Difference between Object.assign and just assign - javascript

I would like to know the difference between this:
Object.assign(otherObject, {
someNewProperty: ''
otherObject.someNewProperty = '';
And.. which one is faster?

The Object.assign() method is used to copy the values of all
enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target
object. It will return the target object.
Whereas otherObject.someNewProperty = ''; is a method to directly assign a value to some property of an object.
Obviously the Object.assign pattern is much slower : jsperf.com/assign-vs-equals

For single property, direct assignment (otherObject.someNewProperty = '') is twice faster, but for multiple values - time will grow. Each property + 5% to 10%. Also, code-wise Object.assign is nicer for multiple options.
Object.assign(otherObject, {
prop1: '',
prop2: '',
prop3: '',
otherObject.prop1 = '';
otherObject.prop2 = '';
otherObject.prop3 = '';
You simply can run Profiles tab in Chrome Development tool and run few tests.

Object.assign() is a pretty versatile function that is designed to do complex object composition.
The property dot notation is a straight forward way to assign a single value to a single property.
Regarding which is faster, that's irrelevant considering these are not equivalent, and as one of my all time favorite posts noted "asking which one runs faster is maybe a non-starter".

There is another important thing to show here about the differences between assign directly and using Object.assign(actually, not exactly a difference, but a important thing to be aware).
If you have a Object that's assigned to another variable in JS, like this:
const a = { a: 1 }
const b = a
then, you decided to use Object.assign to change the value in a and assign to another variable(d), you will change the value in b as well(even you not assigning the Object.assign return to a, in this example let's assign to a new variable d).
const d = Object.assign(a, { a: 2 })
console.log(a) // { a: 2 }
console.log(b) // { a: 2 }
console.log(d) // { a: 2 }
Basically, it's important to know that Object.assign will mutate the target object as well all variables pointing to it.
Now, if you use directly the assignment to d, it'll not change the value in a(and in b as well will not change).
const d = { ...a, ...{ a: 2 }}
console.log(a) // { a: 1 }
console.log(b) // { a: 1 }
console.log(d) // { a: 2 }

This is actually a good question:
We just found a bug, where we would assign properties to a file using Object.assign.
const file = new File(["foo"], "foo.txt", {
type: "text/plain",
file.name='test'; // does not update the readonly value but doesn't return an error
Object.assign(file,{name:'test'}); // error: 'Cannot set property name of #<File> which has only a getter'


