Path aliases for imports in WebStorm - javascript

I use webpack path aliases for ES6 module loading.
E.g. If I define an alias for utils instead of something like
import Foo from "../../../utils/foo", I can do
import Foo from "utils/foo"
The problem is that once I start using aliases, WebStorm looses track of the import and I'm left with warnings and no auto-completion.
Is there a way to instruct WebStorm to use such aliases?

Yes, there is.
In fact, Webstorm can't automatically parse and apply Webpack config, but you can set up aliases the same way.
You just have to mark the parent folder of "utils" (in your example) as a resource root (right-click, mark directory as / resource root).
We just managed to do with the following structure :
We have A B and C folders declared as alias in Webpack.
And in Webstorm we marked "src" as "Resource Root".
And now we can simply import :
import A/path/to/any/file.js
instead of
import ../../../../../A/path/to/any/file.js
while still having Webstorm correctly parsing and indexing all code, link to files, autocompleting and so on ...

I managed to set up aliases for WebStorm 2017.2 within webpack like this:

For the record: in PHPSTORM, working with laravel mix, I managed to solve this by creating a webpack.config.js file separately like:
const path = require('path')
const webpack = require('webpack')
module.exports = {
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.json', '.vue'],
alias: {
'~': path.resolve(__dirname, './resources/assets/js')
And then importing it in the webpack.mix.js like:
const config = require('./webpack.config')
Make sure the webpack configuration file is pointed correctly in the configuration of the PhpStorm in: Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Javascript > Webpack

You can define custom paths, so WebStorm/PhpStorm can understand your aliases. But make sure, they are identical with your aliases. Create file in your root directory and call it something like this: webStorm.config.js (any js file will be ok). Then configure your paths inside:
"paths": {
"components/*": "./src/components/*",
"core/*": "./src/core/*",
WebStorm/PhpStorm will recognize System as it's own module and will treat this file as configuration.

This is answered in a comment but to save people digging into comments and link only information, here it is:
As of WS2017.2 this will be done automatically. The information is here.
According to this, webstorm will automatically resolve aliases that are included within the webpack.config in the root of the project. If you have a custom structure and your webpack.config isn't in the root folder then go to Settings | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Webpack and set the option to the config you require.
Note: Most setups have a base config which then call a dev or prod version. In order for this to work properly, you need to tell webstorm to use the dev one.

Not right now, We were also using path aliases for the files in our react project. The import names were shorter but we lost a lot on static checking of webstorm as well as completion features.
We later came up with a decision to reduce the code to only 3 levels of depth, as well a single level for the common parts. The path completion feature of webstom (ctrl + space) even helps reduce the typing overhead. The production build does not use longer names, so hardly makes any difference in final code.
I will suggest please reconsider your decision about aliases. You loose semantic meaning of modules coming from node_modules and your own code, as well as referencing the alias files again and again to make sense of your code, is a much bigger overhead.

add jsconfig.js on your project root
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"~/*": ["./src/*"]

In PHPStorm (using 2017.2 currently), I have not been able to get webpack configs to work properly in regards to aliases.
My fix involves using the "Directories" section of the main settings. I just had to mark each folder referenced by an alias as a sources root, then click the properties dropdown for each and specify the alias as a "Package prefix". This made everything link up for me.
Not sure if the Directories section exists in WebStorm, but if it does, this seems to be a fool-proof method for getting import aliases working.

For anyone struggling: path.resolve() must be called with "__dirname" first argument for Idea (Websorm) to be able to resolve the path correctly.
Will work for Idea (Websorm):
alias: {
'#someAlias': pathLib.resolve(__dirname, 'path/to/directory')
Will not work for Idea (Websorm) (while still being valid webpack alias):
alias: {
'#someAlias': pathLib.resolve('path/to/directory')

Webstorm can't read webpack.config if module.exports return a function.
For example
module.exports = function (webpackEnv) {
return {
mode: isEnvProduction ? 'production' : isEnvDevelopment && 'development',
Check your config file, maybe this cause you are a problem.

