Handle Keyboard events for iron-list in GWT? - javascript

I use iron-list from google Polymer.
<iron-list items="[[data]]" as="item">
<div tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]">
Name: [[item.name]]
I kwon you can use Polymer.IronA11yKeysBehavior but even with the example I have no idea how I add it in JavaScript to my iron-list.
Using Vaadin Polymer GWT lib. In this lib you have
IronList list;
list.setKeyBindings(???); // don't know how to use this function
list.setKeyEventTarget(????); // don't know how to use this function
When I check the current values of the key bindings I defined a print function to log a variable to the console:
public native void print(JavaScriptObject obj) /-{
Then I print the current values with:
The result is:
Object {up: "_didMoveUp", down: "_didMoveDown", enter: "_didEnter"}
It seem that there are some key bindings already defined, but I have no idea where I find the functions _didMoveUp, _didMoveDown and _didEnter.
When I do
I get:
<iron-list class="fit x-scope iron-list-0" tabindex="1" style="overflow: auto;">
How can I set up a handler for capturing keyboard events using Vaadin Polymer GWT lib? How can I receive an event when keys like enter are pressed?

answering this question
list.setKeyBindings(???); // don't know how to use this function
according to com/vaadin/polymer/vaadin-gwt-polymer-elements/!/com/vaadin/polymer/public/bower_components/iron-list/iron-list.html:292
the keyBindings should have object of such structure:
'up': '_didMoveUp',
'down': '_didMoveDown',
'enter': '_didEnter'
to construct such object, you can use following:
new JSONObject() {{
put("up", new JSONString("_didMoveUp"));
put("down", new JSONString("_didMoveDown"));
put("enter", new JSONString("_didEnter"));
I have no idea where I find the functions _didMoveUp, _didMoveDown and
they can be found here: com/vaadin/polymer/vaadin-gwt-polymer-elements/!/com/vaadin/polymer/public/bower_components/iron-list/iron-list.html:1504
here's the extract
_didMoveUp: function() {
this._focusPhysicalItem(Math.max(0, this._focusedIndex - 1));
_didMoveDown: function() {
this._focusPhysicalItem(Math.min(this._virtualCount, this._focusedIndex + 1));
_didEnter: function(e) {
// focus the currently focused physical item
// toggle selection
How can I set up a handler for capturing keyboard events using Vaadin
Polymer GWT lib?
How can I receive an event when keys like enter are
I could find this Polymer convention: properties not intended for external use should be prefixed with an underscore.
That's the reason why they are not exposed in JsType IronListElement.
You can change this function using JSNI. I think that smth like this:
private native static void changeDidMoveUp(IronListElement ironList) /*-{
var _old = ironList._didMoveUp;
ironList._didMoveUp = function() {
or add a new one
IronListElement element ...
com.vaadin.polymer.elemental.Function<Void, Event> func = event -> {
return null;
private native static void addUpdatePressed(IronListElement ironList, Function func) /*-{
ironList._updatePressed = func;
addUpdatePressed(element, func);
element.addOwnKeyBinding("a", "_updatePressed");
element.addOwnKeyBinding("shift+a alt+a", "_updatePressed");
element.addOwnKeyBinding("shift+tab shift+space", "_updatePressed");
should work. You can get element from IronList#getPolymerElement().
keep in mind, that I haven't tested this code :)

If you want to add key event custom element (I dont know if I understand correct the question)
You have to implement the Polymer.IronA11yKeysBehavior behavior and then to use the keyBindings prototype property to express what combination of keys will trigger the event to fire.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<base href="https://polygit.org/components/">
<script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="iron-a11y-keys-behavior/iron-a11y-keys-behavior.html">
<link rel="import" href="iron-list/iron-list.html">
<dom-module id="x-elem">
<iron-list items="[[data]]" as="item">
pressed: [[item]]
is: 'x-elem',
behaviors: [
properties: {
keyEventTarget: {
type: Object,
value: function() {
return document.body;
keyBindings: {
'* pageup pagedown left right down up home end space enter # ~ " $ ? ! \\ + : # backspace': '_handler',
'a': '_handler',
'shift+a alt+a': '_handler',
'shift+tab shift+space': '_handler'
_handler: function(event) {
if (this.preventDefault) { // try to set true/false and press shit+a and press up or down
I hope that answer your question how to listen to keys. the _handler function receive an event so you can look at the detail of the event and get the target (if something was in focus).


