VueJS Select2 directive doesn't fire #change event - javascript

As title says, I registered Select2 directive for VueJS 1.0.15 using example from their page.
I want to catch #change event but it doesn't work.
<select v-select="item.service" :selected="item.service" #change="serviceChange(item)">
<option value="1">test 1</option>
<option value="2">test 2</option>
Vue.directive('select', {
twoWay: true,
params: ['selected'],
bind: function () {
var self = this
minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity
.on('change', function () {
update: function (value) {
unbind: function () {
var Checkout = new Vue({
el: '.Checkout',
methods: {
serviceChange: function (item) {

Expanded on Alberto Garcia answer.
var selectDropDown = $(".select-drop-down").select2();
selectDropDown.on('select2:select', function (e) {
var event = new Event('change');;

Yeah, I encountered this problem. Haven't figured out the solution yet, but this is my current work-a-round using watch:
In your VueJS:
watch: {
* Watch changes on the select2 input
* #param integer personId
'person': function (personId) {
var personName = $("#person").select2('data')[0].text
this.doSomethingWithPerson(personId, personName)
Then in your HTML:
data-options="{{ $peopleJSON }}"
data-placeholder="Choose a person"
Note: In the above HTML, {{ $peopleJSON }} is just how I insert my server-side JSON using Blade template engine. Not really pertinent to the question.

I recently had a problem trying to bind a select2 result to a vuejs data model object, and I came with a workaround, it might help you:
var search = $(".search").select2({
ajax: {
url: "/echo/json",
dataType: 'json',
delay: 250,
data: function (params) {
return {
q: params.term
processResults: function (data, params) {
var mockResults = [{id: 1,text: "Option 1"}, {id: 2,text: "Option 2"}, {id: 3,text: "Option 3"}];
return {results: mockResults};
cache: true
escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; },
minimumInputLength: 1
search.on("select2:select", function (e){
$('.result_search').val( $(this).val() ).trigger( 'change' );
var vm = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
busqueda_result : ''
I know you are using a directive but maybe it helps you

shouldn't you use $emit?
update: function (value) {


vue.js multi select change options inside axios GET

Hi I'm using this modified wrapper to handle a multiple select for vue.js. I'm trying to change value of this inside vue component. Here is my code.
<select2-multiple :options="car_options" v-model="input.classification">
<option disabled value="0">Select one</option>
And this is my script,
Vue.component('select2Multiple', {
props: ['options', 'value'],
template: '#select2-template',
mounted: function () {
var vm = this
// init select2
.select2({ data: this.options })
// emit event on change.
.on('change', function () {
vm.$emit('input', $(this).val())
watch: {
value: function (value) {
if ([...value].sort().join(",") !== [...$(this.$el).val()].sort().join(","))
options: function (options) {
// update options
$(this.$el).select2({ data: options })
destroyed: function () {
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#el',
delimiters: ["[[", "]]"],
data: {
input: {
classification: []
created: function () {
var vm = this;
.then(function (response) {
$.each(, function (i, item) {[i].id = String([i].id);[i].text = String([i].title);
vm.input.classification = ["2"];
.catch(function (error) {
I need to get vm.input.classification = ["2"] selected by default. And it's not working and no error message displays. I'm no expert in vue components but I feel like issue relies on vue component.
Here is a js fiddle for my example,
Finally I found the answer. We need to swapp the positions of options and value of component watch.
watch: {
options: function (options) {
// update options
$(this.$el).select2({ data: options })
value: function (value) {
if ([...value].sort().join(",") !== [...$(this.$el).val()].sort().join(","))

