Node.js xmpp client gets "BAD_REGISTRATION" error as message response - javascript

What could possibly be wrong with this code? I'm trying to send push notification to my mobile device. No luck so far.. Made a little test with php and using GCM HTTP protocol to understand if my API's and passwords are correct - everything worked like a charm.. Here's my code snippet which is not working.
var xmpp = require('node-xmpp-client');
var ltx = require('ltx');
var options = {
jid: '',
password: 'AIzaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
port: 5235,
host: '',
legacySSL: true,
preferredSaslMechanism: true
var xmppClient = new xmpp.Client(options);
xmppClient.connection.socket.setKeepAlive(true, 10000);
xmppClient.on('online', function() {
var receiver = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-GnbkL2e5UlsS4utMw9rLTFrcsrhqxeH8xvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz";
/*var rawmsg = '<message id=""><gcm xmlns="google:mobile:data">{"to":"' + receiver + '", "message_id":"m-xxxx123", "data": {"hello":"world"}, "time_to_live":600, "delay_while_idle": true, "delivery_receipt_requested": true }</gcm></message>';
var msg = ltx.parse(rawmsg);*/
var msg = new xmpp.Element('message', {id: ''}).c('gcm', {xmlns: 'google:mobile:data'}).t(JSON.stringify({
to: receiver,
message_id: 'm-xxxx123',
time_to_live: 600,
delay_while_idle: true,
delivery_receipt_requested: true
And this is what comes back on 'stanza's event as a response.
........","message_id":"m-xxxx123","error":"BAD_REGISTRATION","error_description":""}' ],

Here are the possible causes of your error according to the documentation.
Invalid Registration Token
Check the format of the registration token you pass to the server. Make sure it matches the registration token the client app receives from registering with GCM. Do not truncate or add additional characters.
Mismatched Sender
A registration token is tied to a certain group of senders. When a client app registers for GCM, it must specify which senders are allowed to send messages. You should use one of those sender IDs when sending messages to the client app. If you switch to a different sender, the existing registration tokens won't work.


Stomp JS Basic Auth

I've implemented a server using Spring Stomp and now I'm trying to connect to my server using stomp-js rx-stomp.
What I find really awkward is that the JS implementation is not working, although I've managed to make it work using the Java stomp client.
Java client code(works):
WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(new SockJsClient(createTransportClient()));
stompClient.setMessageConverter(new MappingJackson2MessageConverter());
final String URL = "http://localhost:" + port + "/ws";
// -< Headers used for authentication
WebSocketHttpHeaders headers = new WebSocketHttpHeaders();
String user = "user1", pass = "abcd1234";
headers.add("Authorization", "Basic " + getBasicAuthToken(user, pass));
StompSession stompSession = stompClient.connect(URL, headers, new StompSessionHandlerAdapter() {
}).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
JS client code(doesn't work):
connect: function() {
const stompConfig = {
connectHeaders: {
login: "user1",
passcode: "abcd1234",
Authorization: "Basic dXNlcjE6YWJjZDEyMzQ="
webSocketFactory: function() {
return new SockJS("http://localhost:8080/ws");
reconnectDelay: 60000
rxStomp = new RxStomp.RxStomp();
rxStomp.connected$.subscribe(res => {
if (res === 1) console.log('connected');
else console.log('not connected');
First of all, I find really awkward that I see a prompt asking my to enter a username and a password. If I enter the credentials there then the client connects successfully. So, I thought that I must be doing something wrong regarding the connect headers. As you can see, I've tried to add the Basic Auth token there, hoping that it would solve something. It doesn't.
The Java and the Javascript versions of the code, even though similar, differ in an important way. The Java version sets the Authorization header in the underlying HTTP connection of the Websocket. However, in the Javascript version, the HTTP connection is made, and then the Authorization header is passed as the STOMP CONNECT frame.
The browser Websocket API or SockJS does not allow setting custom headers to the underlying HTTP connection, which is used by the Java version of the code in the question. To support authentication, the brokers need to support receiving authentication parameters as part of the CONNECT frame (exposed as connectHeaders in the JS Stomp clients).
Spring does not, by default, support authentication parameters as part of the CONNECT frame. Please see to support it.

