jQuery nested functions - javascript

I am still new to JavaScript and jQuery, so I am confused as to why the following code is not working as I anticipated. All I am trying to do is save input on a button click (id=recordInput) and display it with another button click (id=displayInput). What I observe is that tempInput is stored, (the code works until that point) but assignment of displayInputs onclick attribute is not executed. My question is, can you not nest a $().click() call inside of another &().click() call?
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#recordInput').click(function(event) {
var tempInput = $('#testInput').val();
&('#displayInput').click(function(event) {
My thinking is this in pseudocode:
assign recordInput onclick attribute to the following function:
store tempInput
set displayInput onclick to alert the tempInput value
what is wrong with my thinking?
NOTE: I did not include any html tags but all of the ids are referenced correctly

It's not working because you have put & instead of $ here
$('#displayInput').click(function(event) {
Fixing this may work, but you shouldn't set event handlers this way. Because every time your first handler function is called it will set an event handler for the second one. You can try with your console.log and you will see that the number of console.log is increasing by every click on #recordInput. So you should better set it like this :
var tempInput;
$('#recordInput').click(function(event) {
tempInput = $('#testInput').val();
$('#displayInput').click(function(event) {

I would change
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#recordInput').click(function(event) {
var tempInput = $('#testInput').val();
&('#displayInput').click(function(event) {
var testInput = '';
testInput = $('#testInput').val();
if(testInput !== ''){
You are using & instead of $. Of course, you don't have to format the code exactly like I did.


Bypass onclick event and after excuting some code resume onclick

I have the below html button which have onclick event
<button onclick="alert('button');" type="button">Button</button>
and the following js:
$('button').on('click', function(){
After executing some js code by jQuery/Javascript, i want to continue with the button onclick handler e.g: jquery alert first and than button alert.
i tried so many things like "remove attr and append it after executing my code and trigger click (it stuck in loop, we know why :) )" and "off" click. but no luck.
is it possible via jQuery/javascript?
any suggestion much appreciated
A little bit tricky. http://jsfiddle.net/tarabyte/t4eAL/
$(function() {
var button = $('#button'),
onclick = button.attr('onclick'); //get onclick value;
onclick = new Function(onclick); //manually convert it to a function (unsafe)
button.attr('onclick', null); //clear onclick
button.click(function() { //bind your own handler
onclick.call(this); //call original function
Though there is a better way to pass params. You can use data attributes.
<button data-param="<%= paramValue %>"...
You can do it this way:
<button type="button" data-jspval="anything">Button</button>
$('button').on('click', function () {
var $this = $(this), //store this so we only need to get it once
dataVal = $this.data('jspval'); //get the value from the data attribute
//this bit will fire from the second click and each additional click
if ($this.hasClass('fired')) {
alert('jquery'+ dataVal);
//this will fire on the first click only
else {
$this.addClass('fired'); //this is what will add the class to stop this bit running again
Create a separate javascript function that contains what you want to do when the button is clicked (i.e. removing the onclick attribute and adding replacement code in its own function).
Then call that function at the end of
$('button').on('click', function(){
So you'll be left with something like this
function buttonFunction()
//Do stuff here
$('button').on('click', function()
<button type="button">Button</button>

Jquery $(this).val(); on .ready not working

I'm trying to get the value of a dropdown's option (there is an id on the select markup), when opening the web page
$(document).ready(function() {
var category = $(this).val();
I get a blank alert.
But Using .change (when selecting something else inside the dropdown) the following code works perfectly with the same function
$(document).ready(function() {
var category = $(this).val();
Finally, this works using basic javascript and it gets successfully the values on open, refresh, on form submit fail, ... etc
$(document).ready(function() {
var e = document.getElementById("cat_list");
var category = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
Thanks for any help on why the first version .ready + $(this).val(); fails
Correct code is:
$(document).ready(function () {
var category = $('#cat_list').val();
$(document).ready itself means the whole document (including #cat_list) is ready to be processed. why are you checking if an element is ready or not!!??
you can directly use the value of the element like
The documentation says that .ready:
Specify a function to execute when the DOM is fully loaded.
And 3 possible usage cases are:
$().ready(handler) (this is not recommended)
However you can actually assign .ready to any element and it will be triggered:
This code is fired. BUT this inside .ready function always refers to document.
It will work this way:
$(document).ready(function() {
var category = $('#cat_list').val();
But actually your code is overengineered:
$(document).ready(function() {
var category = $('#cat_list').val();