Rendering a component directive in Vue 2 without params

I have an app that holds the student list data. The component is supposed to take in that list and render a select dropdown (with select2).
In the fiddles console, it's displaying jQuery is not defined. I thought all fiddles now included jQuery?
I'm really not sure why this is breaking the all together. Is there something wrong with my directive? I know with Vue 2.0 they removed params, but this should suffice. Any eyes on my code would be greatly appreciated.
// Define component
var studentsComponent = Vue.extend({
props: ['students'],
data(): {
return {}
directives: {
select: {
bind: function () {
var self = this;
var select = $('#select-student');
select.on('change', function () {
console.log('hey on select works!');
update: function (oldVal, newVal) {
var select = $('#select-student');
template: `
<option value="0">Select Student</option>
v-for="(student, index) in students"
{{ }}
// Register component
Vue.component('students-component', studentsComponent);
// App
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
students: [
{ name: 'Jack', id: 0 },
{ name: 'Kate', id: 1 },
{ name: 'Sawyer', id: 2 },
{ name: 'John', id: 3 },
{ name: 'Desmond', id: 4 },
I made a fiddle for reference. Thank you for helping a noob out!
First, as I mentioned in comments, I would suggest you do this with a component. If you had to stick with a directive, however, you can't initialize select2 in the bind hook. You've defined your options in the DOM, so you need to wait until the component is inserted to initialize it.
directives: {
select: {
inserted: function (el, binding, vnode) {
var select = $(el);
select.on('change', function () {
console.log('hey on select works!');
Here is an update of your fiddle.

Meteor-AutoForm: How to update select options based on another control

I've been trawling SO questions for an answer to something that should be very simple but for the life of me I cannot figure it out.
Basically I have a meteor-autoform with two select controls:
<template name="processFormTemplate">
{{#autoForm id="processForm" collection="Processes" type=formAction doc=doc validation="blur"}}
<div class="col-md-12">
{{> afQuickField name="elementId" options=elements}}
{{> afQuickField name="categoryId" options=categories}}
{{> afQuickField name="title"}}
{{> afQuickField name="desc" rows=4}}
These then have helpers to populate the options:
elements: function() {
return getFormElements();
categories: function(elementId) {
return getFormCategories(this.doc.elementId);
getFormElements = function() {
var options = [];
Elements.find({}, {sort: {ref:1}}).forEach(function (element) {
label: element.title, value: element._id
return options;
getFormCategories = function(elementId) {
var options = [];
var filter = {};
if (!isBlank(elementId)) {
filter.elementId = elementId;
Categories.find(filter, {sort: {ref:1}}).forEach(function (d) {
label: d.title, value: d._id
return options;
Now I know this isn't working because the helper isn't reactive, however I don't know how to change this behaviour. I've also tried hooking into the 'change' event but this never fires for some reason:{
'change #elementId': function(e) {
console.log($('[name="elementId"]').val() + ' is now selected');
The required behaviour is that when a new elementId is selected in the first list, the list of options in the second should be refreshed based on the selected elementId.
Any help much appreciated.
I had the same problem before that took me hours to resolve. You have to use simple schema to get the value of selected option like this using autoform's api call Autoform.getFieldValue:
Schemas.Store = new SimpleSchema({
center: {
type: String,
optional: true,
autoform: {
type: "select",
options: function () {
return Centers.find().map(function (c) {
return {label:, value: c._id};
region: {
type: String,
optional: true,
autoform: {
type: "select",
options: function () {
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var docId = '';
docId = AutoForm.getFieldValue('storesForm', 'center');
return Regions.find({center: docId}).map(function (c) {
return {label: + ' (' + c.code + ')', value: c._id};
store_name: {
type: String
BTW, I'm still using autoform#4.2.2 due to issues encountered when using Autoform.getFieldValue in 5.0
Issue in 5.0.3 I've reported to aldeed:
I've managed to get this working - couple of things were wrong:
I needed to add an 'id' to the first select control so i could capture it's change event:
{{> afQuickField name="elementId" id="elementId" options=elements}}
I then used a Reactive Dict variable which I then set in the changed event. A session variable would probably do the same job.{
'change #elementId': function() {
dict.set('activeElementId', $('select#elementId').val());
and use this as a parameter in my categories helper:
categories: function(elementId) {
return getFormCategories(dict.get('activeElementId'));
Hopefully this helps anyone else having a similar issue.

Why are my jQuery hide events not firing and my Backbone sub view not rendering?