Vue and Prismic rich text: add event listener to a span node

The content of my Vue app is fetched from Prismic (an API CMS). I have a rich text block, some parts of which are wrapped inside span tags with a specific class. I want to get those span nodes with Vue and add to them an event listener.
With JS, this code would work:
var selectedSpanElements = document.querySelectorAll('.className');
selectedSpanElements[0].style.color = "red"
But when I use this code in Vue, I can see that it works just a fraction of a second before Vue updates the DOM. I've tried using this code on mounted, beforeupdate, updated, ready hooks... Nothing has worked.
Update: Some hours later, I found that with the HTMLSerializer I can add HTML code to the span tag. But this is regular HTML, I cannot access to Vue methods.
I was able to find a solution using a closure. The folks at Prismic reminded/showed me.
Of note, per Phil Snow's comment above: If you are using Nuxt you won't have access to Vue's functionality and will have to go old-school JS.
Here is an example where you can pass in component-level props, data, methods, etc... to the prismic htmlSerializer:
:htmlSerializer="anotherHtmlSerializer((startNumber = list.start_number))"
import prismicDOM from 'prismic-dom';
export default {
methods: {
anotherHtmlSerializer(startNumber = 1) {
const Elements = prismicDOM.RichText.Elements;
const that = this;
return function(type, element, content, children) {
// To add more elements and customizations use this as a reference:
// https://prismic.io/docs/vuejs/beyond-the-api/html-serializer
switch (type) {
case Elements.oList:
return `<ol start=${startNumber}>${children.join('')}</ol>`;
// Return null to stick with the default behavior for everything else
return null;
testMethod(startNumber) {
console.log('test method here');
I believe you are on the right track looking into the HTML Serializer. If you want all your .specialClass <span> elements to trigger a click event that calls specialmethod() this should work for you:
import prismicDOM from 'prismic-dom';
const Elements = prismicDOM.RichText.Elements;
export default function (type, element, content, children) {
// I'm not 100% sure if element.className is correct, investigate with your devTools if it doesn't work
if (type === Elements.span && element.className === "specialClass") {
return `<span #click="specialMethod">${content}</span>`;
// Return null to stick with the default behavior for everything else
return null;

How to replace #click by addEventListener and make addEventListener so flexible as #click?

Chrome on Android does not allow to play music\video if there is no any user movements. I found a piece of Google's code which uses addEventListener which sees user's interactions and plays music\video.
For some reason, Chrome on Android does not allow to play track if #click is used. Because of debugging and reading lots of info, I found that Chrome starts playing for a moment, but then stops. It probably happens because Chrome thinks that #click is kind of auto-play that may show some adverts and does not have any relation to user's interaction because Chrome requires an explicit action by the user. If I start to use addEventListener, Chrome starts playing without any problems. It could be ok for me to use addEventListener, but:
1) I need somehow to pass trackObj from template to event listener's function;
2) There are could be hundreds of tracks, I do not know if it is ok to add listeners to all of them.
<div v-for="(trackObj, index) in tagObj.tracks" :key="trackObj.trackId">
// What I currently have and it works on PC, but not on Anroid + Chrome
<b-card #click="nextTrack({whatToDo: 'playTrackObj', trackObj: trackObj})"
class="dragula-move w-100 pl-2" no-body>
{{ index + 1 }}. {{ trackObj.trackTitle }}
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
export default {
methods: {
...mapActions('header', [
// This work on Android + Chrome
mounted () {
// let self = this
// let allTracks = document.getElementsByClassName('card dragula-move w-100 pl-2')
// for (let i = 0; i < allTracks.length; i++) {
// allTracks[i].addEventListener('click', function (event) {
// self.nextTrack({whatToDo: 'playDefaultTrack'})
// })
// }
If I remove #click="nextTrack(...) from <b-card> and uncomment the code in mounted (), Chrome on Android starts to see user's interaction and starts track playing.
Is there any way how to help Chrome on Android to see user's clicks using +- my existing code (ie #click="nextTrack(...)) or can anyone show me how it is possible to pass to EventListener a trackObj from template which can be used by self.nextTrack(...) function?
#click.native does not help.
I suggest using a custom directive with those objects as arguments. See below:
Vue.directive('next-track', {
bind: function(el, binding, vnode) {
var vm = vnode.context;
el.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
vm.nextTrack({whatToDo: binding.value.whatToDo})
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'hello!',
trackObj: 'something'
methods: {
nextTrack(arg) {
console.log('nextTrack called with', JSON.stringify(arg))
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.5.13/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-next-track="{whatToDo: 'playTrackObj', trackObj: trackObj}">
<div v-next-track="{whatToDo: 'click uss!', trackObj: trackObj}">
click us and check the console