How to get user parameters using Amazon Cognito hosted Web UI

Recently I was using the Sign-up and Sign-in template similar this one developed by Vladimir Budilov.
But now, I've been modifying my application to use the hosted UI developed by Amazon. So my application redirects to the hosted UI, all the authentication is made there and they send me the authentication token, more os less as explained in this tutorial.
Summarizing, I call the hosted UI and do login:
I'm redirected to:
So, I have now the token_id but I can't get the current user or user parameters from this. Could anyone help me with informations or some directions?
I've tried the methods in Amazon developer guide .
It works well when I was using Vladimir Budilov's template but trying to use the token_id, I'm not succeeding. Thanks in advance for your time and help.
var data = {
UserPoolId : '...', // Your user pool id here
ClientId : '...' // Your client id here
var userPool = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUserPool(data);
var cognitoUser = userPool.getCurrentUser();
if (cognitoUser != null) {
cognitoUser.getSession(function(err, session) {
if (err) {
console.log('session validity: ' + session.isValid());
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
IdentityPoolId : '...' // your identity pool id here
Logins : {
// Change the key below according to the specific region your user pool is in.
'cognito-idp.<region><YOUR_USER_POOL_ID>' : session.getIdToken().getJwtToken()
// Instantiate aws sdk service objects now that the credentials have been updated.
// example: var s3 = new AWS.S3();
The attributes you configure to be added as claims are already available inside the id_token with base64 encoding (Since its a JWT token).
You can decode the token and access these attributes both at Client Side using Javascript and on Server.
For more info refer the StackOverflow question How to decode JWT tokens in JavaScript.
Note: If you need to trust these attributes for a backend operation, make sure you verify the JWT signature before trusting the attributes.
Here's a specific example of how to parse the callback parameters and set up a user session. This could be initiated in onLoad of your page.
import { CognitoAuth } from 'amazon-cognito-auth-js';
const authData = {
ClientId : '<TODO: add ClientId>', // Your client id here
AppWebDomain : '<TODO: add App Web Domain>',
TokenScopesArray : ['<TODO: add scope array>'], // e.g.['phone', 'email', 'profile','openid', 'aws.cognito.signin.user.admin'],
RedirectUriSignIn : '<TODO: add redirect url when signed in>',
RedirectUriSignOut : '<TODO: add redirect url when signed out>',
IdentityProvider : '<TODO: add identity provider you want to specify>', // e.g. 'Facebook',
UserPoolId : '<TODO: add UserPoolId>', // Your user pool id here
AdvancedSecurityDataCollectionFlag : '<TODO: boolean value indicating whether you want to enable advanced security data collection>', // e.g. true
Storage: '<TODO the storage object>' // OPTIONAL e.g. new CookieStorage(), to use the specified storage provided
const auth = new CognitoAuth(authData);
auth.userhandler = {
onSuccess: function(result) {
alert("Sign in success");
onFailure: function(err) {
const curUrl = window.location.href;
Now you're "signed in" as far as the Cognito JS client is concerned, and you can use getCurrentUser(), getSession(), etc. `See "Use case 2" here for more context/details.

403 error in calling DerivativeApi of Autodesk Forge

Autodesk Forge's DerivativeApi is not working with my client id and secret. Apis returns unauthorized error, { statusCode: 403, statusMessage: 'Unauthorized’ }.
But they works with the sample's client id/secret (from
Is there any limitation for calling DerivativeApi (for translating) with free account? or should I do something?
Here is the sample code...
var ForgeSDK = require('forge-apis');
// TODO - insert your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET
// Below id/secret from the sample are working, but mine is not.
var CLIENT_ID = 'wmizntnpzCJxPGF9lxsIiTZGbGO2cJqw',
var derivativesApi = new ForgeSDK.DerivativesApi();
// Initialize the 2-legged oauth2 client
var oAuth2TwoLegged = new ForgeSDK.AuthClientTwoLegged(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET,
['data:write', 'data:read', 'bucket:read', 'bucket:update', 'bucket:create'], true);
function defaultHandleError(err) {
console.error('\x1b[31m Error:', err, '\x1b[0m');
oAuth2TwoLegged.authenticate().then(function (credentials) {
console.log("**** Got Credentials", credentials);
derivativesApi.getFormats({}, oAuth2TwoLegged, oAuth2TwoLegged.getCredentials()).then(res => {
}, defaultHandleError);
}, defaultHandleError);
First, and extremely important, NEVER share your ID & Secret. If the above is your correct one, please create a new secret (to invalidate this).
Now the ID & Secret should work for any sample, just make sure you activated the APIs for it. On your app, select Model Derivative API on the screen, if not available, please review this article.
Finally, the code sample above is not actually calling Model Derivative. If so, note that files uploaded into one account are not accessible from other accounts, and URNs are unique.

Sending message to a specific connected users using webSocket?