There is a lot of discussion here about Laravel Mix, so I'll leave this here to help out future readers. I solved this by creating a separate (fake) webpack config file which is only used by my IDE (PHPStorm).
1. Create a separate alias.js file (e.g. /webpack/alias.js)
const path = require('path');
const assets = path.join(__dirname,'..','resources','assets');
module.exports = {
'#js' : path.resolve(assets, 'js'),
'#c' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'components'),
'#errors' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'errors'),
'#utils' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'utils'),
'#store' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'store'),
'#api' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'api'),
'#less' : path.resolve(assets, 'less')
2. Require the alias.js file into webpack.mix.js
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
// ... The rest of your mix, e.g.
3. Create the fake webpack config for your IDE (e.g. /webpack/ide.config.js)
Here, import the laravel-mix webpack config, plus your aliases, and any other config that the IDE might need help finding. Also include the prefixed ~ aliases for importing styles into your Vue components.
| A fake config file for PhpStorm to enable aliases
| File > Settings... > Languages & Frameworks > Javascript > Webpack
| Select "Manually" and set the configuration file to this
const path = require('path');
const mixConfig = require('./../node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config')();
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
'~#less' : path.resolve('#less'), // <--
4. Set your IDE to use webpack/ide.config.js as your webpack config file.

Had the same problem on a new Laravel project with Jetstream. The webpack.config.js was present and correct. But PHPStorm still didn't recognize the # symbol as a resource root.
After opening the webpack config, I got a notification:
After Clicking on Trust project and run, the # symbol became recognized.
I know that this isn't the solution or use-case for everyone. But I still found it worthy to note on this post, because it helped me in my situation.


Converting legacy namespace code to modules from the top down

I'm trying to convert out codebase which is comprised of multiple repositories to use modules instead of namespaces.
Sorry ahead of time if my understanding is fundamentally wrong, my main expirience in javascript is in this company so this is all I've ever known.
The codebase has heiharchies where certain repositories inherit from the base one so for instance if we have A,B,C,D,E then B,C,D,E all know A.
C might know B, but D only knows A, while E knows D and C. (Attached image to be clear)
Right now we have every repository compile into 1 js file using tsconfig outFile, and we load all of it in our html file one by one in order in script tags.
I've started converting the "upper" repos as modules can use namespaces, (so in my example E and D). I changed all of the code inside the repositories themselves to be modular and not use namespaces.
It now compiles properly and works (individually - the issue I'm having is with making them import from one another).
Since I'm trying to preserve the behavior it seems like I need to use a bundler.
I'm trying to use webpack but I'm having some problems with it.
I created a package.json (we didn't have one because we just directly made one js file and put it in the html until now yes that means we couldn't import things properly it's a nightmare it's why I'm trying to change it).
Installed webpack ts-loader and yarg.
I've then made the webpack.config.js I linked below and tried compiling.
Some of my repos don't have good entry files because they are initialized by other repos so I have to make a massive list and check that all files are at least written in the JS (there has to be a solution for this i'm missing right?)
The other issue is I don't understand how to make the other repos import from the repo I just bundled.
I put the bundled.js in the node_modules but when I attempt to import a class from it I get the following error:
"TS2305: Module '"../../node_modules/#types/hybridPanel.js"' has no exported member 'test'.
(I am trying to load D in E in this instance both have been converted to modules and are not using namespaces so this should work).
Do I need to publish the repo somewhere and npm install it in repo2 (I thought that's the same thing as moving the js over).
So the questions I have are:
How do I make this work?
What do I do about the entry files issue?
Am I even going about this the right way (will I even get types if I just import the js)?
Will we need to change our tags in the html to be type=module instead of javascript?
If I were to add a module (using npm or similar) will I then need to add it to the externals tag in the webpack? I'm not confident in my understanding just yet.
Is this the correct way of converting to modules from namespaces? Our plan is if I can get this to work to convert the rest of the higher ones next and then do the lower ones all at once (the base ones multiple people use) and fix the imports in the higher ones once we get there.
webpack config link :
const webpack = require("webpack");
const path = require("path");
const yargs = require("yargs");
const env = yargs.argv.env; // use --env with webpack 2
const pkg = require("./package.json");
const shouldExportToAMD = yargs.argv.amd;
let libraryName =;
let outputFile, mode;
if (shouldExportToAMD) {
libraryName += ".amd";
if (env === "build") {
mode = "production";
outputFile = libraryName + ".min.js";
} else {
mode = "development";
outputFile = libraryName + ".js";
const config = {
mode: mode,
entry: [__dirname + "/src/panel/MoPanelManager.ts", __dirname + "/src/panel/chat/MoSingleChat.ts", __dirname + "/src/panel/booth/MoBoothDisplays.ts", __dirname + "/src/panel/chat/MoGifs.ts", __dirname + "/src/settings/MoSettings.ts"],
devtool: "source-map",
output: {
path: __dirname + "/www/module",
filename: outputFile,
library: libraryName,
libraryTarget: "umd",
libraryExport: "default",
umdNamedDefine: true,
globalObject: "typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this",
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.ts?$/,
use: {
loader: 'ts-loader',
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
resolve: {
modules: [path.resolve("./node_modules"), path.resolve("./src")],
extensions: [".ts", ".js"]
module.exports = config;
Image of the repo example

