Better way to displaying data from view model using knockoutjs? - javascript

I have a view model with a separate hierarchy and during, say a click event, I'd like to display a modal dialog of the data from the secondary hierarchy for the "clicked" data item. To make this a little easier to follow, I have mocked up an example in jsfiddle that achieves the desired result (without a modal for simplicity), but it's done by repeating the same markup instead of modifying the data from a single group of markup.
var FoundingFathersViewModel = function(data) {
var self = this;
self.foundingFathers = ko.observableArray([]);
self.detail = function(father) {
//get the selected Founding Father's positions HTML and
//set the HTML of the detail div
var html = $('#';
var mapping = $.map(data, function(item) { return new FoundingFather(item); });
var FoundingFather = function(item) { = ko.observable(; = ko.observable(;
this.positions = ko.observableArray(item.positions);
ko.applyBindings(new FoundingFathersViewModel(data));
The jsfiddle code simply modifies the CSS display property to display the correct detail. I'd like to think there would be a "cleaner" way to do this. Any help would be appreciated. And if there's not a more elegant solution, I'd like to know that too.

I'd suggest moving towards a selectedItem approach. Clicking on a president sets that one as the selected item, which is what populates the detail section.
see my updated fiddle:
detail area:
<div id="detail" data-bind="with: selectedPresident">
<div class="positions">
<div data-bind="foreach: positions" class="detail">
<h5 data-bind="html: position" />
<h6 data-bind="html: yearsActive" />
self.selectedPresident = ko.observable();
self.selectPresident = function(father) {
As a side note: if you're using knockout, don't use jQuery to go messing with the DOM, you're just asking for trouble.


Searching items causes lags

I have following problem. Let's say I have DOM like this.
<div class="results">
<div class="result">
<div class="title">Aaa</div>
<div class="result filtered-out">
<div class="title">Aab</div>
<div class="result">
<div class="title">Aac</div>
<div class="result">
<div class="title">Aad</div>
<div class="result">
<div class="title">Aae</div>
and an input field like this
<input type="text" id="search">
And now I try to filter the results with a simple function defined by this
var searchBox = $(this);
var searchBox = $(this);
var items = $(".results .result:not(.filtered-out)");
var title = $(this).find(".title").html();
if(title.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchBox.val().toLowerCase())!== -1)
So the problem is that the list of results is quite long something between 100 and 200 elements and whenever I type something into the search input the code executes very long. Maybe around 2-3 seconds. Is there any other approach to solve this "lag"? Thank you for any advices!
EDIT Maybe something like delayed script execution or asynchronous script execution (like in ajax)?
It's generally not a good idea to use the DOM as a datasource, it's not meant for it and is therefore slow. Personally I would recommend using a small MVVM library or something similar so you don't have to manually manage the DOM yourself.
I've used Vue.js below, but you could just as well use any similar solution. Keeping your data in the code will allow you to operate on it a lot faster since you don't have to re-request it all the time and you avoid doing a lot of work for modifications. All operations below are done on 1000 objects:
var items = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
title: 'Item #' + i
var v = new Vue({
el: '#list',
data: {
items: items,
input: ""
computed: {
filteredItems: function() {
var value = ("" || this.input).trim().toLowerCase();
if (!value.length) return this.items;
return this.items.filter(function(item) {
return item.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(value) !== -1;
ol {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="list">
<input placeholder="Search" v-model="input" />
<li v-repeat="filteredItems">{{title}}</li>
When searching the dom through many elements it is recommended to use javascript as opposed to jQuery if speed is what you are after. jQuery has it's purpose but for large amounts of dom searching using javascripts getElementById or querySelector / querySelectorAll is going to be much much faster. If you check this jsPerf example you can see that the jQuery selector operates roughly 94% slower than the comparable getElementById.
You should try using some logging to figure out which part is taking the longest. If you find that it's the items selector (with the psuedo-not), you could try to optimize that, however I don't see anything about the filtered-out class so I'm not sure exactly what that does.
Here's some simple optimizations though:
var searchBox = $(this);
var $searchBox = $(this);
var searchBoxVal = $searchBox.val().toLowerCase();
var items = $(".results .result:not(.filtered-out)");
var $item = $(this);
var title = $item.find(".title").html();
if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchBoxVal) !== -1)
My guess the lag is because you are performing the search based on the DOM elements, and at the same time manipulating them with hiding/ showing.
I suppose the DOM is populated from some data source? If so it'll be better to perform the search/ filter from that data source, then use the filtered data set to populate the DOM again. (And even if you don't have the data source at first, you can build one by reading the original DOM)

