Convert string to Json in Javascript - javascript

My string is like this :
I have tried $.parseJSON() or JSON.Parse() but does not work . I am gonna use this data for google chart . so i need it in the json format .
how can i do that ?

You need to convert the single quotes to double to be valid and you would need to wrap it in [] so it is a valid array format.
var str = "['01',746],['02',0],['03',9994],['04',0],['05',0],['06',0],['07',0],['08',0],['09',0],['10',0],['11',0],['12',0],['13',0],['14',0],['15',0],['16',0],['17',0],['18',0],['19',0],['20',0],['21',0],['22',0],['23',0],['24',0],['25',0],['26',0],['27',0],['28',0],['29',0],['30',0],['31',0]";
var myArray = JSON.parse("[" + str.replace(/'/g,'"') + "]");
console.log(myArray[0][0], myArray[0][1]); // "01" 746
But a better solution is to fix what is producing that string so it is a valid JSON object to start.


Javascript - Parse a stringified arrays of strings

I have a string like so :
a= "['url1','url2','url3']"
coming from the server I want to convert it to array like :
arr = ["url1","url2","url3"]
but JSON.parse does not seems to be working and gives following error:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1
Thanks in advance.
You need to replace the single quotes with double quotes. An easy way to achieve this can be by replacing them with escaped quotes like this:
let validJSON = a.replace(/'/g, "\"")
Your string needs to be in single quotes for JSON.parse to work in this example, also string representation in json uses double quotes as per standard.
Try to use this code:
a = "['url1','url2','url3']"
urls = a.split(',')
arr = => url.replace(/'|\[|\]/g, ''))
console.log(arr) // ["url1", "url2", "url3"]

Convert a string made from array toString() back to Array

I converted an array to a string and added it to a TextArea. The user edited the TextArea and I need to now update the array by calling in the same string of data I first produced. How would you do this?
The string which I have produced and need to convert back to an array is:
I tried to use the JSON Parser JSON.parse(text)
Format your string:
const text = '{"color":"red","x":218,"y":-11,"width":60,"height":60},{"color":"blue","cx":114,"cy":83,"radius":30}'
console.log(JSON.parse(`[ ${text}]`))
You just need to format your string as an array in JSON format. You can do that like so:
JSON.parse('[' + text + ']')
The Below code should work:
var text_string = '{"color":"red","x":218,"y":-11,"width":60,"height":60},{"color":"blue","cx":114,"cy":83,"radius":30}';

JS Change string format

I have a string in the following format :
and I want to change its format to "One","Two","Three","Four"
I tried the following :
var items = ['One,Two,Three,Four'];
var quotedAndCommaSeparated = '"' + items + '"';
which adds the double quotes at the beginning and at the end of the string. I don't want to use replace because there might be values that have a comma.
Is there a way to split the initial string and return the wanted one?
Try this
items[0].replace(/^|$/g, '"').replace(/,/g,'","')
This should give you what you want. Split on the commas and then rejoin using the delimiter you are looking for.
var quotedAndCommaSeparated = '"'+items[0].split(',').join('","')+'"'

Convert array formatted strings to object

I got
this from google translator
However I tried
It return an error Unexpected token
The problem is that this string contains multiple commas making your json invalid.
You could try to replace it for a single one before parsing
var x = '[[["汽車","car","Qìchē",""]],[["名詞",["汽車","車","轎車","車輛","車廂"],[["汽車",["car","automobile","auto"],,0.26497361],["車",["car","vehicle","lathe","machine","rook","turn"],,0.21967085],["轎車",["car","bus"],,0.020115795],["車輛",["vehicle","car"],,0.013611027],["車廂",["car"],,0.0042828997]]]],"en",,[["汽車",[4],0,0,1000,0,1,0]],[["car",4,[["汽車",1000,0,0],["車",0,0,0],["轎車",0,0,0],["車輛",0,0,0],["車廂",0,0,0]],[[0,3]],"car"]],,,[["en"]],27]'
.replace(/,{2,}/g, ",") // 2 or more replace for 1
Or if you have access to whatever is sending this string fix the output.
First you should remove an extra [] brackets by replacing that.
should be:
EDIT: you can refer to this answer: Parse Google Translate Json C#
You should try:
var str = '[[["汽車","car","Qìchē",""]],[["名詞",["汽車","車","轎車","車輛","車廂"],[["汽車",["car","automobile","auto"],,0.26497361],["車",["car","vehicle","lathe","machine","rook","turn"],,0.21967085],["轎車",["car","bus"],,0.020115795],["車輛",["vehicle","car"],,0.013611027],["車廂",["car"],,0.0042828997]]]],"en",,[["汽車",[4],0,0,1000,0,1,0]],[["car",4,[["汽車",1000,0,0],["車",0,0,0],["轎車",0,0,0],["車輛",0,0,0],["車廂",0,0,0]],[[0,3]],"car"]],,,[["en"]],27]';
var objstr = $.parseJSON(str);

Converting String to Array and back in Javascript

I simply have a huge array in a string like this:
"test", "blabla", "anothertest", "et", "cetera"
I need to be able to convert it to an array, preferable without the " "'s still left over.
I have no idea how javascript would be able to do this, but I heard JSON was able to do something like this.
JSON is fine indeed:
var string = '"test", "blabla", "anothertest", "et", "cetera"';
JSON.parse('[' + string + ']');
Keep in mind that string must respect the JSON syntax. More precisely, you have to check that double quotes are used, the separator is a comma and so on.
If your string contains data in quotes, and separated with comma, it almost valid json. Just do this
var myparsedarray = JSON.parse("[" + yourstring + "]");

