Meteor: Check if user read a message - javascript

I have a simple chatbox in a meteor.js app. How would I check if the receiver of a message has seen it?
In more general terms: If a user is subsribed to a published collection does meteor have a built in way of detecting if that user gets the change?
I know i'm kind of throwing a dart in the dark right now. If you're going to downvote me. At least point me in the right direction first :)
Similar question in 2012

The question you are pointing from 2012 dosnt fit well on your question (maybe im wrong).
So do you want to make something like whatsapp, facebook, etc? the "seen" option?.
If the answer is yes, just puts isSeen:boolean flag on your document, and when the user clicks on the message check if the value is true/false, if its false, just set it to true.


Here API findpickups example doesn't work

We are trying to use the findpickup api to find the best route for several waypoints. Despite the fact that we trying to understand how the pickup and drop params exactly work we were not able to get a successfully response from the example at;car;traffic:disabled&start=waypoint0;50.115620,8.631210;pickup:GRAPEFRUITS,value:1000&departure=2016-10-14T07:30:00+02:00&vehicleCost=0.29&driverCost=20&maxDetour=60&restTimes=disabled&end=waypoint7;50.132540,8.649280&destination0=waypoint1;50.118578,8.636551;drop:APPLES,value:30&destination1=waypoint2;50.122540,8.631070;pickup:BANANAS&destination2=waypoint3;50.128920,8.629830;drop:BANANAS,value:30&destination3=waypoint4;50.118654,8.619956;pickup:APPLES&destination4=waypoint5;50.123998,8.640626;drop:PEACHES,value:50&destination5=waypoint6;50.130299,8.613031;pickup:PEACHES&apiKey={YOUR_API_KEY}
It is always complaining not finding a match for a street.
After finding a similar question on stackoverflow describing this problem
Here Map findpickups Cannot match onto a road link with 1000.0m search radius
we switched to the alternative domain. But now the entire pickup/drop thing confused us even more after reading the error message that drop-off point is missing.
Regardless where we are changing params for pickup/drop it stills complains that a contraint for pickup is not fullfilled.
Would be awesome if someone has any idea what is going wrong with the example from the HERE Docs.
And more importantly if someone can explain how the pickup/drop implementation actually works.
#HERE developer support
Thanks a lot for your reply.
My new additional notes would be too long as a comment. So I edited my questions with further information for describing the actually problem we have.
Obviously makes sense that GRAPEFRUIT has to be removed in a pickup waypoint. We already tried that. Sorry that we didn't mentioned that.
The thing is that in our use case will drop or pickup multiple items on each waypoint.
According docs this must work. .
Unfortunately it doesn't work. See following request;car&vehicleCost=0.20&start=wp1;50.41256,8.02943&destination1=wp2;50.0766,8.22699;pickup:item1&destination2=wp3;50.07735,8.22185;pickup:item2&destination3=wp4;50.06563,8.19155;drop:item1,value:100;drop:item2,value:100&end=wp5;50.41256,8.02943&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY
Would love to get some hints and a solution for our use case.
You would have to switch to the new domain and also change the departure time format as well as remove the pickup condition for the GRAPEFRUITS. The below request should work:;car;traffic:disabled&start=waypoint0;50.115620,8.631210&driverCost=20&maxDetour=60&restTimes=disabled&destination0=waypoint1;50.118578,8.636551;drop:APPLES,value:30&destination1=waypoint2;50.122540,8.631070;pickup:BANANAS&destination3=waypoint4;50.118654,8.619956;pickup:APPLES&destination4=waypoint5;50.123998,8.640626;drop:PEACHES,value:50&destination5=waypoint6;50.130299,8.613031;pickup:PEACHES&departure=2016-10-14T07:30:00&vehicleCost=0.29&end=waypoint7;50.132540,8.649280&destination2=waypoint3;50.18920,8.629830;drop:BANANAS,value:30&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY
We have reported the issue to API team, ask is to correct/simplify the example.

XPages: How to fetch documents in view and read values?

I am a beginner with XPages, and I have looked at the TLCC Intro free training. I have also seen tutorials here. I have no experience with Lotus Notes, XPages or flat-structured databases. But, I do have some experience in JavaScript and good experience (IMO) in Java and Android.
I am facing the following problems.
1) I am trying to implement a very basic login mechanism.
Currently, I add users manually, based on a form. Now, I want to create a login page. I take a user and a password, and click on a button.
In the button, I want to read all documents associated with a view (that displays all usernames/passwords), compare with entered value, and if it exists check if the password fields match too.
Can someone please guide me in the correct direction? I can't figure out which functions to use. Also, should I be using Scope Variables? Is there a good document/tutorial regarding that?
I have tried the "view.getAllEntries()" method but it always returns null.
Am I approaching this correctly? Are there in-depth tutorials that can help me with this?
2) What is the method to debug SSJS? I am currently putting everything in a try/catch and printing the error there.
I apologize if this question has been asked elsewhere, I haven't really found anything regarding this. Please point me if there is this is a duplicate.
Use view.getDocumentByKey(theUserName) to find a user document in your view. It returns the user document as NotesDocument or null if user is not in view. The view has to have a first sorted column with the usernamens.
As of Notes Domino version 9 you can debug SSJS.