Using Knockout.js array filter removes the id of elements

Using knockout.js, I have a list of items that I filter on search using ko.utils.arrayFilter.
The filtering part works ok, but then when I delete the search term and the list repopulates as the full list, some of the DOM elements lose their id. How can I make them not lose their id? What am I missing?
In particular, the items with the id "tabsDiv1", "tabsDiv2", etc lose their ids.
Thanks in advance for your help, I'm stumped!
full git repo here with example github pages site:
var ViewModel = function() {
var self = this;
this.placeList = ko.observableArray([]);
this.filter = ko.observable("");
this.filteredItems = ko.computed(function() {
var filter = self.filter().toLowerCase();
if (!filter) {
return this.placeList();
} else {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.placeList(), function(item) {
return !== -1;
}, this);
The problem is that you're setting the ids of the tabs manually on load instead of letting knockout set it. When knockout renders the page, it will use the current state of the dom elements as templates for your tabs. In this case, your elements had blank ids. I see you apparently had knockout set the id at one point but you commented it out. You should go back and use knockout to add the id if you really needed it.
<div class="tabsDiv col-md-12 col-sm-12" id=""
style="display: none; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px;
border-style: solid;border-width:1px;"
<!-- data-bind="attr: { id: 'tabsDiv' + $index() }" -->
window.onload = function() {
// get all tabDiv elements and add id with index to each one
var tabsDivArray = document.getElementsByClassName("tabsDiv");
for (var i = 0; i < tabsDivArray.length; i++) {
var tabsDiv = tabsDivArray[i]; = 'tabsDiv' + i.toString();
This might not be the only problem, but it's a start. You're mixing up a lot of knockout and manual dom manipulation and jquery. You really should try to limit the mixing up to keep it manageable. It would be a tough read for anyone else who came and looked at this.

WinJS.UI.ListView - refreshing items when using template is built using javascript

I've got a ListView that was using HTML-defined templates like this:
<div id="mediumListIconTextTemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<!-- Displays the "picture" field. -->
<img data-win-bind="alt: title; src: picture" />
<!-- Displays the "title" field. -->
<h4 data-win-bind="innerText: title"></h4>
<!-- Displays the "text" field. -->
<h6 data-win-bind="innerText: description"></h6>
<div id="basicListView" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ListView"
data-win-options="{itemDataSource : DataExample.itemList.dataSource, itemTemplate: select('#mediumListIconTextTemplate')}">
When my list items changed, my item template would be updated to reflect the change. However, out of need, I had to change to using a javaScript function to build my template. I modeled my code after the code found on the sample site:
app.onactivated = function (args) {
if (args.detail.kind === activation.ActivationKind.launch) {
if (args.detail.previousExecutionState !== activation.ApplicationExecutionState.terminated) {
// TODO: This application has been newly launched. Initialize
// your application here.
} else {
// TODO: This application has been reactivated from suspension.
// Restore application state here.
args.setPromise(WinJS.UI.processAll().then(function () {
var lView = document.getElementById("templateFunctionListView").winControl;
lView.itemTemplate = itemTemplateFunction;
function itemTemplateFunction(itemPromise) {
return itemPromise.then(function (item) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src =;
img.alt =;
var childDiv = document.createElement("div");
var title = document.createElement("h4");
title.innerText =;
var desc = document.createElement("h6");
desc.innerText =;
return div;
After changing to the javascript function, my display items never change when my binding data changes.
What do I need to do to make them update?
I think there are two approaches that could work for you.
In my case, when I refresh the data for my app, it's possible that one or more entities may be completely out of date, and there may be new entities to display. So I simply re-set the binding of the ListView, like so:
listView.itemDataSource = Data.items.dataSource;
where Data is the namespace I set up in data.js to contain all my data functions and objects.
When I update the value of the itemDataSource property, the ListView will re-bind to the new data, and display the correct items.
The other thing to look at, if your data is only being updated one property at a time, is using the function to make the items in the binding list observable, as described here:
If you haven't seen it already, there's some good info on databinding here:
And I found the following MSDN forum thread that may be helpful:
Hope the above helps!
For more information on Windows Store app development, register for App Builder.
Instead of rebinding the whole data set you can just rebind the single item. Find the items position in the list and then splice it replacing it with itself.
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++){
item = list.getAt(i);
if (item.key == itemToBeReBound.key){
list.splice(i, 1, item);
i = list.length;