Resolving dynamic module with Webpack and Laravel Mix

Good time of the day,
Recently I've been trying to implement dynamic module loading functionality for my project. However, I'm failing for past few hours. To give you an idea of what I'm trying to achieve, here is the structure of the project
So, in order to get the available plugins, I've made the following function
* Get all plugins for specified developer
* which have 'assets' folder
* #param developerPath
* #param plugins
function getDeveloperPlugins(developerPath, plugins) {
if (fs.existsSync(developerPath)) {
fs.readdirSync(developerPath).forEach(entry => {
let pluginPath = path.resolve(developerPath, entry),
assetsPath = path.resolve(pluginPath, 'assets');
if (fs.existsSync(assetsPath))
plugins[entry] = assetsPath;
This function loads all the available plugins for the specified developer, then goes inside and looks for the assets folder, if it exists, then it returns it and we can work with the provided directory later.
The next step is to generate the reference for every plugin (direct path to the developer_name.js file) which later should be 'mixed' into one plugins.bundle.js file.
In order to achieve this, the following piece of code 'emerged'
_.forEach(plugins, (directory, plugin) => {
let jsFolder = path.resolve(directory, 'js'),
scssFolder = path.resolve(directory, 'scss');
if (fs.existsSync(jsFolder)) {
let possibleFile = path.resolve(jsFolder, plugin + '.js');
if (fs.existsSync(possibleFile))
pluginsBundle.js[plugin] = possibleFile;
if (fs.existsSync(scssFolder)) {
let possibleFile = path.resolve(scssFolder, plugin + '.scss');
if (fs.existsSync(possibleFile))
pluginsBundle.scss[plugin] = possibleFile;
And the last step before I'm starting to edit the configuration of the Webpack is to get the folders for both scss and js files for all plugins and all developers:
let jsPluginsBundle = _.values(pluginsBundle.js),
scssPluginsBundle = _.values(pluginsBundle.scss);
And here is where the problems start to appear. I've tried many solutions offered either here on GitHub (in respective repositories), but I've failed so many times.
The only error I'm having now is this one:
ERROR in F:/Web/Projects/TestProject/plugins/developer/testplugin/assets/js/testplugin.js
Module build failed: ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "transform-object-rest-spread" specified in "base" at 0, attempted to resolve relative to "F:\\Web\\Projects\\TestProject\\plugins\\developer\\testplugin\\assets\\js"
Yes, i know that webpack.mix.js file should be in the root folder of the project, however, i'm just developing theme, which uses modules developed by other members of the team.
So, idea was to:
Start build process: npm run dev|prod
Load plugins for all needed developers automatically
Use methods and html tags provided by the plugin (it is a mix of PHP for API routing and Vue.js for Components, etc) as follows: <test-component></test-component>
Any help is really appreciated, i just cant get my head around that error. If you need extra information, i'm ready to help since i myself need help to solve this issue =)
Update: The latest Webpack config used by mix.webpackConfig() (still failing though)
let webpackConfiguration = {
module: {
rules: [{
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
use: {
loader: require.resolve('babel-loader'),
options: {
presets: [
plugins: [
resolve: {
modules: webpackModules
And this is the content of the webpackModules variable:
Okay, after 7 hours I've decided to try the most obvious method to solve the problem, to create node_modules folder in the root of the project and install laravel-mix there, and it worked like a charm.
Looks like, if it cant find the module in the directory outside the root scope of the Webpack, it will go up the tree to find the node_modules folder.
Developers should allow us to set the root folder for Webpack to fetch all the modules i guess, but well, problem is solved anyways.

Grunt Browserify - set include, fallback path

Is there any way to create Grunt task for Browserify to use fallback path?
Check if module.js is in current directory, if not there, check some other directory?
|- dir1
|- mod1.js - has: require('./mod2.js')
|- bundle.js - has: require('./mod1.js') and require('./mod2.js')
|- dir2
|- mod1.js
|- mod2.js
I already tried remapify, but it can only check one specific directory.
And I don't want to change require paths inside modules, everything should be done trough Grunt.
I want to override some app (dir2), so I want to get (copy to dir1) only modules which I need to change, and to leave all others in app directory.
Gruntfile is in project1. Modules are CommonJS. I'm using grunt-browserify.
I know this is a little old now but it would be good to have an answer.
So, I asked myself a very similar question a couple of days ago and ended up doing basically what you want to do.
Using browserifyOptions from grunt-browserify like:
// Using grunt-browserify
browserify : {
options : {
browserifyOptions : {
// keep in mind that paths are relative to Gruntfile.js
paths: ["./first/path", "./second/path", "./and/so/on"]
dist : {
files: { "./path/to/dist.js" : "./path/to/src.js" }
And you will now be able to do:
var myModule = require("myModule");
opts.paths is an array of directories that browserify searches when
looking for modules which are not referenced using relative path. Can
be absolute or relative to basedir. Equivalent of setting NODE_PATH
environmental variable when calling browserify command. - Browserify
Theoretically, it should follow the paths in order, the only problem I've had is that it looks through native node modules (util, fs, etc..) before even searching those paths.
What the quote is saying is that if you do:
var myModule = require("./myModule");
Browserify will look for the module following the relative path. When you remove the relative path:
var myModule = require("myModule");
it can search through the stablished paths in the options.
I tested this and it works as expected. I have a module called myModule.js that is in "./current/directory", and I also have a module called myModule.js that is in "./modules/directory". Also, in current directory, I have the "src.js" that requires the module: require("myModule");. It looks in order through the paths and the first found is the one injected into bundle.js in this case.
browserify : {
dist : {
options : {
browserifyOptions : {
// keep in mind that paths are relative to Gruntfile.js
paths: ["./current/directory", "./modules/directory"]
files: { "./current/directory/bundle.js" : "./current/directory/src.js" }

Simple solution to share modules loaded via NPM across multiple Browserify or Webpack bundles

Pulling my hair out here looking for a simple solution to share code, required via NPM, across multiple Browserify or Webpack bundles. Thinking, is there such a thing as a file "bridge"?
This isn't due to compile time (I'm aware of watchify) but rather the desire to extract out all of my vendor specific libs into vendor.js so to keep my app.js filesize down and to not crash the browser with massive sourcemaps. Plus, I find it way cleaner should the need to view the compiled js arise. And so:
// vendor.js
Its very important that the code be loaded from NPM as opposed to Bower, or saved into some 'vendor' directory in order to be imported via a relative path and identified via a shim. I'd like to keep every library reference pulled via NPM except for my actual application source.
In app.js I keep all of my sourcecode, and via the externals array, exclude vendor libraries listed above from compilation:
// app.js
var React = require('react');
var _ = require('lodash');
var Component = React.createClass()
// ...
And then in index.html, I require both files
// index.html
<script src='vendor.js'></script>
<script src='app.js'></script>
Using Browserify or Webpack, how can I make it so that app.js can "see" into those module loaded via npm? I'm aware of creating a bundle with externals and then referencing the direct file (in, say, node_modules) via an alias, but I'm hoping to find a solution that is more automatic and less "Require.js" like.
Basically, I'm wondering if it is possible to bridge the two so that app.js can look inside vendor.js in order to resolve dependencies. This seems like a simple, straightforward operation but I can't seem to find an answer anywhere on this wide, wide web.
Listing all the vendor files/modules and using CommonChunkPlugin is indeed the recommended way. This gets pretty tedious though, and error prone.
Consider these NPM modules: fastclick and mprogress. Since they have not adopted the CommonJS module format, you need to give webpack a hand, like this:
var Mprogress = require('mprogress/mprogress.min.js'),
Now assuming you would want both fastclick and mprogress in your vendor chunk, you would probably try this:
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: "./app.js",
vendor: ["fastclick", "mprogress", ...]
Alas, it doesn't work. You need to match the calls to require():
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: "./app.js",
vendor: [
It gets old, even with some resolve.alias trickery. Here is my workaround. CommonChunkPlugin lets you specify a callback that will return whether or not you want a module to be included in the vendor chunk. If your own source code is in a specific src directory, and the rest is in the node_modules directory, just reject the modules based on their path:
var node_modules_dir = path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules'),
app_dir = path.join(__dirname, 'src');
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: "./app.js",
output: {
filename: "bundle.js"
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin(
/* chunkName= */"vendor",
/* filename= */"vendor.bundle.js"
function (module, count) {
return module.resource && module.resource.indexOf(app_dir) === -1;
Where module.resource is the path to the module being considered. You could also do the opposite, and include only the module if it is inside node_modules_dir, i.e.:
return module.resource && module.resource.indexOf(node_modules_dir) === 0;
but in my situation, I'd rather say: "put everything that is not in my source source tree in a vendor chunk".
Hope that helps.
With webpack you'd use multiple entry points and the CommonChunkPlugin.
Taken from the webpack docs:
To split your app into 2 files, say app.js and vendor.js, you can require the vendor files in vendor.js. Then pass this name to the CommonChunkPlugin as shown below.
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: "./app.js",
vendor: ["jquery", "underscore", ...],
output: {
filename: "bundle.js"
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin(
/* chunkName= */"vendor",
/* filename= */"vendor.bundle.js"
This will remove all modules in the vendor chunk from the app chunk. The bundle.js will now contain just your app code, without any of it’s dependencies. These are in vendor.bundle.js.
In your HTML page load vendor.bundle.js before bundle.js.
<script src="vendor.bundle.js"></script>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
// vendor anything coming from node_modules
minChunks: module => /node_modules/.test(module.resource)

How to prevent moment.js from loading locales with webpack?