jQuery pointer to element which is clicked

I hope it's stupid, but my head is today right overloaded:) I have this code and I need to store the pointer on the element which is clicked on and pass it to the callback function. Exactly is it a submit button and after correct ajax submit of the form I want to delete content of them. I've tried lot of these parent(),children(),.. combinations, but it does not work:
$("form :submit").click(function () {
var element = this;
$(this).ajaxSubmit(function(payload, element){
return false;
The problem is that element is also specified in your parameters for the callback, leave this out, like this:
$("form :submit").click(function() {
var element = this;
$(this).ajaxSubmit(function(payload) { //no element here in params
return false;
When it's in the parameters a more local element is defined, not what you set it to just before. I'm not sure if your relative .parent().children() call is correct (it could be .siblings(".addStatusTextArea") if it is) without seeing your markup...but your main issue is element not being what you want.
Remove the element parameter from the function passed to ajaxSubmit.
$("form :submit").click(function () {
var element = this;
return false;

How to do early binding for event handler in JavaScript? (example with jQuery)

JavaScript's late binding is great. But how do I early bind when I want to?
I am using jQuery to add links with event handlers in a loop to a div. The variable 'aTag ' changes in the loop. When I click the links later, all links alert the same message, which is the last value of 'aTag'. How do I bind a different alert message to all links?
All links should alert with the value that 'aTag' had when the event handler was added, not when it was clicked.
for (aTag in tagList) {
if (tagList.hasOwnProperty(aTag)) {
nextTag = $('');
nextTag.click(function() { alert(aTag); });
$('#mydiv').append(' ');
You can pass data to the bind method:
nextTag.bind('click', {aTag: aTag}, function(event) {
This will make a copy of aTag, so each event handler will have different values for it. Your use case is precisely the reason this parameter to bind exists.
Full code:
for (aTag in tagList) {
if (tagList.hasOwnProperty(aTag)) {
nextTag = $('');
nextTag.bind('click', {aTag: aTag}, function(event) {
$('#mydiv').append(' ');
You can also make a wrapper function that takes the text to alert as a parameter, and returns the event handler
function makeAlertHandler(txt) {
return function() { alert(txt); }
and replace
nextTag.click(function() { alert(aTag); });
You need to keep a copy of this variable, like this:
for (aTag in tagList) {
if (tagList.hasOwnProperty(aTag)) {
nextTag = $('');
var laTag = aTag;
nextTag.click(function() { alert(laTag); });
$('#mydiv').append(' ');
The aTag variable is changing each time you loop, at the end of the loop it's left as the last item in the loop. However, each of the functions you created point at this same variable. Instead, you want a variable per, so make a local copy like I have above.
You can also shorten this down a lot with chaining, but I feel it clouds the point in this case, since the issue is scoping and references.

Is there an easier way to reference the source element for an event?

I'm new to the whole JavaScript and jQuery coding but I'm currently doing this is my HTML:
<a id="tog_table0"
href="javascript:toggle_table('#tog_table0', '#hideable_table0');">show</a>
And then I have some slightly ponderous code to tweak the element:
function toggle_table(button_id, table_id) {
// Find the elements we need
var table = $(table_id);
var button = $(button_id);
// Toggle the table
table.slideToggle("slow", function () {
if ($(this).is(":hidden"))
} else {
I'm mainly wondering if there is a neater way to reference the source element rather than having to pass two IDs down to my function?
Use 'this' inside the event. Typically in jQuery this refers to the element that invoked the handler.
Also try and avoid inline script event handlers in tags. it is better to hook those events up in document ready.
NB The code below assumes the element invoking the handler (the link) is inside the table so it can traverse to it using closest. This may not be the case and you may need to use one of the other traversing options depending on your markup.
$('#tog_table0').click( toggle_table )
function toggle_table() {
//this refers to the element clicked
var $el = $(this);
// get the table - assuming the element is inside the table
var $table = $el.closest('table');
// Toggle the table
$table.slideToggle("slow", function () {
$el.is(":hidden") ? $el.text("show") : $el.text("hide");
You can do this:
and change your javascript to this:
$('a.tableHider').click(function() {
var table = $(this.name); // this refers to the link which was clicked
var button = $(this);
table.slideToggle("slow", function() {
if ($(this).is(':hidden')) { // this refers to the element being animated
else {
return false;
edit: changed script to use the name attribute and added a return false to the click handler.
I'm sure this doesn't answer your question, but there's a nifty plugin for expanding table rows, might be useful to check it out:

