Override (wrap) an existing jQuery click event with another in javascript - javascript

Say I have an existing button and attach a click to it via jQuery:
var $button = $('#test').click(function () { console.log('original function') });
Now, say I want to override that click so that I can add some logic to the function before and after it. I have tried binding and wrapping using the functions below.
Function.prototype.bind = function () {
var fn = this;
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var object = args.shift();
return function () {
return fn.apply(object, args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)));
function wrap(object, method, wrapper) {
var fn = object[method];
return object[method] = function() {
return wrapper.apply(this, [fn.bind(this)].concat(
so I call wrap with the object that the method is a property of, the method and an anonymous function that I want to execute instead. I thought:
wrap($button 'click', function (click) {
console.log('do stuff before original function');
console.log('do stuff after original function');
This only calls the original function. I have used this approach on a method of an object before with success. Something like: See this Plunker
Can anyone help me do this with my specific example please?

You could create a jQuery function that gets the original event handler function from data, removes the click event, then adds a new event handler. This function would have two parameters (each functions) of before and after handlers.
$(function() {
jQuery.fn.wrapClick = function(before, after) {
// Get and store the original click handler.
// TODO: add a conditional to check if click event exists.
var _orgClick = $._data(this[0], 'events').click[0].handler,
_self = this;
// Remove click event from object.
// Add new click event with before and after functions.
return _self.click(function() {
var $btn = $('.btn').click(function() {
console.log('original click');
$btn.wrapClick(function() {
console.log('before click');
}, function() {
console.log('after click');
Here is a Codepen

After a long search I reached the same answer as #Corey, here is a similar way of doing it considering multiple events:
function wrap(object, method, wrapper) {
var arr = []
var events = $._data(object[0], 'events')
if(events[method] && events[method].length > 0){ // add all functions to array
function processAll(){ // process all original functions in the right order
object.off(method).on(method, function(e){wrapper.call(object,processAll)}) //unregister previous events and call new method passing old methods
$('#test').click(function () { console.log('original function 1') });
var $button = $('#test').click(function () { console.log('original function 2') });
wrap($button, 'click', function (click,e) {
console.log('do stuff before original functions');
console.log('do stuff after original functions');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id='test'>click me</div>


Vanilla Javascript how override added function on event listener?

I have a bootstrap modal that has some custom events, like hidden.bs.modal, depending on where the user does, I want the function in this event to be replaced, maybe it's better to understand with a simple example, consider:
const currentModal; // imagine an any modal here.
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
currentModal.addEventListener('hidden.bs.modal', standardFunction );
function standardFunction(){
alert('hi there');
// this is standard output to modal closed
function buttonClickedChange(){
// Here, i need override standardFunction
this.standardFunction = function(){
alert('modal event hidden.bs.modal changed with success!');
// this must be override previous output
What happens is that regardless of the redeclaration of the function, the output for the method is still standard, this is because the eventlistener does not refer to the stored function but only "copy" its content and creates its scope only inside.
The problem you have is when you bind the event, you are referencing that function. When you replace it does not update the reference to that function. You can clearly see that this will not work with the example
var btn = document.querySelector("button");
function myFunc () {
btn.addEventListener("click", myFunc);
myFunc = function() {
<button>Click Will Show 1</button>
Just remove the event listener and bind a new event.
currentModal.removeEventListener('hidden.bs.modal', standardFunction );
currentModal.addEventListener('hidden.bs.modal', myUpdatedFunction );
function myFunc () {
var btn = document.querySelector("button");
btn.addEventListener("click", myFunc);
function myFunc2() {
btn.removeEventListener("click", myFunc);
btn.addEventListener("click", myFunc2);
If for some reason you can not remove the event, the only way around it would not to bind directly to the function, but to have another function call that function.
var btn = document.querySelector("button");
var myFunc = function() {
function clickFunction () {
btn.addEventListener("click", clickFunction);
myFunc = function() {
Or how most people would do it is to add the logic into the function on what to do
var btn = document.querySelector("button");
var state = 0;
var myFunc = function() {
if (state===0) {
} else {
state = 1;
btn.addEventListener("click", myFunc);
You used function expressin instead of function declaration. When you use function yourFunction it is moved to the top with all of the other declared functions. When you use var yourFunction = function () it is right there where you declared it. This means that hidden.bs.modal is searching for the top most function with that name which in this case is the first one you declared or the standard one. One of the ways is that you can declare your function in the global scope: function standardFunctionOverride() and add that to the listener.

