Issue with Youtube Data API integration - javascript

I wanted to integrate the Youtube Data API in my application. For the same reason, with reference to the following link, and create my client id and tried running the code.
I am working with Javascript + HTML. While running the code I am getting the following error.
Load denied by X-Frame-Options: does not permit cross-origin framing.
Can anyone suggest me what went wrong and how can I fix the same.

Try to break down your requested URL to the minimum. Maybe there is one GET that conflicts with other configs.


Not a valid origin

I'm trying to replicate a prior project written in pure JS into a React project. This project makes extensive use of the Google API JavaScript Client to access the Youtube Data API, and I'm encountering problems I did not encounter on the original project.
The error I encounter is odd and I shall explain. I have added the following to my api key/ oauth client credentials: http://localhost:8000. Actually, this is how it was on the original project - it is unchanged. What is odd now is this error I get:
"Not a valid origin for the client: http://Localhost:8000 has not been whitelisted for client ID {id}. Please go to and whitelist this origin for your project's client ID."
I double checked and it is in fact present, but I noticed that the first letter in "local" is uppercased, so I added that specifically. The whitlisted urls are now as follows:
After adding that, I get the same error again, but missing a second L - http://LocaLhost:8000.
A few prior searches on stack overflow mentioned clearing browser cache and hard reloading but that has not solved this issue. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what the error may actually be?
EDIT: I've narrowed this down to have something to do with React. If I pull up my old project on my local host it works successfully on the default port for Live Server - 5500. Though if I try to run the React app on my localhost:5500 after closing live server, it fails. Any ideas?

Having problem on one tap sign in into my website

I am trying to integrate google one tap sign in. I place the client id and login uri as documented, but I am getting this error in the console.
Uncaught TypeError: .DumpException is not a function
Did you anyone have have faced this "DumpException" issue. If so can you please help me how you get rid of it.
Thanks in advance.
Were you running One Tap example code inside a webview?
For security reasons, web view is prohibited. So, you may see some JS errors when downloading the JS client library.
I believe this is related to Google requiring a Domain ownership verification:[domain]&pli=1
This is probably why very few people are experiencing this, as most have already verified their domain in the past for previous API credentials (Google Maps API, etc).

Javascript library (tabSlideOut) hosted on GoogleCode returning 403 error

One of the Javascript files we use in a website is reporting a 403 error when we try to request it from
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
This has previously been working without any problems for many months.
The problem is inconsistent in that it seems to work in my office but if I log on to an external machine it returns the 403. This may be down to caching so I'm not focusing too much on that.
Does anybody have any ideas how this might have happened? It's quite worrying that code hosted externally can suddenly be inaccessible!
It seems working at my end as well.
You may track the URL requested using firebug.
Please provide the URL of webpage in which you are accessing JS file because sometimes cross site scripting is the reason.
Alan, I had to find another source for the .js file. I downloaded it from the page below and referenced it from within my site. The file I found is under the Android section of, but it appears to be working fine:

Wordpress Simple facebook connect - Javascript errors

I am using Simple Facebook Connect for Worpress.
However I am getting some javascript errors.
View Image Full Size
GET (same url as above) undefined (undefined) Unsafe
JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL
Domains, protocols and ports must
How can I fix these errors?
Short answer: You can't. This error happens in Safari and sometimes Chrome. The webkit based browsers have a somewhat tighter security model for cross domain same-origin policies. The way Facebook Connect works is that it tries one method to make things work, then if that fails, it falls back to another approach.
The fall back means that the code still works, but the error comes up because they try that method first.
This is how Facebook's code works. You can't fix it. You can't work around it. If you're going to use Facebook's code, then you learn to live with it.
last time, when i got an error like this, i forgot to set up the url in my facebook-application. > Application settings > Web Site > Site URL, Site Domain
The api-key is alway linked with your url. The url of the website, where u implement the iframe must have the same URL like this.
You might like my Simple Facebook Comments For Wordpress wordpress plugin I recently released. It makes the whole process of adding facebook connect comments to your wordpress site super easy and fast.

Google Maps Remote .js and Access-Control-Allow-Origin

I wrote a Google Maps API wrapper in JS, did some local tests with static html, and everything worked just fine. Then I loaded the files into a local web server running in localhost:8080, tested the map panels, and once again, everything worked just fine.
Then a week went by, I added a map to a page, and I couldn't get it to load. Nothing has changed (that I know of anyway, obviously something has), and static tests continue to work just fine, but when I try to load the API from the server I get this in the debug console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load
Origin http://localhost:8080 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I read a bit around, but I still can't understand the error, much less fix it. Can someone please give me a hand?
edit: I use a simple tag to load google's js. No jQuery, no nothing.
Thanks in advance!
#Santiago hopefully I can help you now :) The error you are receiving is due to Google's prohibiting of cross site scripting. You can find the info here: Google which also references:Wikipedia Article
It looks like you'll need to create a proxy service for your client on your public facing webserver. Since the request comes from your public webserver and the reply goes back to your webserver it will meet the same domain requirements that Google requires. I do not know enough python yet to create a pythonic cgi proxy but I have to think that there are many different solutions out there already. Plus you will be limited by your server as to what type of solution you employ.