VueJs manipulate inline template and reinitialize it

this question is similar to VueJS re-compile HTML in an inline-template component and also to How to make Vue js directive working in an appended html element
Unfortunately the solution in that question can't be used anymore for the current VueJS implementation as $compile was removed.
My use case is the following:
I have to use third party code which manipulates the page and fires an event afterwards. Now after that event was fired I would like to let VueJS know that it should reinitialize the current DOM.
(The third party which is written in pure javascript allows an user to add new widgets to a page)
<div id="app">
<my-input inline-template>
<div class="wrapper">
My inline template<br>
<input v-model="value">
<my-element inline-template :value="value">
<button v-text="value" #click="click"></button>
Javascript - VueJS 2.2
Vue.component('my-input', {
data() {
return {
value: 1000
Vue.component('my-element', {
props: {
value: String
methods: {
click() {
console.log('Clicked the button');
new Vue({
el: '#app',
// Pseudo code
setInterval(() => {
// Third party library adds html:
var newContent = document.createElement('div');
newContent.innerHTML = `<my-element inline-template :value="value">
<button v-text="value" #click="click"></button>
</my-element>`; document.querySelector('.wrapper').appendChild(newContent)
// How would I now reinialize the app or
// the wrapping component to use the click handler and value?
}, 5000)
After further investigation I reached out to the VueJs team and got the feedback that the following approach could be a valid solution:
* Content change handler
function handleContentChange() {
const inlineTemplates = document.querySelector('[inline-template]');
for (var inlineTemplate of inlineTemplates) {
* Tell vue to initialize a new element
function processNewElement(element) {
const vue = getClosestVueInstance(element);
new Vue({
el: element,
data: vue.$data
* Returns the __vue__ instance of the next element up the dom tree
function getClosestVueInstance(element) {
if (element) {
return element.__vue__ || getClosestVueInstance(element.parentElement);
You can try it in the following fiddle
Generally when I hear questions like this, they seem to always be resolved by using some of Vue's more intimate and obscured inner beauty :)
I have used quite a few third party libs that 'insist on owning the data', which they use to modify the DOM - but if you can use these events, you can proxy the changes to a Vue owned object - or, if you can't have a vue-owned object, you can observe an independent data structure through computed properties.
window.someObjectINeedtoObserve = {...}
yourLib.on('someEvent', (data) => {
// affect someObjectINeedtoObserve...
new Vue ({
// ...
computed: {
myObject () {
// object now observed and bound and the dom will react to changes
return window.someObjectINeedtoObserve
If you could clarify the use case and libraries, we might be able to help more.