Jquery custom function with CallBack

I have the following function:
Test.prototype.showToken = function () {
$('#modal').find('#btnOk').click(function (e) {
// here I want to callback
var returnValue = '123';
$('#modal').find('#btnProcess').click(function (e) {
// here I want to callback cancel
var returnValue = '456';
Now I have this in other function:
This works fine... Now I want inside my showToken to have a CallBack so when the click button happens I get in my other function the callback triggered. For example:
// here would like to get the trigger when the btnOK is clicked and also be able to get the returnValue.
// here would like to get the trigger when the btnProcess is clicked and also be able to get the returnValue.
Any clue?
You can accept callback functions in your function arguments.
Test.prototype.showToken = function (options) {
Then when you call your function, you can pass callbacks to do special things.
$.Test.showToken({okButtonCallback: function(){
// This will run on the ok button press.
}, processButtonCallback: function(){
// This will run on the process button press.
Is this what you want?
Test.prototype.showToken = function (okCallback, processCallback) {
$('#modal').find('#btnOk').click(function (e) {
// here I want to callback
var returnValue= ???
$('#modal').find('#btnProcess').click(function (e) {
// here I want to callback cancel
/// ...
/// Usage:
// from OK
console.log("From ok", retValFromOk);
}, function() {
// from process

JQuery prototype not working when traversing

I am using the following (http://jsfiddle.net/mkmurray/drv5w/27/) code to allow me to override the .show() function of a DIV.
(function ($) {
var _oldShow = $.fn.show;
$.fn.show = function (/*speed, easing, callback*/) {
var argsArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
duration = argsArray[0],
// jQuery recursively calls show sometimes; we shouldn't
// handle such situations. Pass it to original show method.
if (!this.selector) {
_oldShow.apply(this, argsArray);
return this;
if (argsArray.length === 2) {
if ($.isFunction(argsArray[1])) {
callback = argsArray[1];
callbackArgIndex = 1;
} else {
easing = argsArray[1];
} else if (argsArray.length === 3) {
easing = argsArray[1];
callback = argsArray[2];
callbackArgIndex = 2;
return $(this).each(function () {
var obj = $(this),
oldCallback = callback,
newCallback = function () {
if ($.isFunction(oldCallback)) {
if (callback) {
argsArray[callbackArgIndex] = newCallback;
} else {
_oldShow.apply(obj, argsArray);
I have the following HTML code
<div id="divBeforeHiddenDiv">
<div id="hiddenDiv" style="display:none">
And then:
$('#hiddendiv').bind("beforeShow", function () {
alert("show event successfully overridden");
It works great when I call $('#hiddenDiv').show() but not if I call $('#divBeforeHiddenDiv').next().show() the hidden div containing 'bar' shows but the alert is not displayed.
So why?
This appears to be a jQuery issue as per Bergi's comment. If I use this JSFiddle on jQuery 1.7.1 it works but using jQuery 1.10.1 or any higher version it does not: JSFiddle. Is there a better solution than simply downgrading?
You need to bind the events to the proper elements.
From the example you've given, and what I've interpreted, this piece of code
$('#beforeShow').bind("beforeShow", function () {
alert("show event successfully overridden");
Should be
$('#hiddenDiv').bind("beforeShow", function () {
alert("show event successfully overridden");
As you want the events to be bound to the hidden div. (or as described in the question, the div right after "#divBeforeHiddenDiv"
You also should change this piece
to this
divBeforeHiddenDiv is an ID and in the first code snippet there is no id in the jQuery object.

How to assing new mouse event on node without overriding those set earlier?

domNode.onmouseover = function() {
this.innerHTML = "The mighty mouse is over me!"
domNode.onmouseover = function() {
this.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
In this example the text won't change, but the thing is also that I don't always know what was assigned before, so is there a way to tell to js: Run everything that was eventually assigned without knowing what was that and then run my function?
It's possible to do this by passing the current event handler to the new handler:
domNode.onmouseover = function()
console.log('first handler');
domNode.onmouseover = (function (current)
return function()
current();//call handler that was set when this handler was created
console.log('new handler');
})(domNode.onmouseover);//pass reference to current handler
See this fiddle, to see it in actionYou can keep on doing this as much as you want/need:
domNode.onmouseover = function()
console.log('first handler');
domNode.onmouseover = (function (current)
return function()
console.log('second handler');
domNode.onmouseover = (function (current)
return function()
console.log('third handler');
This will log:
first handler
second handler
third handler
That's all there is to it!
First of all, place it in a document.ready. (not sure if you done that)
If you want 2 actions for one action place it in once function.
You can also create 2 functions and call them in your mouseover.
domNode.onmouseover = function() {
this.innerHTML = "The mighty mouse is over me!"
this.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";

How to add eventListener each separate li into each separate function?

I am using the function, to add each li into each function, using addEventListener. According to me, on click on each li, should call each separate function. how can i add the li's separately each functions? any one can help me..?
window.onload = function(){
var myLi = document.getElementById('ul').getElementsByTagName('li');
function call(){
alert('function one called');
function call2(){
alert('function two called');
function call3(){
alert('function three called');
Use an array to store your functions,
var calls = [];
calls[0] = function() { alert("1 called"); }
calls[1] = function() { alert("2 called"); }
Then add the event listeners as,
myLi[i].addEventListener('click', calls[i], false);
See an example.

