Combined Comparison / "Spaceship" Operator (<=>) in Javascript? - javascript

Ruby has something called a Combined Comparison or "Spaceship" Operator, it looks like this: <=>
It does the following:
a <=> b :=
if a < b then return -1
if a = b then return 0
if a > b then return 1
Is there a similar Operator in Javascript? If not, how can I end up with the same result?
#madox2 suggested using Math.sign(a - b), which works for number, but not arrays (to compare arrays you need to use array.length).
It also does not work in Internet Explorer, Safari or all Mobile Browsers (see MDN)
#duques_l found a function here. It works very well, you can test it on JSFiddle
The only problem is if the strings are not comparable the function returns -1 instead of nil
Update: #duques_l changed the function a bit and now it works fine (I think so anyway, here is the JSFiddle):
function spaceship(val1, val2) {
if ((val1 === null || val2 === null) || (typeof val1 != typeof val2)) {
return null;
if (typeof val1 === 'string') {
return (val1).localeCompare(val2);
else {
if (val1 > val2) { return 1 }
else if (val1 < val2) { return -1 }
return 0;

As far as I know there is no such operator in JavaScript but you can use Math.sign() function:
Math.sign(a - b);
NOTE: As was mentioned in comments, Math.sign() is not currently supported by all browsers. Check for compatibility (MDN).

improved version:
function spaceship(val1, val2) {
if ((val1 === null || val2 === null) || (typeof val1 != typeof val2)) {
return null;
if (typeof val1 === 'string') {
return (val1).localeCompare(val2);
} else {
if (val1 > val2) {
return 1;
} else if (val1 < val2) {
return -1;
return 0;

Here is a one-liner for current js ES2020?:
const spaceship = (a, b) => (a ?? 0).toString().localeCompare((b ?? 0).toString());
Returns string comparison for everything.


How to catch null, undefined, blank values with AngularJS filter

I'm attempting to write a filter for use in a grid that will catch all null, undefined, blank string, or other similar values and display a dash "-". I've written the following so far, but it doesn't catch null values, and I'm wondering if it could be more succinct and possibly refactored to avoid three layers of nested if/else statements. Percentage values need to be checked that they're over 0 and under 1. Also, negative numbers and 0's should be returned as is. Thanks!
angular.module('AdverseEventsExplorer.main').filter('emptyCellFilter', function ($filter) {
return function (input, cellFilter, args1, args2) {
if (cellFilter == undefined) {
return (angular.isNumber(input) || angular.isDefined(input) && input.length > 0) ? input : '-';
} else {
if (cellFilter.match(/pctg|percent|pctgFilter|incidence/ig)) {
return (input > 0 && input < 1.0000000) ? $filter(cellFilter)(input, args1, args2) : '-';
} else {
return (angular.isNumber(input) || angular.isDefined(input) && input.length > 0) ? input : '-';
Version 2.0 taking into account #tymeJV's comment:
angular.module('AdverseEventsExplorer.main').filter('emptyCellFilter', function ($filter) {
return function (input, cellFilter, args1, args2) {
if (!cellFilter) {
return (angular.isNumber(input) || (input)) ? input : '-';
} else {
if (cellFilter.match(/pctg|percent|pctgFilter|incidence/ig)) {
return (input > 0 && input < 1.0000000) ? $filter(cellFilter)(input, args1, args2) : '-';
} else {
return (angular.isNumber(input) || (input)) ? $filter(cellFilter)(input, args1, args2) : '-';
Whenever you encounter a function that's getting too complex to refactor try extracting some of the smaller statements to concisely named variables. It makes it much easier for our brains to keep track of the function's requirements, and it's also more readable to new devs reading your code.
var inputHasValue = angular.isNumber(input) || input;
return '-';
if (!cellFilter) {
return input;
var isPercentageCell = cellFilter.match(/pctg|percent|pctgFilter|incidence/ig);
var valueIsInRange = input > 0 && input < 1;
if(!isPercentageCell || valueIsInRange){
return $filter(cellFilter)(input, args1, args2);
return '-';
typeof x ==='number' || !!x
is false when x is null, undefined or empty string
Only one case in which it doesn't work – if you need to filter boolean variables, but your case doesn't seem to need it.
Anyway in that case you can use
typeof x === 'boolean' || typeof x ==='number' || !!x

How can one compare string and numeric values (respecting negative values, with null always last)?