I wrote a code for broadcasting a message to all users:
// websocket and http servers
var webSocketServer = require('websocket').server;
var clients = [ ];
var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
// Not important for us. We're writing WebSocket server, not HTTP server
server.listen(webSocketsServerPort, function() {
var wsServer = new webSocketServer({
// WebSocket server is tied to a HTTP server.
httpServer: server
// This callback function is called every time someone
// tries to connect to the WebSocket server
wsServer.on('request', function(request) {
var connection = request.accept(null, request.origin);
var index = clients.push(connection) - 1;
Please notice:
I don't have any user reference but only a connection .
All users connection are stored in an array.
Goal: Let's say that the Node.js server wants to send a message to a specific client (John). How would the NodeJs server know which connection John has? The Node.js server doesn't even know John. all it sees is the connections.
So, I believe that now, I shouldn't store users only by their connection, instead, I need to store an object, which will contain the userId and the connection object.
When the page finishes loading (DOM ready) - establish a connection to the Node.js server.
When the Node.js server accept a connection - generate a unique string and send it to the client browser. Store the user connection and the unique string in an object. e.g. {UserID:"6", value: {connectionObject}}
At client side, when this message arrives - store it in a hidden field or cookie. (for future requests to the NodeJs server )
When the server wants to send a message to John:
Find john's UserID in the dictionary and send a message by the corresponding connection.
please notice there is no server code invloced here (in the message mechanism). only NodeJs .*
Is this the right way to go?
This is not only the right way to go, but the only way. Basically each connection needs a unique ID. Otherwise you won't be able to identify them, it's as simple as that.
Now how you will represent it it's a different thing. Making an object with id and connection properties is a good way to do that ( I would definitely go for it ). You could also attach the id directly to connection object.
Also remember that if you want communication between users, then you have to send target user's ID as well, i.e. when user A wants to send a message to user B, then obviously A has to know the ID of B.
Here's a simple chat server private/direct messaging.
"name": "chat-server",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "WebSocket chat server",
"dependencies": {
"ws": "0.4.x"
var webSocketServer = new (require('ws')).Server({port: (process.env.PORT || 5000)}),
webSockets = {} // userID: webSocket
// CONNECT /:userID
// wscat -c ws://localhost:5000/1
webSocketServer.on('connection', function (webSocket) {
var userID = parseInt(webSocket.upgradeReq.url.substr(1), 10)
webSockets[userID] = webSocket
console.log('connected: ' + userID + ' in ' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(webSockets))
// Forward Message
// Receive Example
// [toUserID, text] [2, "Hello, World!"]
// Send Example
// [fromUserID, text] [1, "Hello, World!"]
webSocket.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('received from ' + userID + ': ' + message)
var messageArray = JSON.parse(message)
var toUserWebSocket = webSockets[messageArray[0]]
if (toUserWebSocket) {
console.log('sent to ' + messageArray[0] + ': ' + JSON.stringify(messageArray))
messageArray[0] = userID
webSocket.on('close', function () {
delete webSockets[userID]
console.log('deleted: ' + userID)
To test it out, run npm install to install ws. Then, to start the chat server, run node server.js (or npm start) in one Terminal tab. Then, in another Terminal tab, run wscat -c ws://localhost:5000/1, where 1 is the connecting user's user ID. Then, in a third Terminal tab, run wscat -c ws://localhost:5000/2, and then, to send a message from user 2 to 1, enter ["1", "Hello, World!"].
This chat server is very simple.
It doesn't store messages to a database, such as PostgreSQL. So, the user you're sending a message to must be connected to the server to receive it. Otherwise, the message is lost.
It is insecure.
If I know the server's URL and Alice's user ID, then I can impersonate Alice, ie, connect to the server as her, allowing me to receive her new incoming messages and send messages from her to any user whose user ID I also know. To make it more secure, modify the server to accept your access token (instead of your user ID) when connecting. Then, the server can get your user ID from your access token and authenticate you.
I'm not sure if it supports a WebSocket Secure (wss://) connection since I've only tested it on localhost, and I'm not sure how to connect securely from localhost.
For people using ws version 3 or above. If you want to use the answer provided by #ma11hew28, simply change this block as following.
webSocketServer.on('connection', function (webSocket) {
var userID = parseInt(webSocket.upgradeReq.url.substr(1), 10)
webSocketServer.on('connection', function (webSocket, req) {
var userID = parseInt(req.url.substr(1), 10)
ws package has moved upgradeReq to request object and you can check the following link for further detail.
I would like to share what I have done. Hope it doesn't waste your time.
I created database table holding field ID, IP, username, logintime and logouttime. When a user logs in logintime will be currect unixtimestamp unix. And when connection is started in websocket database checks for largest logintime. It will be come user logged in.
And for when user logs out it will store currect logouttime. The user will become who left the app.
Whenever there is new message, Websocket ID and IP are compared and related username will be displayed. Following are sample code...
// when a client connects
function wsOnOpen($clientID) {
global $Server;
$ip = long2ip( $Server->wsClients[$clientID][6] );
require_once CLASSES . 'class.db.php';
require_once CLASSES . 'class.log.php';
$db = new database();
$loga = new log($db);
//Getting the last login person time and username
$conditions = "WHERE which = 'login' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 1";
$logs = $loga->get_logs($conditions);
foreach($logs as $rows) {
$destination = $rows["user"];
$idh = md5("$rows[user]".md5($rows["time"]));
if ( $clientID > $rows["what"]) {
$conditions = "ip = '$ip', clientID = '$clientID'
WHERE logintime = '$rows[time]'";
...//rest of the things
interesting post (similar to what I am doing).
We are making an API (in C#) to connect dispensers with WebSockets, for each dispenser we create a ConcurrentDictionary that stores the WebSocket and the DispenserId making it easy for each Dispenser to create a WebSocket and use it afterwards without thread problems (invoking specific functions on the WebSocket like GetSettings or RequestTicket).
The difference for you example is the use of ConcurrentDictionary instead of an array to isolate each element (never attempted to do such in javascript).
Best regards,

