Javascript search if LocalStorage variable exists - javascript

I am programming a chat system. I always make a Localstorage variable when a new chat is opened. Created like this:
localStorage.setItem("chat_"+varemail, data);
Now i want to check how many of them I have so something like:
"chat_"+... count.
How can I do this?

You'd grab the array of keys of the localStorage object, and use Array.filter to grab only the items starting with "chat_":
var length = Object.keys(localStorage).filter(function(key) {
return /^chat_.+/.test(key);
Here's a JSFiddle

Try something like this, loop through all items in localStorage and match against your pattern
function getChatCount(){
var chatCount = 0;
for(item in localStorage){
if(item.indexOf('chat_') > -1) chatCount++;
return chatCount;

Local storage is based on key, value pairs. AFAIK, you wouldn't be able to retrieve all values with a certain prefix.
One potential solution would be to store an object that contains these. Based on your needs you could store the objects in an array or object and then retrieve the entire set and find the count.
For example:
var chats = { count: 0 };
chats["chat_"+varemail] = data;
chats.count += 1;
localStorage.setItem('chats', data);
Then if you want a count, you would retrieve the object:
var chats = localStorage.getItem('chats');
//chats.count would give you the count.
Although, this would mean you have to manually maintain the count variable when adding or removing data. If you don't need the indexing ability, you could add the chats to an array and store that.
EDIT: It is possible to find properties with a certain prefix, as seen in an answer to this question.

I would offer to convert to localStorage.setItem("chat", JSON.stringify(stack)), where stack is an array of chat objects. This way, you have access to an array of chats which you can count, search within, etc.
Something like:
var chatStore =
Count: function () {
var stack = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("chats"));
if (!stack)
return 0;
return stack.length;
Peek: function () {
var stack = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("chats"));
if (!stack)
stack = [];
if (stack.length > 0)
return stack.pop();
Push: function (token) {
var stack = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("chats"));
if (!stack)
stack = [];
localStorage.setItem("chats", JSON.stringify(stack));
// more methods to you might wish to implement: search, insert, etc.
// usage:
chatStore.Push(chatObject); // sets the last chat
chatStore.Peek(); // gets the last chat


Data pass as objects as well as an array?

I'm developing a system for manage directors in group of companies. I need to filter directors for companies as assigned. After I pass data from controller to view, when selecting companies the filter shows incorrect results.
The above results will show when I console.log(this.directorships) those. I think it's because for single data it'll show as an array. But if those multiple it'll show as objects.
I'm looping those inside for loop as follows to print results.
for (let i = 0; i < this.directorships.length; i++) {
single_director = this.directorships[i].director_profile;
public function activeBoard($company_id){
$directorship = Directorship::with(['director_profile'])
$active_directors = $directorship->where('active',1);
return $active_directors;
Can anyone please tell me what's the mistake I have done here? Or are there any methods to do what I expect?
It's hard to tell from the screenshots, but Objects in JavaScript are not iterable using a standard for loop, and don't have a length property by default. You should first check whether the directorships is an array, and then iterate or read suitably. For example:
let directorships_is_array = Array.isArray(directorships);
if(directorships_is_array) {
// ... loop through array
else {
// ... perform other function on object
There are a number of ways to iterate through an object, and get an objects length. The new for in loops can iterate through an object. For example:
for(let director in directorships) {
You can also get the length of the Object using something like, let directors_length = Object.keys(directorships).length and then do something like this:
let number_of_directorships = Object.keys(directorships).length;
for(let i=0; i<number_of_directorships; i++) {
// ... iterate here
you need to use query like this you have initialize query before the condition
public function activeBoard($company_id){
$directorship = Directorship::where('master_data_id',$company_id)->where('active',1)->with('director_profile')->get();
return $directorship;