Typescript, turn Array of functions into merged type of all returned values

So I have a an array of functions (or actually an object of functions but it doesn't matter) which returns a different objects such as this:
const arr = [
() => ({ a: "a" }),
() => ({ b: "b" })
and now I want to get a type that contains all the merged values such as:
a: string;
b: string;
If tried some reduce solutions but all I've gotten to is a type that looks like:
{ a: string } | { b: string }
which isn't what I'm looking for.
Any ideas?
Update 1
The array in the example is a simplification and the actual return values of the functions are unique and is therefore needed to be kept as is => I cannot use a generalized interface such as
interface ReturnValues {
[key: string]: string;
Update 2
The problem is not of a JS kind but of TS and it's types. Ultimately I want to achieve this kind of functionality:
const result = arr.reduce((sum, fn) => Object.assign(sum, fn()), {})
and I want the type of result to be { a: string, b: string } so that I can call result.a and typescript will know that this is a string. If the result is { a: string } | { b: string }, calling result.a typescript says this is of the type any.
Also, for the ease of it, one can assume that there is no overlapping of the returning values of the functions.
you can use Array.reduce
const arr = [
() => ({ a: "a" }),
() => ({ b: "b" })
const obj = arr.reduce((acc, cur) => ({ ...acc, ...cur() }), {});
Since TypeScript doesn't have proper variadic type support yet (See this issue), the only real way to achieve what you're looking for is this:
const a = [{a:1},{b:2}] as const;
function merge<TA, TB>(a: TA, b: TB): TA & TB;
function merge<TA, TB, TC>(a: TA, b: TB, c: TC): TA & TB & TC;
function merge<TA, TB, TC, TD>(a: TA, b: TB, c: TC, d: TD): TA & TB & TC & TD;
function merge(...list: Array<any>): any {}
const b = merge(...a);
There are 3 primary methods of "mixing" javascript objects.
The process your looking to achieve is called a "mixin".
The older and more widely used method is to use whats called an extend function.
There are many ways to write an extend function, but they mostly look something like this:
const extend = (obj, mixin) => {
Object.keys(mixin).forEach(key => obj[key] = mixin[key]);
return obj;
here "obj" is your first object, and "mixin" is the object you want to mix into "obj", the function returns an object that is a mix of the two.
The concept here is quite simple. You loop over the keys of one object, and incrementally assign them to another, a little bit like copying a file on your hard drive.
There is a BIG DRAWBACK with this method though, and that is any properties on the destination object that have a matching name WILL get overwritten.
You can only mix two objects at a time, but you do get control over the loop at every step in case you need to do extra processing (See later on in my answer).
Newer browsers make it somewhat easier with the Object.Assign call:
Object.assign(obj1, mix1, mix2);
Here "obj1" is the final mixed object, and "mix1", "mix2" are your source objects, "obj1" will be a result of "mix1" & "mix2" being combined together.
The MDN article on "Object.Assign" can be found here:
Like the extend function above "Object Assign" WILL overwrite properties in the destination object, but it does have the advantage of doing many at a time. My example above only shows 2 "mix" objects, but you can in theory have as many as you like, and that comes in really useful when you have them all in array as you have.
In an array you can either map the objects into one function, and then use the spread operator available in newer browsers, or you can use for..in to loop over the collection.
If your using JQuery, you can use it's foreach method, and underscore.js has dozens of ways of looping.
Since your using TypeScript you can also combine a lot of this with typescripts looping operators too.
There is a 3rd way of merging objects, it's not widely used but it is gaining traction, and that's the "Flight-Mixin" approach that uses the Array prototype, it looks something like this:
const EnumerableFirstLast = (function () { // function based module pattern.
const first = function () {
return this[0];
last = function () {
return this[this.length - 1];
return function () { // function based Flight-Mixin mechanics ...
this.first = first; // ... referring to ...
this.last = last; // ... shared code.
The idea here is that the two objects all ready have the functionality you require on them, so instead of "mixing" them, your just providing a single interface that delegates to them behind the scenes.
Beacuse your adding to the array prototype, you can now do things like the following:
const a = [1, 2, 3];
a.first(); // 1
a.last(); // 3
This might seem as if it's of no use, until you consider what you've in effect just done is added two new functions to a datatype you cannot normally control, this MIGHT if applied to your own objects allow you to add functions dynamically, that simply just grab the values you need to merge in a loop without too much trouble, it would however require a bit of extra planning which is why I'm adding this as more of an idea for further exploration rather than part of the solution.
This method is better suited for objects that are largely function based rather than data based as your objects seem to be.
Irrespective of which mixin method you use though, you will still need to iterate over your array collection with a loop, and you will still need to use spread to get all the keys and properties in one place.
If you consider something like
const myarr = [
{name: "peter", surname: "shaw"},
{name: "schagler", surname: "kahn"}
The way the spread operator works is to bust those array entries out into individual parts. So for example, IF we had the following function:
function showTwoNames(entryOne, entryTwo) {
console.log(entryOne.name + " " + entryOne.surname);
console.log(entryTwo.name + " " + entryTwo.surname);
You could call that function with the spread operator as follows:
If your array had more than 2 entries in it, then the rest would be ignored in this case, the number of entries taken from the array is directly proportional to the number of arguments for the function.
You could if you wanted to do the following:
function showTwoNames(entryOne, entryTwo, ...theRest) {
console.log(entryOne.name + " " + entryOne.surname);
console.log(entryTwo.name + " " + entryTwo.surname);
console.log("There are " + theRest.length + " extra entries in the array");
Please NOTE that I'm not checking for nulls and undefined or anything here, it should go without saying that you should ALWAYS error check function parameters especially in JavaScript/TypeScript code.
The spread operator can in it's own right be used to combine objects, it can be simpler to understand than other methods like "ObjectAssign" beacuse quite simply you use it as follows:
var destination = { ...source1, ...source2, ...source3); // for as many sources as needed.
Like the other methods this will overwrite properties with the same name.
If you need to preserve all properties, even identically named ones, then you have no choice but to use something like an extend function, but instead of just merging directly using a for-each as my first example shows, you'll need to examine the contents of "key" while also looking in the destination to see if "key" exists and renaming as required.
Update RE: the OP's updates
So being the curious kind I am, I just tried your updated notes on one of my Linux servers, Typescript version is 3.8.3, Node is 12.14.1 and it all seems to work just as you expect it to:
I'm using all the latest versions, so it makes me wonder if your problem is maybe a bug in an old version of TS, or a feature that has only just been added in the newest build and is not present in the version your using.
Maybe try an update see what happens.
It seems that TypeScript doesn't have a native solution for this. But I found a workaround.
As mentioned in the question, using the reduce-method one gets a TS type of { a: string } | { b: string } (and to be clear, of course also a resulting object of { a: "a", b: "b" }.
However, to get from { a: string } | { b: string } to { a: string, b: string } I used the following snippet to merge the types:
type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends any
? (k: U) => void
: never) extends (k: infer I) => void
? I
: never;
So this would be my resulting code:
const arr = [
() => ({ a: "a" }),
() => ({ b: "b" })
const result = arr.reduce((sum, fn) => Object.assign(sum, fn()))
// Result is now { a: "a", b: "b" }
// but the TS type is '() => ({ a: string } | { b: string })'
type ResultUnion = ReturnType<typeof result>
// ResultUnion = { a: string } | { b: string }
type ResultIntersection = UnionToIntersection<ResultUnion>
// This is where the magic happens
// ResultIntersection = { a: string } & { b: string}
// It's not _exactly_ what I wanted, but it does the trick.
// Done