Is there any way you can stop moment.js from loading all the locales (I just need English) when you're using webpack? I'm looking at the source and it seems that if hasModule is defined, which it is for webpack, then it always tries to require() every locale. I'm pretty sure this needs a pull request to fix. But is there any way we can fix this with the webpack config?
Here is my webpack config to load momentjs:
resolve: {
alias: {
moment: path.join(__dirname, "src/lib/bower/moment/moment.js")
Then anywhere I need it, I just do require('moment'). This works but it's adding about 250 kB of unneeded language files to my bundle. Also I'm using the bower version of momentjs and gulp.
Also if this can't be fixed by the webpack config here is a link to the function where it loads the locales. I tried adding && module.exports.loadLocales to the if statement but I guess webpack doesn't actually work in a way where that would work. It just requires no matter what. I think it uses a regex now so I don't really know how you would even go about fixing it.
The code require('./locale/' + name) can use every file in the locale dir. So webpack includes every file as module in your bundle. It cannot know which language you are using.
There are two plugins that are useful to give webpack more information about which module should be included in your bundle: ContextReplacementPlugin and IgnorePlugin.
require('./locale/' + name) is called a context (a require which contains an expression). webpack infers some information from this code fragment: A directory and a regular expression. Here: directory = ".../moment/locale" regular expression = /^.*$/. So by default every file in the locale directory is included.
The ContextReplacementPlugin allows to override the inferred information i.e. provide a new regular expression (to choose the languages you want to include).
Another approach is to ignore the require with the IgnorePlugin.
Here is an example:
var webpack = require("webpack");
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(/moment[\/\\]locale$/, /de|fr|hu/)
// new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^\.\/locale$/, /moment$/)
In our project, I include moment like this: import moment from 'moment/src/moment'; and that seems to do the trick. Our usage of moment is very simple though, so I'm not sure if there will be any inconsistencies with the SDK. I think this works because WebPack doesn't know how to find the locale files statically, so you get a warning (that's easy to hide by adding an empty folder at moment/src/lib/locale/locale) but no locale includes.
UPDATE: 2021
There are many other libs that you may want to checkout:
Seems like the proper modular moment library will never come up However, I just ended up of using like import * as moment from 'moment-mini';
As of moment 2.18, all locales are bundled together with the core library (see this GitHub issue).
The resourceRegExp parameter passed to IgnorePlugin is not tested against the resolved file names or absolute module names being imported or required, but rather against the string passed to require or import within the source code where the import is taking place. For example, if you're trying to exclude node_modules/moment/locale/*.js, this won't work:
new webpack.IgnorePlugin({ resourceRegExp: /moment\/locale\// });
Rather, because moment imports with this code:
require('./locale/' + name);
your first regexp must match that './locale/' string. The second contextRegExp parameter is then used to select specific directories from where the import took place. The following will cause those locale files to be ignored:
new webpack.IgnorePlugin({
resourceRegExp: /^\.\/locale$/,
contextRegExp: /moment$/,
which means "any require statement matching './locale' from any directories ending with 'moment' will be ignored.
Based on Adam McCrmick's answer, you were close, change your alias to:
resolve: {
alias: {
moment: 'moment/src/moment'
With webpack2 and recent versions of moment you can do:
import {fn as moment} from 'moment'
And then in webpack.config.js you do:
resolve: {
packageMains: ['jsnext:main', 'main']
Here's another solution using postinstall script in NPM installer.
You can put a line to your package.json file:
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "find node_modules/moment/locale -type f -not -name 'en-gb.js' -not -name 'pl.js' -printf '%p\\n' | xargs rm"
In result unwanted locales will be removed immediately after npm install finish installing packages.
In my case only en-gb and pl locales will remain in bundle.
In case you already have postinstall script, you can add script to existing commands:
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "previous_command && find node_modules/moment/locale -type f -not -name 'en-gb.js' -not -name 'pl.js' -printf '%p\\n' | xargs rm"