Iterating over and comparing properties of two arrays of objects

I have set up a HBS helper which takes in two arrays of objects (users privileges). What I want to do is compare them and inject back into the template the privileges the user does and doesn't have.
Presently I can compare the names of the privileges with the following code:
hbs.registerHelper('selected', function(option, value){
var i;
var j;
var privName;
var userPriv;
var privObj = new Object();
var privArray = [];
for(i in option){
console.log('each ' + JSON.stringify(option[i]));
privName = option[i].privname;
for (y in value){
if(privName == value[y].privname){
userPriv = value[y].privname;
console.log('user has the following privileges', value[y].privname);
privObj = new Object(); = userpriv; = value[y]._id;
privObj.state = 'selected';
} else if (privName != value[y].privname){
console.log('user doesnt have priv ', privName);
privObj = new Object(); = option[i].privname; = option[i].id;
privObj.state = '';
console.log('privileges array ', privArray);
return privArray;
This works OK when the user only has one privilege, however when the user has more than one, for example two privileges, it returns the privileges twice. If the user has 3, thrice and so on. I know this is because the array is looping again because their are 2, 3 etc in the .length. However I can't seem to find an adequate solution.
Any help?
P.S. it would be nice if the Array.includes() method allowed you to search object properties.
The problem creating new objects the way you did is that for each property you add to your privilege-entity you will have to return to that function and set that property as well. You can instead just add/alter the state property of the existing objects:
hbs.registerHelper('selected', function(option, value) {
var names = {
return opt.privname;
value.forEach(function(val) {
val.state = names.indexOf(val.privname) >= 0 ? 'selected' : '';
return value;
The variable names is being mapped to be an array only with the privnames. You can check by using console.log(names).
The Array.forEach() function is helpful in this case because you just need to iterate over each object inside value and set its state-property.
To check if the privname exists, you just need to check the index in the previous names-mapped-array. For such a simple thing I used ternary operator (?:).
Finally, you return value, which is the array containing the objects you had updated.

Numerically ordered ID's of data objects in Firebase

I am pretty new to the 'game' and was wondering if it's possible to order newly added data (through a form and inputs) to the Firebase numerically so each new data entry gets the ID (number of the last added data +1).
To make it more clear, underneath you can find a screenshot of how data is currently being added right now. The datapoint 0-7 are existing (JSON imported data) and the ones with the randomly created ID belong to new entries. I would like to have the entries to comply to the numbering inside of my Firebase, because otherwise my D3 bar chart won't be visualised.
var firebaseData = new Firebase("");
function funct1(evt)
var gameName = $('#nameInput').val();
var medalCount = $('#medalsInput').val();
var bool = $('#boolInput').is(':checked');
firebaseData.push().set({games: gameName, medals: medalCount, summergames: bool});
var submit = document.getElementsByTagName('button')[0];
submit.onclick = funct1;
function funct1(evt)
var gameName = $('#nameInput').val();
var medalCount = $('#medalsInput').val();
var bool = $('#boolInput').is(':checked');
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
firebaseData.child('7' + i).set({games: gameName, medals: medalCount, summergames: bool}(i)); };
There are two ways to generate ids for your document nodes.
Calling .push() on your reference will generate that unique id.
Calling .set() on your reference will allow you to use your own
Right now you're using .push().set({}), so push will generate an new id and the set will simply set the data.
// These two methods are equivalent
listRef.push().set({user_id: 'wilma', text: 'Hello'});
listRef.push({user_id: 'wilma', text: 'Hello'});
Using .set() without .push() will allow you to control your own id.
Using .push():
When managing lists of data in Firebase, it's important to use unique generated IDs since the data is updating in real time. If integer ids are being used data can be easily overwritten.
Just because you have an unique id, doesn't mean you can't query through your data by your ids. You can loop through a parent reference and get all of the child references as well.
var listRef = new Firebase('');
// constructor for item
function Item(id) { = id;
// add the items to firebase
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
listRef.push(new Item(i));
// This will generate the following structure
// - items
// - LGAJlkejagae
// - id: 0
// now we can loop through all of the items
listRef.once('value', function (snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function (childSnapshot) {
var name =;
var childData = childSnapshot.val();
console.log(name); // unique id
console.log(childData); // actual data
console.log(; // this is the id you're looking for
Within the childData variable you can access your data such as the id you want.
Using .set()
If you want to manage your own ids you can use set, but you need to change the child reference as you add items.
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Now this will create an item with the id number
// ex:
listRef.child('/' + i).set(new Item(i));
// The above loop with create the following structure.
// - items
// - 0
// - id: 0
To get the data you can use the same method above to loop through all of the child items in the node.
So which one to use?
Use .push() when you don't want your data to be easily overwritten.
Use .set() when your id is really, really important to you and you don't care about your data being easily overwritten.
The problem you're having is that you need to know the total amount of items in the list. This feature is not implemented in Firebase so you'll need to load the data and grab the number of items. I'd recommend doing this when the page loads and caching that count if you really desire to maintain that id structure. This will cause performance issues.
However, if you know what you need to index off of, or don't care to overwrite your index I wouldn't load the data from firebase.
In your case your code would look something like this:
// this variable will store all your data, try to not put it in global scope
var firebaseData = new Firebase('your-firebase-url/data');
var allData = null;
// if you don't need to load the data then just use this variable to increment
var allDataCount = 0;
// be wary since this is an async call, it may not be available for your
// function below. Look into using a deferred instead.
firebaseData.once('value', function(snapshot) {
allData = snapshot.val();
allDataCount = snapshot.numChildren(); // this is the index to increment off of
// assuming this is some click event that adds the data it should
function funct1(evt) {
var gameName = $('#nameInput').val();
var medalCount = $('#medalsInput').val();
var bool = $('#boolInput').is(':checked');
firebaseData.child('/' + allDataCount).set({
games: gameName,
medals: medalCount,
summergames: bool
allDataCount += 1; // increment since we still don't have the reference
For more information about managing lists in Firebase, there's a good article in the Firebase API Docs.