I'm trying to sort an array of values that can be a mixture of numeric or string values (e.g. [10,"20",null,"1","bar","-2",-3,null,5,"foo"]). How can I sort this array such that
null values are always placed last (regardless of sorting order, see jsFiddle)
negative numbers are sorted correctly (i.e. they are less than positive numbers and sort correctly amongst themselves)
? I made a jsFiddle with detailed numeric and string examples (using localeCompare and the numeric option), but will paste the numeric version of my sorting algorithm below as a starting point.
// Sorting order
var order = "asc"; // Try switching between "asc" and "dsc"
// Dummy arrays
var numericArr = [10,20,null,1,-2,-3,null,5];
// Sort arrays
// Numeric sorting function
function sortByDataNumeric(a, b, _order) {
// Replace internal parameters if not used
if (_order == null) _order = order;
// If values are null, place them at the end
var dflt = (_order == "asc" ? Number.MAX_VALUE : -Number.MAX_VALUE);
// Numeric values
var aVal = (a == null ? dflt : a);
var bVal = (b == null ? dflt : b);
return _order == "asc" ? (aVal - bVal) : (bVal - aVal);
The problem with my string sorting algorithm (see jsFiddle) is that I can't find a way to always place null values last and negative values aren't correctly sorted within themselves (e.g. -3 should be less than -2)
To answer the comments, I expect [10,"20",null,"1","bar","-2",-3,null,5,"foo"] to sort to [-3,"-2","1",5,10,"20","bar","foo",null,null]
You should first check to see if either value is null and return the opposite value.
On a side note:
For your default _order value, you should check if the parameter is undefined instead of comparing its value to null. If you try to compare something that is undefined directly you will get a reference error:
(undefinedVar == null) // ReferenceError: undefinedVar is not defined
Instead, you should check if the variable is undefined:
(typeof undefinedVar == "undefined") // true
Also, it's probably a better idea to wrap your compare function in a closure instead of relying on a global order variable.
Sometime like:
[].sort(function(a, b){ return sort(a, b, order)})
This way you can sort at a per-instance level.
function sort(a, b, asc) {
var result;
/* Default ascending order */
if (typeof asc == "undefined") asc = true;
if (a === null) return 1;
if (b === null) return -1;
if (a === null && b === null) return 0;
result = a - b;
if (isNaN(result)) {
return (asc) ? a.toString().localeCompare(b) : b.toString().localeCompare(a);
else {
return (asc) ? result : -result;
function sortByDataString(a, b) {
if (a === null) {
return 1;
if (b === null) {
return -1;
if (isNumber(a) && isNumber(b)) {
if (parseInt(a,10) === parseInt(b,10)) {
return 0;
return parseInt(a,10) > parseInt(b,10) ? 1 : -1;
if (isNumber(a)) {
return -1;
if (isNumber(b)) {
return 1;
if (a === b) {
return 0;
return a > b ? 1 : -1;
fiddle here:
I left out the order parameter, but you could always reverse the array at the end if needed.
Use this:
function typeOrder(x) {
if (x == null)
return 2;
if (isNaN(+x))
return 1;
return 0;
function sortNumber(a, b) {
a = parseInt(a, 10); b = parseInt(b, 10);
if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b))
return 0;
return a - b;
function sortString(a, b) {
if (typeof a != "string" || typeof b != "string")
return 0;
return +(a > b) || -(b > a);
order = order == "dsc" ? -1 : 1;
numericArr.sort(function(a, b) {
return order * ( typeOrder(a)-typeOrder(b)
|| sortNumber(a, b)
|| sortString(a, b)
(updated fiddle)
I'm pretty sure that your problem is a red herring... the abstract function that you past into sort doesn't get a third parameter (in your case _order). So in your situation that's always going to be undefined.
Please reconsider your code with that in mind and see what you get.
The array you specify is entirely Numeric so your sort should work correctly, though as other commenters have suggested, if your array ever winds up with string values (i.e. "10", "-7" etc) you'll want to parseInt and test for isNaN before doing your comparison.