Use destructuring to assign value to object property

I've used destructuring in various instances of my ES6 code but today I tried shortening a model instance declaration and it's not quite working in node. Basically, I'm pulling data from the YouTube Data API and storing it in my MongoDB instance. Accordingly, I created an object from the thumbnail portion of the response like so:
thumbnailData = {
smallWidth: element.snippet.thumbnails.default.width,
smallHeight: element.snippet.thumbnails.default.height,
smallURL: element.snippet.thumbnails.default.url,
medWidth: element.snippet.thumbnails.medium.width,
medHeight: element.snippet.thumbnails.medium.height,
medURL: element.snippet.thumbnails.medium.url,
highWidth: element.snippet.thumbnails.high.width,
highHight: element.snippet.thumbnails.high.height,
highURL: element.snippet.thumbnails.high.url
And I have a Mongoose schema like so:
const ThumbnailSchema = new Schema({
smallWidth: Number,
smallHeight: Number,
smallURL: String,
medWidth: Number,
medHeight: Number,
medURL: String,
highWidth: Number,
highHight: Number,
highURL: String
const Thumbnail = mongoose.model('thumbnail', ThumbnailSchema);
So I was trying to do something like this in my declaration:
let thumbs = new Thumbnail;
({ thumbs.smallWidth, thumbs.smallHeight, thumbs.smallURL } = thumbnailData);
But node.js throws a simple 'Unexpect token .' above my use of . in the left-hand side. Ideas if this is even possible? It's just killing me to have to write the object out in such long form but I can leave it if needs be because it does work. It seems much like the syntax below so not sure what the difference is, thanks.
var a, b;
({ a, b } = {a: 1, b: 2});
You can't destructure an object that way, Javascript recognizes the dots as property accesses, like #Bergi commented. One way you could minimize repetition however, is by destructuring default, medium, high out of the thumbnails property:
const { 'default': dflt, medium, high } = element.snippet.thumbnails;
let thumbs = new Thumbnail({
smallWidth: dflt.width,
smallHeight: dflt.height,
smallURL: dflt.url,
medWidth: medium.width,
medHeight: medium.height,
medURL: medium.url,
highWidth: high.width,
highHight: high.height,
highURL: high.url
Object.assign(thumbs, (({ smallWidth, smallHeight, smallURL}) => ({smallWidth, smallHeight, smallURL}))(thumbnailData));
A small IIFE that uses parameter destructuring would work. Or old stylish:
for(var key of ["smallWidth", "smallHeight", "smallURL"])
thumbs[key] = thumbnailData[key];
Your code
({ thumbs.smallWidth, thumbs.smallHeight, thumbs.smallURL } = thumbnailData);
will not work. Because the Js interpreter is not expecting the token . in the left hand that is considered as a property access. To make it work, you can use rather
({ a: thumbs.smallWidth, b:thumbs.smallHeight, c:thumbs.smallURL } = thumbnailData);
This will assign the value to your new object. Here is a working snippet:
var data = {a: "a", b: "b"};
( {a: data.a, b: data.b} = {a: 1, b : 2})