HTTP headers in Websockets client API

Looks like it's easy to add custom HTTP headers to your websocket client with any HTTP header client which supports this, but I can't find how to do it with the web platform's WebSocket API.
Anyone has a clue on how to achieve it?
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
Specifically, I need to be able to send an HTTP Authorization header.
Updated 2x
Short answer: No, only the path and protocol field can be specified.
Longer answer:
There is no method in the JavaScript WebSockets API for specifying additional headers for the client/browser to send. The HTTP path ("GET /xyz") and protocol header ("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol") can be specified in the WebSocket constructor.
The Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header (which is sometimes extended to be used in websocket specific authentication) is generated from the optional second argument to the WebSocket constructor:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://", "protocol");
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://", ["protocol1", "protocol2"]);
The above results in the following headers:
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: protocol
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: protocol1, protocol2
A common pattern for achieving WebSocket authentication/authorization is to implement a ticketing system where the page hosting the WebSocket client requests a ticket from the server and then passes this ticket during WebSocket connection setup either in the URL/query string, in the protocol field, or required as the first message after the connection is established. The server then only allows the connection to continue if the ticket is valid (exists, has not been already used, client IP encoded in ticket matches, timestamp in ticket is recent, etc). Here is a summary of WebSocket security information:
Basic authentication was formerly an option but this has been deprecated and modern browsers don't send the header even if it is specified.
Basic Auth Info (Deprecated - No longer functional):
NOTE: the following information is no longer accurate in any modern browsers.
The Authorization header is generated from the username and password (or just username) field of the WebSocket URI:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://")
The above results in the following header with the string "username:password" base64 encoded:
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
I have tested basic auth in Chrome 55 and Firefox 50 and verified that the basic auth info is indeed negotiated with the server (this may not work in Safari).
Thanks to Dmitry Frank's for the basic auth answer
More of an alternate solution, but all modern browsers send the domain cookies along with the connection, so using:
var authToken = 'R3YKZFKBVi';
document.cookie = 'X-Authorization=' + authToken + '; path=/';
var ws = new WebSocket(
End up with the request connection headers:
Cookie: X-Authorization=R3YKZFKBVi
Sending Authorization header is not possible.
Attaching a token query parameter is an option. However, in some circumstances, it may be undesirable to send your main login token in plain text as a query parameter because it is more opaque than using a header and will end up being logged whoknowswhere. If this raises security concerns for you, an alternative is to use a secondary JWT token just for the web socket stuff.
Create a REST endpoint for generating this JWT, which can of course only be accessed by users authenticated with your primary login token (transmitted via header). The web socket JWT can be configured differently than your login token, e.g. with a shorter timeout, so it's safer to send around as query param of your upgrade request.
Create a separate JwtAuthHandler for the same route you register the SockJS eventbusHandler on. Make sure your auth handler is registered first, so you can check the web socket token against your database (the JWT should be somehow linked to your user in the backend).
HTTP Authorization header problem can be addressed with the following:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
Then, a proper Basic Authorization HTTP header will be set with the provided username and password. If you need Basic Authorization, then you're all set.
I want to use Bearer however, and I resorted to the following trick: I connect to the server as follows:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
And when my code at the server side receives Basic Authorization header with non-empty username and empty password, then it interprets the username as a token.
You cannot add headers but, if you just need to pass values to the server at the moment of the connection, you can specify a query string part on the url:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
That URL is valid but - of course - you'll need to modify your server code to parse it.