IsNan() function considers certain kind of strings as number - node js

I'm checking for integer values in node.js using IsNaN function.
Unexpectedly, this function validates the strings like 1E267146, 1E656716 , 914E6583 to be numbers, as these strings are exponential values. Any way to work around this? In actual scenario i wont get any exponential values.
ECMA6 defines Number.isInteger as follows:
function isInteger(nVal) {
return typeof nVal === "number" && isFinite(nVal) && nVal > -9007199254740992 && nVal < 9007199254740992 && Math.floor(nVal) === nVal;
but this will also accept scientific notation
You need to be clear as to what your definitions/expectations are.
My guess is that you may want something like this, if you are testing strings and have no limits on the max or min integer.
function isStringNumericalInteger(testValue) {
return typeof testValue === "string" && /^[\-+]?[1-9]{1}\d+$|^[\-+]?0$/.test(testValue);
console.log(isStringNumericalInteger(" "));
If you want to bound the range to what javascript can represent numerically as an integer then you will need to add a test for && +testValue > -9007199254740992 && +testValue < 9007199254740992
If you don't like using RegExs, you can also accomplish this with a parser. Something like this:
function isCharacterDigit(testCharacter) {
var charCode = testCharacter.charCodeAt(0);
return charCode >= 48 && testCharacter <= 57;
function isStringNumericalInteger(testValue) {
var start = 0,
if (typeof testValue !== "string") {
return false;
character = testValue.charAt(start);
if (character === "+" || character === "-") {
start += 1;
character = testValue.charAt(start);
start += 1;
length = testValue.length;
if ((length > start && character === "0") || !isCharacterDigit(character)) {
return false;
for (index = start; index < length; index += 1) {
if (!isCharacterDigit(testValue.charAt(index))) {
return false;
return true;
I would use something like below code to validate number input. First I parse the given value to float and then check isNaN().
var isNumber = function (obj) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(obj)) && isFinite(obj);
I think this is what you need in your case (i hate regex because this is not very good for the performance but..)
var NMAX = Math.pow(2, 53);
function isNumeric(n) {
n = n < 0 ? n * -1 : n;
var r = /^\d+$/.test(n);
if (r === true)
return parseInt(n, 10) >= (NMAX * -1) + 1 && parseInt(n, 10) <= NMAX;
return false;
var NMAX = Math.pow(2, 53);
function isNumericMin(n) {
n = n < 0 ? n * -1 : n;
return /^\d+$/.test(n) === true ? parseInt(n, 10) >= (NMAX * -1) + 1 && parseInt(n, 10) <= NMAX : false;
var i = '1E267146'
if(isNaN(i) || !isFinite(i) !! i=="")
// do stuff
// do stuff