Defining Polymer element after importing ES6 code via System.js

I'm creating an HTML element using Polymer, and I want it to be able to work with an ES6 class I've written. Therefore, I need to import the class first and then register the element, which is what I do:
(function() {
System.import('/js/FoobarModel.js').then(function(m) {
window.FoobarModel = m.default;
window.FoobarItem = Polymer({
is: 'foobar-item',
properties: {
model: Object // instanceof FoobarModel === true
// ... methods using model and FoobarModel
And it works well. But now I want to write a test HTML page to display my component with some dummy data:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src="/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/system.js/dist/system.js"></script>
traceur: '/bower_components/traceur/traceur.min.js'
<link rel="import" href="/html/foobar-item.html">
(function() {
var data = window.data = [
city: {
name: 'Foobar City'
date: new Date('2012-02-25')
var view;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
view = new FoobarItem();
view.model = data[i];
Which isn't working for one simple reason: the code in the <script> tag is executed before Polymer registers the element.
Thus I'd like to know if there's a way to load the ES6 module synchronously using System.js or even better, if it's possible to listen to a JavaScript event for the element registration (something like PolymerElementsRegistered)?
I've tried the following without success:
window.addEventListener('HTMLImportsLoaded', ...)
window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', ...)
In the app/scripts/app.js script from the polymer starter kit, they use auto-binding template and dom-change event
// Grab a reference to our auto-binding template
var app = document.querySelector('#app');
// Listen for template bound event to know when bindings
// have resolved and content has been stamped to the page
app.addEventListener('dom-change', function() {
console.log('Our app is ready to rock!');
Also check this thread gives alternatives to the polymer-ready event.

Strange behavior in Polymer data-binding to an attribute

Using Polymer 1.0 I'm trying to bind to an attribute of a custom element, and just display it.
The custom element is in fact an <iron-input> list, that has an add and a delete button. I'd like to reflect any change in that list to the host. It also has a minItemSize attribute meaning it has at least this many elements. So I added a check to the observer, adding extra elements in case it goes under this number.
But when I bind to the attribute that holds the list, things get out of sync, and I can delete all of the inputs from the ui.
I have two <dyn-inputlist> elements. In one of them I don't bind to the data
attribute, in the other I do.
The first one behaves as expected: adds and removes on the button click.
The other doesn't work, because you can remove all input boxes. Even though the data itself is updated, and filled with extra items, for some reason the UI doesn't reflect this. (Checking the data property of the element does show that it has the correct number of items)
I also expect that if I set data={{myData}} on both dyn-inputlist element, they always display the same thing. But pressing add/remove buttons randomly on either component gets them out of sync.
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="components/dyn-inputlist.html"/>
<template is="dom-bind">
<dyn-inputlist min-item-size="4"></dyn-inputlist>
<dyn-inputlist min-item-size="4" data="{{mydata}}"></dyn-inputlist>
<link rel="import" href="../../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../iron-input/iron-input.html">
<dom-module id="dyn-inputlist">
<button on-click="removeItem">x</button>
<button on-click="addItem">+</button>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{data}}">
<input is="iron-input" bind-value="{{item.content}}">
is: 'dyn-inputlist',
properties: {
minItemSize: {
type: Number,
notify: true,
value: 1
data: {
type: Array,
reflectToAttribute: true,
notify: true,
value: function () {
return []
observers: ['_dataChanged(data.*)'],
addItem: function (e) {
this.unshift('data', {content: ""});
removeItem: function (e) {
_dataChanged: function (e) {
if (this.data != null) {
while (this.data.length < this.minItemSize) {
this.push('data', {content: ""})
} else {
this.data = [{content: ""}];
This is the live code: http://jsbin.com/poquke/1/edit?html,output
I have played around a bit with your code and I noticed that it will work if you wrap the code in your changed handler in an async function. This fixed both issues that you described.
_dataChanged: function (e) {
if (this.data != null) {
while (this.data.length < this.minItemSize) {
this.push('data', {content: ""})
} else {
this.data = [{content: ""}];
I don't have a perfect explanation for this behaviour. I assume it is related somehow to the way Polymer handles the observation for changes. Each time you push to the data array in the changed handler, this in fact changes data and should in turn trigger the handler again.
No async is required if you simplify.
Here is the simplified code, this removes the repeated calls to _dataChanged when you push the minimum values, and allows polymer's built-in eventing system to take care of updating and notifying the other elements. A function: _createNewItem() is for creating an object. This simplifies where item object creation is handled.
The link and URL references have changed from the sample code in the question above to conform to the polymer element and demo page standards to be used with polyserve.
I've commented on your original code for why each line should or shouldn't be there. this includes the reason for the changes to _dataChanged