You can not send custom header when you want to establish WebSockets connection using JavaScript WebSockets API.
You can use Subprotocols headers by using the second WebSocket class constructor:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://", "soap");
and then you can get the Subprotocols headers using Sec-WebSocket-Protocol key on the server.
There is also a limitation, your Subprotocols headers values can not contain a comma (,) !
For those still struggling in 2021, Node JS global web sockets class has an additional options field in the constructor. if you go to the implementation of the the WebSockets class, you will find this variable declaration. You can see it accepts three params url, which is required, protocols(optional), which is either a string, an array of strings or null. Then a third param which is options. our interest, an object and (still optional). see ...
declare var WebSocket: {
prototype: WebSocket;
new (
uri: string,
protocols?: string | string[] | null,
options?: {
headers: { [headerName: string]: string };
[optionName: string]: any;
} | null,
): WebSocket;
readonly CLOSED: number;
readonly CLOSING: number;
readonly CONNECTING: number;
readonly OPEN: number;
If you are using a Node Js library like react , react-native. here is an example of how you can do it.
const ws = new WebSocket(WEB_SOCKETS_URL, null, {
headers: {
['Set-Cookie']: cookie,
Notice for the protocols I have passed null. If you are using jwt, you can pass the Authorisation header with Bearer + token
Disclaimer, this might not be supported by all browsers outside the box, from the MDN web docs you can see only two params are documented.
Totally hacked it like this, thanks to kanaka's answer.
var ws = new WebSocket(
'ws://localhost:8080/connect/' +,
store('token') || cookie('token')
Server (using Koa2 in this example, but should be similar wherever):
var url = ctx.websocket.upgradeReq.url; // can use to get url/query params
var authToken = ctx.websocket.upgradeReq.headers['sec-websocket-protocol'];
// Can then decode the auth token and do any session/user stuff...
In my situation (Azure Time Series Insights wss://)
Using the ReconnectingWebsocket wrapper and was able to achieve adding headers with a simple solution:
socket.onopen = function(e) {
Where payload in this case is:
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer TOKEN",
"x-ms-client-request-id": "CLIENT_ID"
"content": {
"searchSpan": {
"from": "UTCDATETIME",
"top": {
"sort": [
"input": {"builtInProperty": "$ts"},
"order": "Asc"
"count": 1000
to all future debugger - until today i.e 15-07-21
Browser also don't support sending customer headers to the server, so any such code
import * as sock from 'websocket'
const headers = {
Authorization: "bearer " + token
const wsclient = new sock.w3cwebsocket(
'wss://' + '' + '/api/ws',
This is not going to work in browser. The reason behind that is browser native Websocket constructor does not accept headers.
You can easily get misguided because w3cwebsocket contractor accepts headers as i have shown above. This works in node.js however.
The recommended way to do this is through URL query parameters
// authorization: Basic abc123
// content-type: application/json
let ws = new WebSocket(
This is considered a safe best-practice because:
Headers aren't supported by WebSockets
Headers are advised against during the HTTP -> WebSocket upgrade because CORS is not enforced
SSL encrypts query paramaters
Browsers don't cache WebSocket connections the same way they do with URLs
What I have found works best is to send your jwt to the server just like a regular message. Have the server listening for this message and verify at that point. If valid add it to your stored list of connections. Otherwise send back a message saying it was invalid and close the connection. Here is the client side code. For context the backend is a nestjs server using Websockets.
event: 'auth',
data: jwt
My case:
I want to connect to a production WS server a
using real credentials (a session cookie)...
from a local page (localhost:8000).
Setting document.cookie = "sessionid=foobar;path=/" won't help as domains don't match.
The solution:
Add to /etc/hosts.
This way your browser will use cookies from when connecting to as you are connecting from a valid subdomain
You can pass the headers as a key-value in the third parameter (options) inside an object.
Example with Authorization token. Left the protocol (second parameter) as null
ws = new WebSocket(‘ws://localhost’, null, { headers: { Authorization: token }})
Edit: Seems that this approach only works with nodejs library not with standard browser implementation. Leaving it because it might be useful to some people.
Technically, you will be sending these headers through the connect function before the protocol upgrade phase. This worked for me in a nodejs project:
var WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client;
var ws = new WebSocketClient();
ws.connect(url, '', headers);