Testing for equality of regular expressions

I was surprised to see that
/a/ === /a/
evaluates to false in JavaScript. Reading through the specs:
Two regular expression literals in a program evaluate to regular
expression objects that never compare as === to each other even if the
two literals' contents are identical.
Since === cannot be used to test for equality, how can equality of regular expressions be tested in JavaScript?
Here's a case that even covers ordering of flags.
function regexEqual(x, y) {
return (x instanceof RegExp) && (y instanceof RegExp) &&
(x.source === y.source) && ( === &&
(x.ignoreCase === y.ignoreCase) && (x.multiline === y.multiline);
regexEqual(/a/, /a/) // true
regexEqual(/a/gi, /a/ig) // also true.
regeXEqual(/a/, /b/) // false
Here's a function that fully tests all the relevant regex properties and makes sure it's the right type of object:
function regexSame(r1, r2) {
if (r1 instanceof RegExp && r2 instanceof RegExp) {
var props = ["global", "multiline", "ignoreCase", "source", "dotAll", "sticky", "unicode"];
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var prop = props[i];
if (r1[prop] !== r2[prop]) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
And, since flags sometimes get added to the regex object with new features (as has happened since this original answer in 2012 - though the above code has been updated as of 2019), here's a version that is a bit more future proof on future flags being added since it compares whatever flags are there rather than looking for a specific set of flags. It sorts the flags before comparing to allow for minor differences in how the regex was specified that wouldn't not actually change functionality.
function regexSame(r1, r2) {
return r1 instanceof RegExp &&
r2 instanceof RegExp &&
r1.source === r2.source &&
r1.flags.split("").sort().join("") === r2.flags.split("").sort().join("");
Compare them using toString(), and check their type too:
var a = /a/,
b = /a/;
a.toString() === b.toString() && typeof(a) === typeof(b) //true
var c = /a/,
d = /b/;
c.toString() === d.toString() && typeof(c) === typeof(d) //false
You can check the types with typeof, then toString() both regexes and compare those. It won't cover cases with equivalent flags, such as /a/gi and /a/ig, though.
function regexEquals(a, b)
if (typeof a !== 'object' || typeof b !== 'object') return false;
return a.toString() === b.toString();
Unfortunately there's no more-specific type from typeof, so if you really want to make sure they're regexes (or regex-like) you could do something along these lines:
RegExp.prototype.regexEquals = function (other)
return (typeof other.regexEquals === 'function')
&& (this.toString() === other.toString());
/a/.regexEquals(/a/); // true
/a/.regexEquals(/b/); // false
Answers above didn't consider case-sensitivity. So built upon jfriend00's answer, the function should be
function regexEqual(a, b) {
if (!(a instanceof RegExp) || !(b instanceof RegExp)) {
return false;
let sourceA = a.source;
let sourceB = b.source;
const flagsA = a.flags.split('').sort().join(',');
const flagsB = b.flags.split('').sort().join(',');
if (flagsA.includes('i') && flagsB.includes('i')) {
sourceA = sourceA.toLowerCase();
sourceB = sourceB.toLowerCase();
return sourceA === sourceB && flagsA === flagsB;