access javascript array element by JSON object key

I have an array that looks like this
var Zips = [{Zip: 92880, Count:1}, {Zip:91710, Count:3}, {Zip:92672, Count:0}]
I would like to be able to access the Count property of a particular object via the Zip property so that I can increment the count when I get another zip that matches. I was hoping something like this but it's not quite right (This would be in a loop)
I know that's not right and am hoping that there is a solution without looping through the result set every time?
I know that's not right and am hoping that there is a solution without
looping through the result set every time?
No, you're gonna have to loop and find the appropriate value which meets your criteria. Alternatively you could use the filter method:
var filteredZips = Zips.filter(function(element) {
return element.Zip == 92880;
if (filteredZips.length > 0) {
// we have found a corresponding element
var count = filteredZips[0].count;
If you had designed your object in a different manner:
var zips = {"92880": 1, "91710": 3, "92672": 0 };
then you could have directly accessed the Count:
var count = zips["92880"];
In the current form, you can not access an element by its ZIP-code without a loop.
You could transform your array to an object of this form:
var Zips = { 92880: 1, 91710: 3 }; // etc.
Then you can access it by
To transform from array to object you could use this
var ZipsObj = {};
for( var i=Zips.length; i--; ) {
ZipsObj[ Zips[i].Zip ] = Zips[i].Count;
Couple of mistakes in your code.
Your array is collection of objects
You can access objects with their property name and not property value i.e Zips[0]['Zip'] is correct, or by object notation Zips[0].Zip.
If you want to find the value you have to loop
If you want to keep the format of the array Zips and its elements
var Zips = [{Zip: 92880, Count:1}, {Zip:91710, Count:3}, {Zip:92672, Count:0}];
var MappedZips = {}; // first of all build hash by Zip
for (var i = 0; i < Zips.length; i++) {
MappedZips[Zips[i].Zip] = Zips[i];
MappedZips is {"92880": {Zip: 92880, Count:1}, "91710": {Zip:91710, Count:3}, "92672": {Zip:92672, Count:0}}
// then you can get Count by O(1)
// or can change data by O(1)
jsFiddle example
function getZip(zips, zipNumber) {
var answer = null;
if (zip.Zip === zipNumber) answer = zip;
return answer;
This function returns the zip object with the Zip property equal to zipNumber, or null if none exists.
did you try this?

arranging elements in to a hash array

I am trying to break a javascript object in to small array so that I can easily access the innerlevel data whenever I needed.
I have used recursive function to access all nodes inside json, using the program
What I am trying to do here is that I want to store these in to a separate array so that I cn access it like
newArray.Microsoft= MSFT, Microsoft;
newArray.Intel Corp=(INTC, Fortune 500);
Depth of each array are different, so the ones with single level can use the same name like I ve shown in the example Bernanke. Is it possible to do it this way?
No, you reduce the Facets to a string named html - but you want an object.
function generateList(facets) {
var map = {};
(function recurse(arr) {
var join = [];
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
var current = arr[i].term; // every object must have one!
current = current.replace(/ /g, "_");
join.push(current); // only on lowest level?
if (current in arr[i])
map[current] = recurse(arr[i][current]);
return join;
return map;
Demo on
To get the one-level-data, you could just add this else-statement after the if:
map[current] = [ current ]; // create Array manually
Altough I don't think the result (demo) makes much sense then.

