). Complicating the situation, there are three possible annotation symbols: /, \ and |.
I've tried something like:
That is, start with space, then annotation, then
word not followed by (anything but annotation) then letter and annotation... or
possibly multiple words, immediately followed by annotation character.
The problem is the [^\1]: this doesn't read as "anything but the annotation character" in the angle brackets.
I could repeat the whole phrase three times, one for each annotation character. Any better ideas?
As you've mentioned, [^\1] doesn't work - it matches anything that is not the character 1. In JavaScript, you can negate \1 by using a lookahead: (?:(?!\1).)* . This is not as efficient, but it works.
Your pattern can be written as:
Working example at Regex101
\w already contains underscore.
Instead of alternation (a|ab) I'm using an optional group (a(?:b)?) - we always match the first word, with optional further words and tags.
You may still want to include (?:^|\s) at the beginning.

Need help to find the right regex pattern to match

my RegEx is not working the way i think, it should.
I will use this regex in a javascript, to check if a string match with it.
Should match:
Should not match:
One line, represents a string in my javascript.
The rules for matching:
match OSM if it stands alone
optional match if line starts with digit/s AND is followed by a -
optional match if line ends with digit/s
match all 3 above combined
no match if line starts with a character/word except OSM
no match if line end with chracter/word except OSM
I Hope someone can help.
You can use the following simplified pattern using anchors:
The flags needed (if matching multi-line paragraph) would be: g for global match and m for multi-line match, so that ^ and $ match the begin/end of each line.
Changed the (\d+-) match to (?:\d+-) so that it doesn't group.
[^a-zA-Z] In regex, you specify what you want, not what you don't want. This piece of code says there must be one character that isn't a letter. I believe what you wanted to say is to match the start of a line. You don't need to specify that there's no letter, you're about to specify what there will be on the line anyway. The start of a regex is represented with ^ (outside of brackets). You'll have to use the m flag to make the regex multi-line.
(\d+-)? means one or more digits followed by a - character. The ? means this whole block isn't required. If you don't want foreign digits, you might want to use [0-9] instead, but it's not as important. This part of the code, you got right. However, if you don't need capture blocks, you could write (?:) instead of ().
\d*(?![a-zA-Z]) uses lookahead, but you almost never need to do that. Again, specifying what you don't want is a bad idea because then I could write OSMé and it would match because you didn't specify that é is forbidden. It's much simpler to specify what is allowed. In your case since you want to match line ends. So instead, you can write \d*$ which means zero or more digits followed by the end of the line.
/^(?:\d+-)?OSM\d*$/gm is the final result.

Cannot get a regex to work in JavaScript that allows whitespace and backslash

I have a regular expression as below. It should allow alphabets, digits, round brackets, square brackets, backslash and following punctuation marks: period, comma, semi-colon, full colon, exclamation, percentage and dash.
^[(a-z)(A-Z) .,;:!'%\-(0-9)(\\)\(\)[\]\s]+$
Question : I have tried this regular expression with some text at this online tester:, but it always comes up with no matches. What is causing the expression to fail in above case? To me, the string being tested should come back as valid, but it's not.
Your spec does not mention a question mark. However, the test text you give does include a question mark. You could have tested this easily enough by removing one character at a time from the test text until you got a match, which would have happened when you removed the question mark.
Either add the question mark to the regexp, or remove it from your test test.
Also, you do not need to (and should not) enclose ranges in parentheses.
In the below, I've also removed escaping for characters which do not need to be escaped:
^[a-zA-Z .,;:!'%\-0-9\\()[\]\s?]+$
Try adding m (multiline) modifier to regex
If you have a string consisting of multiple lines, like first line\nsecond line (where \n indicates a line break), it is often desirable to work with lines, rather than the entire string. Therefore, all the regex engines discussed in this tutorial have the option to expand the meaning of both anchors. ^ can then match at the start of the string (before the f in the above string), as well as after each line break (between \n and s). Likewise, $ still matches at the end of the string (after the last e), and also before every line break (between e and \n). Source