Testing whether a value is odd or even

I decided to create simple isEven and isOdd function with a very simple algorithm:
function isEven(n) {
n = Number(n);
return n === 0 || !!(n && !(n%2));
function isOdd(n) {
return isEven(Number(n) + 1);
That is OK if n is with certain parameters, but fails for many scenarios. So I set out to create robust functions that deliver correct results for as many scenarios as I could, so that only integers within the limits of javascript numbers are tested, everything else returns false (including + and - infinity). Note that zero is even.
// Returns true if:
// n is an integer that is evenly divisible by 2
// Zero (+/-0) is even
// Returns false if n is not an integer, not even or NaN
// Guard against empty string
(function (global) {
function basicTests(n) {
// Deal with empty string
if (n === '')
return false;
// Convert n to Number (may set to NaN)
n = Number(n);
// Deal with NaN
if (isNaN(n))
return false;
// Deal with infinity -
if (n === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || n === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
return false;
// Return n as a number
return n;
function isEven(n) {
// Do basic tests
if (basicTests(n) === false)
return false;
// Convert to Number and proceed
n = Number(n);
// Return true/false
return n === 0 || !!(n && !(n%2));
global.isEven = isEven;
// Returns true if n is an integer and (n+1) is even
// Returns false if n is not an integer or (n+1) is not even
// Empty string evaluates to zero so returns false (zero is even)
function isOdd(n) {
// Do basic tests
if (basicTests(n) === false)
return false;
// Return true/false
return n === 0 || !!(n && (n%2));
global.isOdd = isOdd;
Can anyone see any issues with the above? Is there a better (i.e. more accurate, faster or more concise without being obfuscated) version?
There are various posts relating to other languages, but I can't seem to find a definitive version for ECMAScript.
Use modulus:
function isEven(n) {
return n % 2 == 0;
function isOdd(n) {
return Math.abs(n % 2) == 1;
You can check that any value in Javascript can be coerced to a number with:
This check should preferably be done outside the isEven and isOdd functions, so you don't have to duplicate error handling in both functions.
I prefer using a bit test:
if(i & 1)
// ODD
This tests whether the first bit is on which signifies an odd number.
How about the following? I only tested this in IE, but it was quite happy to handle strings representing numbers of any length, actual numbers that were integers or floats, and both functions returned false when passed a boolean, undefined, null, an array or an object. (Up to you whether you want to ignore leading or trailing blanks when a string is passed in - I've assumed they are not ignored and cause both functions to return false.)
function isEven(n) {
return /^-?\d*[02468]$/.test(n);
function isOdd(n) {
return /^-?\d*[13579]$/.test(n);
Note: there are also negative numbers.
function isOddInteger(n)
return isInteger(n) && (n % 2 !== 0);
function isInteger(n)
return n === parseInt(n, 10);
Why not just do this:
function oddOrEven(num){
if(num % 2 == 0)
return "even";
return "odd";
To complete Robert Brisita's bit test .
if ( ~i & 1 ) {
// Even
var isOdd = x => Boolean(x % 2);
var isEven = x => !isOdd(x);
var isEven = function(number) {
// Your code goes here!
if (number % 2 == 0){
A few
x % 2 == 0; // Check if even
!(x & 1); // bitmask the value with 1 then invert.
((x >> 1) << 1) == x; // divide value by 2 then multiply again and check against original value
~x&1; // flip the bits and bitmask
We just need one line of code for this!
Here a newer and alternative way to do this, using the new ES6 syntax for JS functions, and the one-line syntax for the if-else statement call:
const isEven = num => ((num % 2) == 0);
alert(isEven(8)); //true
alert(isEven(9)); //false
alert(isEven(-8)); //true
A simple modification/improvement of Steve Mayne answer!
function isEvenOrOdd(n){
if(n === parseFloat(n)){
return isNumber(n) && (n % 2 == 0);
return false;
Note: Returns false if invalid!
Different way:
var isEven = function(number) {
// Your code goes here!
if (((number/2) - Math.floor(number/2)) === 0) {return true;} else {return false;};
Otherway using strings because why not
function isEven(__num){
return String(__num/2).indexOf('.') === -1;
if (testNum == 0);
else if (testNum % 2 == 0);
else if ((testNum % 2) != 0 );
Maybe this?
if(ourNumber % 2 !== 0)
var num = someNumber
parseInt(num/2) === num/2 ? isEven = true : isEven = false;
for(var a=0; a<=20;a++){
console.log("Odd number "+a);
for(var b=0; b<=20;a++){
console.log("Even number "+b);
Check if number is even in a line of code:
var iseven=(_)=>_%2==0
This one is more simple!
var num = 3 //instead get your value here
var aa = ["Even", "Odd"];
alert(aa[num % 2]);
To test whether or not you have a odd or even number, this also works.
const comapare = x => integer(checkNumber(x));
function checkNumber (x) {
if (x % 2 == 0) {
return true;
else if (x % 2 != 0) {
return false;
function integer (x) {
if (x) {
else {
Using modern javascript style:
const NUMBERS = "nul one two three four five six seven ocho nueve".split(" ")
const isOdd = n=> NUMBERS[n % 10].indexOf("e")!=-1
const isEven = n=> isOdd(+n+1)
function isEven(n) {return parseInt(n)%2===0?true:parseInt(n)===0?true:false}
when 0/even wanted but
isEven(0) //true
isEven(1) //false
isEven(2) //true
isEven(142856) //true
if (i % 2) {
return odd numbers
if (i % 2 - 1) {
return even numbers