using key value pair of same object inside itself with 'this' in javascript

Let's say I have two objects like
var a = {
b: 1,
c: this.b
var funcObj = {
b : function() {
return 1;
c: function() {
console.log(return this.b())
On logging these two like
console.log(a.c)//results undefined
console.log(funcObj.c()) //results 1
Why can't the first function use the this property but the second one can?
I am really confused.
The answer depends on what this refers to in each context. In JavaScript, this is bound to whatever object was on the left of the dot (.) when the current function was called. If we're not in a function, things get a little hairier -- this is either the global window object or undefined, depending on the environment.
In your first example, the value of this is dependent on the surrounding context. As JavaScript builds your object a, it evaluates this.b. Whatever object this is currently bound to has no b property, so the c property is set to undefined.
In your second example, when you call funcObj.c() the this in the function gets bound to funcObj. So, when you ask for the b property, you get the b you defined above. The fact that funcObj.b is a function is actually irrelevant. The following would work just as well:
var funcObj = {
b : 1,
c: function() {
console.log(return this.b)
You cannot refer to other properties in the declaration as part of a Javascript literal declaration. So, in your Javascript literal declaration:
var a = {
b: 1,
c: this.b
this is not set to what you want and a has not yet been initialized yet so you can't refer to it either. There is simply no way to reach the other properties at the time of the literal declaration. This is a limitation of the current specification for Javascript. You could do this instead:
var a = {
b: 1
a.c = a.b;
because a is fully formed at that point so you can then reference other properties in it.
Or, in modern browsers, you could even use a getter to get the "live" version of b like this (which isn't exactly the same functionality as you were asking for since it's a "live" version of b that will track it's value), but shows you another possibility:
var a = {
b: 1,
get c() {
return b;
console.log(a.c); //results 1
In your second example:
var funcObj = {
b : function() {
return 1;
c: function() {
console.log(return this.b())
console.log(funcObj.c()) //results 1
You are calling funcObj.c() and that will set the value of this inside of c to funcObj so thus you can reference other properties via this.
The main difference here is that this is not set to the object inside of Javascript literal definition (your first example), but this is set to the object when you invoke a method as in funcObj.c().
I know this post is a bit old, but I came across it while trying to figure out how to solve a similar issue.
I was wanting to do something like:
const x = {
a: 12,
b: a + 1
console.log(x) //results undefined
(That's extremely simplified compared to what I was actually doing, but the principle is the same.)
My solution was to first create a function that would build the object I wanted, then pass in the primary value I was trying to act on (in this example, the value in 'a'):
function buildObj (val) {
const response = {
a: val,
b: val + 1
return response;
And then:
const x = buildObj(12)
console.log(x) // results { a: 12, b: 13 }
Once x has been initialized, any subsequent attempt to access
will return the values stored therein.
If a future searcher comes across this question because they're wanting to take an action on a value stored in a nested key within the same object, hopefully this will help.