Now Solved - See bottom....
I've got a Backbone list view with a button on it that should show the edit elements.
Neither the jQuery hide() call in the 'showAddEntry' function or the view rendering for 'versionEditView' are doing anything at all. I've stepped right through and I'm not getting any errors. I've even tried manually running methods in the console to see what's going on with hide, but I'm not getting anywhere.
Here's the main view...
define(['ministry', 'jquery', 'models/m-version-info', 'views/about/v-edit-version-info-entry', 'text!templates/version-info/version-info.html'],
function(Ministry, $, VersionInfo, VersionInfoEditView, TemplateSource) {
var versionInfoEntriesView = Ministry.View.extend({
el: '#mainAppArea',
template: Handlebars.compile(TemplateSource),
versionInfoEditView: null,
initialize: function () {
this.$addEntryArea = $('#addVersionInfoEntryArea');
this.$addEntryButton = $('#addVersionInfoEntryButton');
events: {
'click #addVersionInfoEntryButton': 'showAddEntry'
render: function () {
var that = this;
var entries = new VersionInfo.Collection();
success: function (data) {
that.$el.html(that.template({ items: data.toJSON() }));
return this;
showAddEntry: function() {
if (this.versionInfoEditView != null) {
this.versionInfoEditView = new VersionInfoEditView({ el: this.$addEntryArea });
return false;
return versionInfoEntriesView;
And here's the child view...
define(['ministry', 'models/m-version-info', 'text!templates/version-info/edit-version-info- entry.html', 'jquery.custom'],
function (Ministry, VersionInfo, TemplateSource) {
var editVersionInfoView = Ministry.View.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile(TemplateSource),
initialize: function () {
this.$dbVersionInput = this.$('#dbVersion');
this.$tagInput = this.$('#tag');
render: function () {
return this;
events: {
'submit .edit-version-info-form': 'saveEntry'
saveEntry: function() {
var entry = new VersionInfo.Model({ dbVersion: this.$dbVersionInput.val(), tag: this.$tagInput.val() });{
success: function() {
alert('Your item has been saved');
return false;
return editVersionInfoView;
And the main template...
<h2>Version Info</h2>
<div id="info">
<a id="addVersionInfoEntryButton" href="#/versioninfo">Add manual entry</a>
<div id="addVersionInfoEntryArea">
<ul id="items">
{{#each items}}
<li>{{dbVersion}} | {{tag}}</li>
And the edit template...
<form class="edit-version-info-form">
<h3>Create a new entry</h3>
<label for="dbVersion">DB Version</label>
<input type="text" id="dbVersion" maxlength="10" />
<label for="tag">Tag</label>
<input type="text" id="tag" />
<button type="submit" id="newEntryButton">Create</button>
I'm fairly new to backbone so I may well be doing something totally wrong, but I can't see anything wrong with the approach so far and it's not throwing any errors.
OK - Fix as follows after some facepalming...
define(['ministry', 'jquery', 'models/m-version-info', 'views/about/v-edit-version-info-entry', 'text!templates/version-info/version-info.html'],
function(Ministry, $, VersionInfo, VersionInfoEditView, TemplateSource) {
var versionInfoEntriesView = Ministry.View.extend({
el: '#mainAppArea',
template: Handlebars.compile(TemplateSource),
versionInfoEditView: null,
$addEntryArea: undefined,
$addEntryButton: undefined,
initialize: function () {
events: {
'click #addVersionInfoEntryButton': 'showAddEntry'
render: function () {
var that = this;
var entries = new VersionInfo.Collection();
success: function (data) {
that.$el.html(that.template({ items: data.toJSON() }));
that.$addEntryArea = that.$('#addVersionInfoEntryArea');
that.$addEntryButton = that.$('#addVersionInfoEntryButton');
return this;
showAddEntry: function (e) {
if (this.versionInfoEditView != null) {
this.versionInfoEditView = new VersionInfoEditView({ el: this.$addEntryArea });
this.$addEntryArea.append('Do I want to put it here?');
return versionInfoEntriesView;
The issue was due to the fact that I was setting the internal element variables within the view before the completion of the render, so the elements were linked up to nothing. I resolved this by extracting the element initiation to the end of the render success callback.
Here's the fix again...
define(['ministry', 'jquery', 'models/m-version-info', 'views/about/v-edit-version-info-entry', 'text!templates/version-info/version-info.html'],
function(Ministry, $, VersionInfo, VersionInfoEditView, TemplateSource) {
var versionInfoEntriesView = Ministry.View.extend({
el: '#mainAppArea',
template: Handlebars.compile(TemplateSource),
versionInfoEditView: null,
$addEntryArea: undefined,
$addEntryButton: undefined,
initialize: function () {
events: {
'click #addVersionInfoEntryButton': 'showAddEntry'
render: function () {
var that = this;
var entries = new VersionInfo.Collection();
success: function (data) {
that.$el.html(that.template({ items: data.toJSON() }));
that.$addEntryArea = that.$('#addVersionInfoEntryArea');
that.$addEntryButton = that.$('#addVersionInfoEntryButton');
return this;
showAddEntry: function (e) {
if (this.versionInfoEditView != null) {
this.versionInfoEditView = new VersionInfoEditView({ el: this.$addEntryArea });
this.$addEntryArea.append('Do I want to put it here?');
return versionInfoEntriesView;
The issue was due to the fact that I was setting the internal element variables within the view before the completion of the render, so the elements were linked up to nothing. I resolved this by extracting the element initiation to the end of the render success callback.