How do I correctly reference an attribute of the current element passed into knockout.JS?

Working on a little feedback form and I'm new at the Knockout/jQuery game so I'm sure this is a syntax error.
Goal / Background
I have a feedback form, part of which includes a list with feedback types. The actual text of the feedback type I'd like to use is stored in the "Title" attribute of the LI tags.
I'd like to pass an onclick from each of a set of LI tags denoting the type of feedback.
I would like knockout to receive this onclick event with the calling element
I'd like the ViewModel function to update the ViewModel's feedback type based on the content of the LI's title attribute
I'd then like to remove a class from all the list and apply it to the selected element.
I already have jQuery that does this; just want to incorporate it into the model change.
What I Have So Far
The relevant part of the HTML Feedback Form (the UL list):
<ul class="thumbnails" id="feedbackList">
<li class="feedbackItem" id="feedbackItemPraise" title="Praise" data-bind="click: updateFeedbackType"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i>Praise</li>
<li class="feedbackItem" id="feedbackItemCriticism" title="Criticism" data-bind="click: updateFeedbackType"><i class="icon-thumbs-down"></i>Criticism</li>
<li class="feedbackItem" id="feedbackItemProblem" title="Problem" data-bind="click: updateFeedbackType"><i class="icon-warning-sign"></i>Problem</li>
<li class="feedbackItem" id="feedbackItemQuestion" title="Question" data-bind="click: updateFeedbackType"><i class="icon-question-sign"></i>Question</li>
The ViewModel so far (including some irrelevant parts):
var FeedbackViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.manualEMailAddress = "";
self.manualApplicationName = "MyApplication";
self.username = ko.observable($("#feedbackUsernameFromServer").val());
self.feedbackType = ko.observable("Praise");
self.wantsFollowUp = ko.observable(true);
self.enteredName = ko.observable("");
self.feedbackText = ko.observable("");
self.userNameCaptured = ko.computed(function () { return self.username().length > 3; }, self);
self.mailToLink = ko.computed(function () { return "mailto:" + self.manualEMailAddress + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(self.feedbackType()) + encodeURIComponent(" for ") + encodeURIComponent(self.manualApplicationName) + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(self.feedbackText()) }, self);
var feedbackViewModel = new FeedbackViewModel();
ko.applyBindings(feedbackViewModel, document.getElementById("feedbackModal"));
The current jQuery to change the style (not linked to the model yet):
$("#feedbackList li").click(function () {
$("#feedbackList li.feedbackItem-Highlighted").removeClass("feedbackItem-Highlighted");
What I think I need to add to the ViewModel, but doesn't quite work:
self.updateFeedbackType = function (elementToChangeTo) {
$("#feedbackList li.feedbackItem-Highlighted").removeClass("feedbackItem-Highlighted");
This results in feedbackType being turned into an undefined and the visual change not happening.
Where am I going wrong? Thanks for any help!
I think you just needed that function in the definition of the vm.
Here's a jsfiddle that seems to work:
Update: Here's a fiddle which better leverages knockout and properly accomplishes the goal:
elementToChangeTo returns the FeedbackViewModel (same as this) and not the element clicked on--the behavior is a bit different than jQuery.
The second argument passed into updateFeedbackType will be an event, so you could use $( to get a reference to the clicked element.
self.updateFeedbackType = function (view, event) {
var $elementToChangeTo = $(;
$("#feedbackList li.feedbackItem-Highlighted").removeClass("feedbackItem-Highlighted");
However, #daedalus28 has addressed the larger problem, which is that you're not utilizing knockout.js's strengths and are over-complicating the process. You don't really need both to solve this simplistic condition.