JavaScript, overwrite object without losing reference

I am working on a simple web application that is built on top of AngularJS. The application should be able to work offline as well as online. When the user is offline, the changes to the data is stored locally. Therefore, the id's that is used within this application in offline mode is only temporary id's, they get replaced when uploaded to the server
The data that are used in the application consists of complex objects (with relations/references to other objects). When i am saving to the server, i wanted the views to get updated with the new "real" id's.
However, since JavaScript works with objects as references im not able to do what i want to: $scope.data = newdata
This is not overwriting $scope.data but creates a new object. The old reference to the old data is still there.
Simplified example
var x = {id: 1, name: "myObject"}
var c = x // c = {id: 1, name: "myObject"}
x = {id: 2, name: "myNewObject"}
// c = {id: 1, name: "myObject"}
As you can see, c is still a reference to the old object. In practice, this causes that my view isn't updated with new data since it's still bound to the old data.
What i need to is to overwrite the properties of, in this example, x. I need to do this recursively since my real objects are complex, however it shouldn't enter any circular references, since this will probably cause stack overflow. If i am overwriting a with b and a has properties that b hasn't got, those properties should be removed.
What i need
I need some sort of function that overwrites all properties in a (old object) with the properties in b (new object). All properties that exists in a but not in b should be removed.
If your environment supports ECMAScript 2015, you can use Object.assign():
'use strict'
let one = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
let two = { b: 20, c: 30, d: 40 };
let three = Object.assign({}, one, two);
// will output: Object {a: 1, b: 20, c: 30, d: 40}
(let is the new locally scoped version of var in ECMAScript 2015) more...
So in the case of your simple example:
var x = { id: 1, name: "myObject" };
Object.assign(x, { id: 2, name: "myNewObject" });
// will output: Object {id: 2, name: "myNewObject"}
Using the "extend" method which is available in underscore and jquery:
//Clear all the 'old' properties from the object
for (prop in old_object) {delete old_object[prop]}
//Insert the new ones
$.extend(old_object, new_object)
I found a solution after some thinking. It's probably not the most efficient solution, but it does the job for me. The time complexity could probably be better, and all suggestions of improvement are welcome. First parameter is the object to be extended, the second the one to extend with. The third is supposed to be a boolean, indicating whether the properties in a that doesn't exist in b should be removed or not.
function extend(_a,_b,remove){
remove = remove === undefined ? false : remove;
var a_traversed = [],
b_traversed = [];
function _extend(a,b) {
if (a_traversed.indexOf(a) == -1 && b_traversed.indexOf(b) == -1){
if (a instanceof Array){
for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
if (a[i]){ // If element exists, keep going recursive so we don't lose the references
a[i] = _extend(a[i],b[i]);
} else {
a[i] = b[i]; // Object doesn't exist, no reference to lose
if (remove && b.length < a.length) { // Do we have fewer elements in the new object?
a.splice(b.length, a.length - b.length);
else if (a instanceof Object){
for (var x in b) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
a[x] = _extend(a[x], b[x]);
} else {
a[x] = b[x];
if (remove) for (var x in a) {
if (!b.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
delete a[x];
return b;
return a;
I'm adding an answer, even though everyone has explained both why and solutions.
The reason I'm adding answer, is because I've searched for this answer a few times over the years and always basically come to the same 2/3 SO questions. I put the solutions in the too-hard-basket, because the code I've been working with has many modules all following similar design patterns; it's just been too much work to try and resolve what boiled down to the same issue you were having.
What I've learned, and hopefully it holds some value for others out there now that I've actually re-factored our codebase to avoid this issue (sometimes maybe its unavoidable, but sometimes it definitely is), is to avoid using 'static private variables' to reference Objects.
This can probably be more genericised, but take for example:
var G = {
'someKey' : {
'foo' : 'bar'
G.MySingletonClass = (function () {
var _private_static_data = G.someKey; // referencing an Object
return {
* a method that returns the value of _private_static_data
* #method log
log: function () {
return _private_static_data;
} // eom - log()
}; // end of return block
}()); // end of Class
G.someKey = {
As you can see, same problem experienced by the Questioner. In my case, and this use of private static variables referencing Objects was everywhere, all I needed to do was directly lookup G.someKey; instead of storing it as a convenience variable for my Class. The end result (though lengthier as a result of inconvenience) works very well:
var G = {
'someKey' : {
'foo' : 'bar'
G.MySingletonClass = (function () {
return {
* a method that returns the value of _private_static_data
* #method log
log: function () {
return G.someKey;
} // eom - log()
}; // end of return block
}()); // end of Class
G.someKey = {
So yeah, maybe nothing new given the question has been solved, but I felt compelled to share that because I was even lead to believe that the first example was the correct way to do things. Maybe in some cases it is, it definitely didn't turn out to be.
Hopefully that helps someone, somewhere!

JavaScript: Using Object Literals to Save Time and Work during content Manipulation

If we write this-
var myVariable={
We can call propertyB like this-
Keeping this in mind, when we write-
We can write this, like this-
Well, if that was correct then we may do this-
innerHTML:'this is a div',
Now, if those were correct then may be this also-
innerHTML:'this is a div',
innerHTML:'this is a span',
So, how many of them are wrong/correct? If wrong, why and what was wrong? Can you give me any more information related to this?
Thanks in advance :-)
All Javascript objects are hashes, and vice versa -- so your assumption is based in truth. However, Javascript assignment is a replacement operation, not augmentation. This can be easily seen in a simple example:
obj = { a: { b: 2 } }
obj.a.b // => 2
obj.a = { c: 3 }
obj.a.c // => 3
obj.a.b // => undefined
Barring magic in the implementation of a HTMLElement's style attribute, assigning to it will not simply merge the values. The further up that chain you assign, the more damage you do.
Finally, any value given before a : in an object literal is expected to be either a string or a bareword (which will be quoted) -- variables and function calls (like getElementById('mySpan')) cannot be used as keys in an object literal.
You can, however, get the behavior you were looking for with something like the following:
var divStyles = document.getElementById('myDiv').style;
var styles = { visibility:'hidden', display:'inline' };
for (key in styles) {
if (styles.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
divStyles[key] = styles[key];
The overhead may or may not be worth it, depending on how many properties you are changing.
Whenever you do
myVar.someObject = { ... }
You completely override "someObject", throwing away any poperties it had before the assignment.
var myvar = { obj: {a:1, b:2} };
myvar.obj = {a:3}
console.log(myvar.obj.a) // 3; ok
console.log(myvar.obj.b) // undefined; oh no!