knockoutjs bindings issue

I'm having issues with my knockoutjs implementation. Seems to be working fine on Chrome and Safari IE and FF have thrown a hissy fit.
The message which I encounter is as follows:
Unable to parse bindings. Message: TypeError: 'AccountName' is
undefined; Bindings value: value: AccountName
The issue is happening within a script tag which serves as a knockout template:
<div id="newAccountDialog" class="dialog" data-bind="dialog: { autoOpen: false, resizable: false, modal: true, width: 350, title: 'Exchange Account'}, template: { name: 'dialogFormTemplate', data: CurrentAccount }, openDialog: IsNew"></div>
<script id="dialogFormTemplate" type="text/html">
<form id="dialogForm">
<h1>Exchange Account Manager</h1>
<p>Add new or edit an existing exchange account settings.</p>
<label for="AccountName">
<input id="AccountName" name="AccountName" type="text" data-bind="value: AccountName, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'" class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" />
<div class="buttonsContainer floatRight">
<button id="Save" data-bind="click: $root.SaveAccount, dialogcmd: { id: 'newAccountDialog', cmd: 'close'}, jqButton: { icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-disk' } }">Save & Close</button>
I assume some sort of early binding is being triggered on the template
data : CurrentAccount
where an undefined / null is being passed into CurrentAccount. I have seen this issue outside of script tags, but only if the observable is not defined or null.
My viewmodel looks as following:
var AccountModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.Accounts = ko.observableArray([]);
self.CurrentAccount = ko.observable(null);
self.IsNew = ko.observable(false);
self.LoadAccounts = function () {
$account.invoke("GetAccounts", {}, function (data) {
var mapped = $.map(data, function (item) {
var account = new Account(item);
var innerMapped = $.map(item.Mailboxes, function (mailbox) {
return new Mailbox(mailbox);
return account;
self.EditAccount = function (data) {
self.SaveAccount = function () {
if (self.CurrentAccount().Id() <= 0) {
$account.invoke('AddAccount', ko.toJS(self.CurrentAccount()), function (data) {
self.Accounts.push(new Account(data));
self.CurrentAccount(new Account(data));
} else {
$account.invoke('UpdateAccount', ko.toJS(self.CurrentAccount()), function (data) {
//self.CurrentAccount(new Account(data));
self.CreateAccount = function () {
var account = { Id: 0, AccountName: '', IsNTLM: -1, Email: '', Password: '', Domain: 'mydomain', ExchangeVersion: 1, Mailboxes: [] };
self.CurrentAccount(new Account(account));
My dialog bindingHandler is defined as follows:
ko.bindingHandlers.dialog = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor) {
var options = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()) || {};
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function () {
I have ommited the Account object, as it is possibly not required in this context.
I would appreciate any help.
Thank you in advance.
There is no "early" binding in Knockout. Everything is bound when you call ko.applyBindings. But certain bindings can stop or delay binding of their descendant elements. template is one of those when you use the if or ifnot options. In your case, you can use the if option like this:
template: { name: 'dialogFormTemplate', data: CurrentAccount, 'if': CurrentAccount }
Note: The quotes around if are required in some older browsers.