Handle HTML code block as an object?

I have a div that basically represents a book (so a nice div layout with an image of the book, title, price, red background if on sale etc.). So what i do is to get the properties of a book from the database, insert the values in kind of an html template and display it.
Now, once it is displayed i hate how i have to handle the data. I have to either parse css properties to figure out if a book is on sale for an example or i have to keep the data in another place as well (some javascript array or use the jquery data feature). The first option is ugly the second one would require me to update two things when one property changes - which is ugly as well.
So what i would like is to handle that block of html (that represents a single book) as an object. Where i can call obj.setPrice(30); and things like that and finally call obj.update(); so it would update its appearance.
Is there anyway to accomplish this ? Or something like this ? I just feel that once i render the data as html i loose control over it :(
Suppose your html div is like this
<div id="book1">
<div id="price">$30</div>
You can define a Book object as follows:
var Book = function(name) { = name;
Book.prototype = {
setPrice : function(price) {
this.price = price;
update : function() {
pricediv = document.getElementById(
pricediv.innerHTML = '$'+price;
var book = new Book('book1')
I guess your best shot is write your own object / methods for that.
var Book = function(){
var price = args.price || 0,
color = args.color || 'red',
height = args.height || '200px',
width = args.width || '600px',
template = "<div style='background-color: COLOR; width=WIDTH; height: HEIGHT;'><span>$PRICE</span><br/></div>";
return {
setPrice: function(np){
price = np;
return this;
setColor: function(nc){
color = nc;
return this;
setHeight: function(nh){
height = nh;
return this;
render: function(){
template = template.replace(/COLOR/, color);
template = template.replace(/PRICE/, price);
// etc
// use jQuery or native javascript to form and append your html
This is just a pretty basic example which can be optimized like a lot. You may even think about using John Resigs microtemplate (
Usage from the above example would look like:
var book = Book({
price: 30,
color: 'blue'
To change values:
I have been playing around with Microsoft's proposal for jQuery Templates and Data Linking and so far it's going awesome.
TLDR, checkout this demo.
It's extremely easy to just link up a piece of HTML with a JavaScript object and from thereon, only update the JavaScript object and the HTML updates automatically.
Here's a simple example. Create the HTML that will represent your widget.
<div class="book">
<img width="100" height="100" src="" />
<div class="title"></div>
<div class="price"></div>
Then create a JavaScript object and dynamically link it to the HTML above. Here is a sample object:
var book = {
title: "Alice in Wonderland",
price: 24.99,
onSale: true,
image: ""
Now onto the actual linking part. The items we are going to link up are:
A data-onsale attribute in the outer div which will be either "true" or "false"
The image src attribute to the image property of our book
title div to the title property
price div to the price property
The following sets up the linking. Note that we are only doing a one way linking here, but it's possible to setup a two way linking also using the linkBoth function.
.linkTo('title', '.title', 'html')
.linkTo('price', '.price', 'html')
.linkTo('image', '.book img', 'src')
.linkTo('onSale', '.book', 'data-onsale')
That's it. From now onwards, just update the book object and the HTML will automatically update. Update the properties of the book like you would update html attributes using the attr function.
price: 14.75
$(book).attr('price', 14.75);
The code above is only using Data Linking, but the proposal also mentions combining data linking with templates which would make this even more easier. From what I reckon, you would be able to do this and get the above functionality:
<script id="bookTemplate" type="text/html">
<div class="book" data-onsale="{{link onSale }}">
<img width="100" height="100" src="{{link image }}" />
<div class="title">{{link title }}</div>
<div class="price">{{link price }}</div>
Link the above template with the book object in one step and add it to the page:
Update the properties of the book object, and changes will reflect.