How to implement Ember-Validations in Ember-App-Kit With Out Fixtures

This is a NEAR duplicate of this post which has a very nice example of ember-validations (without EAK) here. However, I am wondering if anybody can do an EAK version of this for me, with the one difference that the JSBIN has validation errors shown only once the user has blurred a form input. This jsbin shows the errors on load. I would expect to see the validation messages come after the field has been focused for the first time at the very soonest, rather than onload. Im not sure if this is an artifact of JSBIN implementation or the actual expected feature design of ember-validations. I would love to see a clean EAK in git or bitbucket that has just this, the same 5 or 6 inputs in the index.hbs that are tied to a controller with the same five elements in the validations object, but the difference that it doesn't show errors until after the controls are at least interacted with once by the user. I would be extra happy to see the steps the user took at the terminal to add ember-validations to their EAK, because currently, I'm following this study below and I am unsure if perhaps the problem is not the EAK implementation, but rather the manner in which I've brought the ember-validations.js into my app in the first place. I've had some conflicting suggestions on how this should be done, but considering that right now, I have at least seen error messages in the page it's hard to tell if there's a problem with the way the script is included or not.
gem install bundler
git clone git://
cd ember-validations
bundle install
bundle exec rake dist
cp dist/ember-validations/ember-validations.js vendor/ember-validations/ember-validations.js
subl app/index.html
insert line 57: <script src="/vendor/ember-validations/ember-validations.js"></script>
open http://localhost:8000
With this, I am able to see the errors highlighted when the app loads. However, for my attempt, I don't see the errors clear or the continue button enabled after satisfactory input is added. So I am having the same unwanted functionality as the JSBIN and the OP. This maybe a more basic ember js question, or a basic EAK question, but I would love to see a simple ember-validations set up in EAK(ES6) format. With a list of files, their locations, or better still a git to clone.
Also, I am looking to see this done without FIXTURES or DS store if possible. I am thinking a simple object in the controller. It appears to me in the documentation that as soon as the object is created, validation fires. So, how to defer the validation until after the form-controls are interacted with?
Edit: So, I was able to get the EAK architecture to happen... anybody interested in my solution, there's a bitbucket repo now for you to inspect and enjoy!
Edit 2: So, looking and thinking about this some more. It makes sense the way it is. It's only my styling and message language that makes it clunky. Of course the presence: property makes them seem like errors, but they are in fact, also hypostatized as cta's or call to actions, highlighting fields that need attention. When the fields are empty initially, instead of thinking about them like errors, think about them like attention getting call outs. Since my button is disabled as long as the fields are inValid, there's no reason to have the messages at any other time, since there will never be a use case in which the user has submitted the button without satisfying the presence and other properties of the validations object. So, to solve my "problem" I just need to think about the errors differently. Instead of styling them with an error class, I'll style them normally, and when presence is satisfied, show a checkmark or something friendly like that. So in effect, these validations are working as I want them to. It's just a matter of not following the out-of-the-box nature of the message error styling.
Double Thanks!

Sharepoint - How to: dynamic Url for Note on Noteboard

I'm quite new to SharePoint (about 1 week into it actually) and I'm attempting to mirror certain functionality that my company has with other products. Currently I'm working on how to duplicate the tasking environment in Essentially it's just an email link that goes to a webpage where users can view an image and comments related to that image side by side.
I can dynamically load the image based on url parameters using just Javascript so that part is not a problem. As far as the comments part goes I've been trying to use a Noteboard WebPart, and then my desire is to have the "Url for Note" property to change dependent on the same URL parameter. I've looked over the Javascript Object Model and Class Library on MSDN but the hierarchy seems to stop at WebPart so I'm not finding anything that will allow me to update the Url for Note property.
I've read comments saying that there's a lot of exploration involved with this so I've tried the following:
-loading the javascript files into VisualStudio to use intellisense for looking up functions and properties in the SP.js files.
-console.log() on: WebPartDefinitionCollection, WebPartDefinition, WebPart, and methods .get_objectData(), get_properties() on all the previous
-embedding script in the "Builder" on the Url for Note property (where it says "click to use Builder" - I'm still not sure what more this offers than just a bigger textbox to put in the URL path)
I'm certain I've missed something obvious here but am gaining information very slowly now that I've exhausted the usual suspects. I very much appreciate any more resources or information anyone has and am willing to accept that I may be approaching this incorrectly if someone has accomplished this before.
Normally I'd keep going through whatever info I could find but I'm currently on a trial period and start school back up again soon so I won't have as much time with it. Apologies if this seems impatient, I'm just not sure where else to look at the moment.
Did you check out the API libraries like SPServices or SharepointPlus? They could help you doing what you want...
For example with SharepointPlus you could:
Create a Sharepoint List with a "Note" column and whatever you need to record
When the user goes to the page with the image you just show a TEXTAREA input with a SAVE button
When the user hits the SAVE button it will save the Note to the related list using $SP().list("Your list").add()
And you can easily retrieve the information (to show them to the user if he goes back to the page) with $SP().list("Your list").get()
If I understood your problem, that way it may be easier for you to deal with a customized page :-)

Best way to preload 50 questions in html for a mobile quiz app?

What would be the simplest and easiest way to
to preload 50 quiz type questions in html for a mobile quiz app?
If the user loses wifi and internet access I wanted them to be able to
press the submit button when they regain wifi/3-4g access again.
I'd preload the questions by including them in the web page as a Javascript object.
var questions = [
{"q": "Why did the Chicken cross the road"},
{a: [
"It was bored",
"It was following the goat."
You can use AJAX to submit the answers. If it errors out, save the answers using localstorage. Uset .setTimeout() to wake up every few seconds and see if submitting works.
Probably a simpler way would be to just put all the questions on the page (in html) and then as your user walks through them you can hide and show them as you need to. When the user submits, if it fails, you can place a waiting icon and keep trying with setTimeout. As Jeremy pointed out you could also store the answers in localstorage in the event the window is closed.
The best answer for you really depends on your overall architecture, but you don't have to use javascript or json to load all the questions depending on your technical level.
A simple mockup (that is not entirely functional):

